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Common Mistakes and Gotcha's in OU

Started by CuriousChris, August 19, 2011, 10:08:18 PM

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Will you post your definition of what O.U. is?


Sorry Hope you must have misinterpreted me or you are avoiding answering my question. The proof I require was that government forces are covering up the truth. not the possibility of OU. Was that a deliberate misinterpretation by you, a way to derail the question?

To answer the OU question put by Brian.
OU is overunity. more output power than input power such that the power taken out of the unit can be fed back into the unit to keep it running. All OU devices by their very nature are PMM's.

Thanes Perepiteia is an exciting advance. but is it OU? I have yet to see any proof of it. It's exciting because it has unexplained properties. These properties may lead to ou if they have not achieved it already.

I have been reviewing the thread on BiTT over the last couple of days, no one in that thread has reported success in recreating Thanes device, though many have tried.

Calling someone a troll because they don't share your beliefs is in itself the work of a troll. its an attempt to illicit an argument from someone. Trolls don't respond with logic and care. They usually take something you say and twist it to another meaning.

Once again what proof do you have that government forces are trying to suppress knowledge? My proof they are not, is the very conversation you and I are having it would not be allowed in a totally repressive society!


P.S. I am here because I believe OU is possible, No reason to be here otherwise. Especially when people attack you personally so readily. Say something they don't agree with and all of a sudden you are a cheat a liar and a troll. Probably many good people have just walked away because of the way they have been treated here. When logical argument is lacking, personal attacks take the forefront.


I am certainly not here to educate you Chris on what you already know:


da!  AND if any of you new people think MIB don't suppress Over Unity devices do some research on other working but now MISSING OU devices. HUNDREDS!! There have been so many reported on, then suppressed then shelved then the inventors missing or nuts or dead or discredited.  Wake up and just look at THIS forums articles about it or other articles on other energy forums.   Understanding your lack of seeing for yourselves is part of media control we all were subjected to over the years.   Seek and ye shall find....out!   and Chris  that newbie account you just started to back yourself up is not fooling anyone willing to check out the real energy scene.


This is one way to thwart energy companies that has PROVEN results.  As does the Gabriel device.

Chris where is your proof of ANY COP>1 device,  oh that's right your not allowed to really help us I bet.   We here believe in finding out what does and does not work and building upon that.   Learn and build.   Everyone click on CC's profile and look at all his comments to see what he is really doing here.


So your proof is there is no proof therefore it must have happened.

I know of the invention secrecy act. I am well aware of what it means. I am sure there are many weapons of warfare we aren't aware of 'yet'.

The missing inventions you speak of? where are they then. if you know of them they are not missing, are they?

Sadly people grow old and die for various reasons. To claim they have been murdered as part of a coverup is well sad. There is no proof of such claims just gossip and innuendo, If someone dies in the OU community, they must have been murdered! I mean really its obvious isn't it.

I come from a family of conspiratorialists, There is nothing you can say that would surprise me. Most of my life I have heard conspiracy theories. But I got wise and broke the cycle. Because in the end you just become like my father, 80 years old always so worried that something bad is being done he never enjoyed life. He was always looking for proof that the commies were coming or that world banking was about to collapse due to deliberate manipulation. In the end he has nothing but the worry. It killed my mother the stress of him always warning people of impending doom, so now he doesn't even have his wife (and his kids just tolerate him). I am not going to end up like that. You on the other hand are welcome to it.

On to Perepiteia...
Did you read this, or are you only interested in hearing the bits you want to believe?

Basically what its saying is the peripitea device is an inefficient induction motor. By adding the coil its efficiency increases and therefore it spins faster. had the device been designed properly to start with adding the coil would result in no net gain.

Now I am not going to say it doesn't work. But I am not going to say it does work because I see no proof, only claims and counter claims.
To prove it works all Thane needs to do is hookup the output to the input, disconnect any external sources and let it run.

I have yet to see a device do that. Please point me to one if you know of one, I would dearly love to replicate it. There is nothing I would love more than to prove the law of conservation of energy can be bypassed.

You are trying to drag this thread off topic. I started it in the vain attempt at helping people avoid common mistakes, so they can concentrate on what really might work. But it seems someone is intent on derailing that. They perhaps want to make sure that confusion continues, they want to make it sound like they support OU while at all times attempting to prevent any cohesion and logical progression, always nudging people in the wrong direction.

For my part I was only trying to help. But I guess some people have it all under control and don't want any help. Well that's OK I don't mind at all.

From now on I am only going to respond to on topic posts.



I have a different definition of O.U.
My definition of O.U. is any work I can get done with out doing the work myself.
The biggest mistake is to use the wrong definition.