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Testing the TK Tar Baby

Started by TinselKoala, March 25, 2012, 05:11:53 PM

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Quote from: WilbyInebriated on December 15, 2012, 03:15:07 AM
meanwhile monkeyboy... you still cannot:
-refute any of the points i have made here concerning his logical fallacies, hypocrisy and misrepresentations;
-demonstrate how your hero was "tricked";
-respond cogently;
-provide ANY evidence at all that I am someone named 'steve' or 'jibguy' or 'windisch' or any of it...

Give me your name and address, I promise to send you some mosfets.

If they never arrive please don't accuse me of tricking you into turning over your personal information.

No sane person could ever reach that conclusion.


Why OVER AND OVER......? Here's why:

My sweet little pickle... Whatever next?  I read pages and pages of rather frantic reference to the fact that Wayne's work is not yet a closed system.  But I see nothing in there about your acknowledgement of having 'chased' him off OU.com with the persistent badgering that you seem to manage.  Wayne, thankfully, is showing you what happens when a technology is taken out of your firing line.  Other reputable scientists get involved.  They visit.  They contribute.  Everything is pro-active.  Hope abounds.  Science progresses.

Now.  It seems that you're still anxious to forward that ridiculous compendium of my work - as interpreted by 'ickle pickle'.   I would, myself, take the trouble to answer your multiple allegations and provide the necessary qualifications to all that nonsense.  But frankly it would take me way too much time.  And effort.  And it would lend to - rather than detract from - your absurd nonsense.  So.  Best left ignored - is the advices that I've been given and am following.  You also refer to our hit rate at '900'?  Not actually my sweet little pickle.  The actual average is FAR FAR higher. 

But I am - nonetheless - still as anxious as ever to re-assure you about your lack of height - substance - size.  That thing that keeps you up and awake at nights.  You really should NOT worry.  While everyone can still read your fabrications and insinuations and 'mendacity' ...?  I think is your preferred term? ... then they'll probably think that you're at least 72 GRE squared.  Which is something.  Or, it is better than nothing.  I'm not sure though that anyone can buy into that 1560 number.  Were you referring to your foot size?  The length of your moustache?  Something else?  Not at all sure.  You need to learn to be precise when you're referencing numbers.  Otherwise everyone is left as confused as you probably intended.

With an extensive lack of love and respect
Rosie Pose

QuoteGuys - just a little correspondence on a very LITTLE subject...

Dear *******,

We've been hit with a heat wave from hell.  I spent the most of yesterday trying and failing to keep cool.  And it took all my best efforts.  Else I'd have replied sooner.  Thankfully it's now early enough for the sun to be relatively tame.  Would that this cool could last.  But I see another day of clear sky likely to followed by more of those furnace blasts.  More's the pity.  I suffer from low blood pressure and this - combined with heat - is a lethargic if not lethal, cocktail.

Regarding our Nikola Tesla 'wannabe'.  Yes.  It's known that this is an anagram.  His earlier version of this was alsetalokin. Sadly, our 'ickle pickle' lacks any social efficacy and relies on the internet to bolster his sense of purpose in life.  It's also the ONLY way he can earn a living.  For corporate efficacy one needs some level of charisma.  The poor sod has none and therefore any such reach would have been doomed to failure.  Compounded with which he's no longer young.  Frankly I feel rather sorry for him.  He's obliged  to fight a losing battle with all this good news about over unity.  And in about 4 years from now he'll be past his best - due to retire - and will be one of the single most despised internet personalities that have ever disgraced our forums. Him and Stefan Hartman - both.  They try to advance the ruse that they're anxious to promote clean green.  And they're both guilty of delaying the inevitable - which is PRECISELY how they earn their living.  Stefan has probably been the most pro-active in trying to silence me while retaining the full weight of TK's calumny - used to kill interest in our technology and our claims.  But they've not yet managed it.  On the contrary.  As mentioned - our readership is exploding.  And that would hardly be the result of a flagging interest which they were clearly hoping to advance.   

I'll be in touch again ...
Kindest and best as ever,

Note that in that last one, she is talking to someone outside this forum or her own. If she knew and used my real name, which is not Bryan or Brian Little, this would indeed be an "actionable" libel.
The poor slapper just can't keep her delusions to herself. Meanwhile she cannot and will not ever be able to refute our points here, and most especially she will not be making those videos she promised us many months ago showing her duplication of the scopeshot shown in her mendacious manuscript... because she cannot.

Etymology 2 From sodomize, by shortening
  Noun sod (plural sods)

  • (UK, vulgar) Sodomite; bugger.
  • (UK, slang, mildly pejorative, formerly considered vulgar) A person, usually male; often qualified with an adjective. You mean old sod!poor sodunlucky sod


Quote from: TinselKoala on December 14, 2012, 07:55:20 AM
I see you are a great student of my work, sailor. Why have I retaken up the cause against Ainslie's perpetual lie machine? Because AINSLIE TRIED TO GAIN THREE MONETARY AWARDS at the start of the current nonsense, and spoke disparagingly of me and my work.... In other words, she lied and libelled me.  When I was given a stack of her correspondence to review by a person whose name you would recognize.... yes, it began again for me. What is it to you, troll? I'll spend my time as I like, and if I choose to come back onto some project, or leave it, I will do so at my own pleasure and nothing TROLLS can do will stop me.

Why don't you take a long walk off a short pier, you are all wet already.

TK has already answered you moron.

You have been around a long time haven't you Steve, never checked a word of that article before publishing it did you Steve, your scientific credibility is in the toilet isn't it Steve, you can be found in all the old Ainslie threads supporting her bogus claims can't you Steve, you sure sound like Steve to me... Steve.


I have watched you hunt down people for years, stalking them thread to thread, using your logical fallacy weapon to wear them down until they lose it and quit, a war of attrition waged on this community, by you. I have had enough of it, so, I have sent Stephan a PM formally requesting that you be permanently banned from this forum for your behaviour and level of scientific contribution to this community. If Stephan has not banned you by 25th December 2012, 10 days time, I will formally request that he ban me permanently instead. Either way a decision must be made, he is going to lose one of us, it will be up to the community to decide if Stephan's choice is the correct one, or not.


Quote from: happyfunball on December 15, 2012, 04:43:37 AM
Give me your name and address, I promise to send you some mosfets.

If they never arrive please don't accuse me of tricking you into turning over your personal information.

No sane person could ever reach that conclusion.
that's not what i said at all... ::) you LIAR. what i said was:

Quote from: TinselKoala
    Well, clearly you have the ability to order your own parts and build your own circuit, since you can use a web catalog. Oh, wait--using the catalog only requires a single finger for typing. Actually building something requires opposable thumbs.

    If you want to buy that from ebay and send it to me, I'll deduct the cost from the bill I send you for the consulting work.

    And the batteries cost "somebody" seventy-six dollars each. But I just had to walk around the building to get them.

    Now, from your elevated pulpit, can you read me the gospel chapter on how the choice of any particular N-channel mosfet would make a likety-split of difference in the duty cycle issue? And why do you care so much anyway? Why don't you go attack her, there are a LOT more holes in her story than you will ever find in mine.
    Zipons! Hah!
Quote from: WilbyInebriatedwell, you clearly have the ability to make BS up on the spot and then misdirect and obfuscate when called on it... i am assuming $4! is still "expensive" for you then? or is it that ebay is as difficult for you to use as google? or do you just like posting outright falsehoods as justification for doing it wrong?

send me your address and i will send you the part, you worthless bum.

building "something" may or may not require opposable thumbs. from your elevated pulpit do let us know when you get around to building it "right"...

now it's rather clear from that post AND FROM THE ONES PRECEDING IT WHERE I DEMONSTRATE TK's DEEP POCKETS (i show where he flashes 10 $100 dollar bills and makes a challenge to a certain someone) AND THE ONES WHERE I SHOW THAT A IRFPG50 IS A RATHER CHEAP PART AND HIS ASININE EXCUSES FOR NOT HAVING ONE ARE... WELL, ASININE... that i never intended to send him ANYTHING. to intimate that i did is simply delusional on your part and tk's... AND NO SANE PERSON COULD EVER REACH THAT CONCLUSION... ::)

i'll fetch those posts (they are in the first 11 pages of the original ainslie thread here on this forum:
and rub your face in them when i have a bit more time, but right now i don't have the time for yours and tinsel's ASININE, CHILDISH OBSESSIONS... monkey boy.

There is no news. There's the truth of the signal. What I see. And, there's the puppet theater...
the Parliament jesters foist on the somnambulant public.  - Mr. Universe


Quote from: WilbyInebriatedany plan on doing it right? meaning getting proper components for the ones that you have that are not spec.
do you plan to use a calorimeter if/when you make the circuit to spec?

i am assuming you have a diode on the genny output? could you confirm?

Quote from: WilbyInebriatedtk

i see you tossing the word 'exact' or 'exactly' out in a few of your posts. maybe you need a refresher?

did you drop the $10! for the correct fet yet? i should think after your $1000 U.S. equiv. offer to mylow? and your own admission that you spent $900 and 80hrs of your time on it (mylow's wheel) you wouldn't be so pompous as to expect us to think you can't cough up the $10! for the correct fet for this 'debunking'. i should also think you wouldn't want to leave this fet issue open for contention whatsoever. nice work as usual.

Quote from: WilbyInebriatedi don't care what you did or said on who... it's not really EXACT or EXACTLY until you get the right fet, REGARDLESS OF THE SPECS SHEET OR KNOWN FET BEHAVIOR. why would you even leave it open for discussion or debate by 'believers' unless you're nothing but an internet 'tick' that feeds on such juvenile drama? why not get the right fet and put it all to rest. why use words like EXACTLY when IT'S NOT EXACT? i would expect better, even from you...

why do you always avoid the explicit point being made with some bullshit excuse?  i've asked you this before, are you mental?

once again, it seems one of our members here who thinks he runs in more 'erudite' circles, is making ee101 mistakes and bitching and crying about others not building, all the while talking about how his non-exact build is exact...

you're missing the point. i agree with you on the fet issue. THE POINT IS, (read slow and careful here so you can comprehend this) you can tell me whatever you want, just don't tell me it's exact until it is...
so at this point i would love to hear your explanation of how your circuit is exact.

stiffler isn't my hero. which is one of the reason i asked you to do one of your 'debunkings' on his circuit. if i recall, when i did ask you that, you went off on some tirade about stalkers and trolls, etc.
then you made up some bullshit about how he was scared of you and so you couldn't put up a youtube video on your own channel 'debunking' him for some asinine reason...
i can find the posts if you need me to. i know you're really busy being a pompous ass that makes EE 101 mistakes like forgetting about the invert switch.  ::)

Quote from: WilbyInebriatedif you're referring to the correct fet, about time...  ::)
was that so hard? and now you are 'bulletproof', barring anymore of those ee101 mistakes.  ;)

if you were not referring to acquiring the correct fet, all i can say is "damn, it's like pulling teeth or something."

Quote from: WilbyInebriatedso i take it that is a no then. you still don't have the "exact" fet.

rosemarie did. then you did also.

as i said before, i agree with you about the duty cycle (only because you failed to get the fet into self oscillation...) and i don't care what you do on who, just don't tell me it's "exact", or you replicated it "exactly" here or on any other forum until it is "exact".

why are you bringing stiffler into it? did he help you pick out the wrong fet? did he put the words "exact" or "exactly" in your posts? misdirection and ad hominem...

Quote from: WilbyInebriatedi dont care what stiffler did or didn't do, it's irrelevant.
no, nothing can be exact. obviously semiconductor components have a inherent variation even from the same batch, but for the love of zeus get the right fet before one calls it "exact". i should hope you can see this self evident truth and not have issue with that.
i asked TK a simple question at the beginning of this thread and all he has done is beat around the bush. if it's not exact don't use the word exact... and furthermore, if it's not exact don't be a pompous ass while using the word exact and expect not to get called on it, especially after someone asked you on page 1 of the thread if you planned on doing it "exactly".

PS i think TK does great work, he just never quite does it exactly ;)
PPS i agree with stiffler, stuffed animals are for children...

Quote from: WilbyInebriatedit's not TK's madness that i have issue with, it's his method.

if TK is not willing to retract/correct his erroneous statement about his circuit being "exact" why should rosemary retract/correct her paper?

Quote from: WilbyInebriatedthanks. as i said before, a couple times i think, that's really the only thing i had issue with. nice that you tried 4 others though  ;)
damn, it's like pulling teeth...

i meant the "jack of all trades" as a compliment tk... ie:polymath

"jack of all trades, master of none, though oft times better than master of one."
i thought you ran in erudite circles?  ;) all that jumping must keep you in good shape?

edit: offering bets? after i twice said i agree with you (mostly) about the duty cycle? i have to again ask, are you mental? what's with your reading comprehension?

Quote from: WilbyInebriatedyou get that $10 fet yet? or are you a hypocrite?

what fet did you use? the same as tk? or the right one?

Quote from: WilbyInebriatedre: your first paragraph. ie:more tk BS
look, $4! gasp! and if you would learn to use the web for something other than being a tick, you might be able to find a single IRFPG50 fet for half of what you claim they cost.

re: your second paragraph. it was a rhetorical question, more of another poke at you to get the right one. obviously...

edit: i'm curious though, and feel free to jump to the conclusion that ainslie is my new hero. how much did you spend on those "brand new" 20ah batteries?

Quote from: WilbyInebriatedwell, you clearly have the ability to make BS up on the spot and then misdirect and obfuscate when called on it... i am assuming $4! is still "expensive" for you then? or is it that ebay is as difficult for you to use as google? or do you just like posting outright falsehoods as justification for doing it wrong?

send me your address and i will send you the part, you worthless bum.

building "something" may or may not require opposable thumbs. from your elevated pulpit do let us know when you get around to building it "right"...
There is no news. There's the truth of the signal. What I see. And, there's the puppet theater...
the Parliament jesters foist on the somnambulant public.  - Mr. Universe