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9/11 truth movement topic

Started by FreeEnergy, August 01, 2006, 06:08:06 AM

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Elvis Oswald

Pirate... You picked the weakest Straw Man to beat up there buddy.  I have never heard of that theory... but I do not doubt it's out there.  Just like the people who say the planes were animated and that the networks were in on it.  All of that is crazy talk.
And isn't it convenient that wackos come along with crazy theories to cloud the truth and to give people (like you) a chance to dismiss any theory but the real one just because there are "just too many  "kook" views on this tragic event."

The DOD spends a lot of money on disinformation - and that's a declassified fact.

Where are your links to these reports?  If there is evidence for the official version, I'd love to see it.
As I recall... the NIST put out the pancake theory and then backed away from it.

How can you not see that it was controlled demolition just by watching it?  On 9/11 I thought it looked just like controlled demolition... and all my roommates at Chico State did too... and the news anchors and the people in NY said the same thing.
But... I thought - "how did the terrorists do that?"  I figured it must have been something else.
But then I got to reading up on it and I realized that it was a controlled demolition.

But I'm sure you won't see what you don't want to... so let's focus on the evidence.

Even with the evidence of explosives, the residue and the cut columns and the infrared NASA images showing temps that were above the temp of burning jet fuel - MONTHS after 9/11...
Even with that - you will still dismiss the theory of controlled demolition??


This subject is heating up, all over the world people are talking about it. Only in the US  (and the UK to a lesser extent) is the mainstream media refusing to discuss it and dis'ing anyone who does.

To my mind, the implosion of Bldg 7 is the smoking gun. There is no other reason for this steel building, that was not hit by a plane, to collapse in 8 seconds in it's own footprint than explosive demolition (or if you prefer, exotic weapons using longitudinal scalar wave interferometry or Hutchinson Effect). The case for "fire" bringing it down alone is absurd and wishful thinking. In the 140 years that buildings have been built with steel frames, NONE were ever brought down by fire alone (except for these 3 on 9/11). NIST has had 6 years to think of a good reason for Bldg 7 falling and they still can't ;)  The mainstream media refuses to mention Bldg 7 .

Buildings of such massive size need to be strong, just to withstand their own weight and the force of wind on them. If they had flawed or faulty construction, we would have known about it earlier when the bomb went off under them back in '90's .... They were closely inspected and had no structural damage above the parking levels then.

So this means that these buildings must have been wired before hand for destruction... And therefor the government's official story is a conspiracy theory wackier than any seen here ;)

But the most compelling argument may be the results: Before 9/11... Would the American People have gone along with...

> Aggressive invasions and the occupation of 2 sovereign countries? This is against international law; and was supposedly anathema to our whole being.... Yet we are actually considering doing it to a third country now (Iran).

> Losing our liberties and Constitutional Rights to laws and executive orders such as the "Patriot Act"?

> Allowing prisoners to be systematically tortured by the government, held for years without trial?

> And lesser but still important things like "forgetting" that we are worse off in national debt than ever before, with no hope of even slowing the debt's growth? Many economists agree we are headed for a huge economic disaster like never seen before.

All these things can be tied to what happened 7 years ago. They are the "Motives" (along with the bush regime getting re-elected in '04 despite their having the worst approval ratings even then). But perhaps the worst thing that happened besides the over 1.1 million deaths that resulted from all this, is that we have lost any vestige of a Free Press. The US corporate-owned mainstream media is now completely controlled and has been for the last 7 years. thus all the other bad things go unnoticed by most of the population... Who know all about Brangelina and Brittany Spears but never heard of Sibel Edmonds (google her ;) ).

AB Hammer

Greetings All

Has anyone considered that since the first Bombing scared a lot of people about the buildings falling over. So someone's great idea was to put some form of explosive in the design in case of anther bombing to make the building come straight down instead? And the burning fuel cause premature diminution of their emergency design?  Just a thought, for if you think about it and ask yourself. How many more people would die if one of them buildings fell over side ways?

As for building 7 you have to ask what was the cause and maybe it was just on the same frequency as the towers so when they went off so did building 7.

It may not have been a conspiracy but a major screw up of so called safety. This sound to me more like an educated idiot's fame to glory/gory.
With out a dream, there can be no vision.



ok, you need some guidance right now , so let see my theory

in fact there is demolition, and also an implosion ! coming from choppers over the WTC !!

i know this for a while in my french research some years ago

kind of super light coming from military helicopter !!!


(EDIT:the link is not the same it was, but i have the little video in my computer(2 meg only), or just go the movie 911 eyewiteness, everywhere)

i found there i little video showing choppers and the collapse

Master in alum pyramid growing crystals at http://youtube.com/user/Cristallerie


Bldg 7 fell 5 hours after the second tower....

BTW the BBC reported #7 falling 20 minutes before it actually fell... On TV with the reporter standing in front of a window so that Bldg #7 was actually still visible, intact, behind her head! They said they got the information from the US government.


Salomon Bros / Bldg 7 had a lot of interesting stuff in it... Including the government's documents on the prosecution of Emron and the other corporations being invesitgated for fraud by the SEC. It also had over 3 billion in gold... Of which only 300 million was ever recovered, which was found in the bed of a truck that had been crushed trying to leave the parking garage underneath it.