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9/11 truth movement topic

Started by FreeEnergy, August 01, 2006, 06:08:06 AM

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Quote from: CB_Brooklyn on July 18, 2007, 11:35:09 AM
For the most part, those materials have been metals, not concrete structures.

Hmm.. So they haven't tested it on concrete bunkers?
I say no more  ;D ;D ;D



"If its propaganda:
Whos propaganda? for what? Who benifits?"

Simple answers for simple questions. Al quida/radical terrorists. To cast doubt on the government. Radical terrorists. Why? Promote Anarchy. It's what they do. What they are trained from birth to do. it's all they know and dedicate all their resources to it.   

"We are all here working on something everyone says is impossible.
They say it violates all of science. Do you see the parallel here?"

Oh yeah.

"So how is looking for the truth disrespecting the dead?"

Well it isn't if the truth is actually bieng hidden. But in this case it is quite obvious radical terrorists flew planes into their intended targets. Doh! To redirect blame denies the survivors and loved ones left behind closure.   

"If that were true are we not insulting all of the greatest scientist who ever lived?"

No. their works are verifiable and will be concreted by our victory. 

"Was Einstien insulting Newton?"

No. their works actually complement eachother.

"Was newton disrespecting Galileo?"

No. Galileo was an inventor a mechanical genius, newton was a theoretical genius.

If I died that day i would want those responcible to pay with their lifes, Eye for an Eye. I would expect the american people to stand behind the government and seek justice and destroy the capability of the radical terrorists to do this sort of thing again.

"Seven of the supposed hijackers have been found alive since!"

Now this i need to see. Verify please. I do remember there was a small cell that for some reason or another didn't commit that day or was thwarted.

"If it was a member of your family would you really swallow this rediculous senario?
Or would you want more answers? Answers supported beyond the page of a report?"

I can only pallet the truth, there is no room on my plate for any other scenario's. I would take all the evidence into account and find the truth. but in this case the truth is too obvious as grimm as it is. As with overunity, free-energy, anti-gravety, etc. I would find myself standing toe to toe with the masses. However i wouldn't believe the rhetorics dejected version if it deviated from the facts.

"Would you be at peace with the way things have gone since that day?
The horrid things America has done in the name of those who died."

Yes up till the point where Anarchists win by allowing their act to cast doubt on the government and start a landslide of false accusations and fairytale like scenarios.

"Would you want people using their name to justify repression of facts?"

If the facts were bieng repressed no. However this is not the case with 9/11. 

"I know if you seperate yourself from your preconseptions and investigate those attacks with europian or asian news you'd see why we are all so convinced."

BAH! It happened here in the US, I am a US citizen, I happen to know how the government here works. I have been a victim of it's oppressive behaviors. I have seen the bad and good of it's works. It's just this simple I have one preconception we cannot have our freedoms and liberties within anarchy, there has to be a governing entity. I would agree that watergate would be pale in comparison to this administrations atrocities against human rights and liberties bieng trampled as well as the economy falling apart and national debt etc.   

"Now I don't mean this as an attack on you, but I can assume you get your news from a media corp like FOX, CNN, or AAP. I promise you, all politics aside your sources are only repeating what their told. No investigating, all opinion and rehash."

Ok I'm Internet educated, I follow my own curriculum. to do that one has to define bullshit from fact. Which requires useing several different sources to come to the true and appropreate conclusion. I cannot see how understanding how the world views the 9/11 attacks as part of any investigation of the attacks. I rarely believe the media as it is why would I believe foriegn media??

"Dems and Reps are both working against us...
This is not a party thing. Its a patriotic thing."

It's sad you see it that way. I allways defined patriot as one who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests.   

"What makes America a good country???
(I'll answer this rhetorical question)
-Free speech and expresion
-No national religion
-Patition of grievances
-Equal rights
-Constitution and Bill of rights
-Admiration and respect of the world"

If radical terrorists get their way anarchy will prevail and we will not have what we defend so proudly.

"Those have all gone out the window since 9-11... Our government is steadily doing more damge than the terrorists could have done in ten lifetimes. Can you see what I'm saying here?"

You cannot see that this is what the radical terrorists want?? Our government was undermined by bush in 2000. starting with his brothers cooperation with election results. which cast doubt on our goverment in opinion here and abroad. 9/11 was just a tragic event that added to the doubt.

"3 planes could never inflict that damage. That damage is being done by our own government in the name of security. All the while they blame others any scapegoat they can find."

I tend to dissagree. It is the masses looking for a scapegoat.

"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters." - Ben Franklin

"Government is not reason. It is not eloquence. It is a force, like fire: a dangerous servant and a terrible master". George Washington

"Human rights can only be assured among a virtuous people. The general government . . . can never be in danger of degenerating into a monarchy, an oligarchy, an aristocracy, or any despotic or oppressive form so long as there is any virtue in the body of the people." -George Washington

"Only a life lived for others is worth living." - Albert Einstein

And finally these two by ben franklin

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

"This will be the best security for maintaining our liberties.  A nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved.  It is in the religion of ignorance that tyranny begins."



Here are some interesting bits of information.



I am sure this will all be rejected since it does not support the popular opinion here.


Quote from: Topguner2 on July 18, 2007, 01:52:49 PM
Here are some interesting bits of information.



I am sure this will all be rejected since it does not support the popular opinion here.

There you have it. Great work Topguner2!  8)

Dingus Mungus

The link you requested:

If you research it more you'll find several newspapers even conducted interviews with the men.
So obviously the list of hijackers is either forged or inaccurate...

Proven 911 commision/NIST missinformation:
*** http://www.911blogger.com/node/6104 ***

I love the part where Mr. Gross publicly anounced "The video evidence was pretty clear, the building is not stopped by the floors below, so there is no calculation we did..." So basically he said molten steel would be a sign of explosives, but there was none, and then he said they never crunched numbers on the fall times! Gotta love "cover your ass" accidental honnesty... The longer we question the official story the more they fess up to.

~Dingus Mungus

I've decided all my prior arguements aren't going to "show you" anything new.
So heres 2 examples of the official story falling short of reality.
I'll allow time for you to defend these points if you choose then
I hope to answer more of your challenges to the truth movements case.