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Stivep1: Tesla Rehash (Akula device)

Started by jbignes5, October 02, 2013, 10:19:57 PM

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Quote from: RailGS on October 06, 2013, 02:38:45 AM
System of reception of energy from a surrounding medium.

For reception of energy from a surrounding medium it is necessary to create system in
Conformity with the stated theoretical concept for making of process,
Proceeding according to the equations 1 and 2.
The main device of system is a generator of a primary impulse divU0. In quality
Impulse it is necessary to create very powerful impulse of magnet field with steep leading edges
(Similarly δ - functions). Feature of an impulse with the steep leading edges, similar δ -
Functions in that at decomposition of such signal in a harmonic series Fourier
The perpetual number of harmonics is gained. Each harmonic is a constituent
Hologrammes of structure and it is simultaneous - one of the perpetual variants of development
Structures. The structure to which the magnetic impulse divU0 gets, will begin
To resound on frequencies of eigentones, and therefore such resonance will be
To create the harmonious signal which will be a constituent volume
Projections of the hologramme of structure. Structurally, as the generator primary
Impulse it is necessary to use the reel from several coils of a thick wire, and
The reel should be in-series to the discharger - to the nonlinear component,
Creating a powerful current pulse with very steep leading edges. Also it is collateral
To the reel and the discharger the condenser, for accumulation of an electric charge and formation of a powerful current pulse should be included. All contour of the generator should be fed by a constant voltage 10000 - 20000 Century
The second integral device of system are resonators - them should be
Necessarily a little. Each resonator includes the reel having
Considerably большее number of coils, than the reel of the generator-shaper primary
Impulse and with more thin wire. One extremity of such reel is earthed, and another -
Remains to free. As a whole each resonator is the system consisting of the reel and
"Parasitic capacity" - containers between the free extremity of the reel and the earth. Through this
"Stray" container so-called "displacement currents" will proceed. The resonator is
The system inductance-capacity, it represents an oscillating circuit, which
Will resound on frequency of eigentones and it is essential to strengthen
Oscillations from a primary impulse divU. Frequencies of eigentones of resonators
Should be certainly multiple each other to provide "an enclosure
Waves ". Resonators should settle down in pairs in each of three mutually
Orthogonal planes. In each pair at the first resonator frequency of the natural
Oscillations should be f1, and at the second resonator - f2, and the relation of these frequencies
Should yield an integer. Each pair of resonators will create modulated on
To amplitude oscillations with a carrier frequency f1 and modulation frequency f2 (drawing 1 see)

Drawing 1 - the Vortex, as sruktura-attraktor at which the exterior surface has
The plus curvature, and an interior surface - the negative curvature.

Drawing 2 - the Projection of the hologramme created by a pair of resonators

Resonators with identical frequencies of eigentones f1 or f2,
Located in different orthogonal planes should have phase shiftings 90 °
In coordination working resonators, that is when waves of each resonator
Are harmoniously enclosed each other, and disposed orthogonally from each other
Will shape hologramme projections (drawing 2). Each projection will be
To develop with other orthogonal projections and as a whole, generated
The volume hologramme finally forms structure (drawing 1).
The created structure will be similar to a globular lightning or a mega-electron. This
The structure will start to grow in volume, at each new impulse to involve
(поляризовывать) all new and new volumes of universal medium. Thus energy on structure formation will undertake from environmental universal medium. To remove energy it will be necessary by its pumping out from the generated structure.
Thanks to that in the generator of a primary impulse divU0 there is a discharger,
Which clears after impulse passage, energy from resonators will not be
To leave revertively in the reel of the pulser at the expense of a common reactance of reels.

Prof Stanley Unwin reincarnated!  ;D



 I have to agree..

NickZ I am in total agreement with your last posting. If you want to contribute lets get on this.

In my musings about these type of devices one thing always gets confused in the responses I receive. Magnetics are the result of currents setup by voltages. Magnetics are never the initiator of the electrical voltages. Lets look at a magnet. First lets touch on my experiments of the crystal batteries. Most objects in space have a standing potential value. This value is based on the position in space and the environment they are surrounded in. This is why or how the crystal batteries work if galvanism is removed. Each material has an individual standing voltage in that space which can be drawn upon.

Some materials like used in magnets have strong values in close proximity to each other. Since all materials have space in them and are never solid this creates the ability to have miniature electrical pairings and lineups of pairs. When subjected to high voltage fields on mass we can align these pairings on mass and allow the magnet to cool and solidify into a rigid set of channels forming the magnet. It is due to the electrical nature of each molecule is the reason for this formation. Also phase changes are used to lock in the formation on the whole to make the magnet permanent and the external alignment field can be relaxed after phase change has occurred. So again the electric field is the initiator of the magnetic flow. If there is no such initiator there is no magnetic response. This is why some materials are magnetic and some are not. The conditions inside of the material does not have the same configuration of electric fields between each atom. Although it has been proven that non magnetic material do show at extreme magnetic field intensities magnetic responses. Case in point: Frog floating inside of the strongest magnetic field ever produced by man.

This is the problem with most attempts to replicate Tesla like technology. Most think in magnetics only and should be thinking in Electric then magnetic as a result. The initiator is the electric and the resultant work should be a conversion from electric to magnetic in the load. Tesla found out that when dealing with the magnetic, it was lossie but when dealing with the electric it didn't have the same losses. In fact High current transfers create huge losses in transmissions on the other hand high potentials have some losses but on the whole are more efficient for transfers. This is why Tesla designed the high voltage lines and AC to accommodate more efficient transfers of energy.

I realized this when using non wound resistors and the different forms of energy talked about here. Heavier currents caused more losses with the same resistors. But if I used higher voltages before the needed current at the load my losses went down drastically and the efficiency went up. Of course I had to change the load to accommodate for a conversion at the load to do this. Tesla was just starting to understand this process and everything he was looking at proves this concept after AC was created. Coupled with resonance he could attain near unity on the energy usage of power of normal devices. Then he started to look at the load and he found a way to build in coupled resonance and energy amplification as well. Although he didn't come right out and say it, he found a way to hook to the natural stores of energy in our world in the most efficient ways.

Tesla accomplished this feat by approaching the wholeness of the entire system and resonating the entire system to net a gain and get the work he desired from that system.  Although he was working in the extreme end of the spectrum his realizations were profoundly accurate even in the smallest of devices. Nature works in the subtle area of the scale but the vastness of nature and the environments it holds is massive and the response of that vastness is huge.

We should be creating generators of huge potential instead of massive current. This would allow for easier generation and better transmission to the loads. A generator of huge potentials is quite easy to turn and all we then need to do is convert the high potentials into whatever we need as the load current. There are ways to shield this higher potential energy as well and Tesla had the knowledge of it:


As a side note I wanted to ask a question... Don't you think it funny that Tesla started calling his motors, Rotating Transformers?

That is one huge clue how to design these systems.

I think Tesla also used resonance of the weight of the primary and secondary of these rotating transformers. pound fer pound they were equal but the primary was segmented more and the secondary was segmented less. Both were of equal weight but the ratio of segmentation was completely different.

Some work has been done in this field and that is Thanes work of using a high voltage coil within a low voltage coil. You could think of this as a looped generating system. The looped part is the transformer action between the high voltage coil and the low voltage coil. As the current flows in the low voltage coil there is a subsequent generation of the high voltage coil that boosts or loops the current through induction between the coils. One generates high voltage and the other generates low voltage back and forth.
Another clue is Lasersabers experiments along these same lines. The proof is there we just need to look at it with fresh eyes and see it for what it is.


   Most of us here have heard and talked much about Tesla's ideas, his Tesla coils, wireless transfer of electricity, etz...
  Some of us have made some devices along those lines. I've worked extensively on trying to improve JTs to self-run, as well as several versions of the Lasersaber Joule Ringer 1- 3.0 version circuits, and his cross-over circuits. So, I'm familiar with that type of small scale pulse technology. However, I still have not really been able to obtain anything more than just what efficient circuits can do.
I have not read or heard about Tesla ideas being free energy devices, as most all have generators of some sort that are providing the input source, or are circuits that harvest minimal energy from the air, etz... Although his Pierce Arrow experiment is still as unresolved as ever. So, I do see that there is some possibility of some amount of "extra" energy being something doable.

  All transformer have both the electrical and well as the magnetic aspect to them.
But, it's looking like there may be more to it, than simply raising the initial input source by pulse technologies to higher voltages, and then down stepping it, to be used for normal 50 -60 hertz operation.
We have discussed "transistor shorting" methods, as well as combining or heterodyning two or more types of voltage/currents on the same coils. Such as on the ferrite yoke cores, or other ferrite cores. But, still none of us have "hit on it" (OU), yet.

  We have also seen what feels like a million diagrams, schematics, videos, etz...  But, up to this point, we still don't have a clue as to just how energy from the air, or earth, is obtained, extracted or harvested from a successful working free energy device. 
At least I don't.  Just being honest.  Honest Nick,  Ha!

  The best advice anyone can give at this time, is to show a real working model, for others to replicate. As ideas abound, but still no actual useful device to be had or reproduced.


Must the frequency ratio of one resonator and the thick primary also
be an integer?

<Each resonator includes the reel having Considerably большее number of coils,
than the reel of the generator-shaper primary Impulse and with more thin wire.
One extremity of such reel is earthed, and another - Remains to free>

For me this is a Tesla coil secondary. And we need more than one? (ResonatorS)
And their frequencies must have an integer ratio to each other.

<Resonators should settle down in pairs in each of three mutually Orthogonal planes.>
What means: 'three mutually Orthogonal planes' ?

Drawing is needed.

Is this only grown in your mind, or is this an extract of your building experience?


Quote from: NickZ on October 06, 2013, 12:14:31 PM
   Most of us here have heard and talked much about Tesla's ideas, his Tesla coils, wireless transfer of electricity, etz...
  Some of us have made some devices along those lines. I've worked extensively on trying to improve JTs to self-run, as well as several versions of the Lasersaber Joule Ringer 1- 3.0 version circuits, and his cross-over circuits. So, I'm familiar with that type of small scale pulse technology. However, I still have not really been able to obtain anything more than just what efficient circuits can do.
I have not read or heard about Tesla ideas being free energy devices, as most all have generators of some sort that are providing the input source, or are circuits that harvest minimal energy from the air, etz... Although his Pierce Arrow experiment is still as unresolved as ever. So, I do see that there is some possibility of some amount of "extra" energy being something doable.

  All transformer have both the electrical and well as the magnetic aspect to them.
But, it's looking like there may be more to it, than simply raising the initial input source by pulse technologies to higher voltages, and then down stepping it, to be used for normal 50 -60 hertz operation.
We have discussed "transistor shorting" methods, as well as combining or heterodyning two or more types of voltage/currents on the same coils. Such as on the ferrite yoke cores, or other ferrite cores. But, still none of us have "hit on it" (OU), yet.

  We have also seen what feels like a million diagrams, schematics, videos, etz...  But, up to this point, we still don't have a clue as to just how energy from the air, or earth, is obtained, extracted or harvested from a successful working free energy device. 
At least I don't.  Just being honest.  Honest Nick,  Ha!

  The best advice anyone can give at this time, is to show a real working model, for others to replicate. As ideas abound, but still no actual useful device to be had or reproduced.

Again I can not agree more with you my friend.

I can tell you this is how I do my computer Technician work.

First you read a lot about the system. Everything that is available should be digested and understood in order to build a proper system. In this case there is a great many who have touched on an aspect of the whole system and run with that. The problem being it is just a small portion of that system. Looping the system is an entirely different thing. Lets not focus on that yet. First we need to learn to walk then we can learn to run.

Let me give you a quote if I can find it when Tesla was going through the bankruptcy hearings over Wardencyffe.

on page 171 of the 1922 document of the Wardenclyffe bankruptcy proceedings:

"Then there on each side were long specially made , how do you call them, not desks or shelves, but closets, I might say, which were specially made to contain the apparatus because I had accumulated for years hundreds of different kinds of appliances which stand for a certain principle, and this apparatus was stored in there, and on top of these I had again all full of apparatus, each representing a different phase."

As I have stated many many times before little bits of a total system are hidden in each patent and each lecture when then put together will net us a free energy device. Every device was a singular concentration on one aspect or phase of an aspect that he was exploring. This is how he hid the most valuable invention to known to man. Not one device will get you there but a plethora of devices or in his words "aspects" of a theory he was attempting to prove. Each device proved without a shadow of a doubt they would work. Each concept was worked out and then used as a whole device. The OU concept is rather stupid if you ask me to be honest. It isn't free but already running and flowing all around us. This never was more apparent then the harnessing of Niagra falls to power Rochester and surrounding areas in NY State. Other then the cost of the equipment and maintenance how much did it cost them to provide this energy? Power cost was about a few pennies per watt hour to residents so most if not all of the costs were over once the machines were paid off. Pure profit for these companies like Westinghouse. Of course wiring would be a huge cost and this was the problem Tesla was trying to tackle. Again this is one aspect of a total system. No wires... zero infrastructure costs....

Lets go back to my explanation of telluric currents and how this works with Akula's example of the Tesla system. Hidden in there is a loophole that allows one way ratcheting like effect. This mechanism is the real impulse technology. Not AC. Not square waves. Just a line on an oscilloscope. A transient form of energy as we know it today. No return just outward expansion. This is the Discovery that Tesla stumbled upon. This can only be accomplished by the magnetic spark gap. Why? Well the polarization of the magnetic filed filters the event. One way conducts and the reverse flow gets dispersed out of the gap. This is the true discovery and one that the others do not want to spread. When a coil is hit with this kind of energy it of course responds with environmental energy known as Bemf. This response is free and can be amplified by the size and orientation or style of the coil used to pulse.

Some have touched upon this event like Bedini and others but in their attempt end up not using real pure impulses. Square waves are not impulses per say. The time of on, in an impulse must be very quick to the off portion. Extending the on portion only requires more current from the source and counters everything you are trying to achieve. The less the on time the less the damage that is done to matter conducting the event and the stronger the excitation of matter can attain. This was never more apparent then the experimental results Tesla received when playing with his discovery. The initial discovery was a problem he was trying to look at for Edison after he had fixed his generator problems. The linemen were getting hurt really bad at either closure or opening of the switch. Cant remember which one it was. This was due to the immense voltage and the suddenness of the excitation of the linemens matter. If there were many impulses it wouldn't have been as deadly if at all because the transition from excited to not excited would have been gradual and not sudden. When the matter is kept excited by a train of these impulses the matter has little time to relax back to ambient levels. You could think of it like this. Exciting something once powerfully allows it to charge up very high then collapse down into a radiative collapse. This will tear apart anything that it's mass can not hold together. Remember nothing is solid in the sub micro scale. Literally the spacing grows as it re-radiates this excitation energy. This is because every atom is excited and then radiates that excitation back out of its surface. Since atoms are very close you can imagine what this would do. This energy does not want to touch and will physically rip an object apart to escape it's binder(atoms).
Tesla noticed that thin wires exploded like dynamite if not more powerfully after the impulse was initiated. So mass of the excited object must be enough to stand the impulse or singular impulse.

More on this after you have had a chance to digest all this....