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Announcement: These bastards should be warned about and then ignored...

Started by the_big_m_in_ok, October 15, 2013, 05:25:58 PM

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My father,who died on 05.10.2013 was here member

My first name is Oliver,
( Hugenotten: contract de Fontainebleau )
in Fontainebleau you find the european headquarter from the
Harvard Institute/ H.University(the first which introduced analytics into economics) : le president from this european Institute,INSEAD,during my father made his "Master of Buisiness Administration" graduation : Olivier de l'Estaing.

                           Erzfeind(e) or Erzfreund(e)  !?
                           Yesterday  Today Tomorrow
                  Nationality,religion,(i)material possesion !?


p.s.:                                    Wikipedia :
          the french Praesident name was :Dr.Valery Giscard de Estaing
          the INSEAD dean                      :Dr.Olivier

           L'Estaing:  Der Name einer ausgestorbenen adeligen Dynasie,verliehen
           an die spaeteren Namenstraeger durch den franzoesischen Koenig
           aufgrund "erfolgreicher Bankgeschaefte"

          Sadi Carnot : sein Vater ebenfalls Mr.le President



... "My first name is Oliver," ...

Well, I'm glad you're here, Oliver.   You might be able to tell these Nazi sympathizers how badly you think their written bullsh!t.   Hopefully.   I know they'll understand written German from you.   And, fortunately, you appear to be fluent in English, as well.

What is OCD?   Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.   My brother-in-law has it.   The has to mentally limit himself to certain routines and set patterns of acting out his daily routine(s).   His sunconscious won't let him do otherwise, and it makes him crazy, as well.   I don't have that.

Oh, you said I might be bipolar?   That's Manic-Depression.   No, not that, either.   What I do have is Asperger's syndrome.   It 'marks' me as being "different" because I act or look abnormally compared to others.   Asperger's sufferers are slightly autistic and can obsess on one or two subjects peculiar to them alone.   With me, it's science and engineering.   I'm really smart on those subjects with an IQ of 150 - 160.   
       And because of my Asperger's, I've been the brunt of insults and practical jokes for decades.   AND, autistics in general can't defend themselves in a fight because they always lack the required hand/eye co-ordination.   And the will to fight.   They're often THAT low-functioning.

When it comes to these dastardly Nazi-lovers, their pernicious lies piss me off because those of their ilk killed some of my Jewish East European relations in WWII and I sure don't trust them in anything they say or do.   Nazis are Rightists and they can be potentially violent toward those they think are beneath their level of self-righteousness.   The German Nazis certainly were.

As to Donald Smith's efforts in free energy, I'll try and find Internet references to his work and upload those for you and others to see.                                                                                                                 
Later Reedit:   Try these 'Web addresses...    http://i48.servimg.com/u/f48/17/28/55/62/donsmi24.jpg                                            http://i.imgur.com/ymPsz.png                                                                               http://www.free-energy-info.com/CH5/Fig379.gif                                                     (These 'Web addresses above are pictorial representations of what I'm describing with respect to Don Smith's multiple electromagneticlly coupled tower coils that pick up ambient power given off by a central tower.   The first two on the list are perfect as examples.   For the 'imgur' address especially, the three coils mounted around the central tower coil can be added to in terms of numbers of equally spaced coils in ever-greater diameters with more and more coils that feed a full wave bridge for each coil that goes to a diode on each one and then to a battery or battery bank.   AFAIK, any number of coils can be placed around a central coil and still not load down the power supply that powewrs the coil, since it;s not physically connected to any other coil.   It's mutual induction by resonance.                                                                                                       
"Truth comes from wisdom and wisdom comes from experience."
--Valdemar Valerian from the Matrix book series

I'm merely a theoretical electronics engineer/technician for now, since I have no extra money for experimentation, but I was a professional electronics/computer technician in the past.
As a result, I have a lot of ideas, but no hard test results to back them up---for now.  That could change if I get a job locally in the Bay Area of California.


                             9.November 2013
                                Memorial Day

      German Journal:       " Die Welt "

Mass murder of the products of civilization
In the U.S., a celebrity in this country unknown: Konrad Heiden was an early chronicler of National Socialism. Now his brilliant analysis of the November pogroms finally appears in German . L. Joseph Heid

In the Kristallnacht 1938, the Nazis put a synagogue in Berlin on fire. Onlookers to see the fire
Photo: Ullstein image
In the Kristallnacht 1938, the Nazis put a synagogue in Berlin on fire. Onlookers to see the fire
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Anti-Semitism : The six days of the November 1938 pogrom
Source search : How Jews were forced to art for sale
"National Revolution ": His coup makes Hitler pseudo - legalists
November pogrom : Remembering a night that changed everything
Konrad Heiden's report on the pogrom of November , 1938, he wrote immediately after the events in Paris in a train in the German part , certainly the most impressive documents of the world's excess, causing horror in Nazi Germany . This 106 -page essay is easy to read , but its content is heavy.

Gentiles did not remain silent any longer and remain inactive in the face of atrocities. In the glow of the fire burning synagogues , the orgy of violence against people and things he saw the fate of Germany threatened, a fate that would by " German forces " can be stopped - but was not .

He lived at that time already in exile in Paris , and served him as a source material , the Nazi press and foreign newspapers . Above all, he evaluated at the Jewish Central Information Office in Amsterdam numerous eyewitness accounts of Jewish refugees who were gathered there. On this basis, the first source-based book on the Night of Broken Glass was born. The report , published in Great Britain for the first time in 1939 , was an extraordinary publishing success - in England, France and Sweden.

In New York , " construction " , the book was praised as " stunning reportage " . Contributed to the success of the next sober and poignant portrayal especially the catchy style that characterizes nations in many of his books. But the German text was never published , even in Europe, Zurich Publishing Emil Oprecht had successfully published in the nations until then - until now , finally.

"Natural History of bestiality "

Gentiles , one of the earliest chroniclers sharply critical of National Socialism , it knows how to draw the reader with an atmospherically dense treatise narrated directly in the wake of the ban and events . Anyone who reads his report , the unconditional impression: It was .

This book wants to be objective and to provide a substantive contribution to the " natural history of bestiality ." However , Gentiles is not "objective" , he is a party . Where factual words no longer suffice him against the vulgar diction of the gutter , he uses a dedicated language aesthetics.

He describes scenic in vivid images the events : " The plaster with glass covered with broken pieces of furniture, overturned goods stacking, torn clothes , scattered shoes, handbags , broken porcelain , wine bottles , interspersed with glassy smile of the broken head of a mannequin , vacuum cleaner , pot plants cash registers, top hats , typewriters , braces, radio sets , table legs , wall clocks, everything broken, crushed , broken in pieces , destroyed piece by piece with love. "

No detail is unimportant to him . He screwed his style " in love " with the German language , in contrast to the banality of evil poetic high : " The heavy furniture wood shows its guts , the shining fracture surfaces of glass from the shattered musical instruments stares at the shattered clockwork strange in the air , thousands and but thousands of everyday objects, revealing for the first time in dying , the unknown interior of their destructive substance. "

Dynamics of the Nazi reign of terror

It was here that cynical poetic description of the " Kristallnacht " a whole new meaning . Pagans understand the pogrom as a huge , clanking , shiny mass murder of the products of civilization, committed in the eerie atmosphere of an " animal lust satisfied " that lay on the destroyed roads . And he also noticed that the pogromists to their powerful fists also had long fingers .

The term " Kristallnacht " unneeded Gentiles , and he recognized clairvoyant without him , that this monstrous pogrom a " masterpiece of regularity and discipline " and that within the bloody dynamics of the Nazi reign of terror was a turning point marked the where previous measures regime were entered into a bright light , in which literally indicating the course for the destruction of European Jewry .

Gentiles had an impressive foresight : he appealed to the anti-Jewish goings apathetic onlooking world that had become accustomed to see in the National Socialists highly civilized barbarians are about to be aware that these so as with the Jews and with other nations would proceed if they did not resist . The pogrom was a " deafening warning" to all nations.

What the Nazi protagonists actually had in mind , in Heiden's eyes no longer mere " rabulistische , anti-Semitic rhetoric ": The victims of the pogrom have changed something essential that they should be driven by the " waiting butcher's knife ."

The belief in the regime

Pagans believed to have been identified from the perspective of his Parisian exile, that the German people did not go in his majority with the anti-Jewish excesses of the pogrom and also all still expected horrors in defiance will in future not obey further , was convinced that this sooner or later would have consequences for the regime . This was a fatal , though pardonable mistake to underestimate the force of the Third Reich. The faith of the national community to the regime remained unbroken during the subsequent period .

In all - internal - German many disapproval of the events that night, but it must be said that the majority of Germans have not only endorsed the rise of National Socialism. Thomas Mann characterizes the spirit of the time well: " One should not forget and do not be talked out , that Nazism was an enthusiastic , sparking revolution, a German national movement with a tremendously emotional investment of faith and enthusiasm . "

Who was Konrad Heiden ? Born in Munich in 1901 Heiden was a child of the labor movement , but no child labor . At 14, he was an orphan. The foundation for his success as an author was established in 1923 , and he grew very highly: He began a career in journalism at the " Frankfurter Zeitung " .

In 1931 he left the editorial because he did not agree with the policy change . A narrative talent , biting irony and accurate punch lines dominated nations as a journalist masterful. Freelancers properties at the prestigious " Vossische newspaper " and other democratic leaves followed.

A stateless refugee

His first book, "History of National Socialism ", published in November 1932, Rowohlt was quickly sold out . A promising journalistic career was abruptly stopped by the Inmachtsetzung Hitler . His Emigrationsweg led him through Switzerland to Paris, where he remained until the war began.

He became a bestselling author whose books have been translated into many languages ​​and achieved high volume . He made a splash with his biography of Hitler , " Adolf Hitler - The age of irresponsibility " , it was the first one ever .

In the thirties , when half the world was trying to decipher the mystery of Hitler nations met with its judgments " a nerve ," said Heiden's biographer Mark Roth. The writer Thea Sternheim , as Gentiles in exile in France, cracked with enthusiasm , even spoke of a " brilliant biography of Hitler " and said: " . Suddenly one thanks God for the presence of this beautiful conscience " Very different Joseph Goebbels, who wrote : "What a rubbish , what a dirt. " In December 1936, Heiden was expatriated and therefore a stateless refugee .

Meanwhile, diplomatic intervention could stop the global spread of the biography of Hitler any more than the expatriation pagans themselves prevented them continue to write about Hitler and Nazi Germany . Only a few German exiles were recorded with her journalistic work such successes as Konrad Heiden .

Exhausted by the long struggle

After the invasion of the Wehrmacht in France Gentiles had to flee again . He hit himself , equipped with false papers , to Lisbon by . Oprecht , his publisher , it is still supported by remittances .

Gentiles reached the end of October 1940 New York . In the United States, he was no stranger . In early 1944, appeared "The Fuehrer " , a reworking and updating of his two previous books Hitler . With this book, it made ​​a breakthrough in the U.S.. His greatest success was also to be his last . All other book projects remained unfinished , he was tendered a writer.

Gentile died in 1966 in New York, he was exhausted from his long struggle against Nazism . While he was soon forgotten in Germany , his books remained in the English language , especially " Der Fuehrer " standard works , and are currently available in bookstores .

What makes this book so valuable is - beside the lucid report - the knowledgeable and informative biographical sketch of the now largely forgotten Konrad Heiden , the Mark Roth moves impressively into the consciousness of the present. The reader may already be looking forward to the biography , the Roth will dedicate this bold writing prophets.

Konrad Heiden : " One night in November 1938 A contemporary report . " Wallenstein , 190 pp., € 19.90 .

Joseph L. Heid has become known lecturer at the University of Duisburg -Essen , and especially by his publications on literature and social history , the labor movement and the German - Jewish history .

A life on the run from the Nazis : the journalist Konrad Heiden
Photo : Creative Commons
A life on the run from the Nazis : the journalist Konrad Heiden
© Axel Springer AG 2013. All rights reserved

                                We have to look forward but not forget the past

(If the other are the same opinion this theme can be closed or/and deleted)


What is OCD?   Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
                                   Hyper activity
                                  Since when/cause ?
                         Hypnose/Trance as reload tool? 

            Oliver Christoph Waldhelm - de Lanca

p.s.: many people are in search also our overunity.com-Admin.(for a friend):
       [ OWP ] Dutch Calvinists in / to Gdansk?
Date: 2004/11/30 20:55:45
From: Stefan Hartmann < harti ( a) ...
a friend of mine said that his ancestors were possibly
Huguenots and his parents have lived in Danzig before the war.

Can anyone here tell me what about when the Huguenots
( french draper ? ) to West and / or East Prussia
come from?
Someone else said:

" The Prussian kings colonized the territories east of the Oder
in several actions with settlers from Holland , usually with
Free Kirchlern , Calvinists , Moravians brothers , etc., which
in many cases with biblical names from the " Old Testament "
adorned . So it was in East Prussia even serfs
called "Solomon " .
As you write , the ancestors
Your friend would be in the Gdansk area , I would sometimes
assume that they were Dutch Calvinists . "


Can anyone say when the Dutch Calvinists came to Gdansk?

The Ahnenpass his grandpa is unfortunately burned on the run .

Greetings , Stefan .

Here the Mormon-church(headquarter Salt Lake City/Utah)family genealogy bibliotheque could help (or other similar NGOs)


" The Prussian kings colonized the territories east of the Oderin several actions with settlers from Holland , usually withFree Kirchlern , Calvinists , Moravians brothers , etc., whichin many cases with biblical names from the " Old Testament "adorned . So it was in East Prussia even serfscalled "Solomon " .As you write , the ancestorsYour friend would be in the Gdansk area , I would sometimesassume that they were Dutch Calvinists . "

How many Free Kirchlern,Calvinists,Moravians,etc., died in the KLs only caused adorned/baptisted with biblical "Old Testament" names ?

Lutheraner: wo ist Abel ?