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Cavitation? An interesting application moving forward.....

Started by Here2njoy, October 14, 2013, 01:39:11 PM

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Wow how fast this thread got derailed by the derailers.

What exactly does this have to do with cavitation?

I should have posted that question instead of my digust at the derailing attempt.


QuoteThis all causes a mental cavitation which manifests in a Zombie state of

Pure poetry, Chet.  Some who watched the video could have missed the fact that when the computers were down, those who filled the carts thought they were getting all the free food they wanted, but the computers came back up, displaying the balances on those cards.  THAT is why all the carts were left full in the aisles.  ALL those people knew what their balances were and abandoned their attempted "robberies".

Not that MalWart doesn't have it coming, it does.  Most of Cwhoreporate America is responsible for setting the example that the poor follow.  They see the rich get richer every day, while screwing the little guys, and supporting slave labor in other countries.  Corporate welfare dwarfs public welfare 2 to 1!  Which emboldens the cwhoreporations to fan the flames of greed even further.  It is a vicious cycle, and as long as long as hospitals keep ROBBING their fellow countrymen and women (example: $40 for a single aspirin).....as long as those in power, those making all the "important" decisions keep teaching error, and then punishing the poor, the dumb, for being who they were raised to be, we will, in the words of that singing poet, Tom Petty, keep "freefalling".


How many are aware of the fact that the vast majority of cwhoreporate and world leaders have, for the last 50 years at minimum, been college graduates?  Yes, the colleges of the world are responsible for MUCH of this world mess!  And where have these educated idiots led us?  They held the power over your kids' minds.  They hold the power of the "civilized" world and look how close we are to self annihilation.  Chet's right.  The politicosocioeconomic military industrial machine has clearly specialized in creating the perfect conditions for a "zombie apocalypse" just like the ones the media whores love to show on t.v. day in and day out.  They have certainly ramped up production in recent years....cranking them out, chewing them up, and spitting them out.  It seems apparent that they truly want to reduce the world population to 500,000,000 as is outlined on the Georgia "guide" stones:


If one glosses over the first glaringly macabre tenet, it doesn't seem so bad.  But just how are they going about reducing the world's population?  And why do they deem it necessary?  It's a well calculated fact that the entire population of the world, if living at a population density matching that of New York City, would all fit in the state of Texas alone.  Or, standing, ALL of us, shoulder to shoulder, we would fit in the city of Los Angeles.  So, clearly, it's NOT a population issue.  It's a false education and world resource mis-management issue.  It's a GREED issue.  And these secret society assclowns are experts at sacrifice.  Or more accurately, creating lame sacrifices for their twisted false gods by the hand basket load. 

What's worse, the many minions of this world who grew up never having a snowball's chance in hell because of a lack of real opportunity?  Or the many minions who grew up having more than their fair chances to avoid hell, but squandered them because they were raised to steal the opportunities of others?

The planet is dying from both ends, top to bottom and once the middle is eaten out of her, she's done.  The "middle" or "Free Thinking" class, is rapidly dwindling the world over, being forced to choose one of two kinds of slavery.  Slavery to corruption or slavery to greater corruption.  In either case, it's the blind leading those they've helped become blind. 

Christ gave the only SANE option.  Opt out.  Stay away from as much of the "worldly" activities as one can.  Fraternization with the status quo minded, breeds corruption, and prolonged contact is nearly always irreversible.  If one is not busy rubbing off on the world, invariably, it ends up rubbing off on you.

Those who will not stand for something, will usually fall for anything.
And falling, we are.

As the world rapidly "balkanizes" into the cliques, cadres, cabals, clubs and cuckoo's nests that inevitably result from aging empires.....it is important that one choose a side and stand with those closest to your principles.
As Christ said, "I would rather have you hot or cold.  For if I find you lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth". Who likes a "wishy washy" person?  A fair weather friend?  In the very real battle between Good and evil, what is the worst place to hide?  The battle lines have been drawn eons ago.  The one standing dazed and confused in the middle of the battle will suffer fire from both sides.  Walking the line in the middle of the highway will get one spun around and crushed from those moving fast and with purpose from both directions.

If there is one thing that collective mankind has proven quite conclusively in his time on this planet, it's that he always seems to end up dominating his fellow man to his own ruin. 

There is ONLY one way OFF this old, rickety roller coaster ride of empires.  And the Way, the Truth and the Life that every honest and sincere person from the beginning of the world has yearned for, is not far away now....

Though it may seem so to those unaccustomed to history repeating itself, and to those unprepared to face the greatest tribulation that our world will ever face, nor never will again.

Buck up and take hope, those paying attention....for these things were foretold to the letter! 

Luke 21:25-2825 "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. 26 People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. 27 At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."

Many of you researching "free energy" also have researched enough to know about the massive increase in volcanoes popping up all over the world.  The increase in massive tsunami.  The change in earth and moon orbits and earth wobble.  What is about to occur can be met with solidarity and resolve to put difference aside and be EQUITABLE with one another, or met, as will be the case in many a metropolitan area, with chaos and corruption.  Choose wisely.  Be pro-active in networking with friends and neighbors, forming "alliances" with those of your own sort. 

There is strength in numbers, but no matter your situation, remember that one man and God still constitutes a majority.

Blessings all.

P.S. Apologies to the original poster for "Temporarily" hijacking the thread with a message of MUCH greater importance.  It's all good jbig.....back to the topic at hand.  If you've got anything to share regarding cavitation, have at it friend. 
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:
