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Karl Schappeller's Secret Sublimate for his Electret!

Started by gravityblock, December 05, 2012, 12:52:18 PM

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To show that nobody was playing games during WW2 here attached is a copy of an SS organised visit  to Schappeller by Professors Boethe and Esau.




I wonder if the material created in "Everybodyseye" youtubes are of "negative entropy"  in nature. 

Just wondering?

Organized "earth"?


Das Radium ist ein kunstvoll  Elektretenprodukt der Natur, ohne d[as] dem Zeitenstrom der Gegenwart auf keinem Gebiet der Technik ein Ganzes moglich ist, denn die Forscher und Erfinder sind wie Pilze aus der Erde geschossen, nachdem die ungeheuer vielseitige Literatur sie angeregt hat.
Es ist seit Eguchi die Kunst gefunden, die Energie einzubinden in fremden Stoff, auch die Elektretenmasse list] kein Geheimnis [mehrJ, doch nur ein Vorstufchen zum Bau der anderen, der Radium-Elektreten, welche in Hinkunft multiplizierende Funken aus Kohlenstoff mit hohem Druck von innen nach aussen sind. Diese Kraft ist im lapis philosophorum, den Sie aus der Theorie von dem Hamburger Chemiker Dr. Ferd[inand] Maack kennen, unentbehrlich, denn er hindert aile anderen ihm zustromenden Schwingungen, die er absorbiert und unmoglich macht, daher [sind] die Zentralen in [an] jedem art notwendig. Und wer Augen hat, sehe, was ich darunter andeute und wegen der unreifen Vorbereitung unter uns noch weglassen muss, bis die Elektronen-Theorie voll und ganz erfasst wurde....


The radium is an ornately a special Elektret-produkt of nature, without the time stream of the present, in any field of technology a lot is possible , because the researchers and inventors are like mushrooms shot from the earth, after the tremendously versatile Literature has inspired them.
  Eguchi found the art to integrate energy into foreign substance , the Elektret list is no secret any more , but only a example for the construction of the other, the radium - electrets , which multiply in the future sparks of carbon at high pressure from inside to the outside . This force is in lapis philosophorum (philosopher's stone) as you know from the theory of the Hamburg chemist Dr. Ferdinand  Maack,  it is essential because it prevents ail other inflowing oscillations , which it absorbs and make them impossible so act as  centers of any kind as necessary. And those who have eyes to see what I have suggested and also because of immature preparation I must omit details until the electron theory has been fully recognized ....


The previuous post is taken from a note by Schappeller to Gfoellner his lab assistent and was found in Gfoellner's papers.
We know that Schappeller was trying to create unipolar magnetism or magnetic charge. Recently a paper claims to have found that a magnetic monopole can be produced by the magnetisation of a neutrino formed during beta emission:-
"The magnetic monopole is not a myth!
It has an equation, experiences and plans applications.
By Georges Lochak
Fondation Louis de Broglie 23, rue Marsoulan 75012 Paris"

This would explain how Hubbard, Moray, Hendershot and other so called free energy machines around the 1920's worked, Moray said he used radioactive materials.
It seems to me none of the conventional radioactive emanations, alpha, beta or gamma rays would give these effects, but if radium radiated a magnetic charge as well this would explain a lot.
For example the attached article on amplification of an RF signal by radium.
