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Work from 2 magnets > 19% output 2

Started by Floor, February 17, 2014, 01:53:56 PM

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A very short video @

added 11-05-23  see   also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0svs-uGx8s&t=107s
These (just above) are not my own videos.

                                Dropping a neodymium magnet
                 through a 1/2 inch inside diameter, copper tube.

The magnet weighs 22 grams static upon the scale.

The copper tube weighs 190 grams.

The copper tube weighs 212 grams as the magnet falls through it.

Once the magnet arrives at the bottom of its fall through the tube,
the combined weight of the tube and the magnet is also 212 grams.

If one wants the magnet to drop through the coil faster...
It needs to weigh more.
It needs to be attached to a weight object.

Either way the combined or total weight, must be the correct weight,
as needed for the twist drive to lift and then reset.

How much that weight needs to be, depends upon how many times one has
applied a series of, escalating, cascading twist drives.

Next question..

Can the twist drive output weight object (as a magnet)
be lifted (by the twist drive actions), while the wire coil is shorted ?

Given that Issac Newtons observations are correct, then I think the answer is yes.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Next question

Can the permanent magnets be replaced with electromagnets and
the device still exhibit a net gain ?

Maybe but I don't think so.
Who knows ?

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Next question

Is there a second field, other than gravitational, in which the magnetic
could interact with a net gain ?

Magnetic and electric ?

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Someone, once told me that the same kind of result as the twist drive
can be arrived at using springs instead of magnets. At that time, I requested
that person to show me how to do this with springs. He didn't respond.

Next question..
xxxxx 11
Does someone know of a way to accomplish this and can they provide a link or
drawing and explanations which demonstrates springs rather than magnets
doing this ?

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Back to this question...

Is there a second field, other than gravitational, in which the magnetic
could interact with a net gain ?

Like, say, between the magnetic and the electric ?

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Next question..

Could this be the underlying principal of operation in some of those
resonant circuits which are perhaps O.U. ?

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Is the twist drive O.U. or is it maybe only 1/2 of O.U. ?
I don't know / what ever..

Returning to the question of / examination of momentum and it's interaction in / with
the twist drive.

Given that if the RO, 'output' weight object is a pinion gear sharing a common axle with a
fly wheel.

Would the weight object descend and reset the twist drive action given that during
its descent, the pinion gear of the weight object, is engaged with a rack gear, thus
causing, the fly wheel to accelerate against inertia and spin ?

I have not tried it, but I think so.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Next question.

Can energy be extracted during the fall of the sliding magnet's 'input' weight object ?

Edit...  Directly from the 'input' weight object.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
A little offtopic. :)
So I think, in those cases when the happy author of a perpetual motion machine demonstrates to numerous witnesses his device at work.Maybe the so-called inventor, possess telekinesis, and standing at the table, rotate the wheel or something else. No device will detect this.
Has anyone thought about this?  ;)

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
@ kolbacict


        for the company, comments and good humor.
               best wishes

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Now that we have a spinny thingy  (this is required for all O.U. devices).  :)

The question of wasting energy via repeated accelerations against
inertia / reciprocating actions..

The energy expended to cause acceleration is in relationship to
               the mass of the accelerated object
           the velocity to which it is accelerated.

Keep the mass low ?
Keep the speed of the magnet travels slow !


... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Gravity is a weak force. It takes a mass as large as a moon or a
planet before we generally consider it as significant.

Permanent magnets have mass s that are large in proportion to the force they
exert. While it is true that magnets can exert tremendously greater force per
their mass than do gravitational bodies. Their mass / inertia and physical size
still represent considerable limitations in terms of power / energy transfer within
a unit of time.

Once again, while some of you are already aware of these things I will point out
that we perhaps need the revelation of a solid state method.
                         Hopefully in the very near future ?

          to this community which has shared all of this with me..
                  thank you again


                 This is an important point.

If you are going to build this as an escalating combination of
twist drive units.

                       The Output Force
The magnitude of the force output of the twist drive is not the same
throughout the motion of the rotating magnet's retun to 90 degrees off
from the sliding magnet.  Force is greatest when the rotating magnet is
at it's greatest rotaion from 90 and that force decreases as the rotating
magnet approaches 90 degrees off from the sliding magnet.  Peak force is
at the beginning of the output stroke.

                          The Input Force
Peak force is         required         at the beginning of the input stroke.

(Where ever) the peaks of these two forces are out of synchronization, they
need to be in synchronization before a single twist drive can efficiently deliver the
input needed to drive a next or two other twist drives.

            This can be done mechanically. 
The force to distance ratio can be manipulated
        so that it is shifting throughout the
                         output motion. 
The force to distance ratio can be manipulated
           so that it is shifting throughout the
                              input motion.
Both the input and the output can be manipulated.

One method of  accomplishing this would be to use eccentric pulleys
of the correct shape/s as the input and / or output pulley/s.



There are many other magnet interactions that will accomplish essentially
the same thing as does the twist drive.

                                 We have been building this list for years now,
                                                   while at the same time,
                                               mostly not really knowing why.   
           We've been simply following our intuitions, passions and a collective trend.

               This one @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOBZsCWMDzI
                                              all ready has / it incorporates
       evening out (flattening) the force to distance ratios (curves) into its operation.

  best wishes

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Next question

xxxxx 12
                 Can the role that gravity plays in resetting the twist drive,
           be instead filled by a second twist drive opposing a first twist drive ?


Note...   are the peak forces in sync ?

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Next question

xxxxx 13
                                Can two opposing twist drives be linked
                           such that contained within that mechanical linkage,
             is an additional mechanical arrangement where in a permanent magnet
                                             is driven through a wire coil
                                        (at a right angle to gravity's pull) ?


... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
xxxxx 14
                 Given the above arrangement of two twist drives
                                         so mechanically linked.
              Can the twist drives each in turn, reset one the other,
                             and also produce electric power from
                                  the permanent magnet and coil ?

I'm going to yes to this one as well.


        As per always.
            Those presented here and which are novel methods, designs and devices
             are given into the public domain.  See what people can do when we work
             together ?

                   Don't get into trouble infringing on patents.

Addendum  on 2/5/22

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Next question...
xxxxx 15
Can 'input' needed to drive the sliding magnet toward the rotating
magnet have as its origin the energy of the 'output' ?


      in time  :)

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


Using off the shelf magnets the twist drive interaction gives an initial
2.78 'output' to 1 'input' but this ratio can be cascaded to very many times
greater than this.

See previous post @



Rewrite 2-10-22

Check this out.

Next question...

Reluctance and reactance are some what analogous to the properties of a physical object's inertia.

Can the speed of magnetic field change be in a manner of speaking, be out ran ?

Not in terms of the electromagnetic force caused accelerations of permanent magnets, armatures
and so on, against inertia, Which is a very cool area of experimentation here    @


But rather instead...

Can the speed of magnetic field changes be out ran,  if not directly in the fields, then
within, for example, an iron core / at a molecular level? 

Next question
Can changes in polarity orientations and/or magnitude be accomplished slowly
or perhaps even stalled in the capacitive and/or magnetic, one in relationship to
the other ?  Or one speeded up and the other slowed down ?

No doubt.

Next question...

What kind of cascadeing can be accomplished in either of these properties ?

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
just some thoughts...

The Volt is the SI unit of electromotive force. It pushes electric current in circuits (this is
actually the motion of a field / not so much so of electrons).  A Force (electromotive force)
that gives rise to the potential for electric current to flow.

The Coulomb is the SI unit of electric charge.  It causes a capacitor to store energy via the
force of attraction of electrons to protons. A Force (coulomb force) that gives rise to the
potential for charged bodies to either attract or repel.  Also it gives rise to charge being
stored on each side of a dielectric insulator.

Electric currents in conductors give rise to magnetic fields.

Shifting / changing / moving magnetic fields give rise to electric currents in near
by conductors.

Fields of electric charge are not a current / do not give rise to a magnetic field.

Moving magnetic fields do not disturb static electric fields / do not directly alter
the charge upon a capacitor.