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Ultimate proof of Magnetic Vortex, free book and videos

Started by TheoriaApophasis, July 13, 2014, 04:20:12 AM

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 Here is the Greatest new clips from Ken Wheeler..

I just love this guy ....

You may not accept that as he is way out in the "bleeding edge" ...so far a head..





Strange that Mr. Wheeler, in his desperate attempt to claim 'discoverer' status for anything, is now attacking those who believe in Russellian theory, calling them "blood drinking Satanists".  ;D

Especially since he's co-opted a large portion of Russellian theory in his own hobby theory, along with Circlon theory, Dollard theory and a host of other odd theories, patched them all together into his own hobby theory of Wheelerism (without crediting the developers of those other theories), and claimed he was the discoverer of that theory, just as he claimed discovery of the hypotrochoidal nature of magnets (which Michael Snyder (aka SirZerp) discovered literally years before Wheeler claimed the discovery as his own), for one example; the quadrapolar (and quadravortexual) nature of magnets as discovered by Howard Johnson literally decades before Wheeler claimed the discovery as his own, as another example; the discovery by Louis Pasteur in 1872, and Krylov and Tarakonova in 1960 reporting on the effects of magnetic fields on plants (they called this effect magnetotropism, which is now the standard scientific nomenclature for the phenomenon), and the patent by Albert R. Davis in 1977 for a magnetizer for seeds being a particularly egregious example of Wheeler claiming credit for something long known about.

And that's not to mention his attempt to claim some sort of 'discoverer' status for the Huygens-Fresnel Principle (this concept's been known about since 1678, expanded upon by Fresnel in 1816) in a recent video, all while trying to tear down those who have built the robust mathematical framework which accurately describes our universe to better than one part in ten million. Strange and ironic then, that his video rant about the Huygens-Fresnel Principle actually corroborated Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Electrodynamics, given that the Huygens-Fresnel Principle was the forerunner of and impetus for modern Quantum Electrodynamics, as I outline in a prior post.  :D

Stranger still that he's resorted to disinformation in his latest rant about LIGO, claiming it only has a 21 million light year detection range... its detection range is upwards of 56 million light years for neutron binary infall, and as much as 6 billion years for merging blackholes of sufficient diameter... so it's little wonder that it detected the unusually strong gravitational wave from two black holes merging 1.3 billion light years away.

If this is what passes for the "scientific method" in Mr. Wheeler's world, then it's little wonder he's discovered nothing, built nothing, yet has taken credit for the discoveries of others as detailed in my post above, all while disparaging those who actually are making those discoveries. He appears to be a jealous wannabe desperately trying to convince someone, anyone that he's smarter than they are... but if he's so smart, why has he gotten so much wrong? His hobby theory has been proven to result in a universe which could not exist. Ergo it is de facto wrong, utterly and completely wrong.

And that's not to mention that he presents no mathematical proofs to support his contentions... his entire take on the universe is backed up with the sum total of disinformation, blather, attacks upon those smart enough to actually mathematically derive the underlying workings of the universe, and a screedbin full of profanity.

So I'll go on record here and say that in my opinion Mr. Wheeler is a credit stealing charlatan who is becoming more strident and desperate in his attempts at claiming credit for that which others are accomplishing. If his hobby theory reflected reality, we'd see a plethora of inventions flowing out of his "laboratory", yet all we see is more ranting, more profanity, more attacks upon those who are making the important scientific discoveries.

Of course, the only reason Mr. Wheeler is ranting about LIGO is because its finding confirms Einstein's special relativity.


Yep, our Kenny has a long history of not giving credit where due (AKA plagiarism). This has even been noted by some posters on Buddhism threads where he has held court under various aliases.

And as you point out, he's not even "not even wrong". He still hasn't retracted his silly claim of "genuine Free Energy" from a bismuth sphere sitting next to a magnet, that fooled him because he doesn't read the instructions for his FLIR imager.


Soo.. Ken must be on the right track to be attacked with this much effort..

So he has videos and a book and videos on cameras.. Hate is the driven force here...

by Cylce on him ..

He has his theory and you have your and it also bullshit and the winner is "who cares"... theory ...

Magnetvortex is until proven is still bs so what .. !!

I have made my own magnetvortex videos and don' t care if you like them, they are mine !!! who cares ...

Make your own videos and theories..

Ken is "the" subjective of that theory..  (his)...

Hate is not subjective Cycle..  Write you own Book of theory !!! as by now you have written enough ..   



What I learned today:

There is a "handedness" to the universe... by that, I mean there is a preference in atomic spin, a phenomenon known as chirality for massive particles (or helicity for massless entities).

Chien-Shiung Wu (aka The Dragon Lady Physicist) did an experiment in 1956, IIRC, that cooled 60Co to cryogenic temperatures to reduce thermal vibrations of the atoms, then watched as it radioactively beta-decayed, then measured the spin direction of the resultant electrons (beta 'particles' being merely high-energy electrons).

She and her team found that all of the electrons spun counter-clockwise, which nulled the "conservation of parity" hypothesis. She won a Nobel Prize in physics in 1957 for her work.

This was a major contribution to particle physics, leading to the further discovery of the neutrino and antineutrino, and was the impetus behind the development of the Standard Model: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Model

Anyway, chirality means the weak nuclear force only operates upon counterclockwise spinning (left-handed) entities such as:
- quarks (up, down, strange, charm, top, bottom)
- leptons (electron, electron neutrino, muon, muon neutrino, tau particle and tau neutrino)
- particles containing an odd number of fermions (such as 13C and 3H)

...and upon clockwise spinning (right-handed) entities such as:
- lepton antiparticles (the anti-particles to electrons, electron neutrinos, muons, muon neutrinos, tau particles and tau neutrinos)

In addition, the fact that the W and Z bosons of the weak nuclear force have mass is what led to the first hints of the Higgs field and thus the Higgs boson. The Higgs boson doesn't really freely exist anymore (although it can be generated from the Higgs field), it existed earlier in the life of the universe when energy levels were higher because the universe was smaller and hotter, but the Higgs field exists throughout the universe, and is in fact exactly what I've been talking about when I say the QVZPE field is responsible for both the expansion of the universe and the expansion of the universe at faster than the speed of light. The Higgs field, it turns out, is the QVZPE field (or, at least, a major component of it), that cold plasma of electromagnetic waves that permeates the universe.

During the Quark Epoch of the universe, as the universe cooled and expanded and the energy of the Big Bang separated out into various forces and into matter, the electroweak force split into the electromagnetic force and the weak nuclear force. Even today, with high enough temperature or enough energy input, one can cause the two forces to recombine into the electroweak force.

The electromagnetic force got "right-handedness" (giving us such things as the "right-hand rule"), and the weak nuclear force got "left-handedness". So apparently, from what I can gather, free electrons all obey the "right-hand rule" of electromagnetism, whereas electrons bound in orbit around a nucleus all obey the "left-hand rule" of the weak nuclear force, and it has something to do with that binding process that converts the electron's chirality from left-handed to right-handed or vice versa, and that has something to do with the electron absorbing or emitting a Higgs boson from/to the Higgs field.

So there aren't just electrons and positrons, there are left-chiral and right-chiral electrons and positrons. So you have left-chiral electrons (ie: electrons bound in orbit to a nucleus) that can annihilate with right-chiral positrons to create photons, but because the weak nuclear force only acts upon left-chiral entities (and their right-chiral anti-entities), you wouldn't have right-chiral electrons (free electrons) annihilating with left-chiral positrons (which is why we have free electrons in the first place, otherwise they would have all annihilated long ago). As for the electrons spit out when the 60Co beta decayed in the experiment above, they'd eventually mutually annihilate with a positron.

All this has important implications in superconductor research, as it's implied that electrical resistance is brought about by free electrons (which obey the right-hand rule of the electromagnetic force) interacting with bound electrons (which obey the left-hand rule of the weak nuclear force) which causes the free electrons to slow down, thus creating electrical resistance. This is why cooling the conductive material to cryogenic temperatures reduces resistance, it apparently damps the weak nuclear force, thus allowing those free electrons to travel freely through the conductive material without interacting much with the bound electrons. If a material could be made that did away with (substituting the electromagnetic force) or suppressed the weak nuclear force at room temperature, it would apparently be superconducting at room temperature.

I'm still trying to figure out how all the above information fits in with magnets. Permanent magnets are essentially both sides of the coin in that they are comprised of material which has bound electrons orbiting a nucleus (and hence those electrons obey the left-hand rule of the weak nuclear force), and magnets generate magnetic force (which obeys the right-hand rule of the electromagnetic force), so they're a bit of a conundrum.

The W and Z bosons are responsible for quark color change and lepton chirality change. I'm still trying to figure out the exact interaction within the magnet that causes the left-handed magnetic material (because remember, point charges bound in orbit about a nucleus are left-handed) to create magnetism that obeys the right-hand rule.

Chirality also happens to have an effect upon many other things... for instance, crystal growth, and the growth of plants. Both of which Mr. Wheeler experimented with while unknowingly confirming the underlying precepts of Quantum Mechanics. I don't think that's what he wanted to do, however. If he'd done more studying and less credit-stealing pontification and name-calling, he'd have realized that he was actually doing experiments that confirmed QM.

The above alone is enough to totally demolish Wheelerism. Without this weak nuclear force, nuclear fusion wouldn't be possible, meaning stars could not exist... and given that Mr. Wheeler has denied the mass-energy equivalency concept, he denies nuclear fusion, so his take on the universe would result in a universe which could not exist in its present form.

In fact, even Mr. Wheeler's contention that there is only one "mass particle" in the universe, which can spontaneously change between "proton-form" and "neutron-form" (changing size and weight significantly (by orders of magnitude) in the process) wouldn't work without him acknowledging chirality as discovered by and explained by QM... a proton must capture an electron to convert to a neutron (remember, Mr. Wheeler denies the existence of electrons), and when a neutron decays, it gives off a proton and electron... and the process only works with left-handed chirality electrons.

Here's some good reading on the topic:


