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Quanta Magnetics Experimental Kits

Started by Scorch, October 15, 2014, 02:06:58 PM

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Hey Bill.  :)

I am familiar with bandwidth.
Please explain:  How does the method a page displays an image or wraps text actually effect bandwidth?

Is it possible bandwidth may actually be conserved by NOT serving and displaying the full size image until user actually requests it by clicking on a thumbnail image or link?

Kindest regards;


Quote from: Pirate88179 on October 19, 2014, 08:12:24 PM
It's called bandwidth.  That costs money and Stefan (Our gracious host)  has to deal with millions of posts, many of which have photos so, a compromise has to be reached.  I post everything at 800x600 and have no problems.  If needed in a certain situation, one could email a higher res photo to show some special detail although i would doubt that this would happen often.



Hey MileHigh.  :)

Please forgive my confusion and additional questions for the purposes of clarification and "reassessment" as you suggested.

Is the humble *question the same as a firm statement?  ???
*Asked for purpose of gaining information so one may reassess.

And what is the definition of a "bad guy" or "an apparent effort to keep us in the dark" in the context of this exploration of these possibilities?

Here is what I believe the definition might be:
"A guy who may interfere with scientific discovery processes by repeatedly claiming "it doesn't work", or author a lot of other negative claims, before he or I have actually built or tested the G1.".

Another possible definition might be:
"A guy who may interfere with this process by way of a substantial number of frivolous claims including, but not limited to,"spin zone", "cop out", "highway robbery", "lying", "pretending", "hiding","talking nonsense", "ignoring", "ridiculous", "fake attempt" and "impossible""
Just to name a few of the more recent and other definitions may be applicable.

Here are some other direct quotes of MileHigh from the last few days:
"I would advise everyone in the strongest possible terms to avoid Quanta Magnetics devices like the plague."
"pump it up so that you can dump it on someone else"
"he (Mike Kantz) barely knows what he is doing when it comes to electronics."
"Anybody saying or suggesting that it's remarkable that the device can produce high voltages is disingenuous and misleading."
[ Note: See scope voltage measurement here- www.overunity.com/15030/gyroscopic-inertia-generator/msg420509/#msg420509
And video of high voltage experiment here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8kTzzAf_dw ]
"There is nothing promising or remarkable about that and for me there is nothing intriguing going on.  The clip is a dud that says next to nothing."
"Generate some energy my ass"
"...you are leading yourself down a garden path."
"All that you are doing is blindly believing..."
"The entire notion is complete and utter crap."
"...you are starting out on the wrong foot..."
"It's just one of many myths that is pervasive on the free energy forums."
"That's a claim of over unity and it is pure BS, a lie."
(In response to the video demonstration and Mike's dialogue: "Becasue this alternator fits within the space of the outer gyro weight and the innermost axis here, it does not kill the inertia of the gyro when this thing is under load.")
"...claim from Mike Kantz which is more nonsensical BS..."
"You have to get real, Mike Kantz is lying.  Your backpedaling and frivolous discussion..."
"That is just ridiculous nonsense to appeal to the "New Age consciousness" crowd in an attempt to make a sale."
(He wrote about Scorch who was merely referring to the verifiable, scientific, source field investigations and who is not actually selling anything.)
"...or just stick your head in the sand and keep marching forward talking pseudo-tech without substance and parroting stuff"
"Is that really true or is it just a fake attempt to hide your head in the sand and try to pretend that there is a "bad guy?"
"What you have learned so far is that you have made many incorrect assumptions and statements."
(As if he holds first hand knowledge of Scorch's reality therefore 'knows' what Scorch has learned...)

What have I learned?
I have learned there appears to be substantial negativity in just a few days.  :o
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I don't know. *shrugs*
There usually are reasons for such things and I am first to admit I know nothing therefore I take no position that it's "good" or "bad".

It just IS. A mere neutral event.
Therefore I intend to merely continue moving forward to actually gain experiential knowledge BEFORE claiming "it does (or doesn't) work".  :)
See: www.overunity.com/15030/gyroscopic-inertia-generator/

Please forgive him as he knows, not, what he does and I see no evidence or record that a humble question is the same as a bold statement, or the existence of a proof of any of these or those claims, and I believe no such evidence or record exists.  8)

Kindest regards;


Scorch merely asked: "Is there an apparent effort to keep us in the dark?"
MileHigh wrote:
Quote from: MileHigh on October 19, 2014, 04:24:40 PM

It's time for you to reassess and think about that statement.  Is that really true or is it just a fake attempt to hide your head in the sand and try to pretend that there is a "bad guy?"


P.S.:  Bill, thank you for your posting of support.

Does Bill support the negativity discovered throughout this record?



That's a nice try but it's a hollow attempt.  Every one of those points has a legitimate context.  Some of those points were made to you, but you didn't respond and you clammed up.  It would seem that you are afraid to address many of the issues raised.

When a free energy or alternative energy promoter is a "pro,"  i.e.; they are doing something professionally, I discuss their propositions and evaluate what they are doing based on reality.  They are evaluated relative to legitimate technology.  Are they offering something of value?  Are they being honest?  Do they know what they are talking about?  If someone is an amateur experimenter not looking to make a buck off of somebody else, I don't say anything, even if they are talking crazy nonsense.  Once in a while I may offer a helpful suggestion but that's it.

Fix the World are pros.  Ineligentry are pros.  Quanta Magnets is a pro.  If a "pro" organization offers something credible and of value and they know what they are talking about, I will say so.  If they offer something that's not credible, it's of very little value, and they don't know what they are talking about, I will say so also.  There are some people reading that can get something out of this.  All three of the aforementioned organizations fail miserably in all three categories.  Jamie Robitaille and John Rohner can barely punch their way out of a wet paper bag when it comes to electronics, yet they promote themselves as electronics experts and they use that self-promotion to solicit funds from people and I take issue with that.

So, my impression is that you thought Quanta Magnetics offered somewhat pricey but great products and you collaborated with this guy and got support from him, etc, etc.  You thought his technology was great and amazing.  Now it comes as a shock to you to hear someone express a differing opinion and it's someone with a technical background.

You are not the issue, but if you stick like glue to Quanta Magnetics naturally some of what I say is going to be upsetting to you.  But I will repeat again, you are not the issue.  There has been negativity expressed about Quanta Magnetics and it's legitimate.  If you want to stick up for them then respond to the issues I have raised about them.  If you don't want to respond or can't respond then let it go.  You just bought a few kits from them, you don't have to be stuck to them like glue.

The abuse of technical language to pump up your product is a real issue if you are a pro.  "TPA" stands for "Toroidal Power Amplifier."  I see a toroid ferrite with two coils wrapped around it that is coaxial with the main shaft of the pulse motor.  That's not a "power amplifier" and it certainly does NOT amplify power.  Do you have anything to say about that fact?  Or do you just remain mute and accuse me of "negativity?"

Now is this next comment "negativity" or a "blunt technical critique?"  It looks like the "TPA" is a toroid that is coaxial with the pulse motor and there are spinning magnets inside it.  (see attached pic.)  I bet you thought that was pretty cool.  The harsh reality is this:  It's totally retarded, show that to a bunch of engineers and they would gasp in disbelief.  You probably didn't realize how ridiculous that design is.  For sure you will get something out of the two coils wrapped around the toroid, but it's still retarded.  It's almost like it's out of Monty Python's Flying Circus.  If you don't know why I am saying that, start yourself on a learning course about electronics in parallel with your experimentation with the motor.

Here is the clip again:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8kTzzAf_dw

There is no power amplification going on and demonstrating increased output voltage should be demonstrated and explained.  Unfortunately most likely Mike Kantz can't explain what is happening in that clip.

Here is a clip where it is clear that he cannot explain what is happening and there is no power amplification taking place:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3b3h2cEbHw&list=UUreJcMjYx-ovTpN4MomNNtw

So what is positive in what I am saying?  Now you know the truth about Quanta Magnetics.  You are a little bit wiser.  I am still encouraging you to experiment to your heart's content with your pulse motor.  However, now you know that many "remarkable effects" shown by Quanta Magnetics are explainable and not remarkable.  You also know that Mike Kantz can't explain them himself.  That means if you invest some time and put some effort into experimenting and learning, in a few short months you will have far surpassed what you see from Quanta Magnetics.

Put it this way:  If you have a trusted movie reviewer and he or she tells you a new movie sucks, then you just saved a hundred bucks because you don't take your wife and kids out to see that movie.  That is a positive.




The "TPA" is nothing more than a pick-up transformer added to the pulse motor shaft.  i,e.; It's nothing more than adding a generator pick-up coil setup attached to the pulse motor.  By definition, a transformer does not amplify power.  So calling it a "Toroidal Power Amplifier" is yet another lie.

HOWEVER, never in my life have I seen a toroidal ferrite core used as the core for a magnetic pick-up coil.  Toroidal cores are designed for usage as toroidal transformers.  They were never designed to be used as pick-up coils.

Nonetheless, the spinning magnet on the center axis of the toroidal core will induce changing flux through the core that the the pick-up cols will see and you will get an output.  But it is very unorthodox.  So much so, that you can say that the design is "retarded."  I doubt Mike Kantz realized this when he designed it.

Plus the pulse motor already has generator coils as part of the design.  What is the point in adding yet another set of generator coils?

Like I said to you before, every single clip from Quanta Magnetics is filled with gaffes, and he never offers anything of substance with respect to his voice-over beyond the most basic description of what is going on.  It's like that movie "Catch Me if you Can" where the protagonist bluffs his way through impersonating a doctor by watching some movies featuring doctors and some medical soap operas on TV.



Hey MileHigh.  :)

Please forgive me but I am very busy making an honest, scientific method, attempt to replicate the experiment and results; therefore all this discussion about why it 'won't work' is absolutely irrelevant, very distracting from this scientific process others are attempting to follow, and detrimental to the spirit and intent of this forum.

Absolutely irrelevant until such time somebody actually does make an honest attempt to replicate the experiment by actually building it and attempting to replicate the apparent results.
THIS is what a peer review is. I am NOT qualified to peer review the experiment without actually reviewing the experiment through a hands on, scientific method, process including replication of the experiment.

Please forgive me and my choice to "clam up" and set aside all your irrelevant, negative, "same old song", opinions about how that, which you and I have not yet built, 'doesn't work' so that I may actually move forward.

And IF the replication of this experiment actually does reach a 'dead end', sometime in the future, then I might consider your opinions but, more than likely, I will seek a more neutral, unbiased, authority for assistance now that you have brought so much controversy about said unknown future.

Kindest regards;


Quote from: MileHigh on October 20, 2014, 01:24:58 PM

That's a nice try but it's a hollow attempt.  Every one of those points has a legitimate context.  Some of those points were made to you, but you didn't respond and you clammed up.  It would seem that you are afraid to address many of the issues raised.

When a free energy or alternative energy promoter is a "pro,"  i.e.; they are doing something professionally, I discuss their propositions and evaluate what they are doing based on reality.  They are evaluated relative to legitimate technology.  Are they offering something of value?  Are they being honest?  Do they know what they are talking about?  If someone is an amateur experimenter not looking to make a buck off of somebody else, I don't say anything, even if they are talking crazy nonsense.  Once in a while I may offer a helpful suggestion but that's it.

Fix the World are pros.  Ineligentry are pros.  Quanta Magnets is a pro.  If a "pro" organization offers something credible and of value and they know what they are talking about, I will say so.  If they offer something that's not credible, it's of very little value, and they don't know what they are talking about, I will say so also.  There are some people reading that can get something out of this.  All three of the aforementioned organizations fail miserably in all three categories.  Jamie Robitaille and John Rohner can barely punch their way out of a wet paper bag when it comes to electronics, yet they promote themselves as electronics experts and they use that self-promotion to solicit funds from people and I take issue with that.

So, my impression is that you thought Quanta Magnetics offered somewhat pricey but great products and you collaborated with this guy and got support from him, etc, etc.  You thought his technology was great and amazing.  Now it comes as a shock to you to hear someone express a differing opinion and it's someone with a technical background.

You are not the issue, but if you stick like glue to Quanta Magnetics naturally some of what I say is going to be upsetting to you.  But I will repeat again, you are not the issue.  There has been negativity expressed about Quanta Magnetics and it's legitimate.  If you want to stick up for them then respond to the issues I have raised about them.  If you don't want to respond or can't respond then let it go.  You just bought a few kits from them, you don't have to be stuck to them like glue.

The abuse of technical language to pump up your product is a real issue if you are a pro.  "TPA" stands for "Toroidal Power Amplifier."  I see a toroid ferrite with two coils wrapped around it that is coaxial with the main shaft of the pulse motor.  That's not a "power amplifier" and it certainly does NOT amplify power.  Do you have anything to say about that fact?  Or do you just remain mute and accuse me of "negativity?"

Now is this next comment "negativity" or a "blunt technical critique?"  It looks like the "TPA" is a toroid that is coaxial with the pulse motor and there are spinning magnets inside it.  (see attached pic.)  I bet you thought that was pretty cool.  The harsh reality is this:  It's totally retarded, show that to a bunch of engineers and they would gasp in disbelief.  You probably didn't realize how ridiculous that design is.  For sure you will get something out of the two coils wrapped around the toroid, but it's still retarded.  It's almost like it's out of Monty Python's Flying Circus.  If you don't know why I am saying that, start yourself on a learning course about electronics in parallel with your experimentation with the motor.

Here is the clip again:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8kTzzAf_dw

There is no power amplification going on and demonstrating increased output voltage should be demonstrated and explained.  Unfortunately most likely Mike Kantz can't explain what is happening in that clip.

Here is a clip where it is clear that he cannot explain what is happening and there is no power amplification taking place:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3b3h2cEbHw&list=UUreJcMjYx-ovTpN4MomNNtw

So what is positive in what I am saying?  Now you know the truth about Quanta Magnetics.  You are a little bit wiser.  I am still encouraging you to experiment to your heart's content with your pulse motor.  However, now you know that many "remarkable effects" shown by Quanta Magnetics are explainable and not remarkable.  You also know that Mike Kantz can't explain them himself.  That means if you invest some time and put some effort into experimenting and learning, in a few short months you will have far surpassed what you see from Quanta Magnetics.

Put it this way:  If you have a trusted movie reviewer and he or she tells you a new movie sucks, then you just saved a hundred bucks because you don't take your wife and kids out to see that movie.  That is a positive.
