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Confessions of khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Oklahoma City, PanAm 800 and American 587

Started by synchro1, May 21, 2015, 10:18:50 PM

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Here are three alternative explanations for three highly contrived government accounts:

In number 4, KSM admits his participation in the "Shoe Bomber operation to down two American airplanes." Again, this seems like a credible claim.

Number 3, however, was originally posted as "REDACTED." This was before the Internet started humming about its likely contents.

Given the placement of number 3 high among the provable acts of terror committed against Americans on American soil, I and others speculated that KSM may very well have been staking claim to one of two events.

One is the Oklahoma City bombing. As has been well enough documented, convicted conspirator Terry Nichols made multiple trips to the Philippines when KSM's "nephew," Ramzi Yousef, was living there. Yousef was constructing the bombs for the impending aviation attack that KSM refers to as "the Bojinka operation."

According to a recent House report, Nichols traveled with the book, "The Chemistry of Powder and Explosives," and just happened to show up in Cebu City at the exact same time as master bomber Yousef.

This was November 1994, six months before the Oklahoma City bombing. Nichols changed his itinerary immediately after Yousef's lab was busted by the Manila police in January 1995 and left the county in haste.

In "Against All Enemies," Clinton anti-terror czar Richard Clarke has this to say about the visits of these two terrorists to the same city in the same country at the same time: "We do know that Nichols' bombs did not work before his Philippine stay," writes Clarke, "and were deadly when he returned."

The second likely suspect for the redacted terror act was TWA Flight 800, the 747 blown out of the sky off the coast of Long Island on July 17, 1996, Saddam's national liberation day.

According to two separate sources within the NSA, on the night the plane went down Yousef phoned KSM from his New York City prison and said—in their native Baluchi– "What had to be done has been done, TWA 800″.

American Airlines 587 was blamed on the pilot for kicking the tail off the aircraft with the rudder pedals. Pan Am 800 was blamed on a short circuit when multiple witnesses reported seeing missiles ascending toward the aircraft. Oklahoma was blamed on Tim McVeigh when an Arab was witnessed parking the Ryder Truck.


David Phillip Schippers was an organized crime investigator at the Department of Justice from 1963 to 1967. In 1998 he became chief counsel to the House of Representatives leading the impeachment of President Bill Clinton.


"Clinton and his boys didn't want the United States to realize that  Flight 800 was a terrorist attack and that Oklahoma City was a terrorist attack because they didn't want to admit that the intelligence of the United States was totally destroyed".

Schippers went on to be quoted as saying; "If the Department of Justice had not ignored the evidence indicating direct Middle Eastern involvement in the 1995 bombing, it is entirely likely that the Twin Towers would still be standing".


Dan Vogel, FBI Special Agent (Ret.)

"What they (The FBI) did was unconscionable".

"The Bureau needed to look into this Middle East network here in Oklahoma City".

"If they had, maybe they would have come upon the network behind the September 11 attacks".


On February 28, of 1993, I sat at home in New Jersey watching the news coverage of the first Ryder Truck Amfo Bomb attack on the WTC. That night I drove into New York and staked the East Village out. After a few hours, an Arab woman approaced the driver side window from behind and spoke: "Don't look at me"! she said. "I know you're a cop"! "There's gonna be another attack tomorrow". I asked where? She said: "Mid Town". I said, "I need more then that". She said "The tunnel." Then she turned and hurried accross 3rd St. and vanished. I never got a good look at her.

The light of realization came to me. I knew of a section in tube number two of the Lincoln tunnel that had ruptured during construction. The leak was so large, box cars had to be lowered by crane off barges on the Hudson River to plug it. Even now, a concave indentation can be seen in the wall just over the NY line in the south wall of the middle of tube number two. Practicly every commuter has had it pointed out.

The next day, March the 1st , I took off to encounter them at 2:00 P.M. I choose that time because this is when traffic lull is the greatest. When I got to the tunnel tolls at the end of NJ S3, it looked like a scene out of one of Rod Serling's "Twilight Zone" episodes. No Toll takers were on duty in the booths, no Port Authority cops were around. Traffic was piled up in tube two, but the cars were empty. Tubes one and three are for one way traffic in and out of the City. Tube two has two lanes, with traffic both ways. I waited a few minutes and saw no cars coming. I was armed with a broken .22 caliber Crossman pellet gun. I turned into the oncoming traffic lane and guned the V6 cylinder Buick LeSabre I was driving. My hands sweat at the wheel as the speedometer approached 100 around a long blind curve. I began to notice people in the stalled cars, perhaps hundreds to my right as I blasted by full speed. I saw the fractured section approaching and slamed the breaks on screaching to a halt. There they were! I recognized Ramzi Yousef in the back seat of a stalled Rambler in an overcoat. He was pointed out to me in Brooklyn the day he first got off the plane in New York by friends. I drew a bead on him with my Crossman. There were five or six of them, disguised as Hasidic Jews, in Felt Fedoras and phony mostaches. Emud Salem, the Egyptian infiltrator was leaning over open hood of the car. He used my presence to improvise strategy, and called the attack off. I pealed out. At the New York end there were another handful of Arabs blocking traffic, who drew weapons on me. I skidded a U turn through some yellow cones, and sped back to NJ through tube number three. When I got back home, I phoned the FBI and reported the trouble.

That night Ramzi Youssef boarded a plane for Pakistan with a bogus passport.


President Clinton nominated Louis Freeh to the FBI directorship at a Rose Garden ceremony on July 20 1993. On the same day, July 20, Clinton's Executive Counsel Vince Foster was found dead from a gun shot wound to the head in Ft. Marcy Park, McLean, Virginia. Louis Freeh investigated the Foster death, the Oklahoma City bombing and the explosion that downed Pan Am 800. All three investigations were heavily belabored by chronic eyewitnesses interpolations by F.B.I. agents. This is where the interviewing agent states what the witness said for the record not the direct testimony from the eyewitness.

Dan Vogel, FBI Special Agent (Ret.) referring to Oklahoma:

"What they (The FBI) did was unconscionable".

In September of the same year 1993, I was falsely charged with homicide attempt in Eureka California but exonerated by a Trial Jury with a verdict of "Not Guilty". The F.B.I. claimed that I was "very very dangerous" in the trial documents!