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'Impossible' rocket drive works and could get to Moon in four hours

Started by Pirate88179, July 29, 2015, 01:12:10 AM

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I read a  post  here,   about someone wanting to achieve  an   'Elliptical Orbit'  replication,  like the planets do (  I don't know if electrons also do  )

You could do that  easily with  my invention   http://overunity.com/15966/my-levitating-object-invention/msg458891/#msg458891

(  On the above page  search for   3_V magneticTrack.jpg   )

(  But,   a  'much-purer'  replication could be done with my original   'magnetic-toy-car'   on  a  'flat-magnetic-surface',   then remove the  car-body  ,   and just have a  'Levitating-Object'  floating  freely  on the   'magnetic-surface' ,    and  have  a   'central-magnet'    representing  the  SUN,    and see what results  you could get  .   
       This method would allow the  'Levitating-Object'  to find it's own  eliptical  path,   instead of using my   'Unpowered-Magnetic-Levitation-Track',   in my invention above )

AN  OVERUNITY ( PERPETUAL MOTION )  DEVICE  BASED ON AN ELLIPTICAL ORBIT,   WOULD BE INTERESTING,  remembering that it would only need to be slightly eliptical.

(  Another method could be the  'Magnet-Inside-A-Copper-Pipe'  principle,  but I don't know if that principle functions  horizontally  )



@ AC,

After the tube rotates 180o and the sphere reaches the top of the tube, the center of mass will now be at the center of rotation.  The system is totally balanced at this point.  The next 180o of rotation will be free wheeling it.  After a full 360o rotation, the system will be top heavy again.  Most wheels almost make it one full rotation just by having a simple weight attached to it.  The problem is on the upwards stroke of the weight, it will slow the system down before it can reach a full rotation.  However, what I'm proposing is, during most of the upwards stroke the system won't slow down since the weight is evenly distributed during most of that half cycle.  There will be a small decrease in speed on the upwards stroke, but it should make it a full rotation in order to complete the next cycle.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

God will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  He will catch the wise in their own craftiness.


Quote from: MarkE on August 11, 2015, 08:41:07 PM
The GPE is the energy store.  The demonstrated machine moves water up and down and if there were no losses, would still exhibit no gains.  As I understand it, you want to make the tube extra slippery so that you can move the tube independently of the water.  You are still just moving a mass up and down and cannot realize any energy gain cycle to cycle.  If the tube is closed at the top then slippery or not you will be lifting and dropping water mass in addition to the mass of the tube and it is back to square one.

Let's put things back into perspective.  He never said there would be an energy gain.  He said it would be a conservative system with no losses and no gains.  There's a BIG difference in lifting a mass that has weight, and lifting the same mass that is weightless.  You're reply conveniently left out the fact that the mass the system will be lifting will be weightless on the upwards stroke.  I guess some things will never change.  So, the system will be lifting a water column that is weightless due to it's own inertia on the upwards stroke and it will move up and down freely on friction-less magnetic springs.  I must say, it's a really nice concept!

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

God will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  He will catch the wise in their own craftiness.


We could think of it this way, I have a pendulum with the mass suspended on the left hand side (A) of center. I place a float on the mass then let go and the mass and float swing through center to the far right (B) and stops. If energy is conserved then how did the float travel through the distance from A to B?. Sure the height of the mass and float are nearly the same at A and B but that does not change the fact the float moved through a large distance from point A to point B while energy was being conserved. Why if I had a very long pendulum wire suspended from a fixed balloon in the upper atmosphere I could theoretically swing 100 miles and yet energy is for the most part conserved. I would rather swing 100 miles than walk it any day of the week. You see some very strange things can occur while energy is being conserved however it depends on one's perspective of what is actually happening and why it is happening.

The water/tube oscillation as explained is almost the same only in this case it does not act like a pendulum persay but more like a mass on a spring. As we all know when a mass on a spring reaches the peak of it's stroke upward it stops and becomes weightless for a moment. So I add energy to bounce my mass on a spring with a float on top of the mass and at the top of the stroke when the mass stops and becomes weightless for a moment I remove the float from the mass... no big deal. I then remove the energy I put into the system to make the mass bounce and energy is very nearly conserved.... again no big deal.

It is all dependent upon that one singular moment in time when a mass reaches the peak of it's upward motion then stops and becomes weightless. For a brief moment in time it acts like it's in outer space with little or no gravity rather than here on Earth. Think about that... no matter it's weight for a brief moment in time it is weightless.

Knowledge without Use and Expression is a vain thing, bringing no good to its possessor, or to the race.


Quote from: allcanadian on August 12, 2015, 01:35:43 AM
We could think of it this way, I have a pendulum with the mass suspended on the left hand side (A) of center. I place a float on the mass then let go and the mass and float swing through center to the far right (B) and stops. If energy is conserved then how did the float travel through the distance from A to B?. Sure the height of the mass and float are nearly the same at A and B but that does not change the fact the float moved through a large distance from point A to point B while energy was being conserved. Why if I had a very long pendulum wire suspended from a fixed balloon in the upper atmosphere I could theoretically swing 100 miles and yet energy is for the most part conserved. I would rather swing 100 miles than walk it any day of the week. You see some very strange things can occur while energy is being conserved however it depends on one's perspective of what is actually happening and why it is happening.
Energy does not change with position per se.  Kinetic energy at a constant speed is itself constant even though position constantly changes.  Kinetic energy can remain constant even though velocity direction is constantly changing, so long as the acceleration is always orthogonal to the instant direction of travel.

The water/tube oscillation as explained is almost the same only in this case it does not act like a pendulum persay but more like a mass on a spring. As we all know when a mass on a spring reaches the peak of it's stroke upward it stops and becomes weightless for a moment. So I add energy to bounce my mass on a spring with a float on top of the mass and at the top of the stroke when the mass stops and becomes weightless for a moment I remove the float from the mass... no big deal. I then remove the energy I put into the system to make the mass bounce and energy is very nearly conserved.... again no big deal.
And if you keep removing lifted mass, you keep removing PE from the system until eventually you have taken it all away.

It is all dependent upon that one singular moment in time when a mass reaches the peak of it's upward motion then stops and becomes weightless. For a brief moment in time it acts like it's in outer space with little or no gravity rather than here on Earth. Think about that... no matter it's weight for a brief moment in time it is weightless.
For an instant, the velocity is zero.  The acceleration is in fact at a maximum at that same instant.