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Over unity in copper

Started by giantkiller, August 19, 2008, 01:44:51 AM

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I started this thread to capture the main documentation of rotating magnetic field against copper.
This is a must read for anybody pursuing this technology.
--giantkiller. Winding will do you no good until you know what you are up against.

The Peculiar Nature of Copper:
On rotating magnetic fields and mass rotation:

I believe you are missing a valuble quality of the nature of Copper which may shed light on this concept. The major weight of the copper atom lies in the nucleus. The nucleus of a copper atom is magnetic, but its electron shell is not magnetic but electric.

If you place copper in a rotating magnetic field one of two outcomes will happen. The copper will be physically dragged along with the moving magnetic field, or if the angle intersects wire at 90 degrees you will produce an electric flow. You get torsion or EM and the two are not the same.

The mass of the copper can thus be rotated without physically moving the copper device at the electron or matter bonding point.

As the moving magnetic field intersects a wire at 90 degrees the familiar kick will emerge. If you stretch this pulse out on your scope you will notice it is a series of sine waves at the NMR frequency. Maybe about 6 sine pulses at approximastly 5 Mhz.

Copper will act like a magnet at the Proton layer and it will follow a moving magnetic field, precessing around the polar alignment. These NMR pulses were discovered in the 50's by a nobel prize winner, and then abruptly forgotten, where down to now we still believe the myth that induction and diamagnetic fields happen only on the electron shell. Not true, the Proton is very much involved in this process.

Because the Proton will lag the turn of the magnetic field due to its higher mass we get a dragging effect from that layer that pulls the electron shell into a negative or dragged state. Induction lags in time frame, and the NMR rate is the factor by which it lags.

The TPU would seem to be turning the magnetic field in the copper atoms, using 90 degree pulsing coils. To make it turn completely over takes only a syncronized pulsing scheme. The magnetic field will rotate its poles through the collector wire loop. As the poles cross the wire no current will flow and energy will move into the torsion field, as the magnetic field moves past the 90 degree angle with the collector wire the energy will shoot into the electric field and the series of very high pulses will be shot down the wire as it crosses.

The TPU is embedded in cork to stop it from vibrating to pieces. Each time the magnetic field moves between the torsion state and the Electric state it creates a small jerk and makes a physical motion of the wires.

The TPU exhibits an inertial momentum, or gyro effect because its Proton layer is in a spinning motion of its magnetic poles, this creates a "forced precession". Best guess.

The entire mass of the copper is in rotation at the nucleus, this is one quality of copper making it an AG metal.

Dave L

Over unity in Copper

A device that appears to produce more output energy than goes into it can be loosely called an over unity device. However we know that energy does not come from no where. There is much speculation as to where this energy might come from, and many theories have been written now at the beginning of the 21st century, but to date no one is freely sharing a working device with the world. The purpose of this document is to show that this is very possible, and from what we already know today. One need only give up the notion that Copper atoms run on energy from the big bang winding down, and adopt a more rational concept that they are actually powered moment to moment from a light speed spin existing within them that produces continual mass momentum of the nucleus which is self regulating and self recovering back to a near light speed constant. A redirection of this internal force can set the stage to capture the internal energy.

In 1997 a device surfaced claimed to have been created by Steven Mark that was shown to produce some 1 Kw of power containing little more than Copper windings embedded in cork and plastic and some "secret" pulsing circuitry. The device was sealed, suposedly due to financial reasons.Once started up this device was self powering. One more example to be added to Floyd Sweet and Hubbard that appears to be over unity with respect to our physical world.

Looking closely at NMR [nuclear magnetic resonance] it becomes apparent that devices that pulse copper coils can be set up to produce more electric output than is put into them to cause the output that it should based on the simple turns ratio formulas, using 90 degree positioned coils. While this apears exciting on the surface we must realize there is a difference between the presence of voltage, and power, which is also a function of the current flowing. To cause an output from Copper wire which is driven, not entirely by the input pulse, but by the input pulse plus the atoms natural self regulating negative response to the input pulse and its normal mass rotation, seems to be the method. This can be though of as redirection of the atoms natural nuclear force. Wilbert Smith also spoke of reversed precession, found in Otis Carrs saga as forced precession. These are mass and motion manipulations, and when we compare the interaction of voltage and current in Copper we see the tempic field split the electric and magnetic forces into a leading and lagging situation. Normally this will not create an OU situation. The feeling of most studying the OU devices we have had access to, believe there is a condition possible that will in fact do this. The factor that is not being considered in the normal EM technology is the mass of rotation at the nucleus, and its natural precession motion. If this motion can be altered to lower the atoms negative responses than a tempic field acceleration may be possible. Copper has a magnetic hook at the nucleus allowing mass rotational effects to be manipulated. We have been finding this normally around 1 to 2 Mhz in many of the coil devices we are experimenting with. The actual frequency is a function of the magnetic field intensity, so with AC this is in a state of constant change and may follow the normal EM resonance of coils.

Density sphere:
[Square wave transmittion]
It is not normally expected that a square wave can propagate a transformer because copper is seen conventionally to react only to a changing current.
In normal EM interactions, as we hit the electron shell with a flowing electric current, the Protons magnetic field will turn to align with it one of two ways, but it will always follow the magnetic poles bringing spin of mass along with it. The Proton will turn slower, however it carries the mass of the atom with it so the tempic field effect is a dragging of the current generated back out by the effect. This will cause the current to lag the voltage as the mass spins up, dragging the electron flow on the surface of the electron shell. The interaction resists the change of current and not its static state. Conventional EM electronics believes this is strictly an electron shell effect but will agree that the current will in fact lag the voltage in copper coils and this is a "real time" or tempic field effect. What they miss is that the effect is also a geometricly spherical effect and 90 degree coils can show this, they do not normally identify this with the coppers mass. In the 90 degree coil set ups we see extremely high voltage spikes as the voltage is turned 90 degrees faster than the Proton can turn the mass of the nucleus.

As we turn the magnetic field by 90 degrees, there is a reverse current surge along the original spin plane and a voltage surge along the new spin plane at 90 degrees. The two sit in spinning opposition to one another because one is the back EM and one is the forward EM. We have now seperated the forwards Electron spin from the dragging Proton spin for a measure of real time at the NMR rate angularly. If we place two sets of coils on a density sphere at 90 degrees, pulse two at 90 degrees in series, then extract from two more in "series reversing" we get back out the original wave by capturing both spin planes and combining the current surge back into the voltage surge as aiding pulses rather than countering ones. The coil config will pass a square wave through it keeping the sides very sharp as it captures both surges. This is quite an accomplishment for a copper transformer. Passing a true square wave.We have captured both halves of this from both spin planes at 90 degrees and recombined them by reversing the phase. It is also possible to put an AC voltage into one scalar coil set and get the original wave back out by using the other two coils at 90 degrees to the primary. With these configurations we see actual power moving through a scalar cancelling coil and having enough current to carry a load. This is in direct violation to current teachings for EM as to cancelled magnetic fields.

Under normal circumstances the density sphere can give nearly a 1 to 1 power throughput on this and carry a load with a square wave moving through it. Very strange to see a scalar cancelling coil transmitting power to a load. Also very strange to see a square wave moving through a transformer, with flat tops to the wave forms, which are not thought to be a change of current, but when broken down at two angles in fact are.

In a system with one coil wrapped at 90 degrees over a larger inner coil to form a donut the following wave forms are observed. The system is pulsed with square waves of almost any frequency below 5 MHz.

Shown on the left, the length of the square wave input pulse for the donut setup was altered to see what change it had on output and discovered that there only need be one pulse of around 5 MHz to produce the full output signature observed on the right above. NMR teaches that a 1/4 wave pulse is all that is necessary to set the mass of the copper atoms nucleus into motion. If one now adds these output pulses up coming back out of the 90 degree coil they discover it apears to have more energy over time than the single pulse starting the process. The output energy is directly related to the mass of the Copper under transition as it continues to move after the initial pulse is gone, and larger more massive coils produce more power output on this trailing ringing wave. Small coils produce unstable pulses and touching them can disturb these, but more massive coils produce strong pulses immune to external capacitive effects that become very stable. A single loop coil 6 inches wrapped with #10 wire, surrounded by 5 more #10 Copper rings produces strong pulses that are immune to touching.

The scope is showing the voltage surges, as the electron shell is released from the normal drag when the protons spin is aligned with it. The two forces are countering one another. We see the energy comming out along a different angular axis as the two shells are not in alignment.

The key to power extraction may be related to how the atoms of Copper recover, and it has been observed that the back EMF pulses are often more powerful than the electronics that generate them, often even burning out the driver transistors. While this process may seem rather random, it is not random but related to the NMR rates and when the pulses coincide. You may well pulse up a device many times and only on one out of 100 times the back EMF pulse will fry a transistor.This is probably due to NMR pulses stacking between the coils interactions. This is increased by adding copper to the core of the coils, or a combination of copper wrapped over iron. If done synchronously at the NMR rate I would expect we could learn to fry them every single time. We only need have two of the highest pulses hit at the same moment in time to double its amplitude.

Secondly it was amazingly discovered that even scalar wound coils still produce the NMR pulse just before the energy moves out of the EM layer. These kicks are ever present in scalar wound input coils as well as 90 degree coils wrapped around them.

It has been pointed out that using pulses at 90 degrees to one another does not create a true rotating magnetic field, however one must realize that at the Proton layer, the torsion is in fact in mass rotation. The rotation however is a spiral rotation and it is driven by the mass of the copper that is in rotation. While a pulse of EM through the Copper moves along its Electron shell, the spiraling rotation at the Proton shell is very real, and the tempic field is set now into a smooth sine wave spiraling motion containing a constant energy not totally related  to the energy it took to start this redirection of its normal motion, but to its mass.

On the Steven Marks Device:
Observing the rotation of a magnetic field through a Copper wire, where the field moves, not in the normal method of electric motors but between two coils at 90 degrees to one another in the donut pattern. Magnetic field rotates along the Electron shell, and tempic field swings along the Protons shell which is directly connected to its mass , a distance linear force. This process is an inertial momentum at the Proton layer but becomes EM as it hits the Electron shell once again coming outwards in Copper. This results in a magnetic rotation as well that can be measured with a compass at low frequencies.

The one main advantage to using Copper is that it is the one element that will propagate both EM and Torsion fields through its length. The torsion flows most freely when setting at 45 degrees to the magnetic field, so as the field swings between each 90 degree angle there will be a spurt of torsion through the wire as it crosses 45 degrees. This will cause a physical vibration or a motional effect. As the magnetic field crosses 90 degrees to a wire we get the NMR pulse train an EM effect.

If it were possible to wind many coils at various angles to the input coil, one every few degrees, we would see an almost constant output of pulses in time as the field swings only 90 degrees back and forth between two pulsing coils.


360 degree rotation
If we can master rotation of the Copper nucleus in the correct spin direction, with the correct pulsing configuration, it may be possible to achieve a 360 degree spiral rotation which begins to counter natural precession, and constantly outputting more energy than it take to achieve this rotation. Observing lasigous patterns on an O-scope is an example of this in two dimensions. We must master a three dimensional one however to achieve a complete mass rotation and turn our Copper nucleus mass into a motor armature. If the recovery system of the atoms mass now moves into a closed repeating loop then energy can be extracted from the recovery energy that should far exceed energy to start the process. This is based on the observation that Copper atoms will always recover no matter the load we place on them, they always push back with stronger force.

An EM Density sphere:
A density sphere created on a solid or a hollow Copper sphere would be expected to attain a coherent torsion field through out, and thus using coils wrapped around it at various angles would provide start up energy as well as tapping energy. Output coils must be separate from input coils, and coils can all be driven with the natural outputs from other NMR resonant donut coils producing the correct frequencies of NMR pulses or very close to it.

In this special case of a density sphere, we are moving not only torsion fields but Electron fields into interaction. Voltage follows the Electron shell and current follows the Protons turns angularly. EM resonant coils can be placed at 45 degrees to torsion resonant coils if both interactions are desired to study.

Output is a direct function of Copper mass in rotation along the tempic field. Since the tempic field effects density and gravity as well, this spherical device will emulate a single copper atom along the torsion field, and a single coherent magnet along the Electron shell when Electrons are flowing.

This is the first motor suggested that contains a 3 dimensional armature composed of the mass of all the Copper present in the sphere. The sphere is a Copper only device.

It is believed that using a sphere will allow these principles of mass rotation to be accurately studied and documented. Three large and separate donut coils can be used to drive the system tied to three or more driver coils on the sphere at various angles. In this way independent or non coherent Copper driver coils can be used to pulse the sphere into mass rotation rather than an enormous system of pulsing circuits. Feedback can be via electric or tempic field depending on the coils positioning. 90 degree coils in series can rebuild tempic fields at 5 Mhz external to the device to provide feedback from a 45 degree coil, or 5 Mhz resonant EM coils can be used.

Control requires only three pulsing transistors that can vary frequency and phase.These are run into three separate donut coils and output will be NMR resonant pulses based on the mass of the donuts. To totally eliminate the possibility of frying the transistors the primary side of the donuts can be wound with scalar coils, this will eliminate any possible back EMF. The output side will be normal wound coils, 5 MHz resonant, and feed the next coil series.

Reversed precession:
If a density sphere is driven with DC pulses along the three planes of motion, the magnetic field will move into a precession motion. The North pole of the coils will move in a basic triangle without flipping over. Protons spinning mass will lag this turn. If the direction of rotation is reverse of the Protons mass spin this may lower inductive drag and accelerate the atoms energy state. It is very probably this sort of manipulation at the NMR rates that may lead to some intresting effects in Copper offering more energy out than goes in.

Density sphere as a transformer:
With correct configuration of four coils on the surface of a density sphere we can create a transformer that will pass square waves as well as power a load.
With four coils in another configuration we can power a load using a scalar coil primary in only one spin plane and capturing voltage and current from the other two spin planes as it swings between them. This uses all three spin planes. As the scalar coil is powered with AC the voltage and current alternate between the 90 degree coils and can be recombined in the correct phases to add rather than counter.

This shows the mechanism of scalar cancelling coils and how the actual energy present is not lost, but moves into the inertial momentum of the particle spin motions, and then back out. It also shows how the elements of electronics are actually split between the two shells in operation. The electron being lighter and faster carrying the voltage aspect, and the Proton being slower but more massive carrying the current aspect of the force, in copper. The interaction between the two carrying the power, which is the product of both normally countering spin forces.

Dave L
c_s_s_p group
4 - 4 - 2007

512340 is good model for a field within a field using 1 pulse.
382282 is important in that with two signals it begets a bucking coil unless you drive the segments individually. Then if you goto 6 or 8 or 10 or 12 you will notice other devices come to mind like Searl, Hubbard, Coler, THBrown.
Poynting vectors