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Started by stevensrd1, January 16, 2019, 12:51:21 AM

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 "But here on earth, we seem to have a perfect balance of everything we could possibly need to survive and thrive and potentially do what ever our imaginations can come up with. Nothing a miss" The world we live on is very hostile to any specific life.
Consider humans: most other life forms here are trying to kill us.
'a perfect balance" really? we humans survived and, to some extent, thrived IN SPITE OF, not BECAUSE OF the conditions here.


 author=Magluvin link=topic=18121.msg531140#msg531140 date=1549332631]

QuoteSome planets are just carbon and diamonds. Some have ammonia gas atmosphere, etc.  But here on earth, we seem to have a perfect balance of everything we could possibly need to survive and thrive and potentially do what ever our imaginations can come up with. Nothing a miss that I could think of. Yet many just give it up to just some freak accident.

Lets look at this in a scientific manor.

In our galaxy alone there are an estimated 100 billion stars(suns),and an estimated 160 billion planets-->yes,160 billion.

Quote: Along the years, scientists have come up with what's called the habitable zone, an area around a star's orbit where favorable conditions for harboring life may exist. Now, after hundreds of potential Earth-like planets have been found, scientists have enough data at their disposal to elaborate a statistical hypothesis – there are billions of planets similar to Earth that might potentially support life in our galaxy alone!

So i would say Mag's that our planet is not some freak chance or a 1 of planet.
We are so very young when it comes to knowing what exist out there in our own galaxy,and there are between 200 billion to 2 trillion galaxies out there.

There will exist planets where the life forms have far surpassed us in there evolutionary progress,and there will be planets where life is just beginning.

No one can claim that we are a 1 of planet,where everything is just right,as we have only just begun to look out into space to see what is out there,and in the short time we have been doing this,over 200 earth like planets have been found already.

Science has already proven that some of the stories in the bible are garbage,and simply cannot be done,or did not happen. The problem being,there are those here that believe in the bible,but also claim to believe in science as well. But we find that common sense and science gets pushed aside when it conflicts with there belief,hence the saying--blinded by belief.


As i live in Australia,i can tell you with certainty that the Aboriginal people have lived here in Australia for over 47,000 years--maybe some one forgot to tell them there was a flood coming  :D

I would also add this-->there simply is not enough water to cover the earths surface.
It is good to see the younger generation actually using there common sense,and doing the math and science to get there answers.


This is just one of many occasions where science and math proves that both the ark and the flood never happened.

Was/is there some form of design going on-->yes,of course there is,and it is nature that is carrying out the improvements as time go's on. We see this all the time around us. Here is a perfect example of evolution in every day life.
Lets look at viruses. New ones seem to pop into existence all the time  ::)
So us humans come up with antivirus medicines to kill off this virus,only to find that the virus evolves,and our wonderful antivirus no longer has any effect in killing said virus-->as the virus evolved in order to survive in the environment it live in-->just as we have.

Evolution happens on a daily bases here on earth,and yet there are those that simply refuse to believe,due to it being in conflict with there belief's.



Quote from: Temporal Visitor on February 04, 2019, 08:43:11 AM
Evolution is theory built upon assumptions most of which cannot be tested, repeated, or proven by man or his "science" or "scientific method(s)".

As a theory it is a belief that requires faith and belief in the words and work(s) of other men. = An organized religion by DESIGN, one of willful ignorance without a Creator, making man and Earth insignificant in its scheme and leaving no IF about that fact. 

Organized religion = control of men by men. - As such it is another pill I choose not to swallow.

"No evidence of a deity/deities":  is not evidence or proof of the nonexistence of anything.
Moreover, to believe it is - may well be evidence of a "STRONG DELUSION", of which has been foretold in scripture long before the advent of anyone physically here today. A strong delusion sent for the willfully ignorant who are and WILL to be lost in the material world.

This video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br0Mb-f2qaQ has a message in it, several in fact for any and all who care enough to take the time to read and ponder the meanings of the lyrics.

Then of course there is "science" and the certain "god's" of "science" who have by DESIGN played their bit parts to support the psuedoscientific theory of evolution with even more "pseudoscience" and "mathemagic", namely Einstein and his "theory of relativity" which IMO has been swallowed hook line and sinker by the masses.

Everybody believes they "know" the Earth is spinning and moving in space. A very interesting video 48 minutes long, well researched on the "pseudoscience" and "mathemagics" that is used to this day that makes the world move.


This video helps with the how, what and why they have been misled scientifically BY DESIGN.


IMHO the bottom line is: All anyone has is beliefs. In "the end" those beliefs WILL be THE EVIDENCE tested in the crucible of reality, not by chance, nor by the "science" of "Law" practiced by an ignorant insignificant little man in a black robe pretending to be a "Judge".

Search4truth with all your heart while you can, because surely love will find you in the end. https://youtu.be/nBJYxPN8qIA?t=64

People; all WILL "believe" what they WILL, always.


Never read so much garbage in one post.  ::)


Quote from: tinman on February 05, 2019, 03:47:07 AM
author=Magluvin link=topic=18121.msg531140#msg531140 date=1549332631]

Lets look at this in a scientific manor.

In our galaxy alone there are an estimated 100 billion stars(suns),and an estimated 160 billion planets-->yes,160 billion.

Quote: Along the years, scientists have come up with what's called the habitable zone, an area around a star's orbit where favorable conditions for harboring life may exist. Now, after hundreds of potential Earth-like planets have been found, scientists have enough data at their disposal to elaborate a statistical hypothesis – there are billions of planets similar to Earth that might potentially support life in our galaxy alone!

So i would say Mag's that our planet is not some freak chance or a 1 of planet.
We are so very young when it comes to knowing what exist out there in our own galaxy,and there are between 200 billion to 2 trillion galaxies out there.

There will exist planets where the life forms have far surpassed us in there evolutionary progress,and there will be planets where life is just beginning.

No one can claim that we are a 1 of planet,where everything is just right,as we have only just begun to look out into space to see what is out there,and in the short time we have been doing this,over 200 earth like planets have been found already.

Science has already proven that some of the stories in the bible are garbage,and simply cannot be done,or did not happen. The problem being,there are those here that believe in the bible,but also claim to believe in science as well. But we find that common sense and science gets pushed aside when it conflicts with there belief,hence the saying--blinded by belief.


As i live in Australia,i can tell you with certainty that the Aboriginal people have lived here in Australia for over 47,000 years--maybe some one forgot to tell them there was a flood coming  :D

I would also add this-->there simply is not enough water to cover the earths surface.
It is good to see the younger generation actually using there common sense,and doing the math and science to get there answers.


This is just one of many occasions where science and math proves that both the ark and the flood never happened.

Was/is there some form of design going on-->yes,of course there is,and it is nature that is carrying out the improvements as time go's on. We see this all the time around us. Here is a perfect example of evolution in every day life.
Lets look at viruses. New ones seem to pop into existence all the time  ::)
So us humans come up with antivirus medicines to kill off this virus,only to find that the virus evolves,and our wonderful antivirus no longer has any effect in killing said virus-->as the virus evolved in order to survive in the environment it live in-->just as we have.

Evolution happens on a daily bases here on earth,and yet there are those that simply refuse to believe,due to it being in conflict with there belief's.

"So i would say Mag's that our planet is not some freak chance or a 1 of planet."""
I believe very possibly that there are other planets with life.  I cannot say for sure. But the Bible does talk about other are watching us to see how this all plays out, as God is the only one that knows.

"There will exist planets where the life forms have far surpassed us in there evolutionary progress,and there will be planets where life is just beginning."""
Have you seen them? Sorry Brad, and lets just keep it in debate mode, but for me to take what you said there as fact, is probably as hard for me to believe as it is for you to believe in my faith. I had a friend that when we discussed these things, he rejected God and the Bible and said we were put here by aliens. I Asked him for reference on such facts, and he had none. Where did he obtain such a solid conviction, yet cannot explain nor prove what he believes? Many are easily pulled to 1 or another belief, and many without even really digging in to find the truth about any of it and just simply accepting someone else's ways.

Ya know, history does show that the Jews were wandering for a very long time without a homeland to be. But they got at least a part of what was theirs back in the 40s. And way back, the Bible tells us that they would get their land back and will never loose it again. It says at that point, that will be the last generation. So that and so much more that we could have only figured out in the last hundred yrs or so because there are many things happening now that brings sense to what we couldnt understand before, are the hints that we very may well be witness to these end events.

"No one can claim that we are a 1 of planet,where everything is just right"""
So do you agree with me that pretty much here on earth everything is just right? I mean, sure there are the good and the bad, but were making our way, basically due to 'intelligence' and free will, with some ignorance. Magman seems to make earth and how it is, a deplorable place to be.  If so, then dang, how could have that first single cell, developed in an evolutionary beginning, have survived such a treacherous place and even have the time to 'think' of how to eat, breathe, split into more cells and manage everyday life??  For me, that never happened.

"Science has already proven that some of the stories in the bible are garbage,and simply cannot be done,or did not happen. The problem being,there are those here that believe in the bible,but also claim to believe in science as well. But we find that common sense and science gets pushed aside when it conflicts with there belief,hence the saying--blinded by belief."""
I just went to yahoo and searched  'Science proves the bible'   not with 'wrong' nor 'right' to see what it comes up with....https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?hspart=comodo&hsimp=yhs-icedragon&type=25050004003_id_ds&p=science+proves+bible
So you just saying all science disproves the Bible is not fact.

"I would also add this-->there simply is not enough water to cover the earths surface.
It is good to see the younger generation actually using there common sense,and doing the math and science to get there answers."""
So if there is a God, it still could not happen? ;D ???

"Was/is there some form of design going on-->yes,of course there is,and it is nature that is carrying out the improvements as time go's on. We see this all the time around us. Here is a perfect example of evolution in every day life."""
Ah. So 'nature' is the genius of it all?  How does that work exactly?  Sorry, but... Form of design, by nature? Nature is out there carrying out improvements?? ??? Then why is it so easy to believe that, yet not believe in a creator, and instead of calling it nature, call him God?  You know how long it would take someone to really study all forms of religion and finally make a choice of one or none in the end? Many may give it a go at 1, and not even delve deep. Many just dont want to be bothered as other things are more important to them. In all that, I can see how some can be turned off by some or even all things about a religion they were involved in. Many are false and use the Bible to enrich themselves. But its not all like that. Definitely not.

"Lets look at viruses. New ones seem to pop into existence all the time """
What if I told you that I believe that a lot of things as such, are not brought about by your natures way. There is a lot of info, that especially in the last 100yrs that these things are made and used by bad people to hurt populations. Even the food is being changed and the chemicals that are all around us whether it is the new smell of a car to the new mattress you sleep in, even the gmo cotton your clothes are made of, let alone household chems, fumes from cars, especially deisel(everyone should read up on that).

"Evolution happens on a daily bases here on earth,and yet there are those that simply refuse to believe,due to it being in conflict with there belief's."
It has all been made this way to give us free will to choose what we wish when it comes to belief. You are settled into what you believe, and so am I.""

Temporal Visitor

Quote from: memoryman on February 04, 2019, 03:08:20 PM
We don't just have 'beliefs' or 'faith'. We also have evidence based on observation and repeated experiments with predicted outcomes.
The word 'theory' (as in the theory of evolution) does not mean hypothesis, conjecture or similar meaning.
It means currently the BEST available model available, supported by all available evidence. The 'big bang theory' also fits that description. It may be incomplete or even proven wrong, but it is the best NOW.
Your bible does not have anything like that.

Thanks for your response,

"We don't just have 'beliefs' or 'faith'. We also have evidence based on observation and repeated experiments with predicted outcomes."

Curiously you write "we" when in the past you have written about yourself having and being engaged to speak to others about applying critical thinking skills. It looks like you believe that being part of a/that group that thinks and believes the same will somehow strengthen your position/argument.

Most definitely you as an individual may/will believe similarly to the group since you have freely chosen to be one OF, and with that group by your own WILL. (Not knocking you, or your belief and choice to be OF that group.)

Most definitely the group has evidence, and has done repeated experiments that reaches predicted outcomes, all of which was done by individual people who each have/had a predisposition and bias that influences their objectivity and findings to some degree no matter how hard they try to put it aside.

You wrote: "The word 'theory' (as in the theory of evolution) does not mean hypothesis, conjecture or similar meaning."

I am well aware of the meaning and choose my words with great care to be precise in attempting to convey my own critical thinking abilities.

You wrote: "It means currently the BEST available model available, supported by all available evidence."
None of which makes evolution a fact.

Thinking critically; It is the best model a group of like minded people have put together to allow themselves as individuals to justify/explain their existence and rule out a creator by their own free will. A logical fallacy understood to be the bandwagon. ("Sad hearts they hide living in their empty shells") Getting on the bandwagon requires an intelligent conscious being to first make a choice, decision and act on their own belief(s).

Moreover; "supported by all available evidence." that fits their own objective(s) and rejects ALL evidence that does not.

The truth is that neither you or myself have real evidence of "evolution" at all. No one alive on Earth today does because no one has ever observed it actually happen and that is a fact. The "missing links" remain nowhere to be found despite the ongoing well funded efforts of the best and brightest people in their respective fields does not help support the theory in the least. Much of the evidence that was accepted to be real early on has been proven to be fraudulent over the years, that surely does not validate the theory either.   

You wrote: "The 'big bang theory' also fits that description. It may be incomplete or even proven wrong, but it is the best NOW."
They both come from the same group, both suffer in the same way: they are not FACTS and they are merely "theories" that rely upon people that may or may not even know a thing about either of them and ACCEPTING them as fact because the rest of the crowd says it was/is so.

Both the evolution and big bang theories are sacred cows of the religion of "scientism".

Here is an excerpt from another mans take on both of these theories. He does a good job.

"The Claims of the Theory of Evolution Are a Complete Violation of Reason and Logic

According to the unscientific and irrational claim of the theory of evolution, the nothingness in the infinite universe gradually gave rise to mankind as a result of chance developments. According to this utterly unbelievable theory, first dust, then soil, stones, waters, mountains and oceans came spontaneously into being in this nothingness devoid of anything of the sort. Later, certain atoms in the mixtures of these came together by chance and brought into being such elements as calcium, phosphorus and carbon. Over millions of years these lifeless elements, completely lacking in intellect, memory, knowledge and consciousness, turned into human beings able to breathe, speak, think, rejoice and mourn, possessed of a soul and memory, with the intelligence, knowledge and consciousness necessary to invent things, and capable of writing libraries full of books. In other words, under the effects of coincidence over billions of years, accumulations of dust, soil and mud turned into human beings of flesh, blood and soul, capable of building extraordinary factories and producing the latest model of cars in them, of establishing space stations, of constructing palaces, and making marvels of art. To believe that stone and soil could one day turn into human beings as the result of chance is even more irrational and illogical than believing in fairy tales. Not even children would believe such a tale.

If evolutionists are sincere in these claims of theirs, then according to those claims there should be no reason why this so-called evolution should not happen again. They could go, for instance, to the largest swamp in the world and expect to see a palace built there billions of years later. Let them sit by that swamp and see whether a human being to build palaces will emerge from the rocks, stones and mud there. Will even a single living cell come into being, let alone a human being? In order to help coincidences along, let them even fill the swamp up with as much carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen, iron, magnesium and oxygen necessary for a living cell.

It will be absolutely out of the question for a single living cell to emerge spontaneously from there. Even a single living cell is extraordinarily complex, containing; power stations to produce energy; factories that produce the enzymes and hormones essential for life; a data bank containing information regarding all the products to be produced; complex transportation systems to carry raw materials and products from one region to another; pipelines; advanced laboratories and refineries to break down the raw materials brought in from outside into useful components; and specialized cell membrane proteins that control the entry into and departure from the cell of various substances. This is the most simple and superficial description of a cell. Just one single feature of the cell is sufficiently complex and magnificent to fill many volumes.

Could chance produce such an organized system from that mud? Can chance make that smallest organized system increasingly complex and produce an entity such as a human being? Can chance teach a monkey to speak, to make compliments, to think, to build palaces, to found civilizations and nations, to build ships and discover continents, to set up laboratories or to perform experiments by investigating the cells that comprise them? What coincidence can endow an ape with a soul? The answer to each one of these questions is very clear and definite: chance can produce neither a human being nor the cell, the smallest component thereof.

Since evolutionists believe in this impossibility, then let them take a suitable amount of mud and wait for it to construct palaces, produce the latest model Jaguar, or build bridges. Let them wait for that mud to produce, spontaneously, first a single cell, then amoeba, fish, lizards, horses, apes and finally human beings. Then let them watch those human beings design cars, make discoveries and found civilizations. In fact, even the most dyed in the wool evolutionist knows this can never happen, but they imagine that by making this claim together with Latin terms and a weighty style it somehow becomes credible.

To believe that all the living things we see on Earth, the flowers with their matchless beauty, fruits, flavors, butterflies, gazelles, rabbits, panthers, birds, and billions of human beings with their different appearances, the cities built by these human beings, the buildings they construct, and bridges all came about by chance from a collection of mud, means taking leave of one's senses. The fact that large numbers of people believe in such nonsense in no way legitimizes it; on the contrary, it shows that we are looking at a miracle. A miracle took place 150 years ago, when an old man with an amateur interest in biology began to bring a huge mass of people under his influence with the senseless ideas he produced from his imagination during a sea voyage. The fact that so many people were taken in by these nonsensical claims like a spell is a great miracle of God. In the Qur'an God reveals that some people will believe in the impossible and be taken in by nonsense, though they will be unaware of the fact."
excerpted from https://www.harunyahya.com/en/Articles/4314/the-theory-of-evolution-a

You as a thinking intelligent conscious being get to decide for yourself what is true and what is an ILLusion.
Belief that requires faith and belief in the words and work(s) of other men in my mind is highly suspect and subject to closer inspection.

I have yet to meet anyone who could truthfully testify with firsthand personal knowledge as to the validity of either theory, including any expert.

The very "best NOW" still only amounts to HEARSAY at best, and isn't good enough to survive my close inspection.

This was not meant to be "a wall of text". Please consider watching the videos that were posted above if you haven't.

Lastly: It is not "my" Bible, it is yours to accept or reject with your own free will.

Best regards,
