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science and prediction

Started by lancaIV, May 20, 2019, 06:01:34 AM

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Society constitutional laws : right and obligation/ obrigation, reconstitution. !

               "Eternal revocation right"

Credit object : a. allgemeine Niedrigstwertprinzip / geral minimal/lowest worth principle       
                          b. Substanzwert / material value

            1. you want to buy a car 2. Your choosen model costs new 30000 Euros            3. you can not afford to pay bar/ cash
           How much you can get financed  ?
          geral lowest worth principle: market overview 10000 Euros as minimum

           Prime tax ( 1.Rang) rate credit :

           10000 /1,2 ( IVA- tax exclusion)=  8333 net car commercial worth             
           8333 x 0,8( new object= Kreditbemessungsgrundlage) x 0,6 ( Object-Kreditbeleihungswert)

          = 4000 Euros the "Prime rate maximum finance sum". !

          30000 Euros the choosen model costs - 4000 Euros credit = 26000 Euros EIGENKAPITAL / CASH

         Sub-prime RISC rate credit
          8333 net new object worth x 0,8 x 0,8 = 5333 Euros
         30000 Euros - 5333 Euros sub-prime credit max. =  24667 Euros EIGENKAPITAL/CASH

         idem calculation : houses ,machines,mobiliar et cetera ( lang-fristige Konsumgueter)       

         For used objects :
priority date net value - amortization quotes ( a. progressive b. linear)=

actual bookvalue x 0,6 ( used objects Kreditbemessungsgrundlage)
0,8 new 0,6 used

Surprised. ? Credit agreements/acts review !? " Eternal revocation law" in your estate finance system. ?

         In existence : KREDITDECKEL ( consequence : MIETENDECKEL !)



   BRUTTO/BAR-NETTO ~ 37:1 ratio SCHIMAERE ~ credit economy fake

                   19 trillions " mostly uncoverable assets"/37 = cash value ~ 515 billions




My critique was nothing personal but more of an observation. I was trying to read some posts which promptly got spammed by Ianca's posts so I left.

I believe in free speech however someone's post being buried in a mountain of nonsense posts is not free speech but just the opposite. It is the repression of free speech by drowning out others voices and it's rude.

If Ianca wants to spam post then he should start his own threads and post all he wants. I'm all for that and he can post all day long if he wants.

I'm just saying no real FE researcher would post valuable information here if they knew it would just get buried in gibberish. Its just obvious and common sense which is why I said this forum is going downhill... because it is.


onepower,your standpoint is more than ten years behind the time !
2005-2010 :

Hundreds of trials,also published  by several members here. !

"real FE researcher " : go to espacenet : show-case of myriads of inventors and developper from all over the world. ! University labs results,estatal R&D works,individuals inventions. !

Between 1995 and 2010 I interviewed some dozens of" real FE researcher" and think to understand the difference between hundreds of hours concentrated work on an object and compared this only in a forum dropping with " unproductive words "  !

"borderlands/net-journal" Mrs. and Mr. Schneider : 2 decades in search worldwide and publishing ,effect. ?

Khosla/Gates Foundation and other venture capital funds  : each year dropping hundreds of millions in hundreds of projects in search for the certain solution.  !

And onepower, there are hundreds of topics/threats began by me  ! ::)
Over more than 1 decade. !
And it is not forbidden to you to enter the " community" field and to search there about your special interests!

Probably several other members did published your " wished theme" some years back and you can begin " real conversation" with them about your success up to date and compare with their trials. !

Here in the forum I only see less than a handfull real researching members with whose I would start a project. !


It's important to understand the difference between information which has little context or meaning and knowledge which does. For example, you could memorize an encyclopedia however this does not mean you understand it or you could do something with the information. It simply means you can remember some stuff.

In my opinion this why so many have failed at finding FE because they have confused information with actual knowledge and understanding. So when you post pages of links and information it is meaningless without the proper context to support it. Do you understand?. It's like handing someone a textbook and saying what you want to know is in there "somewhere" without saying where or what it is...it means very little.

As well you said you have done hundreds of hours of work, last count I was well over 20 thousand hours. Can you comprehend what that means?, I don't think most can. It means I have spent almost a lifetime doing research and looking for answers. Which is how I know most are chasing smoke and mirrors.

In the end were going to believe whatever we want however if what we believe isn't producing the results we want then perhaps we should try something new. Is this spam posting links working for you Ianca?. Do you think it's moving you in the right direction?.



"hundreds of hours on an object" was each FE researcher work related.
When I calculate 365 x 8 hours x ( 2019-1987) : I get more than 20000 hours. ! ;)

"Context"-included.  ! Probably ready-to-use 3d-printable scheme as C. N. C. -ready to print program.  ?
I give links, not hints, as think-about. !
I am not instructor, no teacher. !
And this is a non-profit forum. !

"knowledge"+ structure + "idea"+ project + execution + model/prototype +  approvement :
I do not think that many are or reached here the last stage : " approvement". !
And there are worldwide 1000+ with this stage,"dormant/forgotten" !

A short listening : https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=de&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.buch-der-synergie.de%2F

"a real FE researcher" did studied  by animation/ professional classical physics and is aware about quantum-mechanics. !

In Universities today the work is inter-facultative/inter-disciplinaire  !
Chemistry+ Physics + Engineering + TechnologyThink-stage-minimum : THERMODYNAMICS,FE= Gibbs-theorem,Noether-theorem,ART+SRT

And this forum,with +/- 40000 inscripted active/passive members( reduced by double inscription) representsless than 2/100000 of all worldwide energy consumers which all would like to pay less to their energy provider;

as private household the US b2b average electricity costs about 5,5$cents/KWh as first target would be a good start. !
Seconds that "1000 US$" in cash is for 75% of all private households global a high barrier  and this the " affordability limit" about investments !
Some economics knowledge is never bad. !

1775  "no perpetuum mobile possible" 

1. limit: terrestric ; orbital : solar-panel and 24/365 solar energy radiation and electricity beam to earth e-receiver
    clearly not - by definition- an "  autonomous perpetuum mobile" but " perpetuum/permanent converter" away    from the Earth-shadow
      by definition :
    artificial" solar radiation spectrum : photon/phonon"- radiator +  thermionic cell in an enclosed chamber

2. Couple Currie : radio-active elements ,decay : perpetuum/ permanent radio-activity= energy                                                                                   
                                                    elements Lanthaniden. ? Cobalt. ?