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Covid-19 is a Fake Plandemic

Started by gravityblock, April 19, 2020, 12:32:18 PM

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I think these conspiracy theories are typical of the politicization of world events by the populists.

In this time line China under reported the infection rates of the virus just like the U.S., Spain, U.K, Italy and everyone else because it could effect the economy thus it was always political. Then the populists like trump dismissed all the data for months because it would effect not only the economy but also his reelection. He made comments and deflected but did nothing as he always does then when it went sideways and he was caught with him pants down around his ankles he needed someone to throw under the bus... again.

In comes the China conspiracy and WHO as well as Dr Fauci... ever notice how everyone gets thrown under the bus except for dipshit donny trump and friends?. Everyone else is always to blame as the populist paid shills saturate the internet with BS conspiracy theories to deflect from the gross incompetence displayed by trump and other populist governments.

They are the new world order in my opinion. Basically illiterate, self-entitled, obviously psychotic mini Adolf Hitlers stirring up hate, division and "alternative facts" to serve there interests. So what are there interests?, well a few trillion dollars given to themselves and all there billionaire friends with little or no oversight is a good place to start, lol. There is a sucker born every minute they say and most attend the never ending trump rally's, Adolf loved his rally's as well, they both loved whipping up hate and division to serve there monetary interests.

Understand the populists are Republicans, Democrats, Communists and Socialists and the only way to recognize it is when the BS and conspiracy theories start flying and the working mans wallet gets a little lighter. It's all about money and greed ... stupid.


Quote from: Low-Q on April 19, 2020, 04:59:31 PM

Well, the thing is that nobody knew it would be an outbreak Dec. 31, 2019, but the Wuhan laboratory was known for years to have insufficient safety and untrained technicians to deal with viruses that is tested on bats. Unfortunately, this laboratory is almost in the same block as where food is sold on the street in Wuhan. At some pont, this laboratory had to make an accidental outbreak.
The US government do not think this is a biological weapon, or a planned virus, but think it is an accident that had to happen sooner or later.


COVID-19 supposedly spread from a wet market in Wuhan, China. Nearly 200 people in China fell ill in Wuhan. The Chinese authorities tested seven of them. They took fluid from the lung and found genetic material.  The Chinese authorities decided the cause of this illness was a virus.  At no point did they isolate the virus. The genetic material they tested for was exosomes. The body releases these exosomes when a cell is toxic, and the body needs to cleanse it.  Any type of disease can generate exosomes.  Authorities test people who have loads of other health problems. If they test for this genetic material, not the virus, they call it COVID-19 on the death certificate.   Covid-19 is an exosome,  (see the two snapshots below for a quick reference).

You can't catch a virus from money, shaking hands, or sneezing. The only way a virus can spread is if you inject it, such as vaccines.  That means that the antidote is the real poison. When people then take the vaccine, they get the very virus they're afraid of.

COVID19 - a tragicomedy of errors. Here's the storyline:

1) There's no gold standard test, therefore no scientifically-reliable evidence for the existence of a novel virus.

2) The official test for the nevertheless posited novel virus, tests for genetic (RNA) material also found in exosomes, not for any virus. Exosomes are toxin-combatting mechanisms that are part of the body's defences that are released in response to illness, injury and stress. 

3) The test itself gives an 80% false positives result. 

4) Nevertheless the flawed positive result cases and attributed deaths statistics for this non-proven virus are manipulated and artificially biased upwards to the extent of being declared a pandemic and to the extent that anyone expiring from any lung-related condition being counted as having died from the effect of the "novel virus".

5) A vaccine for the respiratory illness allegedly caused by the virus, that has no scientific basis for its existence, is being proposed.

6) Vaccines, in themselves have historically no scientific gold-standard evidence base (RCS ) as being effective in preventing disease.  If we feel we're living in some Scifi movie, we are -  COVID19 is a quite remarkable work of (Total Recall'ish) fiction.  Pure fiction being passed off as reality.

....."the virus is fully an exosome in every sense of the word."  <--------James Hildreth (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD).


Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

God will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  He will catch the wise in their own craftiness.


....continuing from my previous post.

Learn the real truth about germs and why viruses can't spread. Discover why the COVID-19 virus doesn't exist and is a scam.

How you get a virus, by Aajonus Vonderplanitz.

Virus Mania (Book)

What's Really Makes You ill (Book)

Dr Scott Jensen On Covid 19 Death Count Guidelines & Financial Incentives

The Real Science of Germs: Do Viruses Cause Disease?

Louis Pasteur's Faked His Germ Theory:

The medical establishment wants us to believe that germs make us sick. Louis Pasteur's version of the germ theory gained popularity in the late 19th century. Many people believe that Louis Pasteur's theory was scientifically proven. But the science he used in his experiments was not as accurate as first believed.

The idea of germs as the cause of disease justified the creation of different vaccines. Many medical establishment practices are based on false and unproven theories. The germ theory has not been subjected to any rigorous reassessment.

The invention of the electron microscope made it possible to see particles smaller than bacteria. People with certain diseases had tiny particles that became known as viruses. Virus is Latin for poison or harmful substance.

There is no scientific evidence that demonstrates that any virus is the cause of any disease. Viruses do nothing outside living cells. They are powerless outside the membrane of a living cell.

The germ theory fails to explain how the virus ejects from the body during a sneeze or a cough. Any viral particle attached to saliva or mucus through the air has never been seen.

When doctors try to detect viruses, they look for specific antibodies in people with certain symptoms. But viruses are not detected directly. Many people get a viral illness diagnosis without any tests detecting a virus.

No test can directly detect the presence of a whole virus. Through the detection of antibodies, the body is alleged to have a virus. But that is not evidence that the virus causes the disease.

The HIV Virus Can't Cause AIDS:

AIDS was the first big scare people experienced. There is no proof HIV can cause AIDS. HIV has never been detected in a purified form. As long as you can't prove that HIV exists, you can't measure the viral load.  People who have positive HIV antibody tests are said to have a deadly disease.HIV antibody tests only prove the existence of antibodies, not the virus.

Cause Of AIDS:

AIDS is not a sexually transmitted disease. Instead AIDS symptoms come from environmental factors like drugs, medications, and insufficient nutrition. AIDS patients in the U.S. use drugs like poppers, cocaine, LSD, heroin, ecstasy, or amphetamines. All these drugs have devastating effects on the immune system.

AIDS, as we know it, is a HOAX perpetrated by the pharmaceutical industry - by Biologist Christl Meyer

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

God will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  He will catch the wise in their own craftiness.


 ::) ,yes,partial Njo !

Doing medical smear from mouth and genital/penital/vaginal/anal body and analyze this : microbiotic cosmos included Peste et cet.

We as growing babies in the Uterus - amniotic fluid  ; baeh-baeh-baeh-igitt-igitt :P :P :P  beside "ass" !

                   "FRUCHT-Wasser" in german, "fruit water" : o what for heavens name,flavour-aroma like flowers and parfum

                                                                  for "to hand over" environment : sewer ambient !

Living life in the human "KLOAKE" channel ! :P :-[ :-X :-\  For up to 10 months

(some do not like to see day-light aehh-pardon-me delivery room light and the for the beat waiting  Doctor ,hooligan ! >:( ? 9 months are average ; Fruehchen + Spaetchen ::) 

Health means that our body immunizate himself against overproduction from these disease potential ,this is then the anti-body indication !

I hope that the Peste bazillus is not everywhere common to find  8)  what missing hygiene  :o

Only to think about it I get ex post " mental plasmose"  :(

Exosomes : meaning probably the virion estate ,without cell wall ? cold plasma like

Fish in liquid ambient "koppulation" : ?

Fish,female : ovus
Fish,male : "milk"/leite/Milch

Virus,Virion : fe-/male ?
Because Covid-19 is mainly defined as lung disease : aerosole/asbestos/micro-/nano-fiber /pollution


Indoor Air vs. Outdoor Air

According to the EPA, the levels of indoor air pollutants are often 2 to 5 times higher than outdoor levels, and in some cases these levels can exceed 100 times that of outdoor levels of the same pollutants.

Studies have linked a number of health problems to particle pollution, including:

Premature death in people with heart or lung disease
Nonfatal heart attacks
Irregular heartbeat
Decreased lung function
Respiratory problems

The stay-at-home orders are definitely one of the root causes for people becoming sick due to poor indoor air quality at home!

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

God will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  He will catch the wise in their own craftiness.