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Bill Gates - will he try to force vaccinate you soon ?

Started by hartiberlin, May 20, 2020, 02:53:04 PM

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This is such a disgusting hoax Its difficult to decide where to start to enlighten readers here.
Most I guess are researchers engineers scientists and not used to predictive mapping or the foundations of maths designed to predict future events.
I regard this as a useful starting point because it forms the basis of, If a vaccine might be appropriate at all – forced or otherwise .
The current situation is extraordinary in the History of the the world , Global shutdown is absolutely Novel unlike Basic epidemiology The patterns of which  are well known and have been studied for hundreds of years .
As an example of this here is a live webcam broadcasting from central Stockholm .


There is nor ever has been any lock down in Stockholm not a Mask, in sight , no 'social spacing'  you'll see all the cafes ,shops and pubs open , as they always have been ,  You might be very surprised to see there are no coffins piled up in the streets ! - No carts going up and down with a town crier 'shouting  bring out your dead '  however can this possibly be ? Do They have a different world wide disease ? I suggest that would be errant nonsense!
I don't suggest there is no virus, I don't suggest it doesn't need caution and common sense viruses always have needed care , and I guess always will ! Has the world been sold an absolute Pup by Bill and Melinda 'Hells gates' ?
Sweden's minister of  health Johan Carlson Informs that it is rather we in lock down awaiting a Hells gates vaccine that are 'The lab rats' Sweden is running to mapping that has been tried and tested for centuries.
Is that true ? It has been pointed out that that surrounding Nordic countries (like Norway and Denmark) which have applied partial lock downs have better death rates – It sounds reasonable  but is it? Lets cast our eye's over some figures shall we ? The same figures used by our trusted health services.


I suggest here it is the ratio of deaths / per million of population that's of interest .  Notice for interest that Sweden with no lock down or social distancing and/or  absolute destruction of social amenities schools pubs clubs and café's is doing far better than my own country the UK (for example)
Added to that as more people have been exposed to, caught ,over come the virus in Sweden than other countries that death ratio can only Improve in Sweden when compared to her neighbours
In other words Sweden already has a much higher ' herd immunity' 
I guess what we really need to understand is the basis of the lock down mathematics. Just how the so called health advisors  have ' cooked up this Grime fairy tale. More importantly how they have managed to get most of the world to believe this fabric of destructive nonsense.
Predictive maths isn't usually the domain of OU researchers but I'm sure we can bend our usual maths base with a little caution so we see –

a/ The base of how its supposed to be done . 

b/ how its been corrupted and used to hold the whole world to ransom.

A epidemiological virus curve is initially based on R naught which basically reflects how contagious each of us might be who has the disease, and how many others we will infect .
In short whilst we infect more than one other person the disease spreads . When the 'herd' has enough  immunity each infects 'less than one' the disease declines and dies out. Here is a typical example of the patter used to scare us


you notice the guys uses the term 'exponential' and so it might be for some part of the curve. However our trusted 'advisors sent that exponential to the moon.
However it must and does curl over every virus must! The medical regime has taken the oppotunity to ignor any real life figures !
In short the pox goes up – spends some time spreading amongst the population – then comes down .   It is then pretty much guaranteed that over time Sweden's neighbours will reflect the same figures. just slower getting there.
The Idea as I'm sure you have heard time and time again was to – 'flatten  the curve' ergo not alter the area of it! (which reflects the number of  infected) Have we been  sold the pup ? – help the health services survive is a fine idea if it can't cope!  . ( not don't get infected – that's pretty much inevitable eventually)
So the next step is a mathematical graph that reflects the up and down and where variables might be introduced,and accurate future predictions made. A 'Bell curve' is a very good example. Even though the virus spread isn't a perfect 'bell' the cap can be made to fit.  So I suggest a little time reflecting on the curve before this post continues.
For those who haven't messed with predictive bell curves the basics can be used for many things from predicting dough weight in a bakery machine to testing the reliability of satellites gambling odds or the reliability of a humble transistor.  and it is the basis of epidemiological plotting.
Now I want to keep this really simple and so I introduce you a example study of a couple of washing machine types – tested to destruction


There are variables – mean distributions and so on but regardless it has this in common with a virus it will rise as the population becomes infected – It will then fall If it did not humanity would long ago have ceased to exist.
The area of that curve in the case of a virus reflects the number of people infected at any moment in time.
We in the west were it seems provided with pretty good figures from China and its clear that as the disease spreads the information and data improves .  It might seem obvious as you look at this simple graph but its really in the case of a virus that rapid change of direction that's most important .
The majority of the herd have become infected.
The infected number of folks are in decline. The disease will do what viruses have done for ever and ever AMEN – become insignificant – die out if you like. Just like the washing machines .
So it may not be a perfect Bell curve however as sure as god made little apples it will rise and fall in some semblance of a bell curve . There might be a few bumps and spikes on the way but the general course is inevitable   – I hope you can can see that ?
There are another group of mathematicians I have little to do with – financiers , futures assets and the stock market .
They are very interested in that change of direction – they sell and buy in millions on the base of that turning point . They don't need  to know the area of only that there is a change and – 'the curve has curled over' In the case of a virus – Its in decline! Beaten ! Although it will continue infecting but at ever lower and lower rates.

Let me introduce you to the murky world of finance planners this Guy is called Andrew Mather . I have I confess cut his bit of audio for brevity – I'm sure he won't mind I just want to introduce his basic back ground before presenting his video   

http://dnp.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/a/Andrew Mather1.wav

OK for the moment please keep in mind it is that rate of change one of these analysts is seeking and so should any of so for experts should be seeking exactly the same thing


These so called experts have tried very hard to sell this virus as 'an exponential' but I'm sure you know very well an exponential goes on ad infinitum .
Its a mathematical progression – one thing we know for certain a virus isn't an exponential – if it were humanity would be long ago extinct.
Whilst it may broadly follow the line of an exponential – it can't be . It also might just as well be said to follow the trajectory of a circle (briefly) 

The virus and forced injections ? Lets say your kids what to go to school ? Or you might wish to fly somewhere – vaccine then required.
Kind regards Doh


Wow, I am amazed, 14 love letters from Stefan to Bill Gates in this thread.

Stefan (hartiberlin) must really like the Bill. And the Gates will wipe out the City of Berlin really soon now. Am I glad I live elsewhere. Vienna is protected by Putin and Bill Gates will therefore not be able to vaccinate people in Vienna. We also will get Russian G5-towers in Vienna which will not have the Bill Gates software installed.

Greetings, Conrad


Bill Gates is a hero only because so many people want a hero.
But really all men are just men, including Bill Gates.

Hero worship is first chakra / territorial  / prestige based behavior.

When men cease to value that which is rare more than they value that which is common, great armys
will be laid to rest. - Lao Tzu


Gates is a Eugenicist.  His father was director of the World Eugenics Society.   Pure evil.    While this petition already has enough signatures to get a response from the Whitehouse I think the more signatures it gets the better.   Petition at the Whitehouse to investigate Bill Gates for medical malpractice and crimes against humanity:



Of course Bill Gates is the worst kind of person because...

1) He is a self made tech billionaire among the richest in the world.
2) He is well educated, very intelligent and very well spoken.
3) He is down to Earth and common sense basing his decisions on scientific facts not conspiracy theories.

So of course all the populists hate him because Bill Gates represents everything they will never be. He represents the future of mankind based on science and facts while the populists want to drag us back into the dark ages ruled by banana republic dictators like putin and donny trump. My theory is simple, do your worst and revel in the lying, corruption and false beliefs today but know all of it will soon end and all this nonsense will be undone. I think it's comical, because soon our children are going change everything and there is nothing anyone can do about it because they will be in an old folks home or six feet under.

It's also comical that Gates is talking about universal education and health care for all mankind meanwhile donny trump is slashing education and telling people to inject themselves with household cleaners, lmao. What a joke.
