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Bill Gates - will he try to force vaccinate you soon ?

Started by hartiberlin, May 20, 2020, 02:53:04 PM

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I doubt bill gates wants to kill off people. After all it would be wiser and more ethical or moral to simply pass a law that said only one child allowed per couple. That would in effect slow population growth and be ethical or moral at the same time. So no need to be sneaky and go about just murdering people in unknown ways. Of course this is just my opinion of how it should be done when the need for such a time arises. Actually we dont have a population problem. We have a misuse of resources or a misuse of land problem right now. Meaning if we put into effect more laws to slow pollution, which is usually caused more so then not by big corporations. And if we used land resources more wisely there would be enough room for billions more people in fact. Not counting we could build underground cities and cities on the ocean floor and eventually build cities in the sky and around the planet even in space when the technology comes about. again just my personal view here but I find this more decent or moral of a way to go about it.


Quote from: stevensrd1 on December 06, 2020, 04:02:54 PM
I doubt bill gates wants to kill off people. After all it would be wiser and more ethical or moral to simply pass a law that said only one child allowed per couple...
If you watch the video at post 1 of this thread, it seemsa clear to me that he is talking about making birth control available worlwide to those who need it.


Quote from: stevensrd1 on December 06, 2020, 04:02:54 PM
I doubt bill gates wants to kill off people. After all it would be wiser and more ethical or moral to simply pass a law that said only one child allowed per couple. That would in effect slow population growth and be ethical or moral at the same time. So no need to be sneaky and go about just murdering people in unknown ways. Of course this is just my opinion of how it should be done when the need for such a time arises. Actually we dont have a population problem. We have a misuse of resources or a misuse of land problem right now. Meaning if we put into effect more laws to slow pollution, which is usually caused more so then not by big corporations. And if we used land resources more wisely there would be enough room for billions more people in fact. Not counting we could build underground cities and cities on the ocean floor and eventually build cities in the sky and around the planet even in space when the technology comes about. again just my personal view here but I find this more decent or moral of a way to go about it.
The individual human ,the incidence case,the spread,the superspread :
humans their number evolution historyCorona CoVid19 individuum 'cold/fevrous infect' ,spread ,superspread

1 child per life/couple = 0,5 childs per 1 human re/production WORLD habitants number regression
2 childs,f.+m., per life and couple = 1 child per 1 human re-/production World habitants number staying

Erbrecht ! Inheritance !  Erbpflicht ! Inheritance !    Recht= Pflicht  The Right =  The Duty !  No Waiver,bothinone
       WHAT restes,as Life pro-Viant ? Chance/Risc

Inheritance law right=duty :

Domus,Dominium,DOM, Dom Pedro/Don Pedro

1. The Elders,Adel,Nobilitas
the First/Fuerst/Duc/Patron from the Family/HausHerr/Dominus,1te Stand,the Physialists
gets ' as winner all,specfic : fertility right/duty" FAMILY NAME,FAMILY STAM HOUSE ( Borough/Burg: Buerger,Land = Wahlrecht)

The Second,2.te Stand,the Mentalists : Vice-/Vize,can adopt the First his rights/duties ,illness/death et cet. : All the Patrimony incl. Wife + evt.child
1-2-3 Stands-An-Arch-ists : follows as Artists&Kind-ists  ::) 4.inofficial Stand-Art&Kind ;D ,by need living in a tent
                          Cum/Con T(I)ENTE  ;) ' ma(i)s Cabecza'  Self-Pro-/Con-Tect-ion 

By hisself the Second ,WALKER,GESELLEN/GENOSSEN,his right/duty : no land, no house-home,no own body fertility spread,can adopt,social ' the ideal teaching' profession,no land,no vote

The Firsts Firstdom ethical congregation,citizen/Firstdom peacefull functionaries

A Third,like Second,representing 3.Stand = NoBody ,but martial profession : no own fertility,fighter for PATRIA-MATRIA,up to "wished" deat

The Firstdom and Seconddom their defender ,against foreign enemies or for foreign attack ,spread game
1648 : Westfaelische Friedens-Ordnung : war as game for the FIRST,to entleeren ,ungelehrte,3.Staendler

Up to Nuernberg,known for Nuernberger Trichter ~ the book containment infilling,the poste WW2 and NAZI-Regime Tribunal
      1945,by NEW Friedens/Peace ORDER LAWs

Looking to Venezuela,96% low poverty ,from Venezuela statistical median average,quantitative/qualitative,U.N.statistical median average !?
Maduro,vinho maduro ~ vinho seco/dry/trocken Trappatoni : Flask empty ?The President his son : jet-set boy,each day spend in ' halli-galli-life /Venezuela average earning ,net
Water pray(s)ing,Wine(Maduro)drinking ? Signori Bolivar haett euch aufgeknuepft ! Ge-Lynch-ed !
Befreiungs-Theology =ORA ! + Befreiungs-Praxis : LAB'ORA !

Con'Dor,mas asas !

( media number: who declared this ? First= formal Second= informal economy society )Father + Mother ,legal  + Tauf-Paten/Godparents = Vice,-/Vize-Vater/Mutter ,LEGAL

                       spiritual Parents ! You have not,anymore: deputy of Godparents their position,their next in rank ?!
Thronfolge,Successor,succession ! Karriere,Carrier ! letter,Leiter  up or down

Yester-day-tradition in Today-tradition trahere,traho,trai,tractum  transporting,translating

   The Sinn),the Sen(s/ation ),the Zen(inner Hold,Ruhepunkt,Peace)
Elvis Presley,singer : Yes,I am the great pre-tender,....."Tender,Balancer,Equalizer,like In Rio de Janeiro and Almada/Lisbon the Statue,representing Statutes

"Besame,besame mucho " not "seemeing" much,but gloving/saving and 'carpe diem' in Kants 11.kategorie -Kind

PARADIS ,Island,Garden,Eden :Original words denomination age ,Bible age ? Bible beginnings Timepoint humans number in BIBLE-World
Judisch/Jusisch Kalendar,Luni(Mond)Solar(Sun)Kalendar : 3761 ante Cristi nascimento/birth
3761 years + 2020 years = 5781 years back ! Humans in average in Judish(Juda,Iz-ra-el/Samaria)World ,Density,in aldeias,villages,Cities ?!Jerusalem was a undetrrminated locality,insignificant,at the beginning !

An 100% RATIONAL society World ?An 100% RATIONAL society World !
Ethical BENCHMARK,IDEAL !? Social,common,benchmark,Ideal ?
Knowing ancient IDEAL,based by ancient living science ,arts&kinds ?
  Collector,Hunter,Farmer: Nature-Humans Evolution , "history" cradle of humans and their -ity
Why we have law/s and order/s ? Limitation !? 1 Planet, 70% water area,30% land-mass !
Before "today" : deserts : forests !? forests  Ice-area ( 1000+ mtrs under ice : Groenland~ Greenland)
        Seen continents ,less seen contnents 'Godwana',Antarctica

       Wegener : Pangaae , Ur-continent ~ Eye ,shelf drift,known continents parts like puzzle peaches connect
Time Life : IDEAL number Nature-Humans " intensive humanity" number : 300 000 000 habitants
Earth habitants number popuation ,30 years~ 1 generation step

1870,1840,........,Malthus !?  1500 'Discoveries Vasco da Gama,Magalhaes,Francis Drake,....                                         
                                                ~1500 Mart(h)in Luther
1500   300 000 000 habitants on Planet Eath : Farmer - Hunter-Collector

METROPOLIT,PATRIARCA,KATHOLKAT : by-with Rules and Laws and Order and executive Power in Hands !?
        Fair or Feudal ? Taker or Giver ? Fair ,compensatory: Taker and Giver,Tribe Tribute : 1/10
Metropolit,Patriarca,Katholikat : Splitting the Power : Spiritual World and Physical World

1500 KATHOLIKAT ' cuius regio,cuius religio' :

Splitt ,also in Tribe-Trubutation,but not 1/10 divided 2 "Worlds",know 2 x 1/10 =2/10

Maximal or minimal/no harvest/production yield  in-/dependent !?
Agriculture failed,human culture overpopulation failed : education,information

Each in-divid-u+al human 'carpe diem' 23 h 58 min night/day  use ? TARGET ?! X 366 Daies( y ! Singular)

Panta rei + carpe diem : New Age society 1960+ YOGA TAOism Re-search,GOING BACK TO THE ROOTS
GOING BACK : a scientifical dis-coveries,translation culture is /culture was : society reazon 'Peace !? War !? "
Safety Life     Life Safety  how much for Life is 'much enough ',no more !?

Up to MIDAS- legend ' all transforming  to Gold' or better golden/precious in Worth ,Existence  !?

Mono-Culture or Multi-/Poly-Culture !? Agri-/human culture diversity ! Nature diversity !
Nature un-/seked ? What,who is Nature !?  Ever diverted ?! ZWie-tter-ig,2-ish ,maskulin and feminin or/and

Maskulin only used part from Neuter Standart !? Maskulin ments about/transforms mental ' position female'

Feminin only used part from Neuter Standart !? Femininum ments /transforms mental position  'male'

What You think that is You will become   become I ~ will be become~ bekommen~ to get

Becoming~ will be a.good  b.bad   

EUGENIK,ARISTOKAT : Charles Darwin,Francis Galton Nature Society study,experiments

The Nature,their COMMUNICATION,their Genus and .us,the STRESS ( STRETCH : Amplitude,high-low)
William 'Bill' Gates,one from 21? MICROSOFT constituionalsists : +++ The HARD World in e-SOFT-WORLD

The art&kind of Software-Informatics lessons and Software itself distribution : i(l)-legal !?
The reazon,+ mono-/oligo-polism,that IBM becomes smaller ,Apple,Microsoft,Alphabet became GREAT ?
GERMANY reference,actual :

Business books only for idiots ,internal 2 ( 1 for investors,these idiots) external 1 more for ' Finance/Fiscus,')T.O.C.s = Tax Auditor and R.O.C.s,Books Auditors  : for what ?!

The Law Execution System,Neuter Judgement : Deal-System ! Good arguments vails,' liquid' !Buy your Judgement,if need and not 'process avoidance' ( testemonials/pro reo ' : acts,documents,people : ---)
Making part : 'momentum amnesia : 'black out' ,Pseudo-Dementia ( mot lovely joke : Helmut Kohl)
and amnistia :Clinical case ,80% from all economical crimes : medical-psychological attest/approvement

' mental idiot/ manager illness/incompetents

ergo ' unlawfull' but 'crime-full' NO JUSTICE,
neither 'punished right' nor
     'civil punished by law': 

Or legal process prevention/deceleration : statute (justification)period of limitation,Verjaehrung

          2 legal different systems ! 1x COMMON law JUSTICE + 1x INDIVIDUAL law JUSTICE
Becoming ' unlawfull'-judgement never means not LOSTS FROM  VICTIMS  COMPENSATION ATTRIBUTION !
Not by the Estate,at first PERPETRATOR PATRIMONY and MATRIMONY,the GRANDS-P. and PARENTS P.+M.,the COMPANY P.+M.,not in rates ( U.S.: Phillip Morris et cet. ,new smoker pays 'justice fine' for the past crimes

Organisierter Betrug,staatlich mitgetragen : BGB VERJAEHRUNGSFRIST ,Stichtag 30+3 JahreOpfer-/Zeugen-Selbstmord : = Mord ,Ohne VERJAEHRUNG


FESTNAHME,einzige DELIKT zu FRIEDENSZEITEN mit TODESSTRAFE zu ahnden nach GG,zudem Notwehr- und Notstand-Paragraph -Exekutions-Selbstpflicht ,beizeiten Bayern,FJS ' finale Schuss',nach 2-maliger Vorwarnung des und bei Schusswaffengebrauchs ,polizeilich
The Monetary hard covrred System : 37 ' money-units' only more 1 from it ' hard,save' covered ! 1/37

                                                     CONSTITUTIONAL DEMANDS
                                  CRASH-READY ! THE SYTEaM,not the CONSTITUTION
                                    IT SILLS STAND,educates Your-Self in this STAND-LEVEL
                                                              NEUTER WORLD ORDER


Everythng you say, johan_1955, is either a bit f**ked up or completely so.

There are hospitals, often in cut off rural locations, which have seen little or no virus. You can find one easily enough.
It's all abouot percentages.