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Should “energy” be redefined?

Started by sm0ky2, October 17, 2020, 01:35:13 PM

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Now let's look at the inverse:

I Use the Archer Quin device as an example because the mechanism is identical
Just the opposite

the pushing magnets offset (most of) gravity, if we assume these to be the same magnets
in both devices, the force required to enter the field, as well as the pushing force resultant
remain the same.

In this case, the leverage comes from the radius of the wheel, rather than the double-lever
but they are exactly the same, mechanically speaking.

The pulling magnet offsets slightly more than the rest of gravity, but less than the
gravitationally induced momentum of the leveraged mass.
Thus it breaks itself free to fall again
the force required to break free is (by design) less than 1/2 of the rotational force.
(less than) The other half being designed to accommodate the Bloch wall entering the lower field.

This balance is as delicate as the proportional 2 weights in the Russian device.
For many of the same reasons

gravity is conservative
magnetism is conservative

But the two are NOT equivalent.
What we can extract is precisely the difference between the two, motion over time per mass

I was fixing a shower-rod, slipped and hit my head on the sink. When i came to, that's when i had the idea for the "Flux Capacitor", Which makes Perpetual Motion possible.


Hey Smokey, LTNS.

Gravity and magnetism are both functions of what you would call Einsteinian relativistic spacetime, or Maxwellian Aether if you prefer, I don't care. What I mean by the term "are functions" is literal. Neither one exists by itself, no more than are the concepts of amperage/voltage/resistance. They happen when a specific energy type flows and reacts with the surrounding medium. Mass itself is another function in that sense, and so is inertia. I am finding that constants themselves are usually even just functions. Hint, if the equation to figure something involves something else...

The problem is 1000AD thinking, when solid material meant solid, concerning 2022AD when we know that everything solid is actually, energy packets, strings and field interactions. There is no such thing as solid, as the concept itself is both extremely subjective and horribly outdated. Virtual particles are just unstable packets. Here they are, then poof, they are gone.

BUT THAT VIOLATES THE CONSERVATION OF ENERGY LAW! GASP! -- No it doesn't, it means that the scientists involved have disregarded the source of the energy, namely spacetime. The virtual particle -- real for the entire time it existed -- was converted, not created at inception nor destroyed at deconstruction. Particles themselves are energy based, basically speaking, a self propagating bubble of spacetime filled with a specific energy type, that would either resemble two BB's touching, or a 'cheerio' shaped object with a center point, not a hole. It is either a linear or a full toroidal resonant single wavelength folded back upon itself inside a chamber of spacetime, and I lean towards toroidal myself due to spin characteristics. (Best explanation I can give at this moment in time.)

Should the term be revised? Physicists who practice Theoretical Physics still debate the issue themselves, to this very day. The issue is not "cut and dried" as some would like to believe.

Some Physicists view it as a "thing", while others contend it is the "carrier or container" for a "thing". I personally call both energy and work self referencing circular logic tripe. In the simplest explanation, energy is the ability to do work, and work is the expenditure of energy over time and distance, when you remove the flowery BS that is applied by Physicists to explain the matter avoiding this principle.

Heck, the Physicists in question can't even recognize negative acceleration in certain instances, rofl. No, I don't have much respect for sophistry posing as intelligence anymore if you caught the sarcasm.

They can't even realize that their testing methods for COP are horribly inefficient (waste heat all over the place, whether talking electricity, flame generated heat, etc., to get the supposed caloric comparison for unity), so why expect them to get something right as simple as a good definition?


I find myself getting cantankerous and less tolerant of illogical BS in my subjectively old age.

To quote one physicist "...There is enough energy contained in one cup of spacetime to boil all the oceans on earth to steam." He has a clue as to what 100% thermodynamic efficiency actually is, whether he knows it consciously, or not.

Paul Andrulis
Finding truth can be compared to panning for gold. It generally entails sifting a huge amount of material for each nugget found. Then checking each nugget found for valuable metal or fool's gold.


Our universe abides by the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Free energy also abides by the 2nd law of thermodynamics. What doesn't abide by the 2nd law of Themrodynamics is the Mainstream Gravitational ASTRO Physics model. The truth is the Big Bang never happened. The universe is very much alive. Every galactic center Plasmoid is connected to the universal current, every Star is connected in parralel to their galactic center Plasmoid, every planet is connected to their star. This is proven and has been for decades. This was common knowledge for the Ancients. But the CIA and FBI have done everything they could to muddy the waters and prevent anyone and everyone from drawing the realization between the 2. FREE ENERGY IS EXCLUSIVELY A RESLUT OF EARTH CONSTANTLY BEING FED BY THE GALACTIC CURRENT THROUGH THE NORTH AND SOUTH POLE WHERE THE EARTH THEN TRANSMUTES WHATEVER POSITIVE ENERGY IT CAN INTO MATTER SUCH AS LAVA, WHERE THE NEGATIVE ENERGY THEN EXITS THE EQUATOR AND GOES BACK TO THE SUN.

Again this has been proven/rediscovered since the early 1900s. The reason they didn't want you to know is because of the situation we are in right now .... We have come to the end of this 12,000 year Solar Magnetic cycle and over the next 10-29 years we will come to the creshendo of the magnetic excursion which will be accompanied by a Solar Micronova, just as we have seen with our 2 closest stars facing the galactic center(which luckily are really close to each other) both in the past 2 years.

To give you a quick yet definitive and undeniable proof of this reality I will refer you to Dr. PIERRE ROBITAILLE who is an MRI Pioneer and can be found on YouTube "Skyscholar". Dr. Robitaille proved with direct visual observational analysis ie Spectroskopy, that the Sun has a condensed matter liquid metallic Hydrogen surface. This can only exist if the universe is Electro-Magnetic as every single scientific observation ever has hinted at.
.Mainstreamers are the conspiracy theorists, as they follow a 100+ time debunked and fudge factor laced conspiracy theory that is gravity physics..... Electro-Magnetic Universe doesn't need no fudge factors and never has, nor does it need a 2nd law of physics, black holes, dark matter/dark energy, etc. All the fudge factors are just proofs of how far off gravity theory is from the true nature of our universe....

Whoever though that a big gaseous ball that came from dust could have synchronic cycles such as the magnetic excursion we are seeing right now and the resulting weakening Magnetic Shields on the Sun and all the planets simeautaneously with dust ball formed planets that orbit it? Whoever thought planets could orbit a star just with Gravity/A pull force???

This is all ties back to the elites removing and destroying the cap stones of the pyramids, to blind humanity of the true nature of our universe and of our own true nature!