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Just another Don Smith thread

Started by nix85, April 11, 2022, 10:54:51 AM

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Zilano has good philosophy of course, she made small mistakes here and there but overall did a great job.

I don't think i saw that paragraph from her, maybe i did long time ago. 1W in is tiny input, i guess she meant 25x increase in whatever you put in. I have the part where she talks about tesla coil on a tube inside another tube for production of scalar waves but that is another setup and there are much better methods for that.

Open system is key but i would not agree Don's primary is not "open". Everything is really an open system, a circuit at resonance is "open", a circuit containing a sg is "open", even non resonant circuit with no sg, just collecting BACKEMF can be "open"... of course open meaning allowing ambient E to flow in.

Good for you, 250W is quite big input but who cares. Don usually used much less input, as you probably know. For example he said for his 55KHz strangely wound transformer device, "a MEG before MEG", that input was about 12W and output around 10kW. On Yahoo group in 2006 he said that using 3 resonant Tesla pancakes with 14 watt input he literally melted the diode bridge rated at 20,000V and 200A etc. So Don was basically using high Q extremely high reactive power, very low input, altho for his tabletop device Q was surely low, no core, small number of turns, and yet it worked great, so high Q is not essential, in any case, we cannot say his circuits are closed in any way.

Best luck to you too



@ whitelightningwizard

the real Don Smith device should give Joules = 0.5 x C x V squared x C.P.S. squared small power is there just to perturb the ambient
background or zero point energy the system don't take the power from the primary coil , its there just to perturb or excite the power already available.. high speed radio wave replicate power with squared involved as in the equation above  !
this don't mean your system isn't good if you produce surplus of power it's great !

@  tomd

in my opinion the induction used is electrostatic



Quote from: whitelightningwizard on April 23, 2022, 09:23:03 AM
@ nix85

I have over a hundred web archived pages from the original forum where Z posted. no idea where I found them, but it was years ago on the net. plus I have all the pdfs assembled from David Fine.
so I have lots of details from z, even deleted pages/posts.

I as well have all the pdfs on Zila from Fine + her post on Bifilar coils saved by someone else + Summary by Vrand + (literally) hundreds and hundreds of screenshots (with key stuff) from these, mostly from Fine's pdfs.

u r right there are many setups, and just like Don u can think of Z's circuits as modules. I swap modules from her different circuits and play with this concept. it panned out for me.

Again, most of those are not her circuits but scribbles on other people's circuits.
Of course you can think of and use various circuits as modules, that applies in general.

u said Don didn't use spark gap for tuning but not so. yes u pasted his quote, but he said elsewhere that there is millions of times the recognized magnetic flux present at sg. flux comes from current, so z is right the spark gap is a current amplifier, like an open thermionic valve.

I got special folder inside my Zila-Smith folder dedicated to spark-gap overunity specifically, of course i have that Don's quote from yahoo group (altho i keep it in DON SMITH folder), more precisely he said "spark produces millions of times the suspected - recognized magnetic flux". Point is he did not always use a spark gap and it can be done without it.

To quote Don

"spark gap is actually control the level of energy that's passing through there you can do it without the spark gap"


Point is sg is just just a sudden change in impedance and can replaced by sudden change in thickness of cable, if used for timing by a fast BJT, MOSFET or IGBT (which is a npn mosfet driving a pnp bjt) or just omitted completely.

Few quotes about sg gains...

"V. Mitkevich published a strange observation in Russian, in St. Petersburg, in 1905: an interrupted arc discharge showed an anomalous energetic "kick." The voltage in the arc reversed at the moment when the arc was disrupted."


William Alek tungsten carbon sg gains


"The Correas have now convincingly demonstrated the principle that it is possible to release from charged metals in a vacuum amounts of free energy which exceed the amounts of energy put into the system."


"energy available at the output of the helix of the traveling wave tube is 96 times the energy input to the traveling wave tube, in addition to the energy consumed within the traveling wave tube and the energy available in the form of collected particles at the collector electrode"


dieter member here

"Experimenting with a 3kV Sparkgap, shocking a graphite core, I observed strange reduction of power consumption"


Electroboom current draw goes down when sg fires


"In fact some investigators have proposed that an abrupt voltage pulse with only (vacuum) displacement current and minimal charge motion is sufficient to produce anomalously excessive energy. Bearden (1993) proposed this is his final secret, and Hyde (1990) used this principle in desgining an invention (a mechanical electrostatic field chopper) that reportedly output 20KW while self running. Hyde stressed there should be no corona present whatsoever."

Quest For Zero-Point Energy: Engineering Principles for "Free Energy"
By Moray B. King

"Dr Chernetski demonstrated a device which showed enough excess energy to burn out a power station which it was connected to in a test. It was based around a spark discharge in low pressure hydrogen. Dr Chernetski was then killed in a car accident and his worked taken no further.

In a simpler test he also showed that with the right spark and less "expensive setup" could show a decrease in draw current with an increase in the load."


And so on ad infinitum

But, again, it can be done without.

Quote250W is the output, not input. My inputs are a 9V battery touch to start and then self-running.

You said "I have replicated from 250W to 2kW out" which can be interpreted as 250W in 2kW out but you now say it is 250W out, so what was 2kW a one time thing or never happened, yet you say you work on 7.5kW, God knows what you claim.

QuoteZ said to use a TPU to run the NST and I did same. Then its total free output w/o running a feedback.
I like this method so I do it this way. I used to use like Don a 7aH gelcell for my input to NST.

TPU? Steven Mark TPU? What. Zila said she built her own NST, input is so small it is irrelevant if the prime mover itself is self runner or not. Flyback is as good as NST, neither is better or worse.

if everything is an open system then why does energy run down? only in closed circuits do we have waste.

Everything is an open system and every circuit is potentially OU if properly designed but conventional circuits discard or shut off the excess, take the ignition coil (pic below), you see that resistor in parallel with the switch, they literally burn the extra energy, throw it away. If that backemf is captured IC would very likely be OU, more or less depending on various factors. The thing to mention here is, as was said on this forum before, that higher the resistor you discharge the backemf into, faster and higher will be the spike, that is the purpose of the cap in series with the resistor in diagram below, to SLOW DOWN/LOWER the spike to protect the switch. But if backemf is fed into another transformer and stepped down, primary circuit should see that as resistive load so spike would remain high and energy harvested, potentially OU or at least close to.

Same is done in conventional motors, as one guy who worked in the industry said when he asked his colleague (i paraphrase) why are we throwing away the BACKEMF, colleague answered just do it, don't ask too many questions. As for reactive to active conversion, if you hit the resonant system once the gain from ambient is too small to keep the oscillation going, let alone power a load, but if you keep feeding it in phase at it's natural res. freq. and build up a large reactive power, you are stirring up the ambient significantly and then strange things can and do happen.

Remember Don said Amperes (current) is a rate of whats being wasted. I don't waste in the pri u see. If Don has milliamps in input then he's still wasting.

Again, if prime mover is not self-sustained it matters not the least if it's using 10W to produce 10kW.

Your idea that you "don't waste in the pri" is unclear and flawed in my opinion, you are misinterpreting Don. Again, take the greenwave's chubinidze replications. There is nothing special about his primary circuit, it's just a flyback charging a cap which discharges into the coil, just like in an ordinary Tesla coil. As you can see he is inputing 33.75W to fully light an 800W bulb. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vGP5-qacAY

Don often pumped up reactive current to extreme values, the exact opposite of what you're saying, in fact, like someone already said on this forum, this is the key to Don's systems, pump up the huge reactive power and use a small part of it (maybe 10% as Dan Combine and bolt say). Take his famous table-top device, take a good look at those caps before the primary,


they appear to be 3uF 4000VDC, firstly it is strange that caps of those values are that small, usual size for such cap is waaaay larger usually cylinder. But let's say they are those values. Do you understand such cap discharging into a 5 turn coil of negligible resistance would produce HUGE current, possibly on order of 100 amps or more for a brief instant. So there is nothing here about reducing the current, just the contrary.

Need i remind that capacitance decreases your Q, Q = 1/R * √(L/C) but again, from Don's devices we can see high Q is not essential.


Quote from: whitelightningwizard on April 23, 2022, 01:13:12 PM
ok if u insist u don't need spark gap, u do need to gain current somewhere somehow tho. just sayin'  :)

I am all for sg, that's why i gave so many examples that sg gives gain, but it's important to also listen to Don and others and understand current gain can be done without.

I have opinion and freedom of speech so no worries if u disagree.  ;)

We all do. No worries if you don't agree with me either ;)

Quote250W—2kW is the output ranges I have built, many different sized devices. sorry to confuse u.

No need to apologize.

QuoteI started with low output and kept increasing yield. input power never changes.

7.5kW is a commercial unit I am developing for home use like Saith Technologies already sells.

I already wrote about Maxwell S. Chikumbutso here and am following his channel.

QuoteYes TPU aka Leedskalnin PMH.

TPU was wound on CORK, it had no ferromagnetic core whatsoever, it was a principle of wire through coils pulsed with 2-3 frequencies that was reproduced (to a degree) by Otto, and another guy in my overunity playlist, so very different from Leedskalnin's PMH.

QuoteZilano used homebuilt flyback but I never used that sorry. so much easier to use NST with or w/o gfi.

Let me quote Zila "i made my own nst(without gfi)", so, like i said, she built a NST not a flyback. NST or flyback without diodes would be preferable if you want to feed primary in phase (if your sg fires in sync with primary resonance), but if you just charge a cap (build up significant energy) and fire through sg, then it's irrelevant, well, NST full rectified will have twice the frequency than FB, but those are nuances, i'd guess cap(s) will charge in about the same time for same power input.

Her input was 65W she stated she needed fat spark with her air coils. she had big thick sec like Kapanadze with multi-sliding taps, taking off multiple resonant copies from same resonance unit. u can do same!

She clearly wrote she first tried to replicate Don's aircore device at 246MHz 1/4 length with naked thick secondary (so she can slide the contact for tuning).... and FAILED (i can find the quote if you want), then she went with step down version (at 35.1KHz) and "force resonated L1 and L2 with caps" and after 6 months got it to work, first 2.5kW and later 10kW. I know well "i can do the same" (the aircore ver) but as Zila said ferrite core gives more juice so i opted for that. You never said did you go with aircore or ferrite.

well u can disagree with closed vs open, but u take a + and a — from a battery and u WILL run it down by loading. in a closed circuit energy is wasted and the rate of waste is in unit ampere. after a while, i got the feel of Z and understood she was showing different ways of making open circuit pri.

Sure, load will drain the battery so you can call the most basic circuit with just battery and a resistor "closed" if you like. But as soon as you add asymmetry, sudden impedance changes, fast impulses, resonance... then we can hardly talk of "closed" circuit anymore, all these and others being potential sinks for the ambient.

And what is a battery but source of potential, as Don Smith said you don't get power from the power company, they just provide alternating potential to disturb your local ambient background.

Wasted current is in ampers so is the gain current, so.

Quoteu say my idea is unclear and flawed but it runs fine no less. it don't need ur blessing.

Just cause something works does not mean your idea of how it works is correct. You must formulate CLEARLY what you want to say (not just you, everyone ofc). Not just say my primary is open and that's it. Any asymmetry/sudden impulse/resonance... is "open".

Quoteanswers sometimes come that are not what we expect, and in studying energy this is absolutely true in my experience. an open mind is a requirement.

Of course, i see that myself. Open mindness, that is, neutral observation, patience, thoroughness and persistence is a must, More knowledge (connected dots) and experience we have we get more "feel" for things, which is understanding on a deeper level.

I don't worry about Q, if I did all my coils would be square dimension but this isn't feasible all the time.

Well, high Q is usually preferable, but obviously not essential.

Quoteur pic of ignition coil is good example b/c that bottom HV wire is shorted to pri pos. so one single wire makes a primary and secondary field.
this means ur spark is actually neutral charge b/c it will jump to battery neg AND battery pos which is 100% dead short with that connecting wire there.


I never found out why exactly they connect primary and secondary in ICs but i have to disagree with what you say, sure you can say one wire makes pri and sec field, but first of all, these fields are offset in time, pri field builds up, collapses and as it collapses secondary field builds up. Secondly, we can assume secondary current splits between the cap-resistor path and the battery. The key point being the secondary current does not flow through battery in both directions but in one direction.

In any case IC as is is wasting energy for stated reason, IF backemf was captured then it would very possibly be OU.