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Just another Don Smith thread

Started by nix85, April 11, 2022, 10:54:51 AM

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Mr Nixon well ~I have watched most of the Don Smith vids and  I have never claped eyes on that phenomina your
discribing above.

What he did say was as he gets a long loop of wire and slings it from the floor round his neck and back to the floor in what
looks like a hair pin shap is that wen wound in a caducious mode produced a zero inductance with no voltage but high current.



Here you go "Amperage and no voltage"


The "other thing" he mentions that he might bring out in 2, 3, 5 years, is the matchbox size device outputting megawatts.


According to the right hand rule the magnetic fields of a cw ccw coil are opposing.
What am I missing?


Quote from: whitelightningwizard on April 28, 2022, 09:11:16 AM

well I know basics but they are different to ur basics. Bro.  ;D

Basics are basics, universal, not mine or yours, and no, you do not know them. Bro. ;D

Quoteu say female is magnetic. but show me female human. and show me male human. both are human.
ones female divided. ones male divided. same is true of electricity or color b/c electricity division is prototype build to all created body form.

Yes, female is magnetic, no matter how you twist things won't change that. This is basic universal principle. This clearly shows you never understood Russel. If you studied him better, for example the following:

"The universe of matter is a registration of the energy expended by Mind in the effort of thinking. The exact energy of the action of thinking is registered in the electro-positive charging systems, and the reaction of the action is registered in the electro-negative discharging systems. The charging systems are electrically dominated, centripetally, closing, contracting systems. The discharging systems are magnetically dominated centrifugally opening, expanding systems."

You would understand he refers to electric and magnetic as electro-positive/negative. This is just semantics he used, it does NOT mean magnetic is "also electric".

Both are human, so? Electricity and magnetism are both expressions of the neutral force (the time axis, the point of Stillness around which they spiral, the seat of Self) insulating and centering them. Thus in all secondary forces is entrapped the same finer, neutral stream, the only difference between, for example, that in electricity and matter is that former is orders of magnitude faster and thus has the dominion over the latter, slower one (can change its atomic speed (weight) permanently, heat/cold permanently or destroy it without remnants). This neutral (finer) can be liberated by disruptive discharges, too fast/sudden (rate of change Tesla was after) for ordinary electron flow, these "shockwaves", let's call 'em neutral etheric carrier wave, this is the other spectrum i already spoke of, and it has a spectrum just like ordinary light. This type of energy hiding within electricity and all secondary forces is the solution for all Man's energy, communication and propulsion means.... In short, female is not "also electric", whole point of existence of polarities is that they are the opposite.

As i already explained, in both electric (male) and magnetic (female) lines of force flows exactly the same neutral substance (quantized consciousness), the ultimate 'matter' out of which ALL is made. This most subtle 'matter' is like tiny bubbles in the ether, these bubbles have no inner content, no spin, no pulsation and they never (as Keely correctly figured later confirmed by others) touch under any circumstances.... ONLY in more complex forms this etheric vapor, this eternal MATERIA PRIMA, aggregates into complex toroid forms that based on their spin CW or CCW attain male or female polarity, these do have heart like pulsation, male projecting/pumping subtle streams from higher to lower octaves and female returning them closing the circuit, they exist in balance, perpetuating the circle of life.

Whole creation is actually a biological light/sound hologram, from these tiniest male and female pulsating subatomic particles to supracosmic cells consisting of 49 cosmoses in DNA-like strand to yet higher and higher order 'cells', nested within each other on 7 GREAT COSMIC PLANES

Actual mechanics and scale of Creation were personally shown to Itzhak Bentov and reproduced here https://youtu.be/KMbeK_6ATxQ?t=4837

Quoteam not talking about Etheric streams.
I literally mean flows of current that u don't know about, each octave is composed of 4 pairs which is 8 total so in one flow of current there are 8 individual flows. even DC.

LOL Yes you are, you clown. For years i have been talking about these (usually) undetected streams/currents on this forum...

Again you misinterpret Russel.

Let's quote what he exactly said

"Varying pressures in a wave are tonal. In each octave wave there are four pairs of tones, each of which has the same relative position in its octave color spectrum as it has in its octaves of chemical elements. Waves are, therefore, electric pressure-conditioned octaves of tones."

He is talking about 8 tones within an octave wave, so he is not using classical octave of 5 tones and 2 diatonic semitones but has one additional tone or semitone, i don't think that 8th tone would sound particularly harmonic but if Mr. Russel put it there, it is probably for a good reason.

You of course have no idea why that is so and almost certainly did not even make a correlation i just did, all you do is PARROT/QUOTE.

We know from ALL occult schools of thought, from ancient to newer (which are in turn based on ancient) that physical Creation is divided into 7 Cosmic Planes, as i said before and will say again, Materia Prima of the highest octave is condensing into lower planes/octaves based on ratio of 7x7, that is 49, quite different from Russel's 8 tone 10 octave scales, but certain correlations can be made.

You do speak of etheric streams cause etheric streams are LITERALLY all-there-is. All is made of these subtle Universal Currents, all forms emerge from them, all forms ultimately dissolve back into them. Yet the streams themselves are eternal, nonchanging. Rota discovered 381 different ones, he knew each one by distinct timber and using these streams that permeate Earth in all directions he could predict weather precisely months ahead, see distant locations, determine one's exact disease (clinically proven on 50+ patients), exact location and date of birth and death.... what he did was like magic, but this is not thread about Rota. This is the Earth Grid known since Atlatnis and once Man again learns to tune to these currents will need no high power radio emitters or satellites cause these carry information faster than light losslessly.

The most essential of all discoveries in any civilization's development was and will be the discovery of these Universal Currents creating all including the life process. As said before, secondary forces like electricity and magnetism are composed of multiple such streams, each having particular carrier frequency and harmonics (timber). Not only is DC composed of multiple such streams (as Leedskalining also correctly figured) but also so called 'static' electricity and 'static' magnetic field as well as matter and everything else including thoughts and emotions. Nothing is beyond the reach of Universal Currents but the Self projecting them from the point(s) of STILL-NESS.

Quoteu read Russell but you complex his work with slam it with others which tells me u didn't comprehend him.
SOOO many ppl do this.
yup have been accused of being a purist b4. no 1 goes to bat for Russell anymore.

You quote him literally without understanding, misinterpreting his words (as in female "also electric"), and are unable to correlate his work with work of other great sources, thus it is clear you're the one who did not comprehend him.

You can quote tho, boi you can quote.

QuoteRussell nvr admitted ether he called it 'space octaves' which are gases expanded beyond the 18th element hydrogen on his periodic chart.
Light waves need no "medium" thru which to propagate. LIGHT is already everywhere.

I am well aware of his elements chart.

When he says "ALL LIGHT PARTICLES ARE ALIKE " he does not mean just ordinary light, he means etheric light streams flooding all space, this is exactly the same thing as Rota's Universal Currents, you just did not connect the dots.

Also, he did write "atoms of space" in one of his books, i can't find the quote right now. 

Density of etheric substance streaming through space everywhere is many orders of magnitude greater than densest element we know on Earth, as i already wrote, which you of course never addressed, that each octave above we go the density of matter, speed of light and rate times flows are all times 49 than on the lower plane.

This is the reason number 49 is encoded ALL over Bible. This is the ratio by which highest substance condenses toward lower planes. Funny how Mr Russel never told about this essential ratio by which literally everything is condensed, neither did he mention the 6 axis of time and exactly how they create 3D space, not to go further.

Realize, around the 'physical' Earth you see there are 7 spheres of astral MATTER (and it's as physical as this one when you tune up) above and 7 below Earth, each expanding millions of miles. Highest of those 7 planes is inconceivably lower than the 7th astral shell covering our sun and so on fractally in similar order, what is highest in Earth terms is by far not highest in larger reference frame. These are degrees of spiritual evolution but i digress.

Light is everywhere and moves not, that is something Keely said long before Russel. This is true if we for Light take the Intelligence observing the creation from points of stillness. But, at the same time, quantized Consciousness (bubbles in ether), Light made manifest does flow in all directions eternally.

Keely studies got me nowhere. I'll just say that.

And Russel got you to conclude female is also electric, my my.

I would say ur terms are complex b/c u don't understand simplicity of the Universe.
when u do "know" then u can explain Universal basics to a child and they comprehend.

:) I knew you're gonna resort to that "argument". BTW Einstein said that 'If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.'. Indeed, i 100% agree with him and i love that quote, but you forgot we are not 6 year olds here. Well, maybe you are :)

If you understood the simplicity of the Universe you would've recognized that all i say is based on simple principles ​clearly outlined and very much in-line with Russel you worship.

But you did not understand, you only memorized few quotes, big difference.

already know SVP, even Dale Pond who has whole Russell room at his headquarters.

Some day you will realize that for true understanding of things one should never limit himself to a single perspective exclusively.

I don't know gravity u say. OK, but I have machine that makes object gain or lose weight. so I must know something correct. uses Russell dual vortex principle.

Hutchison had a setup that levitated 30kg lead cannonball, yet he did not understand gravity. Needless to repeat, no matter how deeply i studied OU i studied gravity and all related phenomena 10 times deeper. When i get over with this and put gravity on my table, i assure you i will not make an object that loses a gram or two of weight, but float a mountain if you like, if you only knew the majesty of 369, the scalar interferometry....., the Zirbes' vortexial experimentally verified Falling bodies theory of gravity.... if you only knew that through disinformation of element 115 they (MIC) pointed to something even more important...

QuoteOK well forget ignition coil then. u didn't even try the experiment I suggested. and u STILL didn't answer what is polarity of spark???
simple question nix85 is IC spark pos or neg?
but u don't answer that b/c we are still far apart in thinking on here.

You still don't get it, nothing about that experiment contradicts coulomb's law, circuit closes itself along two parallel paths, nothing strange. Spark can be hot or cold, that is another subject and has nothing to do with your flawed idea.


Ironic. I'll just tell you think about that yourself and what i wrote above .

"Some day you will realize that for true understanding of things one should never limit himself to a single perspective exclusively."

May time tell who dug up and correlated some of nature's most profound secrets and who was a clown who parroted blindly from one source he did not even understand.