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Faraday's Paradox experiment

Started by scotty1, September 27, 2008, 07:20:24 PM

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As i said on most fundamental level nothing spins for there is nothing to spin relative to, effect of spin is created by phase difference of 6 axis of time - similar to rotating magnetic field of induction or synchronous motor. Spinning 6-phase time field is the source of everything.

More about 6 axis https://vril12.wordpress.com/6-axis-of-time/

Spin is the very core principle of creation. If zoomed in fabric of space looks like alternating charges.


Little voids, "bubbles of nothing" flow in this electromagnetic net in lines and spirals, they can take any path Will directs them............... and as they flow in lines and spirals they form force-fields.

This greatly simplifies things that are poorly understood for it shows God creates a "canvas" or "water of creation" by neutralized vibrations aka destructive interference and blows into it near-infinite number of tiny bubbles and all forces, all energy and ultimately "matter" are condensations of these tiny bubbles. Everything else is of secondary importance.

As for orientation of this network, we cannot speak of any particular orientation, it is totally perspective-dependent. So when we hold a magnet at certain angle and we say flux is in this direction, we must remember Earth is rotating around its axis simultaneously rotating around the sun and the center of the galaxy and so on, but all those relative rotations don't really matter cause we are inside Earth's gravity field which is non-inertial just like field of a flying saucer, it can go from 40,000km/h to a stop in a fraction of a second and coffee inside the craft is not spilled, cause all atoms inside the field are accelerated/decelerated simultaneously and uniformly, there is no relative acceleration as in case of accelerating/decelerating car or a plane which glue you to your seat.

So, Earth's gravity bubble moves through time-space at immense velocities in a very very complex pattern, but we feel as if does not move at all.....as gravity field, being a non-inertial field is a world for itself, and as far as it is concerned it does not even move, but everything else moves relative to it.

If there was only Earth in existence question of direction of motion would be nonsensical. For space is infinite and uniform in its properties, there would be no way to tell "which way" we are going.

All these things are important to keep in mind when discussing something like this.

Earth's gravity field is a sub-field aka sub-vortex within Sun's vortex which is a sub-vortex within galactic vortex and so on in similar russian-doll like manner.

As real contactee Elizabeth Klarer says

"Gravity is the push from the hub of the flattened spiral of the cosmic storm that is our galaxy. These waves are oscillating at frequencies thousands of megacycles beyond the visible light spectrum.".

As i also said before Sun is the focal point of primary energy flows. Sun is redistributing them to planets and moons and these primary energy flows are focalizing on planetary neutral centers pressing all matter downward. This is gravity.

Vortex extends in 7 higher (astral) and 7 lower (astral) spheres, each partially interpenetrating the nearby ones (vesica piscis and Jesus's fish).

So, point is space is filled with these universal etheric currents and stars and planets and spacecraft with primary drive are locally polarizing these subtle flows. And wherever the star, planet or spacecraft moves this pattern of polarized primary flows moves with it.

So to go back to question of a magnet and its field, as i have said x times before, physical magnet being made of matter is in reality a condensed - lowest form of trapped universal currents aka primary energy flows, is just a pattern of trapped energy at certain energy level. It is totally invisible for vast majority of primary energy flows flowing through that particular point in space at that particular moment, but for a certain narrow band it is not invisible and it provides resistance to it by impedance mismatch and disharmony. This allows these primary energy currents to discharge part of their energy into form observable to us as magnetic field.

In very similar manner these primary energy flows can be resisted and directly converted into MOTION with spontaneous accompanying generation of a spinning invisible field of force which is literally a gravity field - without producing secondary effects like a magnetic field which itself steps down the gravity vortex flow down into magnetic flow, all forces being one cascading force. It is one and the same primary energy flow resisted in two different ways. Don't you see ALL is just primary energy flows resisted to various degrees, nothing more nothing less.

I have also recently made an important point that gravity field can be present at a point in space without any matter or detectable EM fields. Ask yourself how. Totally impossible according to official theories (and i am not talking about dark matter unless they define dark matter as belonging to higher plane of existence, not this one). For real source is not in this dimension, no matter if the matter and EM fields are present or not, they are secondary effects, not real causes.

As for reference frames, fact is variations in field flux density rotate in sync with the magnet, as i animated here.


Field does rotate (with the magnet). And as i wrote before, magnet is a "resistor" for Earth's vortex aka gravity field stepping it down into magnetic form, just like Earth's vortex is a stepped down form of Sun's vortex and so on. And Earth's gravity field which is literally a vortex of etheric bubbles also most definitely spins, not with the Earth, but Earth spins with IT. Etc. Earth's etheric vorex as shown to contactee Lloyd Zirbes below showing Moon with its subvortex within Earth's vortex, distance and size obviously not to scale. And also illustration from Oahspe showing the edge of Earth's vortex with astral plateaus around it. So it is not even a question whether fields spin with the source, it is an unquestionable fact.

And all these fields are, as i wrote before, patterns in the underlying forcefield.
