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Global Warming, unstoppable

Started by argona369, February 02, 2007, 12:57:38 AM

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Well magkor you have done a fine job. You have insulted every member that has disagreed with the concept of global-warming; even going so far as to insult my GRAMMER.  This attack deserves a response and all my motivation comes down to this: I recognize that the leaders of the Environmental movement need a crisis to implement their grand ideas of global control. This includes the United Nations, Al Gore and his ilk; and this is why they are promoting global-warming as a crisis. They need to implement the Kyoto Agreement as swiftly as possible before the truth of their deception is known.

Below is the just released report by the U.S. Senate Republican Minority Committee with the consensus of over 650 international experts who soundly debunk the claim that there exists a "consensus" in science that human activity is causing a global warming. The report includes links to PEER-REVIEWED Studies that debunk global warming. In fact, the total number of scientists represented in the report is 12 times the number of U.N. scientists who authored the official IPCC 2007 report. This, by the way, is just released and contains the latest opinions available.


I guess to you they all have the minds of 10 year olds, not worthy of mention. Also below is a link to a peer-reviewed research paper that started it all.


Not good enough for you though because these disagree with your human caused Global-Warming Myth.

Also included in this dissent is the petition you brush off because ONLY 31,000 scientists have signed it, including over 9000 PhD’s :


Obviously to you they all have the mental capacity of ten year old children. Where you get off on this is unbelievable. Your arrogance is sick, and you need to grow up! These are intelligent people who are very concerned by the repressive controls of the Kyoto Agreement. They can see and examine the data and it shows that the whole Human-caused Global Warming trend is NOT definitively proven. Even the Global Warming crowds are seeing this and are now changing the phrase to “Climate Change”. This way it covers all the bases, hot or cold. This is the perfect exposure of the art of deception.

The Environmental battle is a political battle; it is no longer over the environment, which is just used as an excuse to pass more repressive laws on people. It is all over control. Below is a link to a short article that gives the fears of this control and lays it out plainly:


It is reported by worldnetdaily.com that you hate so much. It is written by Henry Lamb, the founder of the Environmental Conservation Organization (ECO).


Below is a link to a presentation given last year by Dr. Noah Robinson that shows the global warming crisis for all to see. Dr. Robinson has a PhD in Chemistry and is a professor at the Oregon Institue of Science and Medicine. This is a Government and Public-funded Institue.


Obviously, in your mind, Dr. Robinson is an idiot who doesn’t know what he is talking about; even though the data is laid out for all to see.

This is not a Democratic battle, where the side with the greatest number of scientists is the winner. The winner should be the truth, and the Environmentalist side no longer wants to hear any dissent. This is why those who do not agree are punished and insulted.

I am telling you now, that the debate is just BEGINNING! Those who see the myth of human-caused climate change are starting to get organized and are fighting back. Soon our voices will grow and outnumber yours because we are the ones who can see the truth.
Ultimately, your side will lose this battle.

I am a Senior Polymer Research Chemist who has worked in Research and Development for over 27 years of my life. I am no child and I am no idiot. My whole working career has been in Research and I can see the data too, and it does not definitively show that Global Warming is a crisis that is man-made. Thousands and thousands of other scientists see the same and are finally finding a collective voice to speak out. No matter how many times Al Gore says the debate is over, no matter how many insultive words you throw around. it is not over yet. Not by a long shot.

Research is the only place in a company where you can continually have failures and still keep your job.

I knew immediately that was where I belonged.


Quote from: Kator01 on December 30, 2008, 02:18:03 PM

education needs good scientific basis-knowledge and not layman-viewpoint :

Not when the layman can't even spell. I've already posted the science and it was ignored or misunderstood. I was bringing it to the level of the audience.

Oh, and friends of science is utter crap. Show me the science they have produced. Oh! Damn! They haven't!

Gee, what a surprise.



Quote from: ResinRat2 on December 31, 2008, 02:17:03 PM
Well magkor you have done a fine job. You have insulted every member that has disagreed with the concept of global-warming; even going so far as to insult my GRAMMER.  This attack deserves a response and all my motivation comes down to this: I recognize that the leaders of the Environmental movement need a crisis to implement their grand ideas of global control.

Did I attack your grammar, or simply point out you are not very educated? While there indeed are great people throughout history, and probably even today, who are brilliant, but not educated, you are not likely to be one of them. That's just the law of averages.

But let us assume for a moment you *are* brilliant, if uneducated. History tells us that great intelligence also is associated with mental disease, emotional issues, social insecurity. That is, to believe the anti-AGW lies, you have to 1. have an agenda, such as Inhofe, Bush, Cheney, et a;., or 2. be stupid, 3. be naive and easily swayed or 4. be a paid lackey. There really are no other explanations.

Let us look at the logic, shall we?

1. AGW is shown from a HUGE database of studies and models to be a serious issue.


2. the most authoritative *overall* study done thus far has severely UNDERestimated the effects of climate change, so...

3.you conclude it's all B.S,

That just makes you not very bright.

Anti-AGW folk say, "It's the sun!" except that we are at a minimum in the cycle and should, according to Earth's climate history, be heading into a glacial period. But we aren't. So what's your new excuse? No sunspots = MORE warming!!!!!



CO2 is already higher than at any time in hundreds of thousands if not millions of years.


Not everything is a conspiracy. Reichstag? Conspiracy. Tonkin Gulf? Conspiracy.   USS Liberty? Conspiracy. 2000 election? Conspiracy.

But the conspiracy logic fails when:

- the science is BEHIND observations
- global warming is a 100 year-old science, and not a GORE-created fantasy
- the US gov't actively suppresses science and you denialists say NOTHING about gov't interference. (Can you explain to me how the Exxon payoffs and Bush administration shut down of science are PROVEN REALITY, yet you conspiracy people say NOTHING?)

Blah, blah. blah....



Quote from: ResinRat2 on December 31, 2008, 02:17:03 PMBelow is the just released report by the U.S. Senate Republican Minority Committee with the consensus of over 650 international experts...

Have you no shame and no common sense? Just-released? Please. It is OLD news, and was stillborn.




Seriously, if that crap is the best you can do, just stop.

And don't chide me for being rude when you are committing crimes against humanity. FYI, rude is:


2: lacking refinement or delicacy: c: offensive in manner or action : discourteous

when I am protecting me and mine from lies.

"For the purpose of this Statute, "crime against humanity" means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack[14]:
        (k) Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health."

Those who have lied you into your current stupor of an utter rejection of truth are guilty of crimes against humanity.

Show me the money trail. The trail from Exxon to your "data" is direct, proven, factual. You have no such proof wrt climate change.


Oh, I get in now Magkor. If I am intelligent enough to see the data and it doesn't agree with you interpretation, then I have some type of emotional problem. So anyone who doesn't agree with your view either has a mind of a ten-year old, or is insane in some way; and any data that is presented to you is either too old or just not right. Not only that, now you are threatening that anyone who disagrees with this crap is committing crimes against humanity. Another threat. You want to FORCE it on us whether we agree or not. This is why I am fighting you and why your dangerous attitude needs to be stopped. You can whine and insult and attack all you like. It still does not change the data.

Here we have the brick wall, and it all comes down to politics now. You cry about the CO2 level but Dr. Noah Robinson's presentation deals with that directly. The CO2 level is caused by the lowering of the solubility of Carbon Dioxide in the oceans due to a rise in average global temperature that correlates with the change in solar activity. This rise in global temperature began before human use of vast amounts of fossil fuels and it has kept rising at approximately the same rate, directly correlated with solar activity.

You are pathetic!

You say follow the money trail. Yes, let's follow the money trail of Al Gore himself.

Here is a link to the story: http://newsbusters.org/node/11149:

H]ow Gore buys his "carbon offsets," as revealed by The Tennessean raises serious questions. According to the newspaper's report, Gore buys his carbon offsets through Generation Investment Management:

Gore helped found Generation Investment Management, through which he and others pay for offsets. The firm invests the money in solar, wind and other projects that reduce energy consumption around the globe...
Gore is chairman of the firm and, presumably, draws an income or will make money as its investments prosper. In other words, he "buys" his "carbon offsets" from himself, through a transaction designed to boost his own investments and return a profit to himself. To be blunt, Gore doesn't buy "carbon offsets" through Generation Investment Management - he buys stocks.
Fascinating. So, as Dr. Global Warming travels the world in his private jet while spending 20 times the average American on energy for his home, all the time telling us its okay because he's buying carbon offsets, he's actually purchasing these investments from himself.
Furthermore, and maybe more important, Gore stands to benefit financially in a potentially huge way if more and more people buy into this junk science.
Isn't that special?

So the one who benefits from this whole global warming and carbon credit scam is Al Gore himself.

Oh, wait, that's not good for your side that this is revealed. Too bad. Oh wait, maybe you need to attack the source, the Tennessean Newspaper. It must be a pro-Oil, Nuclear, anti-environmentalist, right-wing extremist, militia, whacko periodical.

Al Gore is promoting this crap because he is the one who will benefit from it tremendously. Again, let's follow the money. The guy is a crook and a liar; and you say that I am the one mentally ill.

Go jump. Your side is going to lose. We are joining together to counteract those who have deceived you and the rest of the world. Once the truth is shown and the lies of Al Gore and exposed, his garbage science will fall.
Research is the only place in a company where you can continually have failures and still keep your job.

I knew immediately that was where I belonged.