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Impact of Free Energy Device on humanity

Started by Silvije, June 06, 2007, 05:26:14 AM

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Quote from: Silvije on June 12, 2007, 02:41:39 AM
@ring_theory: so you are saying that one cannot know how the knife is good (for cutting) until he uses it to kill someone? That is your theory about impossibility of knowing good without evil?! I strongly dissagree.

This is what is wrong with low profit per unit: that guy who makes it. Because he is not the only one.

1.Material will cost 1$
2.Guy who manufacture device will ask for 1$
3. You will ask for your 1$ because you invented the machine
4.Transport will cost 1$
5.Distributors will charge 1$ for their service
6.Government will charge 1$ taxes
7.even "green" will ask for their 1$ because this device is depleting earths "vacuum energy" or something  and earth may collapse...
...and so on

This already brings us to total of 7$ which is more than a lot of people will ever see in their lives! So how could you help them with asking your 1$. So you are making this device only accessable to the whealthy.

That is why I am saying it will work only with no profit. Low or high profit does what it does.

Prajna is right when he(I guess) says that you can be aware of peace without a reference to war... but this needs a further expalnation.. so I still owe him an answer.

And you are right when you say that we need stable market, as long as you demand your 1$ profit. If you would give up all profit you would not be that much concerned about the market. Also if the device is released, i dont think it would brake the whole market. Hopefully it will happen just to energy selling business.
People are not ready yet for completely marketless society.

You are very fond of your "low cost" idea, so let me ask you something: low for whome? low for what you think is low or low to the people dieing of hunger? Think about it. Sure your example with tv is fine but how many people in the world do not have tv? Those who have can surely pay their electricity bill.


A butter knife is good for cutting butter but would be close to useless for killing someone. It's not the knife that is good or bad it is the way it is used.

Lets face it 7$ is nothing compared to the $1000 you would spend on electricity during the lifetime of the tv to power it. So is it costing $7 or saving $993? $7 dollars tacked onto the price of a tv. Accessable only to the wealthy. Surely you jest??? It would be accessable to all.

The market will continue as usual. The only ones that will be adversely effected are the electric utilities, oil, natural gas etc and they will have to cut their profit margins way down in time to compensate for the decreased demand for their products as they are phased out.


@Prajna: Happines does not exist. It is just someone conditioned you to the feeling when nothing bothers you, that it should be prefered sensation, and called hapiness.

You are right though about nature. It is not subject to change because you don't have any nature. That is pure fiction. Nature would be what? Some state of existance of the object or subject? So what is the nature of the knife and the fire?
Oh, just people have their nature? ... yeah...right. As long as you claim you have peacefull nature, ring_theory have every right to think his nature is warlike. I claim there is no such thing. Your nature if exist is state or better to say a procees of constant choice: good or bad. You are not determined to any of this two. You have to choose.

Emotions you are talking about are just fiction. There is no sadness. At least if you are sad about yourself. You cannot be happy, at least if you are happy about yourself. If you are all those things, about other people, than it is acceptable. You should come to that eventually. Are you still traped inside the matrix? Saddness (of yourself) is conditioning of the MIB which has solely purpose: control. They control you, because they control your "emotions". Can't you see? If you seek for true emotions, seek inside, maybe you will find compassion as true emotion. I say that "emotions" which only have to do something with YOU are not emotions, they are rather an attack on you. That is egocentrism. Emotion must include someone other than myself. When I start feeling sad of myself I will know I am sick. Point is sadness and happiness are just in your mind. Not in some unknown part of you which you could experience just by emptying your mind.

You are your thoughts, emotions, memories, sensations. You are your body, soul and spirit. You have your antaryamin or dharmabuddhi even if you deny it and call it a nasty socio-religious invention. If you dont have them then you are an vegetable. If someone amputate your leg.. will you still be conscious? If someone amputates your hand... will you still be conscious? What part I need to amputate from you that will make you not conscious? If I remove your brain.. will you be conscious and have your consciousness? So my conclusion is that consciousness is in your mind. It is a process of being aware, having perceptions, thoughts, feelings and experience. Can you do it without your brain/mind? Is your toe conscious?
Is it telling stories to you? :) My body is a container, container of my soul and spirit. And what is important is content and not the container. But you claim it is all about a container... you are missing the most important thing than. Tv is not peacefull nor warlike, it is just a container and therefore unimportant. But the tv programm can be both. Teachers you follow conditioned you to know your container. That is called keep the important thing away from them, they will play with unimportant things and we will control them more easily. I dont blame you. I just want to encourage you to restart your quest and to find the truth by yourself.

My tv have no thoughts, it cannot reason. It is just the plastik, flesh and blood.
If I kick it it will not feel a thing without a brain. It cannot reason beiing-based, because reason is mind in fact. For any kind of reasoning you need brain. If it dont contain mind, it cannot reason in any way.

So perhaps you could and should ignore your "nature". Important is to know you are on a path or a journey. If you choose good you are on the right path.

When I said reality is harsh I ment of perception of reality with so much illusions.
And reality is 'real', not imaginary. Existance just 'is'. So don't be confused. You exist but are you living in a real world or the dream world? You say that whan you discarded this and that you have found your reality to be a pleasant place.. Was it realy reality? Was the life on a Nabukodanezza more pleasant than the life inside the matrix? MIB wants to please you to control you, life does not want to please you. Embrace your 'sufering' and eat this tastless protein shit.

So you want to leave all this "religious bullshit" by side because of your logical point of view? Where is this logical point of view coming from? Your conscious toe
or your mind? Just wondering...

If physics does not exist than you does not exist. You are simply a bunch of atoms and molecules grouped under a term body. And you have no soul. If you want we can go deeper quantuum. But before we do please explain how a bunch of atoms called Prajna can be conscious and have consciousness. Matter is not conscious, but the Word is, the Idea is, the Thought is, the Spirit is. So are the physicists caught up in the matrix of thought or you are caught up in a matrix of fictional conscious matter? Please do meditate on this subject.

Oh yes, about knowing you can feel your big toe knowledge, for which you say it is a real knowledge on a deeper level than mind.. please explain why are people with amputated limbs have feeling of fantom limbs. If this feeling of your parts is a real knowledge as you say, shouldn't they know that the legs are gone? You pay too much attention to the sensation (drug adicts do that also)... and to a container
(are you medical surgeon maybe? ) so you dont see the important. What could you possibly 'know' without your mind? Except that your mind left :) and you are just a coprse now. So this what you are experiencing, it is not 'counciousness' as a sensation... you just experienced the existance of your spirit and not just the body. And your spirit is real rather than just a sensation of consciousness

Hope is not destructable, neither is expectation. Expectation can be fullfiled or not but cannot be destroyed. When illusion falls apart there is a train of sensations which interchange and the relief is just umong last of them. Dissapointment comes before relief. So don't be confused.

Economy IS a part of the matrix, but important is you cannot just unplug everyone (destroy economy) before they are ready because they will surely die. You have to offer them a red and a blue pill and if they choose right find them with Nabukadonezza first.. if you dont, they would drown. Anarchy would not help this either. Few of the liberated would not care about liberating the others, they would road rage around the breeding facility in their ship in the false perception of freedom. Education seems like a lot better idea to me. Lets educate more liberated troops who will help in liberating others. The real freedom will be experianced when every last one of them who is breathing and is fed through a tube in a harvesting bath tub is set free. Not before, because personal freedom is just conditioned sensation, a mask pulled in front of your eyes to hide the trouth. MIB whant you to think you are free but you are not. They know your every step. But follow the white rabbit.

Anarchy will fail because it is something what is going on in their teritory, and MIB are more powerfull than average fellow human. Instead you should exit their teritory and fight in your own. Until you do that anarchy will just get you killed, not liberated.

I am thinking, my dear Prajna, but with my mind ... not with my conscious toes.

All be patient, we just might end with a solid plan of introducing FED(free energy device) to the humanity with no casualties at all.



Quote from: ring_theory on June 12, 2007, 03:52:30 AM

A butter knife is good for cutting butter but would be close to useless for killing someone. It's not the knife that is good or bad it is the way it is used.

Yes, that is what I said more than once, it is about the way it is used. And even a butter knife can
kill dont be confused.

About the bucks.. you have missed my point. I was not thinking of a real value because most of things I have mentioned would be more than just 1$. And even if it was the real value you are not aware of incomes of people around the world. $7 is a fortune. You are just lucky it's nothing for you! Again FED would not be accessible to all.

"The market will continue as usual", sure yes but only after a period of chaos. And in that period anything can happen. Even a nuclear war! So go figure.



Silvije, great teachers never indoctrinate, they work on undoing your conditioning. They may suggest some directions to look. A Bodhisattva specialises in challenging your illusions but doesn't replace those illusions with further illusions.

You are right about reasoning, it is purely a mind thing. There is, however, a 'wisdom' that is beyond mind. Search out the definition of the Sanskrit word prajna.

Have you never experienced happiness or sadness? Compassion is a noble thing but all too often feelings we call compassion are really projected (in the psychological sense) self-pity masquerading as compassion.

The toe thing was simply to illustrate that there are different ways of knowing. There is a limit to how far you can stretch a metaphor. The TV analogy seems to have suffered the same fate. Spirit and soul are merely concepts and we have no words to express the truth because it is beyond words. The nature of fire is hot and energetic, the nature of a knife is that it cuts.

A television is not the images that appear and disappear on its screen (that is my point) any more than you are the emotions and experiences that fleet through your consciousness. When you become caught up in a television program you cease to be aware of the television itself. Likewise, when you become caught up in all of the things that appear and disappear in consciousness you cease to be aware of the consciousness itself.

I had hoped to inspire you to think more deeply about some ideas you have but it appears that I have simply prompted you to defend those ideas.


I have experienced hapiness and sadness but they were just an illusion. Pitty you cannot realize it. Compassion is definitly not a self pity, and I am definitly not guilty for people misusing the term.

I dont know why you call yourself prajna, you are more likely ajnana. Why?

So you say the nature of a knife is that it cuts?? You are explaining its nature by what it is capable of doing??? By describing its properties? So we already concluded man is capable of good and bad, how then its nature is just one of those two things? You just chosed what you liked most? The nature of fire is hot? You are describing fire! Not it's nature!
I am tall like fire is hot but what that says about my nature????

No wonder you haven't really answered any of my questions. It seems to me that you are the one ignoring other ideas and defending your own. I clearly stated what is wrong with your ideas while you did what? Said that I am stretching your metafores which are wrong and declaring me uninspirable??

Now I will say: BAH!
