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Talking about phase...

Started by bob.rennips, July 01, 2007, 08:16:56 PM

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@Bob B.

So, you are using a three-phase arrangment, with a biasing dc solenoid at the core/center, and toroidal secondary - which is internal to primaries.

Are you shifting the phase digitally like with a stepper controller or analog with like an RC network?  Not that it matters, just asking - no one else is asking any questions.

Does not sound as though your wire lengths are critical.  Is this a correct assumption?

Can you elaorate on pulse shapes and their effects?
It is the men of insight and the men of unobstructed vision of every generation who are able to lead us through the quagmire of a in-a-rut thinking. It is the men of imagination who are able to see relationships which escape the casual observer. It remains for the men of intuition to seek answers while others avoid even the question.
                                                                                                                                    -Frank Edwards

Bob Boyce

Quote from: btentzer on July 03, 2007, 01:46:36 AM
I was thinking along the lines of Tesla, finding he could create stationary waves with an oscillator. In his Colorado Springs Notes, Tesla noted that these stationary waves "... can be produced with an oscillator," and added in parenthesis, "This is of immense importance." I believe that with SM's device, he has produces this stationary wave at 7.3 Hz. I would love to know how the frequencies within the Toroid would react to that. I hope that helps to explain that question.  :)

I would suggest you grab the .pdf of SM's clues from the locked thread entitled, "Read this first".  I think you would understand it far better than most.  And you continued help here is most appreciated.  Some of these guys have been working for a very, very long time on this project.

Also, knowing that your Toroid has had control problems in the past, SM's did as well until they developed the proper controller for it.  He warns us over and over of the potential for danger and the need for a frequency kill switch.  Overheat shutoff switch, and over voltage shutoff.  I look forward to the release of your controller.

If you are using frequency, phase, and pulse in your Toroid you already have very much in commen with SM's device.  Have you experimented along the lines of Identical signals/different sources, opposing one another, one slightly out of phase,in your Toroid? 

Hello Bob.

Please see above, for replies!   

Thank you very much for the information you have already given us.  We will digest it.  Test it.  And use that which we can.

Warm Regards,

As I had already mentioned, standing waves do play a very big role in interactions between out of phase signals. I'm not so convinced that 7.3 Hz was a target, as the heating issue SM had mentioned tends to suggest higher frequency operation. A proportionally smaller portion of energy is a lot easier to control.

I downloaded the info and went over it, just finished reading it all. It is amazing how much information has been provided by SM, yet the majority seems to have gone right over the heads of most people here. There are a few here however that really do seem to have a good grasp of the concept, and are doing very well. SM has given way more informatiuon than required to fully replicate a device that operates on these principles. Heck, I have had 2 people replicate my toroidal power system so far, and I didn't even have to give them nearly as much key information as SM has provided! I only provided them with the toroid winding and connection information, power requirements, preliminary tuning instructions, and some safety advice. I did not go into fine detail on the theory of operation. They observed the anomolous behavior and learned for themselves how to tune from there for improved operation.

I really wanted to say that this does not have to be that difficult, just listen to SM and follow his clues. But after having dealt with exactly this sort of issue myself over the years, where most people just don't seem to grasp even the simplest of details, I can definitely relate to the frustration that SM seems to have. I eventually became so frustrated that I buried myself in my research and gave up trying to explain any of the really intense details to others.

I rarely go into the details because frankly, most people think I'm nuts when I speak of anomolous energy or apparent over-unity output. These poor closed-minded souls do not look at the big picture, that WE do not have to input all of the energy IFwe can tap into and channel a natural energy flow to do work. Do WE put the energy in the wind that we can tap with a windmill? Do WE put the energy into the sunlight that we can tap with a solar panel? Do WE put the energy into the stream that we can tap with a water wheel? Of course not. They seem to have very little trouble with these examples, but yet they have a very hard time grasping the concept of tapping into unseen or unfelt natural energies.

I helped several replicators closely, and shared proprietary information with over 2 dozen experimenters that were willing to enter into non-disclosure agreements. After getting burned by one of them, a guy in Australia that published a portion of my proprietary and copyrighted information and diagrams, things changed. I'm just glad that he betrayed me prior to getting the more intimate details, as that severely limited the impact of his actions. My attorney still will not allow me to make any further detailed disclosures under NDA, while we determine the damages of this one NDA violation. I still work with the replicators that are already involved, but have not taken on helping any new ones.

The main reason I am so careful with this is, the dangers involved with precision phase control getting out of control are great. SM was absolutely correct about what can occur during energy avalanches. Even if tuned off-center, tremendous energy can flow if an avalanche occurs. I have experienced the wrath of this on a couple of occasions. Lightning protection is an absolute MUST if you are wanting to experiment along these lines. If you look outside and see the clouds above you begin to slowly spin, centered over your location, shut it down immediately! I am not kidding here. I don't want to scare you off, just make you aware of how dangerous this technology can be at higher power levels.

This is why I designed my toroidal power system specifically for use with the hydroxy gas systems. The onboard safeties are there to shut down the frequency generators, as long as the safeties are connected to overtemp, overvolt, overcurrent, and overpressure detection. I did as much as I could to make this as safe as possible for those that know nothing about the technology. The controllers were also designed to minimize the risk of conditions favoring an avalanche from even occuring. The use of water as a load can minimize the impact of lower energy avalanches, as the energy can be totally absorbed by the water. By design, it is also very difficult for someone to create the right conditions to get it to even operate correctly by accident. They will have to know how to wind the toroid, how it is connected, how to power it, and how to tune it. Without that information, it is nothing more than an oddly wound toroidal transformer ;-)

PS: Mannix, if you are still in contact with SM, please relay to him that I understand the frustration, and I hope all is well with him.

Bob Boyce



Thanks for sharing.   So glad to hear your validation of TPU as you are very well known and respected.   Thank you, thank you, thank you for being here!


Bob Boyce

Quote from: Grumpy on July 04, 2007, 07:41:56 PM
@Bob B.

So, you are using a three-phase arrangment, with a biasing dc solenoid at the core/center, and toroidal secondary - which is internal to primaries.

Are you shifting the phase digitally like with a stepper controller or analog with like an RC network?  Not that it matters, just asking - no one else is asking any questions.

Does not sound as though your wire lengths are critical.  Is this a correct assumption?

Can you elaorate on pulse shapes and their effects?


Three phase, yes. The DC biasing is distributed around the core periphery. I have 2 different winding setups.

The one that incorporates DC bias into the secondary winding is one strictly for driving the hydroxy gas systems, and it is very tame in comparison. It lacks an intense angular field component, which makes it very mild-mannered in comparison. It is not so prone to runaway, but lacks in total power capacity. It is like a tropical storm at best. This is the one shared with the hydroxy gas crowd.

The one that has a seperate DC bias winding can introduce a much greater angular field, but it can be quite the beast to control. This one is like a hurricane that can turn into a tornado at a moments notice. This is one that can initiate intense lightning strikes and other nasty stuff if not kept on a VERY tight leash. Obviously, this one is not shared with the hydroxy gas crowd.

The controller that I designed and released into the public domain does not utilize phase control. Precision phase control is too dangerous for most of the type of hobbyists that usually want to build the hydroxy gas systems, so a milder form of controller was the answer. It uses pulse conditioning and safety interrupts prior to the power MOSFET devices. My method of precision phase control is via precision pulse duration and timing using software on a microcontroller. The outputs are conditioned and applied through safety interrupts to power MOSFETs via drivers.

The secondary wire lengths are not critical in and of themselves, as long as it is a full fill around the toroid. What is important is that the number of turns on the secondary, in combination with target DC bias, are used to determine optimum primary winding ratio. Core diameter determines the amount of power that can safely be handled without heating issues.

Pulse shapes vs effects... It's much more complex than just pulse shapes. But think about what you are asking. Do we really want that sort of information spelled out online, even if there were a mapping chart of frequencies/waveform patterns/effects? Just consider what could happen if certain people were to get all the information they could on negative uses of this or any other energy technology.

Bob Boyce


Hi Bob,

And thank you for your well put together answers to our questions.  I agree that it is amazing how 1000 people can read the same words and most never hear them. 

I also, some time ago, made the suggestion of testing with our units hooked to a simple HHO cell, to get a true reading of output current.  Also because it seems that SM's toroid was able to "rise to the load", of course within bounds.  But if one is lighting one bulb, how does that person know that there is enough wattage to light five bulbs.  So I had suggest the tie in with HHO.  But many in this community boo'd me for this.  I took it as lack of understanding and carried on!  LOL  :)  It is good that you do understand.

Lastly, after you have read SM's clues, how similar would you say your devise is both in function and in mechanics to the SM device?  Also does your toroid produce Alternating Current or Direct Current for power output?

Thank you and warm regards,
1.  Lindsay's Stack TPU Posted Picture.  All Wound CCW  Collectors three turns and HORIZONTAL, not vertical.

2.  3 Tube amps, sending three frequency's, each having two signals, one in-phase & one inverted 180 deg, opposing signals in each collector (via control wires). 

3.  Collector is Magnetic Loop Antenna, made of lamp chord wire, wound flat.  Inside loop is antenna, outside loop is for output.  First collector is tuned via tuned tank, to the fundamental.  Second collector is tuned tank to the second harmonic (component).  Third collector is tuned tank to the third harmonic (component)  Frequency is determined by taking the circumference frequency, reducing the size by .88 inches.  Divide this frequency by 1000, and you have your second harmonic.  Divide this by 2 and you have your fundamental.  Multiply that by 3 and you have your third harmonic component.  Tune the collectors to each of these.  Input the fundamental and two modulation frequencies, made to create replicas of the fundamental, second harmonic and the third.

4.  The three frequency's circulating in the collectors, both in phase and inverted, begin to create hundreds of thousands of created frequency's, via intermodulation, that subtract to the fundamental and its harmonics.  This is called "Catalyst".

5.  The three AC PURE sine signals, travel through the amplification stage, Nonlinear, producing the second harmonic and third.  (distortion)

6.  These signals then travel the control coils, are rectified by a full wave bridge, and then sent into the output outer loop as all positive pulsed DC.  This then becomes the output and "collects" the current.

P.S.  The Kicks are harmonic distortion with passive intermodulation.  Can't see it without a spectrum analyzer, normally unless trained to see it on a scope.