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Spinor resonance -- explanation for TPU like devices

Started by MarkSnoswell, July 14, 2007, 09:17:10 PM

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Originally posted at http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,2637.78.html

     If I am on the right track with the spinor resonance then phase, pulse timing and coil configurations wont quite be what you expect -- that doesnt mean they will be complicated, but not what classical intuition would lead you to expect. Simple experimentation is called for...

I won?t have time to do experimental work on this project for a few months. I have some other projects to finish, an overseas trip and an office to move first.

If anyone is interested this is exactly how I will start. I?m giving instructions here so that others can try this if they wish. No guarantees -- this is just what I plan to do based on every bit of practical, hearsay and theoretical information I have to hand.


1.   Starting with a single collector coil and primary. I would use some heavy duty coax for my collector coils as this provides a perfect core to wind the primaries on. RG218 is a good candidate. Cut 1196mm length and strip the outer sheath and remove the braiding ? this leaves the 15.7mm OD PE dielectric with 4.95mm OD copper core. The reason for using the coax is that you want precise and even spacing of the primary coil from the surface of the collector wire. I think this will work better than a stranded core ? it?s the precise/consistent spacing that is critical. Leave the striped coax straight for now.

2.   Wind a primary coil. I would do this on my lathe winding tightly with 1mm OD magnet wire over a  15mm OD steel former. After winding ? when the tension is released the coil will spring back enough to easily remove it from the former. It should slide snugly over the 15.7mm coax core you have prepared.

3.   The RG218 core is 5mm OD solid copper ? not very flexible and very hard to solder too neatly. For connecting to it I would drill 0.95mm holes radial into it right near the ends. I would then inert 1mm solid wire that I had sanded to a slight taper.

4.   Shrink wrap to hold the primary firmly in place. Alternately wrap tightly with a single layer of electrical tape.

5.    I would bend the completed collector with primary coil assembly over a circular former to bend into circular form. Tape the ends together and you can remove it from the form. The heavy copper core of the RG218 will help to stabilize the circle.

6.   *Variation: I would actually wind a perfect counterwound primary in anticipation of testing single primary vs counterwound. The reason for this is that we are interested in the spin wave front and not the B field generated by the primary. It may work better to eliminate the B field by applying the pulse to a counterwound primary. It is easy to wind a counterwound primary now and start testing driving just one helix. (I attached a photograph of the first counterwound coil I ever wound -- I found a novel way to make these perfectly and easily and made a whole lot of them a while back

**OK -- you can also try a complete coax solution -- using the shield as the primary and core as the collector. In theory I thik this would work but the speed fo the spin wave front would be to fast to make for a practical design with a managable circumference.

Test procedure:

1.   Start with just one primary/collector coil.

2.   Connect the collector to a low impedance load ? a 100w incandescent light bulb.

3.   Drive the primary coil with the shortest pulse you can cleanly generate.  I would use a 600V MOSFET and drive with rectified mains voltage ~ 340V. I would use a good MOSFET driver like TC4421 and do everything else possible to ensure a clean fast pulse.

4.   Slowly sweep the drive frequency from 1Khz or so up to 100Khz looking for a peak in output. At this stage any peak should have a relatively low Q so it should be easy to find.

5.   I would then vary the pulse width ? looking to see if there is an optimum.

6.   I would repeat the previous step with single wound and counterwound primaries. I would try it with the primaries open circuit first and then closed to ground through a modest resistive load ? 1K ? 100K or so. The reasoning here is that we are looking for the optimum timing of the spin wave front pushing (SM talks about kicking and squeezing) a charge pulse down the collector == very fast circulating static field == very fast rotating magnetic field.

7.   After finding the optimum drive frequency for the first collector coil I would then add a second coil set. Space it one primary minor diameter above the first coil set ? that will be 15.7mm. I would use acetal or nylon spacers to hold the coil sets apart and tape them firmly together.
8.   I would series connect the collectors and check that with just driving the bottom primary things are working as expected. With the first primary (bottom coil set) running I would sweep the drive frequency of the second primary looking for further increase in the output. I would expect the Q to be higher now so I would sweep more slowly so as not to miss a resonance peak.

9.   I would repeat the previous step with the third (top) coil set added.

** After getting the three coil sets working as well as possible I would look at adding a bias coil around the whole set ? this is the single outer toroidal winding over SM devices.  I would use this winding to control both the static and magnetic bias environment for the three coil sets.

** All of this would be done with three independent signal sources. Only after getting everything tuned and working like this would I attempt to put in resonant feedback ? from one collector to the next primary.

** I would also repeat all of the above with three segment primary coils on a single colector and injecting the three frequencies into those three primaries on a single collector. I would try 3 primaries covering 120 deg and also 3 primaries covering 360 deg but tharting 120 apart.

If any of you are looking for control boards check out www.futurlec.com ? I would not use the http://www.futurlec.com/ATMEGA_Controller.shtml even though it has 6 independent PWM?s ? it?s too slow and you cant get good precise pulse width control over 10Khz or so. I am looking at using 3 of these http://www.futurlec.com/ARM7024_Controller.shtml and syncing them up.

Dr Mark Snoswell.
President of the CGSociety www.cgsociety.org


Originally posted at http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,2637.80.html

Additional note for experimenters:

When series connecting the colector coils you have to either trim the conector length or tune the pulse delay (phase) of the drive coils. The reson is that it's the phase alignment and spacing of the multiple pulse trains in the collector coil that can give rise to a spinor resonance.

Tao -- yes I saw your posts... and everything else in this forum.

Rob -- "RE: spinor_--_electrical_coil_analouge_-_45deg_helicies.jpg
Does this show 4 conical shaped vorticies of magnetic field?"

No. I have attached the image here again for reference. The "coils" you see are trace lines through 3D space. This image is a composite showing some of the distorion of space at various points inside a spinor. As it is a spin 1/2 spinor it repeats every 720 deg (NOT 360 deg). At + 45 deg you get the orange and at -45 deg the red conical pairs of spacial distortions. At 360 deg you get the pancacke and solenoid distortion (in fact all of the spherical volume is wound up at 360 deg).
This image suggests that a spinor resonance could be generated with various coils wound in a simillar fashion to the image. However phasing of the coils would be dificult -- thay would best be driven with timed pulses at the phase angles I indicated.

I have attached two animations of composite spinors. There is *no* tnagling of space. In the first animation you can see that the central spere rotates twice in one cycle -- this is a spin 1/2 characteristic. You are looking at a representation of a spherical wave like the one that could be an electron or proton. These waves spin space continuously but never tangle space. There is no magic or trickery here although it is beyond everyday intuition -- you really can take any closed 3D volume and spin it continuously in oue direction without it ever geting tangled.

In the second animation you see a layered spinor (it's still spin 1/2). With the multiple spinors layered it is easier to se the regular distortions of space at various points in the 720 deg cycle.

In case you think these animations show an unrealistic distortion of space -- they do not. With a Plank length mesh and the diameter of a proton the distortions you see here would be flatter than the curvature of surface of the Earth!

The final image is a snapshot of orthognal trace lines distorted in a 3 phase spinor with homogenous energy distribution into all availble curvature modes, but with rigid shells for any given radius. The remarkable feature is that space is spiraling along every axis -- even though there is no tangling of and we are dealing with harmonic rotations of rigid spherical shells!


Dr Mark Snoswell.
President of the CGSociety www.cgsociety.org


Answers to Earl's questions

Quote from: EarlWhy do you use the term "3-phase" in the image name:

Because the i, j and k components of the quaternion function have sine waves 120 deg apart... as oposed to the classical belt trick forumulation of q(t, β) = [ sin2(β) + cos2(β)cos(2t, Ïâ,¬), 0, cos(β)sin(β)(1 - cos(2tÏâ,¬)), cos(β)sin(2tÏâ,¬) ] where the j term is zero.

See here for a detailed explanation of the belt trick and quaternions http://books.elsevier.com/companions/0120884003/vq/Belt-Trick/index.html  ... this is as far as anyone had gone visualizing quaternions. I started there and have gone a lot further -- when I get time I will put all the results up on my own web page.

Quote from: EarlIf one was to take the copper-colored cone-shaped coils, as in the image below, and feed the two cones with HV narrow pulses of opposite polarity (at the pointed ends) would a radiant energy collector as shown in green be the best location?  Or the flat spiral Tesla type of coil colored in blue?  Or maybe the outside purple-colored coil?  Here the pulses would have to be sufficiently short and the cone coil conductors sufficiently long such that the pulse would end before something traveling at the speed of light reached the end of the cone coil.  This is an absolutely crazy idea that has nothing to do with traditional engineering thought.

Who knows -- these sorts of things have not been done before. However I am not really interested in random experiments but rather caerfull tests to validate theory and move towards new devices with an understanding of how they work. I have started this and the results are very encouraging -- but I am not commenting further on that work here and now.



Dr Mark Snoswell.
President of the CGSociety www.cgsociety.org


Awesome mark, and thanks. Like I said, not to detract, but it's better here, anyway. Your theories are all together and make a coherent picture here as well, reading them all in a row like that.


Much appreciated mate.


Theory is very important with so many unknowns, but my gut has me throwing together a tetrahedral device - should be pumping signals through it soon.
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