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The Grand Proverbial Goose Chase?

Started by Sataur, August 17, 2007, 07:24:45 PM

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@Stefan: well done! Nothing against banning someone. The time must be choosen carefully and after warning.

@neptune: Tinkering with OU is a bit like buying a lottery ticket, the odds are terrible but you never know. that's a good illustration, although i don't and won't play the lottery. Difference: you can raise the chances by reflection.

gaby de wilde

Quote from: hartiberlin on August 19, 2007, 06:34:54 PM
Okay, I have removed the ban on user Humbugger,
but I hope he will not try to put down again other users
with their experiments.
Maybe he should then post more in the skeptics board over here.

Sorry, normally I put a warning on users first before I ban
somebody and I was in a personal bad mood that  day, so I did not put
the warning on him.

Regards, Stefan. ( admin)

I've been thinking a bit about this acceptance of weird skeptical behaviour. I think it's a known fact that every post that doesn't bring a subject forwards is a useless contribution. It's just not worth the time reading it.  The main intention is to obstruct the research of others. I'm really trying to figure out what other use it could possibly have. I love constructive criticism, cynicism is just not it.

They seem to focus attention on the easy debunking targets and make it look as if con artists make up the core of the technology. They seem to be researching the researcher rather then the overunity apparatus. So, I have now researched the researcher researching me and I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as an informed septic.

It must be a very complex puzzle to moderate this board.

It's not fair to Ban people after questioning something. But I know most inventors are one hundred percent uninterested in this discussion. Most will just opt to post nothing.

What ever happens it's always the admin who gets the blame it seems. :D

Your hard work is much appreciated.

I say Ban everyone! me first !! lolzzz Oh, and add "the laws of thermodynamics" to the banned word list. That would be just great. :D

Thanks again  8)
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Hello, new on this post and wanted to follow along, also new to this site. Never heard of overunity or bessler until a few weeks ago. Seems alot of people have the wheel figured out. I just don't know why they don't show us , LOL. I should preface my entry into this forum by saying i am from Northern New England in the USA.  I have a strange sense of sarcasm which sometimes does not translate well into text. So i apologize ahead of time for any arogant sounding or inflamatory remarks.

I just want to say i do not claim to have a working protoype of any type of self sustaining gravity wheel, Hopefully this will not preclude me from sharing some observations. Some of which i am sure have been already observed by many others. The previous post says why should we be here if we are not trying to further the knowledge of others. so here is me sharing  ;D

The bidirectional versus the single direction wheel. I know it is obvious but depending upon which side of the wheel you are statnding on dictates which direction the wheel apprears to be moving in. So by just creating the same wheel twice and meshing together you would have a wheel that was capable of turning in either direction easily. This shows us that the wheel when completed will have enough torque to pick up the dead weight of the nonactive wheel. Also this explains why past wheels that were reported to operate worked slower and had less torque as a bidirectional wheel. If optimum efficiency is desired only one direction need to be achieved. I can see why some one would want to show that they could do it but it makes for a less efficient machine. Do we really need to stop a gravity machine and change directions if its powering a water pump, generator or whatever?

The larger the machine gets the slower it appears to go is only because the larger the machine gets , the larger the weights have to be to move it at the same speed. SInce we are talking about some large forces "gravity" the stress or force they create onto a wood structure would cause it to break. If building the machine from wood you would have to scale down the weights as you got larger so as not to destroy you machine.

The six weight one direction wheel would have 7 axis.

4. I see no reason why the secret once found can't be made to be profitable for the discoverer as well as open sourced fot the world. I can build a car. But its cheaper to buy one. You can get free electricity from a windmill generator in your backyard but how many do? To tell someone that they should give up now if they expect to profit from gravitational energy because the only goal should be to set the world free seems crazy to me.Microsft wants to pay  44 Billion for a website designed in a basement, but the discoverer of free energy should just be proud. I want to give fre energy to the world, but i also don't want to fall of a windmill because i'm still working when i'm 60.


Quote from: wattsup on August 19, 2007, 11:34:59 AM
OK let's push the subject of delusion on something more specific. Here's the story.

Many many months ago, I think it was Stefan that had an idea for a square wheel with sliders. In that thread I posted a design for a wheel. The idea just popped into my head from I can't remember what natural inspiration. This idea kept maturing and I started doing some drawings on my Corel Draw program. I analyzed all the angles. I made drawings that were titled every 2 degrees for 90 degrees (45 drawings) and placed by steel bearings in their places to make sure that there was always more weight on the right then on the left. I did all the due diligence possible knowing this is impossible, but the idea kept eating away.

I sent the drawings to a friend who has a water jet cutter so he could cut the parts. He told me he needed it in AutoCad. OK, so I borrowed AutoCad from my Sister-in-Law and learned to use it and re-did the drawings. I asked him to cut it out of aluminum since this was the lightest metal around, plus the two transparent covers were cut from plexiglas. The blue image below is the original drawing I sent him. Notice the elaborate curves inside each of the eight sections.

So I get the parts, get a company to fit two bearings in the center wheel and one bearing on each vertical stand. Put the thing together and low and behold, it doesn't turn over. So I think and think again. Get myself a few grinding wheels for my drill and start modifying it from the original design. Things start looking better but every time I would remove some metal from somewhere, I would change the balance on the other side. So I continue anyways taking off more of the original design until I finally realize, the wheel itself had to be balanced. So I bring the wheel into a special metal shop that has a balance system to find out I was 22 grams heavy on one side. So I removed here and there and finally see the wheel is perfectly balanced.

At home, I put the perfectly balanced wheel back together but don't forget, the wheel has now been modified by my former actions. Give the wheel a small spin and it turns and turns until it stops. This wheel (shown below) is almost turning on its own. I have now realized that the aluminum is too heavy for the total weight of the balls trying to keep such a mass in motion. So now, I will be making a new wheel with the original design, and it will be made of plastic which is already purchased and sent to my jet cutter friend. I only need to make some small mods on the design because I was using 3/4" ball bearings and this wheel will be using 1" ball bearings to increase the ball ratio even more. The plastic will weight 1/3 that of the aluminum. Total cost thus far about 700$ plus time, etc., etc. The new wheel will also be balanced before anything else. I learned a great deal from this little venture. Will it work. I am 99% sure it will and 100% sure it won't. But the inventor is always sure it will otherwise he would not try it. And this is not based on wishful thinking but well planned, preliminary scrutiny for hours and hours trying to see where there is a flaw but all indications where positive. My original design ensures that the bottom ball is pushed right as well as the top left ball pushed to the right as much as possible in order to keep the weight greater on the right. There is no other way to have a chance at such wheels working.

So, am I crazy? Am I deluded? For me not to be deluded, was I supposed to design this and have it work the first time around. Was I expecting problems? Yes I was. Was I ready and did I have the means to tackle these problems. Yes I did. So I ask the question again. Am I deluded?

Well maybe I am, but I can tell you this. Any time anyone has a wheel to make and needs some guidance, I have now the experience to provide good information based on "trials", "tinkering" call it what you will. Experience. I'll let you know how it goes with the plastic wheel. If it works, I will call it the Anti-Delusion Wheel. If it does not work, it will make a nice piece of art and call it Delusion-X. A few magnets and it will eventually turn.

Delusion is not the base. Want of an answer is the base and can be confused with delusion. Was Tesla deluded? Are people that build homes and cities in flood zones or earthquake zones deluded. Are people that eat pickles deluded since 100% of people that eat them will eventually die.

I have three businesses and do very well. One of the businesses since 1988 I have always use just to develop products and accumulate expenses including OU investigations under R&D. 50% of such expenses are eventually tax deductable should I decide to close that company or I can put any gains in the company and withdraw them personally no-tax which would be off-set by the capital invested. Is this delusion? I have over 1/2 a million accumulated over the years but have had products on and off the market for as long. Is this delusion. I call it smart hobbying.

So Humbugger brought up a good subject. Something that can be used as a mirror to look at ourselves and what we are involved in under a more discriminating manner. So again, I ask Stefan to please put Humbugger back online. The guy deserves a break.

Looks a lot like this:



Quote from: Humbugger on August 18, 2007, 03:13:13 AM
I am aware that the chaotic, seething, churning atomic-level energy is everywhere, yes.  Getting it to line up and dance forever for our particular desired energy purposes with some oscillators, crystals, magnets, coils, belts, weights, pendulums, MOSFETs and pullies?  And no continuing energy input?  Not a chance.  Period.


Here´s just a little tonic to help you overcome your current debilitating bout of skepticism:

It would appear to me that Paul Lawrence has proved that a Maxwells Demon like device is possible, althought the output is very feeble it does prove without doubt (at least to my mind) that the seething chaotic noise that you refer to can indeed be rectified.


Best, Yucca.