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Exploring addition of signals occording to SMs TPU

Started by EMdevices, August 24, 2007, 02:01:59 PM

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Good stuff EM.

Looking forward to more details.



EMdevices I find it interesting you refer to resonant standing wave, as you are getting back into the discoveries made by Tesla concerning our ionosphere and specific resonant frequencies.

There is some very interesting simulations in this thread concerning nodes. However this does not totally take into account scalar (soliton) waves which are the most energetic by product of the kick.

Don't get me wrong, the projections of the simulations are excellent. However contrary to the explanation given they only explain a partial gain of the energy, there is an imbalance between potential nodes and the gains observed.

With inclusion of scalar waves,the Solitary waves observed on the scope when the square wave pulse is introduced to a coil. Their properties allow for merging, and quantum tunnelling of the resultant wave packet and then separation of the two soliton waves without loss of energy.

Thus the wave form can leap around the device without loss of potential. Which could fill in the missing energy.

Interestingly this also creates the effect of rotation.

Where exponential increases of output are concerned, you will find that there is insufficient mass for the gain in energy. This is where the tunnelling becomes very important. Without it then then the maths will never add up.

However seemingly in contradiction to what I am saying, you are also correct.

It's to do with range of observation you are working with.

Keep up the good work, this is excellent stuff.

Out of interest EM, have you considered the implications of using a mobius caduceus coil collector?

I know this is highly complex to simulate, however caduceus coils have a rather interesting property of being able to resonate on a apparently infinite spectrum. This also creates some rather interesting collisions in the fields.

In such a setup the coils would be arranged along the single strands of the caduceus coil. In the same field direction as the direction of flow.



Hi Everyone,


Could you elaborate more on the behavior of these solitary waves? I have generated and observed these waves in coils when the incoming pulse was sharp enough and have wondered what interesting properties these waves exhibit.


Around last fall when I was investigating solitary wave behavior, I made a simulation in Excel to help visualize the effect of multiple solitons propagating down an open-ended and grounded transmission line to see how they could mix when you generate many of them. For those interested, I made a long post about the program on CTG Labs along with a lot of research that I did in the area. Here is a copy of the original post:

Hello All,

I have created something which I think will be of great help to us. I?ve still been thinking about the idea of pulses traveling down an open circuited transmission line and then I started thinking about the kicks that Mr. Mark was talking about. Check out this quote to refresh your memory:

"The multiple frequencies begin to feed themselves and the multiple kicks become a combined big kick.
I call it resonating.
That is why if you notice in the video tapes that it takes just a few seconds for the coil to begin to function at maximum effort. You see, one little kick amounts to nothing. However imagine if you had hundreds of thousands of little kicks combining into one big current kick . . ."

I then started thinking ?hmmm? how can I visualize these kicks traveling down a transmission line-like wire and how would they combine if you put a whole bunch of them in the same space? Well, assuming that the transmission line is not grounded, it is safe to assume that any reflected pulses would add to the incoming pulses. Just like in this picture:

The first thing I thought to do was find a mathematical function to represent a simple pulse wave (like the one in the picture). These single waves are called solitons and someone on the other thread at overunity.com made a reference to them by posting the link about the Electrical Soliton Oscillator. I remembered that they had included a simple function to represent the solitary wave, which was Sech2(x). By modifying the phase period and amplitude of the equation, one could easily model a typical soliton wave moving on a graph, which is exactly what I did.  But I took it one step further and created a Soliton interference simulator! It is a program I made in Microsoft Excel which shows a graph with up to 16 possible soliton waves on it. I can adjust the initial position of the solitons on the graph, as well as their speed, and direction. I was able to simulate the simple interference case of two waves like the above animation but things got quite interesting once I started adding more waves to the graph. Then I made waves that were moving at different speeds through the graph (simulating multiple pulse frequencies) and there it is! I can see the big huge kicks combining like Mr. Mark was talking about!! And in my simulation, the more frequencies (different speeds) I had, the better the spikes and ?blobs? of waves became! I attached it here for everyone to play with. It is very flexible and once you start it running, you can just sit there forever and watch the solitons bouncing back and forth on the graph combining in all kinds of random ways! I included specific instructions on how to use it in the file and even added some options for presets which gave me interesting results. Please check it out and let me know what you think. It took me over 4 hours to program :).

God Bless,
Jason O

P.S. Once you see how the mess of waves can combine, start thinking about what would happen if you feed that mess of waves back into itself?

Also, I had a long discussion with the techies over on PhysicsForums a while back about what happens when you pulse an open-ended transmission line. If you check out the whole thing, you'll notice that they basically admit that the pulses continuously add on top of eachother when the end is not grounded:


Although, they look at the adding phenomenon as a 'bad' thing that must be eliminated ;)

I Attached a copy of the soliton simulator below also.

God Bless,
Jason O


I seem to remember that the physical power diminishes the higher the harmonc, but unfortunately I can't find anything on google right now.

A mathematical model can be very graceous, but real life is a bitch  ;D

Just my 5 cents - I hope I'm wrong, but don't think so   >:(


A good example of a recreation  John Scott Russell's 1834  observation of the Soliton wave.

That picture says a lot more than words or descriptions can.

(pic from here http://www.ma.hw.ac.uk/solitons/press.html )

The comment on that page is very accurate observation

Quote"the qualities of the soliton wave which excited him,the fact that it does not break up, spread out or lose strength over distance"

Another quote from there
"The 'Wave of Translation' itself was regarded as a curiosity until the 1960s when scientists began to use modern digital computers to study non-linear wave propagation. Then an explosion of activity occurred when it was discovered that many phenomena in physics, electronics and biology can be described by the mathematical and physical theory of the 'soliton', as Scott Russell's wave is now known. This work has continued and currently includes modelling high temperature superconductors and energy transport in DNA, as well as in the development of new mathematical techniques and concepts underpinning further developments."

As I mentioned before have a look at this http://jlnlabs.imars.com/spgen/

And example of the back EMF Kick and soliton pulses.

Notice the coil used.

The caduceus coil is a simple electromagnetic representation of a DNA double helix

The reason I always found this so interesting, is it is this structure that lends to our 8kHz commonality with the planet around us.

btw @ Jdo300  that is an excellent simulator thx for that.

Concerning the non earthed coils. I guess in conventional electronics solitons can be bothersome interference especially as at this level they are able to tunnel through most things. Tunnelling wave packets are also an irritation to most classical physicists as it means they are forced to deal with reactions that cross the localised event horizon, and area which classical physics really is not comfortable with.

However in our research we know the importance of this ability to tunnel and how the merging of two or more soliton pulses results in massive kick spikes.

Getting down to more specific information (now that the peeps just glancing at the thread have seen some eye candy  ;D )

It puzzles me why so few physicists are concerned why the sum of the spike can be greater than the solitons waves which create it and that there is no resultant loss of energy/momentum as a by product of this interaction. 

In fact as we have observed, this interaction increases the output exponentially. An output which far exceeds both the mass of the device and the energy being introduced.

If you have not already done so, go have read of this little bit of conjecture. http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,2816.0.html

Now when I say the combined density of two or more soliton's is higher than our relative zero point. It may make some sense where I am coming from with this.

(I prefer to use TDM, as Quantum physics is just too vague and requires you to use theoretical particles/wave forms which have no way to represent them in classical physics terms. They just become names with meaningless values beyond the zero point, It also allows me to use reasonably simple terms for very complex reactions).

To quote

QuoteIf I am travelling along in my car at night time at 100 miles an hour and switch my headlights on, would the photons be travelling at C + 100 mph?

Well we all know the classical physics interpretation about how fast light propagates and the various conflicts in mass between SR/GR and QM that this simple question creates as well as the silly philosophical answer that current classical physics returns. Philosophy and physics never do mix well.

But what if I said the photons that the observer of those headlights sees are not the photons emitted by the lights. Would you think I was crazy?

Ok so you probably already think that... so I will pose another question to help explain.

Question: What happens when you gently drop a large heavy stone into a bucket of water that is full to the brim?

Answer: in normal circumstances the water overflows!

Remember that?..

Now if we treated the photons as being a matter state (since energy and matter and interchangeable), what would happen to particle passing through other objects?



Now if I said these particles where compressed proportionate to the resistance and there increased velocity by the vehicle. You may begin to understand. There physical structure becomes too dense to interact with other matter in the current relative scale range (TDM state 0) they cannot physically collide with anything on this scale, However they now interact with matter of a similar scale range in the next higher Density TDM state 1 (as very low density subluminal matter). In doing so TDM state 1 has gained matter, to compensate it expands. Whilst this has been occurring the car and the observer in the original TDM state 0 have followed the normal curvature of space time and increased their density proportion to volume and resistance. So they are now of a scale range that can interact with the lower density particles of the previous TDM state 1 which are being displace, Which in turn are now extremely high density particles on the original TDM state 0. This displaced matter is the photons that the observer see?s coming from the headlights of the car approaching at 100 mph.

Now if something was between the lights of the car and the observer to act as a moderator ( An object to cause rapid compression of the photons through several TDM states) how much energy would be returned?

I believe this to be applicable where the solitons are that of elementary particles. That essentially what we observer as the prorogation of solitary wave forms into kick as they merger, in in fact particles being compressed, thus causing them to directly interact with a density of the curvarture of space time that is now relative in scale to them.

What we observe in the kick is the resultant equal and opposite reaction of the expansion wave  being emitted. because the displacement caused in space time by this sudden gain of matter on that new scale.

This would suggest, that as I have mentioned elsewhere, that these spikes although a comparitively small burst of energy in our finite scale range, are in fact as the result of expansion waves propagating outwards across multiple scale universes.

Which means the actual energy is:


and where:




= Pseudo superluminal velocity, theoretical multiples of the velocity of light obtained when comparing two or more TDM states (Scale finite universes)

= The obtained TDM (Time density & Mass) state, or scale multiple of our finite universe.

Lambda or the surrounding relative space.

So in absolute terms of General Relativity each single TDM state crossed would be the sum of 1053 kg to 1060 kg. According to which estimated mass of the Finite universe that you subscribe to. Which really puts in proportion just how much energy is really involved in each single so called quantum wave packet (to use classical terms) of the merged state of two or more solitons in the uniform structure of the TPU.

I would point out the TPU is not the only device that can create this.

This so called tunnelling is not the only process involved in the TPU, but as I said it is very important in its ability to gain energy.

Create a compression factor of the soliton waves that is 6 times it's relative event horizon and you will return 5 times grater energy than you put in.  When you consider just how many times this can occur in a nanosecond. You will understand when I say how the energy output can increase exponentially.

If we start to get into the laws of energy conservation and that of thermodynamics, then solitons get extremely interesting. As solitons in there collisions appear to defy the laws of energy conservation. 

But then again given that these laws are so closely interlinked and dependant on each other and that the laws of energy conservation where created by a philosopher (not a scientist). This does go part of the way to explain this apparent violation.

However it is important to remember no finite medium is a perfect uniform wave guide, so solitons will lose momentum over time. So technically there is no violation of these laws, but this does not change the fact that they are an extremely efficient form of propagation of energy when using a relatively uniform carrier medium.

That plus TDM if only in conjecture shows us that  both laws of energy conservation and that of thermodynamics can be correct in a finite range, yet not actually be correct when two or more scale ranges of interaction are involved.

Over unity in this conjecture (based upon what the laws of physics predicts) is nothing more than simple displacement of matter.

Thus if we are comfortable with this being a reality of physical interaction, we become more comfortable with using compression mediums (targets) to induce an instantaneous intense increased propagation density of the soliton.

This can be the targets as used by Prof.Dr. Gunter Nimtz in the Quantum Electron Tunnelling experiments or even the opposing fields of a caduceus coil.

As we learn more about this, we can learn how to tunnel on demand over specific distances. Inducing returned spike to appear in  a secondary collector, as the solitons continue to propagate in the structure of the TPU.

btw feeding the spikes into the spikes could create a cascade.

Where the particles returned, are greater than the velocity of light. Thus inducing them to fold back on them self in space time. A bit like a black hole where the escape velocity becomes that of the velocity of light.

I also would warn you there is a charge per volume cascade point on our planet, if you hit upon that then you will see a small lightning bolt go into the air. Over saturate beyond this point and you will open a direct tunnelling link with our ionosphere. (The feed back that Tesla observed in his experiments in seeding the Ionosphere).

Unless you want to say good bye to a few Km2 I would suggest do not you push beyond the saturation level where streamers start to form.