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Why Free Energy Is Suppressed

Started by Freedomfuel, October 16, 2007, 03:02:37 PM

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Quote from: Elvis Oswald on September 14, 2008, 10:15:14 AM
I concede that those who say "20 equations were reduced to 4" are not quite right.  I would suppose that if Maxwell reduced the 20 to 8 equations himself... then those 8 are complete.
But according to the wikipedia link... Heaviside used one outright and then combined 2 more to make one... that's 3.
It didn't mention that his other 2 were replacements for 2 more of Maxwell's - much less that they were a replacement for the 5 left.
If they replace 2 - then you still have 3 missing.  Or maybe there's 5 missing.

You make a good point---certainly it would be reasonable to investigate what became of these 8 equations.  I'm no expert on E&M, but here's what I find.  I'll use letters A--H to label the equations as in the wikipedia article we were discussing.

  • A & C were combined to give Ampere's Law (one of the modern 4 Maxwell's Equations)
  • B is the definition of vector magnetic potential (which is mentioned on page 234 of Griffiths' Electrodynamics, a very popular E&M textbook)
  • D is now called the Lorentz Force Law
  • E defines the Electric Displacement Field
  • F is Ohm's Law (the continuum form)
  • G is Gauss' Law (one of the modern 4 Maxwell's Equations)
  • H, the Equation of Continuity of Charge, appears on page 291 of Dugdale's Essentials of Electromagnetism, another E&M textbook. 

So it looks to me as if all of Maxwell's original 8 equations still show up in mainstream textbooks and wikipedia.  What has happened is that they have been regrouped or reorganized into a form which hopefully is more logical and elegant than the original form.  We also should remember that Maxwell actually was doing a job similar to Heaviside's---he didn't invent these equations from scratch, but built on the work of others, and attempted to organize the equations into a coherent theory. 


These are matters of the highest magnitude, on the world stage, with the potential to alter humanity - nearly overnight and forever. Once a genie of this sort is released, the entire world's energy industries as we have come to know them would be turned upside down.
Imagine power plants worldwide, slowly grinding to a halt. Coal, natural gas and oil production shrinking to near zero within several years. Electrical towers and power lines that criss-cross the entire world, slowly, yet streadily withering away within a decade. Imagine the manufacturers of all of the specialized equipment involved in oil drilling and refining, coal mining and delivery systems ceasing to exist. Re-tooling and re-equipping ocean-going ships of all sizes, every existing locomotive and semi, not to mention the entire automotive industry, worldwide. No power generating plants anywhere, on the planet, within five years. Literally hundreds of millions of skilled laborers, out of work.
There are very powerful and extremely clever cabals that will do anything, and I do mean anything, to prevent this. The magnitude of the stakes cannot be exaggerated - there are none higher - in human history.
The economic implications are profound. World wars III and IV could be waged at the same time. Nuclear exchanges would likely be widespread.
Somewhere, eventually, someone will begin to manufacture a viable overunity device. And these bands of thugs will resort to open, blatant destruction of such technologies at their point of manufacture and will openly engage in unabashed, well-publicized murder - possibly on grand scales. Shadow governments relish making examples. How can they be held accountable when the missle launcher can't be found? And plausible deniability reigns supreme in such matters.
Is there a better example better than that of the 911 attacks?
Make no mistake. When the real men in black own the government and judicial system, restraint, fear or honor are non-factors. The real factors are wealth and it's control.


Quote from: shruggedatlas on November 16, 2007, 06:48:29 PM
The current financial system will collapse?  I do not think you have thought your scenario all the way through.  Why would the financial system collapse from an overabundance of energy?  Take another key resource - food.  Let's say we discovered a device that creates any type of food you like.  Press a button and boom, out of nothing.  Is the financial system going to collapse?  Why would it?  Everyone has plenty, and the farmers will just need to find new jobs.  On the other hand, if the opposite occurred and all farms suddenly failed to produce anything, then yes, the financial system could collapse because food would suddenly become very scarce and billions would die in the process of finding alternative food sources.

In your scenario, there is too much energy.  So what?  Yes, some energy companies would go out of business.  Unemployment may rise in some sectors, but hey, at least those people would not have electric bills anymore, and most likely new jobs would be created due to the energy surplus, so the unemployment would be temporary.  Other energy companies would adopt the new technology and put it to full use, and presto, suddenly electricity is too cheap to meter, like cable TV signal, for example, and everyone would benefit.  $25 per month for all you need.  Does this sound like financial collapse?

Do you actually have any experience predicting economic events, or are you just throwing things out?

Would you care to re-think your ideas here in late 2008?


 Do you ever think about the other side of the coin. From the point of view of those who hold the key?
What must they be thinking watching you? Are they more afraid of the MIB or you?


Quote from: Doug1 on November 15, 2008, 07:49:20 AM
Do you ever think about the other side of the coin. From the point of view of those who hold the key?
What must they be thinking watching you? Are they more afraid of the MIB or you?
I am convinced that all large events are orchestrated by men that hide behind the curtain - a shadow government that makes it it's business to manange the masses. The 911 attacks, for instance, set the stage for the sea-change we are engulfed in.
Public consent is often manufactured through such "disasters", in order to pursue otherwise unthinkable intrigues.
And the financial meltdown was yet another step in the hidden agenda - disguised as "unforeseen" and attributable to overt "greed".
"They" are the masters of the MIB and "they" hold the keys - the true levers of real power, and their plans are well refined, long in the making and are rife with what can only be described as unadulterated evil on the grandest of scales.
I just commented because Lyndon LaRouche was predicticting publicly, nearly 18 months ago, the very thing that "surprised" us in late September.
And I'm afraid that it's going to get worse, possibly much, much worse, before it gets better.
Buy non-perishable foodstuffs and any critical medications - in bulk.