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9/11 DEW / TV-Fakery Suppression Timeline

Started by CB_Brooklyn, November 27, 2007, 09:40:50 PM

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Quote from: bourne on December 01, 2007, 05:02:56 PM
I am not going to comment on what CB Brooklyn has offered up. I myself have been researching this tragedy for 18 months and have found only two things.

1,     It doesn't matter about the plausibility of the evidence presented, or how many people are saying it, or how well you say it, or how many DVDs you hand out to your friends and family, or how well you can explain things to others, or ........ ETC ETC

If people don't want to listen, They won't.

2,     As one of my friends so eloquently puts it "Its all a total F*+$ing CARVE UP" What I mean is, there are so many lies, distortions, inaccuracies, mis-truths and falsifications peddled as truth by the TV, news!papers, magazines, radio stations, publishers or anybody who has something to say on the matter, that it is now impossible to say what is true or false.

(Clue; This has always been the plan)

It's just that it is comical what some conspiracy buffs are willing to believe.  Based on some sketchy inconsistencies, you guys posit this idea that there was a conspiracy.  The conspiracy is speculation.  You have no proof of the conspiracy, but believe anyway.  Yes, you have your inconsistencies to point to, but you have no conspirators.  So, you are speculating, and ridicule is what you deserve.

To summarize the various ideas I have heard floated around about why WTC 1 and 2 went down:

Bush death rays from space: yes
Alien death rays from space: yes
Planted explosives: yes
Tomahawk missiles: yes
Holographs from the sky: yes
Planes (captured on live video) piloted by Al Queda terrorists (whom we have video of at the airport) who hate us have sworn to destroy us (on video, audio and through written messages): not so much

Evidence of planes hitting the WTC and terrorists being on board those planes: plenty
Evidence of death rays, etc.: nada

Sorry, but ridicule is all you deserve.  3000 people died, and you try to blame it on our own government.  You can keep babbling your nonesense for the rest of your life - I do not want to suppress you - but just expect to be ridiculed.  Do not try to suppress my criticism of you, buddy!


@ shruggedatlas

You have clearly understood what I was trying to get across by only quoting the first half of my post, then lumping me in with the "Bush done it"
Crowd. Thanks for listening and taking time to think about what I said.

I haven't heard of the Aliens space rays or the Tomahawk thingy. So there are two more things to ignore. Thank you for enlightening me.

If you want my opinion the organization that pulled off the attack on the U.S. people wanted the first level of understanding to blame the muslim world, the next level of understanding would blame the U.S. govt.

Very few people have thought about looking elsewhere.

I will state now for the record I do not think the official story (muslims did it) OR ANY of the reactionary stories (Bush, U.S. govt., CIA,  Aliens did it) are true.

I will explain this twice, Only pay attention to the part between 4mins 10sec to 5mins 45sec of this Youtube film

The rest of it, as you say, might be speculation.

AGAIN. Only pay attention to the part between 4mins 10sec to 5mins 45sec of this Youtube film.

I am using the words of one of your ex-presidents to make my  point, and I will give you one guess as to what happened to JFK 10 days after this speech

My point is; this huge collage of lies has been put before us all for a reason, by people you know nothing about. And we all keep arguing about who is right or wrong, all the while THEY don't get a mention.

Remember if your heart tells you its wrong, that's intuition.
If you parrot what you have heard on the television you have stopped believing in you heart.
There is but one true power in the Universe... that which we call Love. Todays present label and conspicuously absent from our named guardians tool kit.


These threads do get kind of annoying and random, but if you don't like it, don't post... All this "I need to ridicule" crap does is say, "I want to argue, because i'm bored"... ::)

Second, many idiots seem to put the questioner, no matter how valid they seem, into the same category. That way, they can target everyone much faster. Seriously; why waste all the effort on trying to ridicule all the truthers? If you believe it's not the truth, then why waste time trying to stop an opinnion? ???
Ron Paul is internet overunity: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXnBZd4nyWk

WE MUST STOP THIS! Free energy is being surpressed because of it!


Quote from: shruggedatlas on December 01, 2007, 06:47:48 PM
It's just that it is comical what some conspiracy buffs are willing to believe.

Sure, some of those who believe that 9-11 was an inside job are crazy, and some of the theories are ridiculous, but that is not evidence in support of the official position.Ã,  Lots of perfectly non-crazy people reject the official explanations.

Based on some sketchy inconsistencies, you guys posit this idea that there was a conspiracy.Ã,  The conspiracy is speculation.

Yes, any particular theory is speculation, but that doesn't change the fact that there are good reasons to disbelieve the mainstream account.Ã,  It's perfectly rational to reject the mainstream scenario even if you can't prove an alternative.Ã,  It's rational, because there is evidence against the official story -- most significantly that WTC 1 and 2 collapsed too fast, WTC 7 collapsed for no apparent reason, and all 3 collapses were the kind of beautiful implosions that you normally have to pay experts good money to make.

The fact is that many people simply have no way to judge the plausibility of the official account for themselves, so they believe it because it's the official account.Ã,  Most others doubt their own judgement enough to allow the official account to go unchallenged.Ã,  I firmly believe, however, that if a structural engineer, mechanical engineer, or physicist were to measure the plausibility of the official story against his own knowledge, then he'd very likely reject it.


Mr. Entropy


It was my stated intent not to engage in debate on an issue that according to polls 1/3 of all americans believe that 911 was a government conspiracy.

I believe an additional 50% are suspicious - and that is just americans - the numbers are much higher outside the influence of north american news media sources.

Having said that...one thing I ill say is...not one official has-or will address the unexplained demolition style collapse of building 7 - or for that matter the BBC's detailed coverage of its collapse...a full 20 minutes before it actually happened - the building was even shown in the background as their own reporter described the event - the BBC refuses comment - along with a laundry list of other glaring indicators that do not bear raising again.

So that is all I will say on that aspect of the event - I am not here to rehash what is obvious to the great majority, so I ask that the poster of the thread be respected for posting information in a presentable fashion for discussion.

If you find the subject matter ridiculous or funny, by all means have a good laugh...to yourself - there is no point in making personal remarks...unless it is your intent is to be disruptive.

I and have moved to how, and who knew what, and when.

Enjoy the day...

its about all we have left...for now

Getting back on topic I'm always interested in exploring new theories on what the great majority believe to be a high level government conspiracy re: 911 - no matter how far fetched they may seem on the surface.


"There are three basic versions of the 9/11 events. Although differences and/or overlapping may occur, the following three versions generally describe what most people believe:

1. OGCT. This is known as the ?Official Government Conspiracy Theory?. This version states that a guy from a cave in Afghanistan conspired with 19 boxcutter-wielding Muslims to hijack airplanes, outwit the USA?s entire multi-trillion dollar defense system, and cause the Twin Towers to collapse. This is the version pushed by the government and media as being the truth of 9/11.

That story fell apart in the first hour when something hit and left a hole too small for an airliner to fit into, in the side of the Pentagon - restricted airspace under normal conditions - with missiles launched automatically if an aircraft eners the area and fails to immediately respond with a secure code upon prompt.

"2. APCT. I call this the ?Alternate Propaganda Conspiracy Theory?. This version states that, more or less, there were hijackings on 9/11, but the planes might have been taken under remote control to ensure they crashed as planned. Airplanes most likely crashed at the Pentagon and Shanksville, but planes definitely did crash into the Twin Towers. The Twin Towers and WTC 7 collapsed from conventional explosives and thermite, and molten metal was found in the rubble. This is the version pushed by the government and media as being the ?wacko conspiracy theory? that the ?truth movement? believes."

I have heard eye witnesses reports the numerous explosions - and the still molten steel found months later under the corners of all buildings.

"3. REAL. This, simply, is the REAL version, backed by actual evidence, Laws of Physics, and common sense: There were no hijackings, no plane crashes, the corporate media broadcasted cartoons of an airplane impacting the South Tower, and the WTC complex (not just the Towers and WTC 7) was destroyed with Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). The government and media steer clear of these."

In the past I have viewed some videos of a planes hitting the towers from various angles with scenery that didn't match existing landscape - but I didn't really explore it at the time, so the jury is out.

"Is it possible the ?truth movement? has been run by the 9/11 perpetrators since day one?

Is it possible that certain individuals have been planted to steer the ?truth movement? away from the perpetrators? Is it possible these plants have affiliations with directed energy weapons (DEW)?

Is it even possible that some of these plants are ?in on it? while others got suckered in? You be the judge."

Anything is possible...and none are so calculating as the criminally insane - and according to former insiders they infiltrate every organization.
