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Sibel Edmonds Testifies in Ohio Court

Started by jibbguy, September 11, 2009, 12:25:57 PM

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Do you know who "Sibel Edmonds" is?...

You probably don't , because her story has been deliberately suppressed in the U.S. corporate-owned mainstream media for many years now.

She was an FBI translator who was hired shortly after 9/11, and who saw many wire-tap transcripts, emails, and other data relating to Turkey and other countries. She took the data she found about many illegalities to her bosses, who told her to keep it quiet and threatened her. She went all the way to the top there; and got the same stonewall from the Director... They fired her. In a Congressional Hearing, she was vindicated and the FBI forced to admit everything she said about that was true (this is on the Record).

If anyone reading this doubts that the U.S. corporate-owned mainstream media is wholly controlled... Then look into her story for yourselves.

You will soon know otherwise.

Despite draconian Federal gag orders by the bush regime that forbid her to speak about these events, she was able to get parts of her story out over the years, and it was reported on by independent media and in the foreign press. But not in the US for many years... She has repeatedly contacted the mainstream news organizations like NBC (owned by General Electric) BEGGING to tell her story but they refuse to listen to it. She repeatedly has begged Congresspeople & Senators to hold hearings on what she knows (the floor of Congress is the only place she is really able to tell-all by federal law), and they have refused over and over to listen to her testimony.... Even though there is no question at all of her credibility... Proved by the FBI admitting she was absolutely correct about her being illegally fired for doing her job heroically. 

Recently, she was called to testify in a court battle in Ohio, between two congressional candidates. The Republican woman Congressperson there was accused of taking bribes from Turkish lobbyists... And sued her opponent in the last election over claiming that.

So Sibel Edmonds finally got to testify under Oath, on the Record, regarding these topics:

> That the former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dennis Haskert, took over half a million in bribes from Turkish lobbyists (...that the FBI knew all about). So did many other congress people, of BOTH parties (lol this is NOT a Partisan affair, and there's enough filth for all). Haskert suddenly retired about 3 years ago, with no reasons given. So did Stephen Solarz, one of the high-ranking Democrats also accused of bribery by Ms. Edmonds. They both now work as lobbyists themselves ;)

> That several of these Congresspeople, and people in the Executive Branch, going back to Clinton's time too, SOLD NUCLEAR SECRETS TO ISLAMIC COUNTRIES, and to the black market. That is High Treason, and still rates the Death Penalty. The US actually sponsored many Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaties over the years.... The sale of nuclear secrets earns you the Firing Squad.   

> That a famous Democrat Congresswoman was seduced, then secretly videotaped in her own home having a lesbian liason... And that this videotape was used to blackmail her into remaining silent about 9/11 and other issues by the bush regime. Several other instances of similar blackmail and threats of Congresspeople are also alleged to have happened. Was this woman Nancy Pelosi (...the present Speaker of the House)? Who knows... Sibel Edmonds is not yet saying.. She is probably going to use this as a wedge to get Congressional Hearings, finally lol.

> that Sibel Edmonds had direct knowledge of the FBI knowing several things in advance about 9/11 (like the exact date, and how it would happen), and their deliberately doing nothing about it.

So we have here a perfect situation to expose the cancer that has been eating our government. A media that is so controlled, that NONE of them will touch the most important scandal story of the century. And a Congress that refuses to have hearings on it. And a national law enforcement agency that was stopped from investigating it properly; and silenced for many years.... Except for one brave woman.

But the difference is now, we have this all testified to, under Oath, ON THE RECORD. Yet did any of you see this mentioned in the US mainstream media ANYWHERE? No you didn't, and are likely not to in the future: UNLESS WE BROADBAND THIS. Tell all your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors. TELL THEM TO GOOGLE SIBEL EDMONDS for themselves... Just see the story for themselves, and make their own conclusions.

... And they will begin to understand just what kind of country we are living in... And know that Free Energy is being suppressed by these traitors, too.   

Radio Interview (Part 3):
