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The One Million Dollar HHO Challenge is launched

Started by xjet, July 04, 2008, 09:28:22 PM

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Quote from: Yucca on July 08, 2008, 05:30:02 AM
I'm pleased Stefan had the sense to move this thread to the scam section.
It says more about the myopia and bias of the forum admin than the challenge, trust me.

Why do you feel the need to disprove hho injection? if you think electrolysis and hho injection has no merit then just don't do it? You're making a fool of yourself!
Because thousands of people are being defrauded of millions of dollars by scammers who are making outrageous claims about this technology.  Don't the public have the right to know the *truth*?

Instead, all they get are ridiculous claims of "double your mileage" and, when asked why (if this stuff works) it's not already standard equipment on cars being made today they get some fantasy about the auto-makers and oil companies being in some conspiracy" -- yet there is absolutely *NO* evidence presented to support such an outrageous allegation.

Or do you not believe that the public have a right to the truth?

QuoteFurthermore, if you think all free energy is a scam then why don't you just goto another forum on the web thats a little more mainstream so that it doesn't upset your obviously delicate constitution.  :-*
Because I figured "what better place to let those who claim this HHO technology works know about the challenge".

Clearly, when it comes to a situation where those who make all those wild claims are asked to "prove it", they start labeling the challenge as a "scam" and get extremely defensive or go on the attack.

What's wrong guys?  Here's your chance to *prove* you're right and earn big money in the process.

If you choose to avoid being put to the test then I think it only reinforces my claim that this is all bunkum.

Which is kind of what I expected really.


Your proposed competition is somewhat myopic, you don't even specify what you (the almighty judge of the competitiom) would consider engine wear, you can simply move the goalposts as the match progresses, I suspect you wouldn't even proceed with the competition, you'd just take the money and run, only a fool would give you $5k.

xjet said:
"Don't the public have the right to know the *truth*?"

Why just HHO xjet, do have any other ongoing crusades for "truth and justice"? Why don't you camp outside casinos with a sandwich board stating "The odds are against you my friends" I'll tell you why, because you couldn't care less about other people losing money, that's why! QED: you're sugary altruistic coating is nothing but dried out liquid shit.



This thread is in exactly the right place the reason being, from my previous reply
QuoteAt best you come across as being contrary in a forum of your disliking and at worst, scamming free motoring...all expenses paid.

Right now all we're getting is http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-572077907195969915      Excuse the humour but by your own volition came here and started this thread.

I was rather hoping you was serious with the million dollar prize 1) because I'm skint and could use extra beer money 2) most importantly to have it proved or disproved once and for all.  To quote you
Quotethe public have a right to the truth
which is a Noble endeavour and worthy of endorsement from both sides of this argument.

QuoteInstead, all they get are ridiculous claims of "double your mileage" and, when asked why (if this stuff works) it's not already standard equipment on cars being made today they get some fantasy about the auto-makers and oil companies being in some conspiracy" -- yet there is absolutely *NO* evidence presented to support such an outrageous allegation.

To be fair some of your points are valid.  Personally I don't buy the whole MIB business but then again I'm not naive enough to believe a government wouldn't stop you from collapsing their economy.

Some of the advertised claims made are wildishly ridiculous which wouldn't stand a chance with UK trading standards law but from the country of origin they have a right to make them (claims).  I also see that as their business and to reminding the world "let the buyer beware".  If a punter thinks a twisty bit of wire in a jam jar is going to return them 60 mpg I think we'll both agree it's not more MPG they should be seeking.  However it's one of those silly adverts that got me into this because I thought to meself "what a load of bollock".  Well hey presto!....there's a whole new world out there.

As for why it's not standard equipment on cars today is a whole new argument.  Just to much stuff out there to even contemplate listing and standardising / regulating to an industry standard for this thread.

QuoteClearly, when it comes to a situation where those who make all those wild claims are asked to "prove it", they start labeling the challenge as a "scam" and get extremely defensive or go on the attack.

As I said I wish you were genuine but your approach is a tad, excuse my bluntness, Monty Python.  To me and I suspect others here, think you've over promised and under delivered.  Objectively look at it from my stand point.  You have a million dollars then you dont but you have backers with a million dollars.  Monies not up front because a a multi billion dollar company isn't doing it to.  If you are Mr Simpson I've never heard of you like I've heard of Sugar, Branson, Trump, Gates.  Lastly it could be a TV show.  Is that "as well" or instead of ?

As for the alchemy of HHO or what ever you want to call it.  It works.  It's a short term fix that anyone can do, buy or make N bolt on.  It's by no means the end game but doable today unlike the water spark plug but that'll get there.

You'll be one of those arguing the alternator side of the story but negating the burn side of the story I would suspect.  You could even argue better cam timing, spark plugs, inflated tyres or what ever would increase MPG 25%, to which I would agree.  Then the reply would be lets do that too and then bolt on the gizmo's and see how we can increase the thermodynamics of the burn.

Kind regards


Everyone stop take in a breath, hold it, release it and calm down. Feel better now?

Quote from: Yucca on July 08, 2008, 05:30:02 AM
I'm pleased Stefan had the sense to move this thread to the scam section.

Have you paid any attention to the ads that are on this forum? Half of them seem to be from the same people that xjet are calling scammers. Stefan has a conflict of intrest here. Hmm. make money or move this section to the scam section. I've been reading this forum for a year now and it amazes me everytime that someone tries and takes a scientific/logical approach to the results that people here are seeing, they are belittled and insultated and told to go away "Shun the unbeliever!!!". Look if you want someone to back up xjet I will. I actually laughed when I went to his website. I use to read his stuff several years back. He always seemed to be legit to me (More so the some people on this forum). Everyone on this forum is so ready to believe and not question people that say that they have done what is seemily impossible, yet anyone that wants to say "prove it" gets squashed into the ground. Even this own forums contest has yet to be claimed. Why is that when everyday there is someone new posting that they have discovered the secret to the universe? And yet everyone jumps on board going ohh and ahh. I would love for even a hundered thousandths of what is claimed on this forum to be true, yet there has never been any real evidence proving it is. The most you ever have is two people getting these wonderful results and everyone else mysteriously failing.

The test that xjet purposes is almost industry defacto for what he is purposing. Why is this so hard to believe? Especially when the people on the forum seem to believe everyday that new things are being discovered in people's basements that defy conventional wisdom, and are done in a completly non logical matter.

Quote from: Yucca on July 08, 2008, 07:27:58 AM
Your proposed competition is somewhat myopic, you don't even specify what you (the almighty judge of the competitiom) would consider engine wear,

Yes he did it is your standard compare the modified engine to the unmodified engine. If the modified engine has more wear that is bad and doesn't pass. Is that unreasonable?

$5k is cheap for this kind of contest as well.

Quote from: icanbeatbob on July 07, 2008, 07:32:48 PM
If you have absolute truth that it does not work and done properly, yes I would be inclined to believe it. Did the investors see your test data and still don't believe you? It just seems odd. If you can't convince someone intelligent enough that makes enough to put up $1M, your proof may be less convincing for someone as average as myself.

Ask yourself why so many people believe we never landed on the moon? You can always show people "proof", but it's still up to the individual to take your proof and believe it.

Now I open the floodgates to being called names and belittled, as I try and bring some calmness and reason to this great thing called life.


Most of what you say is true and I hope xjet is genuine with the prize but like so many on this forum he's gone off half cocked.  Which doesn't instill confidence I think you'll agree.

QuoteHave you paid any attention to the ads that are on this forum
Personally I had to go  front page and check those adverts just to be genuine when I say "no I don't" ...ironic of me I know.  There's much better stuff in these threads or youtube or other forums.

As for those punters that fall hook line and sinker for some of the lesser "wares" it is a pity but they only have themselves to blame.  Let the buyer beware is the old old saying.

UK government is looking into power station genorated hydrogen ...oh ffs.    Infrastructure to transport hydrogen.  Storage infrastructure.  Just so Billy Bunter the stupid punter can pull up a hydrogen fuel pump and fill up.  How crazy is that?  My taxes paid on research to tax the cubic meter.  I mean ffs.  Tax the freaking milage done if we have to be taxed.  Lets get away from fossil fuel or near as darn it. 

I was hoping a genuine prize could get this in the public domain.  Once proven industry might get on the band wagon.  Governments might bank roll some research.  Public might be open to new prospects.
