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The Original Pyramids..How they worked a possible explanation

Started by Rocr, July 23, 2008, 06:43:07 PM

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I thought you might like to hear some other thoughts concerning the Djed/Tet pillar;

if you look at the picture of the Djed with the Ankh and the two arms pointing up,
this shows a cut-through of the internal structure in the bottom half of the pillar.
The picture you posted is not the prettiest one I've seen but it does show the internal
setup which seems to accord with other Djed depictions.
What we see there is a central rod surrounded by a stack of slabs of several different
materials, which appears to support another, thinner, stack of layers of different materials
again. On top of that we have another, larger, stack of different materials with larger circular
plates sandwiched in between them, and on top of that we have the hands/horns around the orb.
Now, we know the Egyptians had what is nowadays referred to as "the Baghdad Battery" which was
a fairly crude galvanic cell, we know certain ancient Indian vedas and manuscripts give a very clear
and detailed description of how to make a galvanic battery "to release the power in the materials",
and we also know they made and (ritually) used tubes made from various metals filled with various
materials such as carbon, sand, hematite, etc, nowadays known to some as "Rods of Ra"...
So we know the old Egyptians knew about that kind of stuff.
Keeping that in mind, and keeping in mind that the Egyptians were the ones we inherited the word "paper" from,
what I see when I look at that bottom section of the pillar, the part with the central rod, is a galvanic battery
of the old "dry" type. Think along the lines of a plate of zinc sandwiched between two pieces of papyrus,
this sandwiched between two plates of carbon, this sandwiched between two pieces of paper and again sandwiched
between two plates of zinc, with one zinc or other metal rod connecting all the zinc plates. (The paper in
this case is used as "dry" electrolyte and needs to contain a certain amount of water, look up "dry cell" batteries
of the first generation for more on this.) So that would appear to constitute a battery. A slightly different version
is possible where the entire stack was coated in gypsum/plaster and when needed addidional water could be
poured on to the outside of the pillar, which would seep through the porous gypsum/plaster and moisturise
the inside paper and carbon layers, thereby allowing for continued galvanic reaction. In fact, a few different
versions are possible based on the Egyptian depictions and taking into account the materials available to them,
but I just named the two that seem most plausible.

The second 'section', the stack of thinner layers resting on top of that bottom central rod, seems different.
Where the bottom section consists of black layer- white layer- white layer- white layer - black layer - repeat,
this section consists of white layer - black layer - white layer - black layer - etc. So there's only two different
materials in this stack, and the bottom layer appears to be in direct contact with the rod underneath it.
Now what do we know that is stackable, made from two different materials, and could play a role in some
sort of electrical setup? We know the concept of the capacitor, which is two metal plates seperated
by (and isolated from the surroundings by) a layer of isolator. And we know the "Zamboni dry pile", a sort
of dry and electrostatic version of the Galvani pile, which is basically plates of silver, copper, and paper,
stacked atop eachother and pressed together quite hard. It can, depending on the size of the stack and
the plates used, produce voltages into the kilovolt range easily, but it produces only nanoamperages
so basically it does generate a fairly strong electrostatic field but no current.
This section looks like it could be either. So does it make sense to have a capacitor at that spot,
connected to the battery rod? Not unless half of the 'capacitor plates' is connected to another
electrode, and I don't see one in the picture. Of course, the outer coating could be made of metal
which would then act as electrode, but the pictures tend to look like all of the different layers of
material connect to the outer coating, and if some of these layers are oppositely charged the entire
thing would short itself if everything were connected via the outer coating, so I assume that is not the case.
And so, since the pictures don't show such a second electrode, let's just assume there isn't one,
and that it is not a capacitor. Could it by a "dry pile"? ... well yes it could. But how does that connect
to the galvanic battery at the bottom?
Well, I don't know. I could hypothesise that the galvanic part was intended to produce the main flow
of electrons, and the dry pile intended to produce a very strong electrostatic field, through which the
electrons would be inclined to move (in contrast to a situation without strong electric field)...
But the truth is I'm not sure. Could be something like that.

In any case, the top section is yet another stack of different materials with clearly visible large plates
in between, and I would suspect the plates to be capacitor plates and the different materials could be
anything, they could be gold and carbon which would give a nice difference in resistivity/conductivity
between the two, and that might have an effect if the plate charges are pulsed by the pillar. They could be
special ceramics or simply powder mixes of things like carbon + sand + iron powder + gold or really
any combination of known materials, but I suspect some specific electrical characteristics that lead
to diode-like rectification which could cause charges to be "pumped" to the top plate...
But of course it is also possible that strong magnets were used, either in combination with a magnetic
metal or alone, to obtain something like the claimed "Leedskalnin magnetic battery" effect...
And I haven't even mentioned he possibility that mercury could have been used to fill the chambers between
the plates of the top section... Not sure why exactly, I'm just guessing here. ;)

Well, I haven't figured the entire thing out yet, but the bottom part does look like a battery setup.
One may consider the use of quartz slabs in the pillar as material sandwiched between two metal layers,
since we know the increase and decrease of pressure (the weight of the pillar pressing down) produces
an increase and decrease of the surface charges of the quartz, so any variations in pressure and/or
gravity will be transduced into electrical charge motion inside the pillar. So perhaps it's not just electro-
chemical, but also piezoelectric, this 'battery' of ours. ;)

In any case it seems too simple an explanation, and also of little practical use, to conclude
that these devices must have worked using a mysterious "crystal orb". Could be that there
were such things, but since we don't know what they are or how to make them it does not
seem very usefull to get hung up on that. Could also be that there were such things but that
they did not need them to make the Djed pillars work. Who knows?  I'm certainly not going
to search the world for another sunken pyramid temple in the hopes of finding one.

No, I personally like to think the old Egyptians and their somewhat contemporary ancient
civilisations actually had knowledge of what we nowadays call electromagnetic theory,
and that they built devices that function on principles most of which we nowadays do know
about and use. The symbols, terminology, and models they used for this were not the
same as our current systems, they used a much more literal and pictoral language for
things we nowadays describe as "free electrons", "conductivity band", "metallic crystalline lettice",
"electrical resistance", "back emf", etc. But the underlying reality is still the same, no
matter how differently you describe it or how many gods you tie to it. ;)
And so I do think certain old Egyptian depictions show old technology, like the Djed pillars,
the "light bulbs", the caduceus, etc. (not to mention the golden model of a glider plane found
in Tutankhamon's tomb which turned out to fly like a charm when it was replicated in wood)
And although there is quite some room for doubt and interpretation, the biblical story of Moses
does indeed appear to give us clues along the same lines: a boy raised and educated as
royalty, very wise and learned, gets involved with Jethro, an Egyptian high priest in the
southern metallurgical complex, somehow the two of them strike it off so well he even gets
to marry Jethro's daughter. A Rabbinistic tradition story I was told describes how Jethro
had posession of a magic staff that had been handed down from God to Adam to Seth to
finally Jacob, whom it had been taken from later when the Egyptian nobles confiscated
his assets. That story continues to describe how Jethro has planted the staff in the ground
and anyone who came near it was struck dead or "smitten". Lightning used to come down
onto the staff often. Moses rocked up, talked to Jethro, and was warned not to get close
to he staff. He did anyway, and somehow was able to lift the staff from the ground without
getting himself killed, which greatly impressed Jethro who rewarded Moses by giving him
his daughter in marriage. Interesting story eh? :)
Now the biblical story never mentions how Moses got the staff, he just had it all of a sudden.
But he did use it to perform miracles; he made his staff writhe like a snake on the floor,
although with all the translation errors and all it could have originally been versed "from his
staff he made serpents writhe on the floor", which can be interpreted as something entirely
different if we recall the Egyptians used serpents to symbolise sparks and arcs.
It could just mean Moses magically conjured electrical sparks on the floor that sprang
from his staff...
What else did he do? He knocked on a rock in the desert and water flowed from the rock,
talked to God, and made the sea part... And that's just about all the miracles done with the staff.
Other miracles were performed by using the Arc of the Covenant, such as striking people dead
where they stand, producing enormous amounts of light, causing waters and rivers to part
around the Arc, causing the mountains to tremble, and then on a crucial moment very magically
it did nothing at all and was captured by the Filistines.

Clearly, both the staff and the Arc are Moses' magic tools, and I suspect both of them to have
been electrical devices. The Arc was probably a large capacitor and antannae array combined.
If the staff was as I suspect the same as the staff of Hermes which is the staff of Mercury (and
several other holy staffs in mythology) then I suspect it was a form of self-oscillating transformer-
transceiver setup not dissimilar from the type of technology and ingenious design as that of the Djed
pillar itself.



That was an awesome breakdown and the perspective you bring through your information adds a lot of things to consider .

I hope a few of the other people here can add even more perspective and info ..

What do you think of the properties of that crystal ? ..if this is a technology it should be replicateable that gives us a lot to think about if these properties exist which the evidence supports .

But what do you think of the concept that they were tapping the plasma sphere ? even if energized by the basic systems you described the entire mass of the great pyramid if in resonance with the focusing crystal should be able to get you some lightning bolts  ;D
That makes me wonder about the mercury reports could it be used in some way to to absorb large charges or step them down ?
I'm not aware of the possibilities there ....any thoughts on the possible management of a power flow that large ?

Thanks for the great reply ..





The pyramids are fascinating to speculate about.  I believe there is plenty of historical evidence to suggest that the pyramids were originally surround by water - and the most basic purpose of them was to irrigate the land of Egypt.  This was a huge water pump - on a scale similar to a hydo dam.  (Sure - the Nile would flood now and again, but you can't support a huge civilisation on a river that floods now and again.  They needed a constant supply of water and energy - just like any modern city needs.)

At the simplest level - the pyramids could have been used as a ram pump.  A constant flow of low pressure water (the Nile, which originally ran right past) can be stopped with huge valves (the doors in the chambers) which causes a pressure spike to send water surging up a ramp - gain in 'head' of water pressure.  There seem to be unusual vortex designs in some of the chambers - modern photos of the chambers certainly look like they are inside a huge hydraulic system.

There is also speculatation that the output of the pump could be boosted by burning fuel, and creating a vacuum to lift the water. 

I have no doubt that the purpose and features of the pyramids changed over time - and probably the original secrets were long lost.  I have no problem considering there were some cool electromagnetic energies being exploited.  But I think it makes sense to view the pyramids as being primarily designed with the pumping of huge volumes of water in mind. 

(It also helps to explain why they were/are water-tight construction - remarkable precision that wouldn't otherwise be necessary.  Also, the stones could have been floated into position - making the mystery of their construction a little less mysterious).



Thanks for your input Greendoor

.. but I find that the preponderance of the evidence leads to to the conclusion of manipulation of  power from the Earths own magnetic field like a huge generator in space ...
The water angle is in some way no doubt part of the larger picture and one that I have speculated on with others .ie .. if you wanted to convert salt water into fresh for irrigation vaporization of immense quantities of it would require a vast power source and one that functioned as the result of consuming some natural resource would not be a viable solution .

The water pump idea does not explain the need to create this huge EM anomaly that taking into account all the material I have posted leads us to conclude is a likely scenario .

I also support the contention of some that the Great Pyramid was constructed long before accepted time frames and prior to the Great Flood as the salt deposits on it having been documenedt by earlier cultures to reach the 400' level of the structure both interior and exterior . Those deposits were removed by earlier cultures as they investigated  and rediscovered the technology and succeeded in reproducing the same effect as the original .. and that led eventually to yet another catastrophic event that is evidenced in the observations of some ..read here .
I believe that this partial submersion is the evidence that has led to the false assumptions of the "water pump " theory which is one that totally disregards the bulk of the material we have to indicate the true original function of the device .

Regarding the precision of the structure it has been shown by numerous investigators that the entire pyramid is designed to be a resonant structure and this ties very neatly into the EM theories which are supported by the anomalistic Browns crystal and the historical record that also indicates the use of electrical energies and a crystal based technology .

Remember throughout the Egyptian culture the purpose of the structure was to "open the gates of heaven" not to pump the water of the earth .

Thanks for the reply
