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Started by singerxyz, September 02, 2008, 05:41:20 AM

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Quote from: Koen1 on October 06, 2008, 12:30:58 PM
@Gary: although I appreciate your conviction that there is
somehow a hidden "unity", an invisible connection as you call it,
that does not change the fact that the Electrinium pdf is
very shakey at best.

But I've been saying so for ages and have been taking flak for that
from Drannom ever since I dared to point out the discrepancies
in the pdf instead of declaring it the biggest breakthrough since
the invention of fire like he has been doing...
So I'll stay out of this thread as I have very little positive to say
about the pdf and mr Summera's theory.

Just a quick recap of my opinion of mr Summera's theory:
Even is you leave his view of the solar system aside, his story
about the Electrinium unit is inconsistent, and despite his claims
of how simple it would be to build one, his final proposed prototype
is suddenly quite complex and not at all the simple unit he claimed
is possible, and even more remarkable is that it seems he was quite
far in the development and production of this protoype, yet in the
30 years since his device has never surfaced or even been rumoured
about... which does seem to imply that it was either never built,
or it was built but didn't work.
And to be honest, the latter would not surprise me at all, seeing that
mr Summera appears to have a had a view of atoms and their interactions
that simply does not accord with the extensive knowledge of atoms
and their QED interactions as science has refined it in the past decades.
Mr. Summera seems to think that a compound molecule made of two
atoms which are relatively positive and negative valence-wise, has a
constant input and output of charge as in that the 'positive' atom puts out
a positive charge and the 'negative' outputs a negative charge, and that
this makes the compound molecule behave as a sort of electron pump,
absorbing electrons on one 'end' of the molecule and emitting them at the
other 'end'. We know this is not the case in reality.
Mr. Summera also seems to think that adding dopant to a conductor,
thereby producing zones in the bulk material that are relatively 'positively'
and 'negatively' polarised, will automatically (or if you prefer 'naturally')
cause any charges inside the conductor to flow along that bias path.
Although that does work in np-junctions in semiconductors, in conductors
it is a different story. There's a reason why we use semiconductors for diodes:
you can get semiconductor diodes to work on purely pn dopant differences,
but with non-semiconductors that's different.
And like I said, that's if we only look at the actual Electrinium part of the story.

It is good that a seperate Electrinium thread has been started,
at least that keeps this Electrinium crap out of our Crystal Cell thread.

Hope I haven't annoyed anyone too much... ;)


I would like to ask you  the same questions that I asked smOkey.

Are you assuming that  what you  know about these things is completely accurate?
Do you think you know all that there is to know about these things?
Is there any possibility   that  what you were taught  about these things was in any way influenced by big energy interests?

With millions of so called   educated  people in the world  we have made very little progress in any technology  relating to energy .
Other technologies  grow in leaps and bounds.
Why haven't  we made any  real progress ? 
Could  it be that  our schools teach us more about how to avoid OU than   how to find it ?

It seems to me that   anyone  can  find  a way to punch a hole in a theory.
It takes no  wisdom to criticize   people .

This site is  about  finding  better ways to  get energy .   
Listing ways  it can't be  done is not helping  anyone.

If you are as wise  as you seem to think you are .   Why don't  you spend  your time  finding things that  might  work.

I do  agree that the laws of physics apply  . But all so called laws  have loopholes,   have you found any of them yet?
You know  the laws  better than I do .    You should  be able to  spot the loopholes easier than I can. 

Well .....  I guess that depends on  if you  are really even looking.
Maybe   you  just  enjoy  criticizing .




    This is off topic but if a resonant circuit is used that has a motor for an inductor and an electrostatic coupling to two plates plus the normal capacitor (see below)
would this get us some extra energy out while the circuit is ringing without excessive dampning?  The circuit conductors between the cap and the plate forming a plate themselves in electrostatic induction?
Think Legacy
A spark gap is cold cold cold
Space is a hot hot liquid
Spread the Love


And so must you, as you have already criticised two people in an identical manner.

Pot calling kettle black sort of thing? ;)

Besides, criticism is not always a bad thing, as you seem to think.
But seriously, I don't spend my time looking for things to criticise.

It's just that I have been working on Crystal Cells for years now,
and every now and then someone rocks up waving the Electrinium paper
and shouting that we should just follow the preachings of Summera...
And none of those people so far have shown to have any solid knowledge
or understanding of material physics at all...
The last of these, a guy calling himself Drannom, actually managed to
turn it into a sort of flame war, and that got me a bit fired up.
So whenever I see people discussing the Elecrinium thing very superficially
and see the same type of dedication to the Electrinium theory that
is based on preference to believe instead of on logical understanding of
physics, it rekindles the fire somewhat. And I feel I need to give my

Apparently sharing your honest opinion is not appreciated by many if the
opinion is even slightly critical. Well, that's a pity.

Can we, by the way, bounce your questions back at you? I think we can.

Do you believe you are the keeper of wisdom?
Do you have all the truth bundled in a book?
Are you certain, to take an example from Summera's theory, that there is a
Galactic Central Sun Black Hole which emits AC radiation, which in turn
gets transfomed mysteriously into DC radiation by our sun, and the interaction
of the two produces gravity?
For I have tried and can't seem to find any gravitational variations in such a setup.
Are you certain, to take another example from Summera, that atoms are exactly like
our solar system? If so, then where is the elliptic in a given atom? Oh, right,
there isn't one, because subatomic particles unlike planets circle in three dimensional
orbits and not in mostly 2D ellipticals.
Do you honestly believe Summera is correct in those points?

Or are you just criticising my valid criticism because you like to claim some sort
of moral high ground or something?

Well, whatever it is, let's not bicker over this silly theory, ok?
Unless of course you truly believe in the Elecrinium theory, in which case
I apologise for possibly insulting your beliefs, and in such case I shall
attempt to refrain from disturbing your thread in the future.


Quote from: Koen1 on October 06, 2008, 02:33:43 PM

Well, whatever it is, let's not bicker over this silly theory, ok?
Unless of course you truly believe in the Elecrinium theory, in which case
I apologise for possibly insulting your beliefs, and in such case I shall
attempt to refrain from disturbing your thread in the future.

So I'll stay out of this thread as I have very little positive to say
about the pdf and mr Summera's theory.


You have said  twice now that    you  will  stay off this  thread.

Please  do  as you say  you  will do.

As far as answering   your  questions .......  I  would have  taken  the time to answer them  if you had taken the time to answer mine.       

We  are  trying to  have a conversation about Electrinium here.
Maybe  we have no chance of  success .......maybe  we do . It is not  your call.
It is not  your place to  try to  disrupt  the  conversation here.
You have stated that  you have talked to people about  electrinium  before  so you know what  to expect ...........so why did you come here other than to  trash the  thread ?



Quote from: sparks on October 06, 2008, 02:28:41 PM

    This is off topic but if a resonant circuit is used that has a motor for an inductor and an electrostatic coupling to two plates plus the normal capacitor (see below)
would this get us some extra energy out while the circuit is ringing without excessive dampning?  The circuit conductors between the cap and the plate forming a plate themselves in electrostatic induction?

Did  you intend to attach a schematic    it says  see below .........I don;t see anything below .
What is the purpose  of the 2 plates ?
Are  you talking about  a Grey motor ?
