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Started by Albert Johnson, February 08, 2009, 05:54:47 AM

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Doctor No

Habe vergessen: he said exactly: big production lines.
But taking under advantage, that only improving that old, 1 disc technology after Herr Oberst miese Arbeit ( shit work of colonel Kotschurov) took us 4 years!
Please see all: www.talky-chain.ch
(and how Russians wanted to win war with such KGB colonels???) :'(
When not the other Colonel, it would be not so going to happy end.

sergey rubalsky

Sorry for people who cannot read russian. This is an email reply from Akoil:

Ð"обрый вечер. Спасибо за Ñ,о,чÑ,о нашли ошибку,какие бессовесÑ,ные мои специалисÑ,Ñ‹,как же эÑ,о они допусÑ,или Ñ,акую грубую ошибку...Нам совершенно без разницы,чÑ,о о нас могуÑ, подумаÑ,ÑŒ РОССИЯНЕ,мы рабоÑ,аем с Европой и всем миром,кроме России и СНÐ". Мы СООÐ'ЕРШЕННО не сÑ,радаем оÑ, неÑ...ваÑ,ки Ñ,,инансирования и многие сÑ,раны рабоÑ,аюÑ, с нами на уровне Премьер минисÑ,ров эÑ,иÑ... сÑ,ран и нам вообще не инÑ,ересно,чÑ,о о нас думаюÑ, Россияне и СНÐ". Мы вообще скоро закроем все свои сайÑ,Ñ‹,они нам вообще не нужны для нашего производсÑ,ва,у нас есÑ,ÑŒ Ð'СЁ,чÑ,о нам нужно для нашего производсÑ,ва и не переживайÑ,е за нас,мы как нибудь сами будем решаÑ,ÑŒ,чÑ,о нам нужно сделаÑ,ÑŒ,а чÑ,о ненужно.И не надо смоÑ,реÑ,ÑŒ на наши ошибки и не Ñ,очносÑ,и,когда вы нам Ñ,акое говориÑ,е,мне сÑ,ановиÑ,ься сÑ,ыдно за вас Россиян. ПоÑ,ому чÑ,о сказаÑ,ÑŒ Ñ,о вам больше нечего.Я не знаю,кÑ,о Ñ,акой Perendev gmbh и знаÑ,ÑŒ не Ñ...очу,у нас своя Ñ,еÑ...нология. Я Ñ,оже знаю менÑ,алиÑ,еÑ, Запада,поÑ,ому чÑ,о уже 25 леÑ, рабоÑ,аю с Западом,Ñ,ак чÑ,о не надо меня лечиÑ,ÑŒ.

Sorry, because I'm not able to translate this madman delirium, try to put into google translator.
My opinion they do not have any technology - nothing at all

Doctor No

They have sthg new. Please see: akoil-teplo.ru                           


Here is a link of something similar or maybe part of the same group: http://www.demetra-geia.org/bulgarian/about/index.htm

I visited them several years ago and they showed me the installation working in one of their rooms, ostensibly providing the heating of all two floors, I guess. They claim they have sold a number of these to kindergardens, hospitals and state offices. Someone high up in the trade unions was backing them up and they were flying high. Supposedly, the invention is based on some exotic theory of "torsion fields" and the effect according to them is due to the whirling of water stream by specially constructed pumps. When I asked to talk with the inventors (three Bulgarian and five Russian or Ukrainian colleagues, if I remember correctly) they said I have no business talking to them because the enterprise I'm visiting is the actual owner of the patent and any questions I have can be addressed to them. So, when I asked them where's the evidence that the device is OU the answer was that the only evidence they have are the bills these users pay to the utility company and they have been reduced quite a bit after implementing the system. That's what they said and the only way for me to verify this was to purchase the device (several thousand dollars per unit, at that time) and see for myself. So, I left it at that.



Funny you should mention this company. A good client of mine (in unrelated stuff) knows of my involvement in OU studies and he wants me to get on a plane and fly to Germany with him to see this same company and inspect their device to determine if it is real or not.

After doing my own research on the company, I flatly refused to waste time on it. My client will be building some 200 self-sustaining homes in the near future (I do the water treatment side of it) and he wanted to have each home with their own free-energy device. So he wants to buy a manufacturing license from these guys. We're talking some serious money.

Anyways, I told him that every cent he puts into this, he will never see again. So I told him to run from these guys and especially to not go there since he does not know what type of games these guys can play to get his money. I will be seeing him again after the New Year so I'll know if he heeded my advise or if he decided that he knows better.