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Hydrino represents Lorentz contraction in the opposite direction from event hori

Started by froarty, July 22, 2009, 11:50:12 PM

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The June 2009 LENR seminar at University of Missouri presenters kept an open mind towards the methods employed to produce anomalous heat. The numerous reports of excess heat manifestations across bubble fusion, LENR and Casimir cavities are well documented and often replicated but the physics remains controversial. I propose that all these manifestations are based on Casimir cavities. The Rayney nickel used by Black Light Power has pore sizes forming cavities of Casimir geometry (2 nm as listed in Wikipedia). The recipe for Rayney Nickel leaches Al voids out of the parent Ni - Al alloy which results in a skeleton structure that could not form in a single step because conductive structures fabricated on this scale will aggregate due to the Casimir effect we know as stiction. This also suggests that Casimir force may be the engine behind all catalytic action.

Casimir force requires parallel conductive plates which can take the form of crevices in skeletal catalysts, the meniscus of bubbles in a conductive electrolyte or the geometry of a conductive lattice structures such as Nickel. To produce heat instead of catalytic action however is a rare anomaly recorded most often in combination with rigid catalysts and Pd membranes. Palladium is both a catalyst and due to the size of its' lattice geometry is also a gas membrane allowing monatomic hydrogen to be forced through the lattice while remaining sealed to larger gases. This is why low temperature manifestations of excess heat like SPAWAR and Arrata-Zhang most often include Pd while high temperature occurrences like Black Lights' Rayney Nickel require heat and pressure to disassociate the gas.

I believe I have a solution to the controversy based on the vacuum fluctuations inside a Casimir cavity.the energy is released chemically when H1 becomes H2 but the molecule is disassociated by vacuum flux in a rigid catalyst. I am proposing that Lorentz contraction which occurs as matter approaches C or equivalently an event horizon and produces the known time dialation associated with the twin paradox can also occur in a de-accelerating mode creating an  opposite time dilation where the gas diffused in a Casimir cavity appears to be accelerated in time while the orbital diameter contracts in fractional quantum steps below the ground state because it is displaced on the temporal axis. This only explains catalytic action but I suspect a Rigid catalyst can also restrict access to the temporal axis such that only atoms can translate between hydrino and hydrogen states. Therefore monatomic gas diffusing deep into a temporal corridor( casimir cavity where flux are temporally displaced) which then forms a compound or molecule becomes trapped on the time axis but is still moving in accordance with gas law relative to the spatial geometry inside the cavity. This relative motion will vary Casimir force and therefore the dimensions of the temporal corridor in which the compound or molecule is trapped. I believe the Lorentz contraction also allows a relativistic interpretation of what QED calls "up conversion" of vacuum fluctuations in a Casimir cavity. The longer wavelength vacuum flux are not actually replaced with smaller flux but are displaced on the time axis to appear shorter from our perspective.
the atomic matter that is painted on the canvas of these vacuum flux inside a Casimir cavity are also displaced on the time axis and physically contract smaller on the spatial axis. this contraction varies with relative spacing between the sides of the cavity as the gas diffuses according to gas law. These normally chaotic vacuum fluctuations are "organized" by the physical containment of a rigid cavity and the changing size of the temporal corridor to create boundaries against the bonding orbitals of the gas atoms. As the corridor collapses these boundary conditions break the bonds and restore monatomic energy levels while allowing the trapped atoms to squeeze out of the narrowing channel individually.

One very repeatable experiment presented by SPAWARS is shown at http://www.byzipp.com/Pd.png  where the Pd is in solution and plated out onto the electrode while Deuterium is being evolved through electrolysis. The incubation time for anomalous heat detection for this method is minutes instead of weeks associated with many of the other experiments. I have suggested using a Pd plated porous tube instead of plating out the Pd from the electrolyte. The H2 or D2 could be fed into the tube which can still be used as the hydrogen evolving electrode in their electrolysis and allow them to concentrate on providing Casimir cavities as intimately to the tube surface as possible. H2 or D2 is always natures' preferred state so the percentage of monatomic gas translating to hydrino state will be small.

I have a better explanation with animation at http://byzipp.com/energy/ but basically it is just trig. I am saying that our perspective relative to the equivalent speed approaching an event horizon has a corollary in the Casimir cavity where I propose all vacuum fluctuations are "up converted" as QED refers to the inhibition of longer wavelengths between narrowing conductive plates. QED suggests the restricted longer wavelength flux are replaced with shorter wavelengths. I am proposing that they are the same longer flux twisted on the time axis which simply appears shorter from our perspective AND I posit that all the flux regardless of frequency twist as one fabric inside the cavity. I believe that this is a form of Lorentz contraction in that space time inside the cavity is slowed relative to outside the cavity and that atoms diffused in the cavity see outside the cavity in the same way we observe the twin approaching an event horizon only now from our perspective time is accelerated instead of slowed.

The trig would be our temporal vector at some low angle say about 10 degrees above horizontal representing the spatial axii while the paradox twin approaching an event horizon might be up aroung 85 degrees which causes the accepted Lorentz contraction as time and space trade parameters while the vector length remains constant. I am proposing  catalysts all create Casimir cavities which accelerate their reactions from our perspective by actually Widening the time axis while compressing the spatial axis. This is still a relativistic displacement but max acceleration is now on the temporal axis and the spatial vector appear to take on fractional quantum states.

I have another blog regarding this subject here


Very interesting.

Do you thing that Black Light Power will have a really working unit?

If you are right, your device will be more easy to operate and manufacture that the unit of Black Light Power?


Sorry  but I don't even have a product even on the drawing board -best I can do is make suggestions and throw  my ideas out where  more talented people can find a useful bit or two to employ. Black Light may have arrived in generating excess heat but I suspect they are trying to develop a control loop to generate less power but permanent instead of the thermal runaway confirmed by Rowan University. My suspicion is the hydrino-hydrogen translations get stuck in the cavity and melts it down then it has to be sent back to Black Light to reform the cavities.
Arrata - Zang is close in Japan with excess heat by  just diffusing hydrogen through paladium nano material in bulk - they also have a neat sealed electrolysis bath with a nested Pd reactor that allows heated pressurized monatomic hydrogen or deuterium through the membrane into the nested reactor gull of those same nano Pd beads which also produces excess heat -somehow I feel they should circulate the monatomic gas through the Pd beads .
SPAWARS in California is very close using a Pd electrolyte that plates onto the hydrogen evolving electrode in a codeposition electrolysis pan that generates excess heat on demand with little or no incubation time normally associated with the LENR approaches.
My own theory matches the Haisch and Moddel model up to the point where we interpert the mechanism wherby vacuum
flux contribute energy so I may be biased toward their method above others but they do use casimir columns instead of cavities allowing a serial flow of the supply gas into and out of the field seperated by insulating layers to give the gas a rest period and using .1 micron holes keeping the casimir force level
lower and more distributed which should be easier to control- I naievely assumed the patent claim about circulating monatomic gas meant lower temperatures but after considering the  20kw energy projected for this sugar cube sized device I am probably wrong and would make the monatomic gas a given through heat disassociation...so maybe they will throttle the monatomic gas supply with a noble gas?
multi Bubble sonoluminescence is also a consideration with heat to disassociate the gas contained inside the bubble and plates formed by the bubble miniscui in conductive electrolyte easily  mishaped flatter by acoustics- the cavities are self regenerating, the heat is easily carried away by the electrolyte -just wonder if the acoustics would work with bulk conductive nano crystals in the electrolyte - casimir cavities are formed between nano materials resulting in aggregation and empty spaces formed by pacaging voids between the nano materials become casimir cavities - DARPA is presently studying how to avoid this stiction so they can build ever smaller nano toys ..Anyway if hydrogen were bubled through such a "shaping network" of bulk nano crystals in an electrolyte while acoustic transducers are adjusted to produce SL the effect might be amplified..

Below is my reply that arose from my original post and perhaps
a more thoughtful description:
>The hydrino radius
> between the nucleus and orbital has a temporal rise and spatial run

Let's stop right there.  The "present", for any observer, has zero thickness along that observer's time axis.  What does it mean for the radius of the orbit to have an increased extent along the time axis?

The observer is a theoretical construct but matter exists in a 4 dimensional world. You can not prove the "present" has zero thickness although it may be both negligible and average to a constant local width this changes at the extremes.  I must admit that I can not prove my theory either but the width of the "present" is not defined to my knowledge. I contend temporal width varies microscopically with each element in the periodic chart relative to its' permittivity to vacuum fluctuations but it averages out at larger scales to form local constants allowing us to ignore it and use non relativistic equations for most everyday comparisons. The known time dilation approaching an event horizon and the known change (up
conversion) of vacuum fluctuations in a Casimir cavity form opposite ends of a spectrum.  I don't think it is a coincidence that the conductive pores in skeletal catalysts are of Casimir geometry and posit that Casimir force is the engine for all catalytic action whether it be from pores, spacing between nano particles or even the atomic geometry of the elements themselves forming adjacent outcroppings - if it forms parallel conductive plates on any scale it will have Casimir force and therefore the catalytic property of "accelerating" reactions may be a far more accurate term then presently presumed. This then is where my speculation regarding a spectrum from Casimir cavity to speed of light was born.

When I first heard Black light was confirmed by Rowan to produce excess heat last October I immediately looked up the pore size of Rayney nickel and for all of a week thought I was the only one to figure it out it was a Casimir cavity before discovering Haisch and Moddell had already patented a similar cavity scheme based on Casimir cavities back in May 08. Then I got busy trying to reverse engineer what was happening at Black Light making the giant assumption that the confirmation was legitimate. I had the same notion of Casimir effect you mentioned to Horrace but started communicating with Thomas Prevenslik who has authored much in ZPE theories and learned the theory is disputed with QED who can explain all with induced charge and virtual photons independent of virtual particles "pushing" (they hate that term with a passion) the plates closed. Both theories however agree that the plates braced apart do form a permanent exclusion zone regardless of wavelength suppression theory or up-conversion where short wavelengths replace the long... I jumped on this common ground that there was simply a "non standard" ratio of short to long wavelength vacuum fluctuations between the plates as being the "difference" that allows anomally to occur.

In studying the history between Mills vs Park vs Naudts I was spoon fed Jan Naudts equations by a sibling. His use of relativistic Klein Gordon equations made me realize that the "up conversion" of vacuum fluctuations could have a relativistic solution - imagine a sine wave across your scope twisting on the Z axis disappearing into the screen and getting smaller from our perspective is actually getting higher in frequency or conversely you could say the virtual particles in between the plates would give the appearance of getting smaller. I made the leap that these shorter fluctuations are the same longer fluctuations in some fashion changed due to their shielding by a Casimir field generated by the plates. The "up conversion" may actually represent more of a relaxation of the zone like a "trapped pool" vs the rushing stream outside the cavity. Since these fluctuations represent the canvas upon which atomic matter is painted and For that matter keep the orbits from decaying I assumed the hydrogen atom also was redistributed - Here Mills already told me what to look for a smaller hydrogen he called "hydrino" Looking back it may prove his use of catalyst vs Casimir cavity might turn out to be only semantics. My early animations are all gone now and even the present incarnation may not be 100 percent accurate showing the orbital of monatomic hydrogen twisting and getting smaller as they permeate into a pair of moving plates - the twisting was my method for implying the translation being onto the time axis which I posit opens inversely to the closing of the spatial axis between conductive plates. The plates are supposed to represent a special case of Casimir cavity / rigid catalyst that confines this opening to the temporal axis such that only the atoms can translate freely and molecules or compound get stuck, So that in the case I animate the dihydrinos form already on the time axis but as the plates start to open you see the molecule ripped apart then a blue photon emitted as the restored hydrinos reform into a molecule in a repeated cascade till the atoms escape or the cavity overheats and melts the plates closed. I was only recently reminded of the Lorentz contraction and realized my theory is really only an alternate form where outside the cavity is analogous to the event horizon due to whatever ambient rate at which time intercepts our spatial axis vs the relaxed condition of the fluctuations inside the shielded cavity.

   Also communicated with Model regarding his SED based prototype over concern that any reactionary forces would simply prevent the circulation of monatomic gas thru his Casimir "colums" - he convinced me this would not occur and has equations included in his patent - I took this as another possible indication that the anomaly had a relativistic source in that vacuum fluctuations could "organize" to break the bonds of a temporally displaced dihydrino without presenting a spatial bias to resist the gas supply. He never would tell me how he intended to supply monatomic gas :_) But like me was also interested in finding a cheaper bulk material to form the cavities as milling plates and insulators with perfectly aligned .1u columns is very expensive! I have suggested crystalline shaped bulk nano materials where the facets might form Casimir cavities between the facets much like his columns as opposed to the Mills cavities which are likely melting down in their brief thermal reaction.

  Sorry for the detour into my past - back to work
Time is not a spatial dimension, after all, and there *is* a difference between time and space, even in special relativity.  The "radius" is a distance measure between the nucleus and the electron, which is, in classical terms, determined by finding the coordinates of an event at the nucleus and an event at the electron, determining that their time coordinates *match* in our frame of reference, and then finding the difference in their space coordinates.  In other words, the absolute value of the interval between an event in the nucleus and one at the electron is the radius of the orbit (in our frame of reference) *if* the time coordinates of the two events match (in our frame of reference).

Snip2  Now, you say the radius is rotated into time, and so it appears shorter in space.

Reply both
Time does not act like a spatial dimension in that we must accelerate or deaccelerate relative to another frame to observe a divergence but the Lorentz contraction is an indication that matter is going somewhere. If you built a ring with a 1 light year diameter you would expect the radius to be
1/2 the diameter but if you place it around a star the circumference would remain the same as would the diameter calculated from the circumference but if you could fly straight across your ring through the star the distance traveled would greatly exceed your true diameter. At macro scales it is hard to imagine that the sun isn't straight overhead at mid day because we have evolved vision with the premise that we can see in a straight line but light follows the curvature of space. Also making relativity an issue is that you really can't approach the observed object at C without approaching C yourself but you could harvest the temporal effects by storing terminally ill patients near C until technology catches up with their disease. I am proposing that when you drop reactants into a catalyst and harvest hours of work performed in only a fraction of that time you are also harvesting a relativistic effect.


Please explain how (in principle) you would measure the size of the radius, and what it means for it to be rotated into time.

The radius to the nucleus remains the constant of the Bohr model, I am saying that non relativistic equations for fractional quantum states are likely solving only for the spatial value of the orbital diameter which we observe while we are incapable of observing distance on the time axis but since we know the bohr length then the first fractional quantum state means the spatial parameter would appear to be 1/2 Bohr while the nucleus assumed to be in the middle is displaced on the time axis similar to the sun down a gravity well. the distance to the nucleus remains Bohr length but now has a temporal component equal to the square root of Bohr length squared /2