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Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze

Started by Pirate88179, June 27, 2009, 04:41:28 AM

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Quote from: a.king21 on February 20, 2014, 08:58:12 PM
Maybe this will tell you ;)

QuoteQuote from: Zeitmaschine on February 21, 2014, 12:40:00 AMI would rather like a simple explanation how electrons can be drawn out of a metallic object without the need of having a closed electric circuit. Because that's the trick of Kapanadze, Stepanov and Barbosa to make things work.

Actually I would like to see Kapanadze, Stepanov and Barbarossa explaining their devices in such an enthusiastic style. 

You will not.
Our main "hero"
After many  years of strong fluids and cigarettes: surgery and  organs problem, waiting  for surgery "pipe to be removed"
Must stay like this for another 3 to 5 weeks.
For whatever  it takes I wish him the best.
Only one from that  all  of his crew,who did not ask me for any money.
the rest?
The rest of them  is "questionable " big time.

Stefanov "and company" is mostly in  Germany trying to be  as convincing  as possible  during "talk for  funds".
He has not much time to wait as :"some of  previous  money"  are  getting impatient.
That might  not be the big deal for Western Europe "part of it"
But money from Russian side are kind of "disturbing them so much, that they can not  wait to long with no progress"
so as its origin of fear "if any" :)  is Russia.

Akula is trying to push for patent protection.However his device is geo-dependent and moody.
There was, time period whan there was  junction Between Stepanov and  Akula .
The request and expectation from  Stepanov was that the device was to be checked by independent body (-it happened that it was , friend of mine)
And Yes It was conformed   working as expected, (no external energy source connected)
That junction is over by now,
Stepanov does not heave samozapitkia and that what he thought to get from Akula.
Akula is  trying to keep  audience  involved as he needs it if ever.
He did it but he doesn't understand at least  for now, the mechanism of it.
However he is intelligent  bright fast learning man with weak
theoretical bases, and he is good, and fast experimenter.
His position is at my best:
If I can make "big buck" I will, but if not than I will become a  hero anyhow.So I need a public standing by.
Akula is emotional driven by dream of wealth and fame or one  of it at first.
As he can not make  both so , he is for sale if there is  any good buyer for "unfinished". 

Barbarossa : has had problems with Law( some kind of prosecution)  ,someone know more about his present state please post here.



look is this, It is necessary to establish a artificial potential compared to the ground - "such as charged dipole"


Main note to this article:

main link: http://www.rexresearch.com/colman/colman.htm

1.this article is for people who want   "Free Energy" with no illusion of it.
2. you do not need to read first quote from jbignes5  so skip it for now.Read only his short quotes below main one.
3. try to concentrate on my article do not just look at it you will not regret it .
4. I spend my time for you to benefit from it and if you think different you most likely wrong.*(till you proven right)
    4a.  I did make "short" some of factors. sorry for  how it looks like. ( just for simplicity)
5. Free Energy is conversion from another form of energy - in here it is energy of nuclear bonds( nuclear origin)
6. when I say it works  that means it works!! However it is up to you to judge it by yourself.
7. if you do not understand basis you will not likely to succeed in  Colman FE/
8. official science does not allow  RF signals of frequency 300-400 MHz to interact with atomic mass at  nuclear level. and  definitely not at power level  of  0.1- 100W.- Colman  patent.
It also  reject possibility of RF to break nuclear bonds ( Radio Frequency band)

9. Legal Note: This article is my position in this subject .There are language limitation I have, so for that  purpose I reserve to myself my own interpretation of how I understand this article. That interpretation might differ  from  how others understand or interpret this article.By that can not be reinforced by law as violation or any intentional  wrong doing. :)


Quote from: jbignes5 on February 21, 2014, 02:33:20 PM
See this is the problem. If you can not see or do not know what something is then how can you effectively design anything to take advantage of it? YOU CAN'T

The theories for electrons is just that THEORIES. If you say electrons are responsible for current flow how do you know? How do you design something for something you do not know? Just because you have an equation that seems to be correct but only tells the outcome how could that be correct? Yes it gives you the final answer but it tells you nothing about the process. This is why we have been idling in the electrical field for over 100 years.

FYI to you all, The electron has not been proven in the least bit. Like I said the closest they have come is to see a shell around the particle That is it. A shell does not = a particle like they describe the electron to be. A shell would be like our planets shell. Energized in the same way as our shell is. Do we say our shell is a single particle?

Lets look for proof:


The first picture is a real picture of the shells.

The second picture is an artistic conception of a whole electron. I would think that it is a better picture of the shell itself around an atom. The Atom has a standing voltage potential and radiates this potential all around and the shell is the electron. Of course this shell could bunch up like in the real picture in picture 1. That would be an electron shell and not an electron as a particle. This would also explain the wave like ability of the "Electron" riding on the shell.

The standing value of the atom would be it's material and what it gets from space itself, the area it resides in or Ether field. Displacing the Ether field is what would give the atom or particle it's potential value. Which allows the atom to retain a certain amount of charge that sticks to the shell. Charges are real and thats what makes atoms or particles real and solid. The electric field of the atom or particle is what sets up the shell distances and there can be many shells base on the particle or atoms size and potential value.

Lets look at a few metallic atoms like gold as an example.


Now if we put the second picture from above in place of every dot in this picture you will see how this all works. Charges are like the grease and if there is enough charges in between the atoms it becomes less rigid or in a liquid state. The reason the gold picture looks the way it is, is because they are using a charge gun like in a Television Picture tube. They fire little balls of ball lightning at the atoms and they bounce off the shells and return to a detector. These little balls are much like ball lightning. They are self contained and resemble little tennis balls. Since we can not optically see the atoms we only see the sonar like results and they use a computer to build a grey scale 3d map from the detected returns of the charges. Since charges have their own electric field they can be detected quite easily when going through a loop or hitting a surface detector.

I could go on and on and follow how this all works but once you get the basic picture you can figure the rest out.

Back to TK and his devices...

O boy:
My friend.

everything is concept- model of whatever.
If I or anyone will start to absorb your  version of it than everyone will be lost.
People feel comfortable with official  one   whether is  right  or the wrong one - it is not important to them
If there is something additional to explain they add to  it  another  "boson" or  whatever.
If they can not explain something  universal way they do exclusion.
So Faraday Law is for that and Bernoulli Principals is for something else.However certain   things can be  explain  only using Maxwellian Equations....and so on.

And now:
If I think about impossible to explain I apply traditional physics at first keeping in mind that it might be misleading.

The second picture is an artistic conception of a whole electron. I would think that it is a better picture of the shell itself around an atom. The Atom has a standing voltage potential and radiates this potential all around and the shell is the electron. Of course this shell could bunch up like in the real picture in picture 1. That would be an electron shell and not an electron as a particle. This would also explain the wave like ability of the "Electron" riding on the shell.

Nuclei of an atom is made from first  primary particles such as: neutron and proton ( different number of them depends  of  what atom it belongs to)
As mass of  proton is about ,say 1600 times, bigger than  that  one of electron than positive proton keep close  electrons.Neutron adds to overall mass of nuclei but  has no charge .
when  proton is destroyed during nuclear decay process( triggered by you or me too.) than result of it is creation of new element (the one - from Periodic Table.)

Mass of Proton is responsible for  characterization of that element atomic  number (eg. by destroying   proton - nickel  can decay to  copper. )
Mass of Neutron is responsible for characterization of isotope of the same element ( eg. Deuterium (symbol D or 2H, also known as heavy hydrogen. So by that we know that number of neutrons has changed.)
The nucleus of tritium (sometimes called a triton) contains one proton and two neutrons, whereas the nucleus of protium (by far the most abundant hydrogen isotope) contains one proton and no neutrons. Naturally occurring tritium is extremely rare on Earth, where trace amounts are formed by the interaction of the atmosphere with cosmic rays.
Not All of the Isotopes of matter are radioactive !!

People  are  capable  at small lab or  even  home, to play with: proton , neutron, electron, x-ray,gamma, and by that change matter.!!! create antimatter neutron decay and so on.

Negatively charged electrons wants to be near nucleus so they ride at (possibly) speed of light around nuclei.
Shells are only energy levels orbits of speeding electrons ( charge based).
The  higher  the energy level of an electron the  more far it is at orbit -  from the nucleus.
At first shell there are 2 electrons in any atom. K shell
At second there are 8  L shell
At third  there are 18  M shell
At fourth  there are 32 N shell
and so on......................
Levels are based on quantas.
Quantum level is the level that particle can be but that particle can not be  anywhere in between
So it is  there  or at any other quantum level
(Look at Quantum theory- Quantum mechanics:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_theory

Processes you have been  explaining in :
Quotejbignes5 :
Now if we put the second picture from above in place of every dot in this picture you will see how this all works. Charges are like the grease and if there is enough charges in between the atoms it becomes less rigid or in a liquid state. The reason the gold picture looks the way it is, is because they are using a charge gun like in a Television Picture tube. They fire little balls of ball lightning at the atoms and they bounce off the shells and return to a detector. These little balls are much like ball lightning. They are self contained and resemble little tennis balls. Since we can not optically see the atoms we only see the sonar like results and they use a computer to build a grey scale 3d map from the detected returns of the charges. Since charges have their own electric field they can be detected quite easily when going through a loop or hitting a surface detector.
are to be explain by:

1.electron microscopy( shooting electrons to and atoms of specimen)
The response of specimen is: interraction of atoms of specimen by

extracting electron from K orbit ( the 2 electrons orbit) by that avalanche of electrons from  higher shell to  be closer to nuclei.when electron from  L jumps to K it losses energy and manifest lose of energy by releasing photon of X-ray away -
and that is what you can see and observe in electron microscopy (EM).
The gun of electrons  in EM is mostly  tungsten wire at V shape with sharp tip at Nano-meter  region.
Than all other electrons from higher shells wants to re-position themselves to be closer to nuclei.
electron from M jumps to L
electron from N jumps to M
each one of that  "jumps"  will give  energy in form of  x-ray photons out during repositioning.
x-ray frequency ( also known as wavelength   of that transition) is characteristic to shell number ( K,L,M,N,O,)
The higher the frequency ( shorter wavelength) the more energetic  photons are.
Tools to see the processes  of energy release is  X-ray  and/or gamma spectroscopy
The spectroscopy devices can be  made at home very inexpensive  way.

Processes of matter no longer being the same, decaying to another  element( Andrea Rossi : nickel decay to copper):
Tools to see the processes  of  decay matter  to another  element  X-ray  and/or gamma spectroscopy are mostly spectrometers.
The spectrometers-spectroscopy devices can be  made at home very inexpensive  way.
the major component of  spectrometer is  photomultiplier ,but could  also be electrometer.
Spectrometers- spectroscopy devices with software  precisely track nuclear processes  real time if needed, giving you beautiful graphs of energy levels (and by that the wavelength of light  they belongs too. Light is  electromagnetic wave.
The software is  often free of charge to download and use.

The higher the frequency of Electromagnetic  Wave the shorter the wavelength and the more energetic is every photon of it)
The Geiger-Muller tube is used in detectors -detecting presence of photons of -x-ray or Gamma ,(and/or presence of Beta and Alpha.- the mass containing particles)
This device can not distinguish between electron and its antiparticle positron(- both particles heaving equal mass)

Electron at speed that is high  enough can enter to  nuclei ( nucleus of  certain atoms are naturally swallowing  electrons from K - some of radioactive isotopes.)
at that point one  proton is destroyed,
one more neutron is created
Particle such as  positron ( anti-electron) is  shoot  with high speed out of nucleus.
Nutrino is created  and  is  shoot  with high speed out of nucleus.
On its way out positron (that has mass equal to electron) colides with orbital  electron and  both  particles destroy themselves
-two gamma photons are created and travel 180 degrees  away in two opposite directions . PET scan in medicine has ring of sensors ( photo multipliers with scintillating crystals) Patient is injected with  radioactive material and than he is inserted inside the ring.  The two gamma  photons will be found exactly 180 degrees apart by the sensors.
Exact  energy share between  Neutrino and  Positrons is random. Neutrino  escapes and is not taken to any investigation as it is hard to  even find its presence. But it is said that it is 50/50 energy share.
However during electron bombardment  photons that are created (x-ray or/and gamma) are being used to manifest energy emission or energy exchange.

If One, is able to  use that energy for  conversion , that person can use this process for Free Energy Device.

THAT IS WHY I SAY THAT  Harold Colman and Ronald Seddon-Gillespie WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!
got it?


In Colman the energy is there,
           presence of this energy is manifested,
                      that energy can be converted electrical energy.
                          that energy  in converted  form  can be used to power homes and utility needs.

2. EDXRF or x-ray spectroscopy ( energy dispersive  x-ray spectroscopy and so on) shooting  photons of x-ray at  atoms of specimen)
It is similar to what  I said above about electrons used as bombarding particles the only difference is that x-ray is photon and photon does not heave mass it is pure energy in its  form.However photon is  characterized by its frequency/ wavelength .
Photon does not heave charge.

3.gamma spectroscopy. shooting  photons of gamma at  atoms of specimen)
Very much similar mostly used in CAT and PET scan.
Gamma is photon that belongs to gamma spectrum.

Now based on that please rephrase your comment  quoted in two small paragraphs from above so You and I we  heave equal opportunity to understand each other.




I'll have to get back to you Stivep. But for now lets see what the new set of scientists have to say about wrong theories and what we know today.


Please listen to this stuff. If we have the wrong concepts it leads to junk science. Junk in this term means it doesn't make sense in the least bit.

Now as you can see they still with traditional models are trying to figure out this stuff and can not. It makes no sense to them because they were using the wrong models. The models don't even come close to what was Seen. Lets try to be open about this and at least agree to disagree at this point. But please make an effort to try and delve into this stuff. It won't hurt to go this route.


There is a small problem with that statement:

Quote from: verpies on February 06, 2014, 06:53:36 PM
When an inductor is opened, the magnetic field collapses very fast.
When an inductor is shorted, the magnetic field collapses very slow.

If the magnetic field collapses (fast or slow) when an inductor is opened or shorted, then how can it be that the magnetic field of Leedskalnin's Perpetual Motion Holder does not collapse at all when the coil is disconnected? Is the above statement referring to a closed iron core or to an open iron core? There seems to be a difference.

And is it just another coincidence that the 180W transformer of the SR193 device looks very similar to a Perpetual Motion Holder? ???