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2009: The Year Perpetual Motion Ended

Started by jibbguy, January 04, 2010, 02:14:37 PM

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Thanks for the comments ;)


"Bigot" is an ugly word.

Hehehe, considering there are millions of "skeptics" (mainly naysayers really) on the other side who ignorantly insist on the primacy of CoE in all instances (LOL who now CAN'T do so with any shred of legitimately because of the evidence summed up in the article... which was the main purpose, and at which it succeeded), having advocates for our side is not such a bad thing, eh? ;) An advocate is not a bigot; but i admit the emotional loading such a word brings can be useful for getting points across without having to actually argue them. 

I never claimed to be totally objective on this subject, obviously i am convinced these technologies have existed for a very long time, and have been suppressed vigorously. I don't mind at all if others honestly disagree (kinda even enjoy it at times lol), but i'm not going to let the self-styled "skeptics" who claim to love Scientific Method get away with that "perpetual motion nonsense" BS anymore either. It always was a disingenuous LIE. And whether the person was mouthing a lie a professor taught him, or knew the truth and lied on their own, really doesn't matter, it was still an ad hominem attack meant to end debate, and is to be despised by rational people.

But that's all over now.

If you are going after the accuracy of my proofs, that is another matter; and i think you will find i take my responsibilities seriously. If you take exception to one specifically let's hear it.

The scientists publishing Papers that have something to do with ZPE at LANL archives are not here on the forums trying to tear down the work we do and calling us names for doing it (....often treating us like religious apostates who refuse to accept their own twisted and PROVED WRONG model of the universe). They are not getting on TV, like Michaeo Koku or what ever that person's name is, and calling people "Frauds" (as he did with Steorn, without even being briefed on the technology). Obviously my comments go to the "Mainstream", the scientists and engineers who refuse to look seriously at this subject at all, and instead attack it out of hand... And they certainly exist. These scientists who published the ZPE papers are NOT the "Mainstream"; they are not the editors of the science Journals, not the Department Heads of Universities, not the Science Editors of the corporate-owned mainstream media outlets. These "Gate Keepers" who keep these Papers buried in a little hole somewhere in Cornell U's computers, unknown to the general public, hoping no one finds out about them because it ends their little game of denial are the problem (...and those these gatekeepers serve), not the small minority of scientists that are doing the Studies and writing the Papers on "controversial" energy subjects. If those "Gate Keepers" had been doing their jobs HONESTLY, i wouldn't have to write these articles, and people would already know about these things.

Because there really is no plausible excuse for not studying many of these technologies in the mainstream. That's the drum i am beating, and will go on beating until this changes. And in so doing, if 2 million learn of it who didn't before, then that number could eventually grow to 10 million, and that number multiply, and so on. That's how this game is played, and won: Gaining Greater Public Awareness via Grass Roots Activism that takes away the excuses, takes away the TRUE ignorance here (that of the general public to these technologies very existence), takes away the gate keepers' ability for stone-walled denial and eventually FORCES the mainstream to deal with it... Whether their old professors taught them it was all "perpetual motion nonsense" or not ;)


To fully understand zpe/energy from the vaccum.

It is the spins which look unbalanced.

It is behind all of the infinite big bangs and is the very thing that is without beginning and is without end.

Yes everything has the power to create.

Ether it slows down to a stop or it keeps on running, like the mikovic gravity wheel..this power to create is in the spins.
68:16 But by this, THEIR KNOWLEDGE (science - 1 Tim. 5:20), THEY PERISH, and by this also its power consumes them.

twh 1:1 Thousands of earth years ago,far away,in this galaxy,on the morning star(venus),the Lord Guardian Of Divinity,King ruler and Guardian of the Universe,put down a revolution led by Lucifer(Iblis)



The energy authorities familiar with the technology developed by Tesla and recovery, with hundreds of independent researchers around the world ... the proof is in the amount of projects secured. The authorities preferred energy technologies to develop complex to maintain control of a strategic sector such as energy. Systems FE (free energy) emerging are often ignored, when possible, left in drawers, or controlled and integrated, become state property. Smart-Grid and Virtual-Power-Plant could unblock this situation as long as you allow these clean technologies emerge and become public. Unfortunately, the speech energy is an issue to be analyzed politically and financially, even before the technical: for decades if all rich countries have invested astronomical amounts of money, wars, long-term agreements, to grab the oil, it is now very difficult for becoming detached from this source without tripping over a global economic crisis devastating (return on investment is in fact planned in decades, not months, since we are talking about trillions of dollars spent entire nations in debt forever), this I think the central problem whose solution is difficult, as we see from what is happening in the sadly useless summits on pollutant emissions. If we convert the production of new energy sources, (which I think today it is perfectly possible at the technical level of technology), energy itself should still be sold by governments to astronomical costs to cover losses suffered by the retention of investment in gold black, which is why developing countries oppose it, (because they will shoot the possibility of development), which is why countries already evolving oppose, (why blow up losing everything they have invested in the existence of the economy "modern") and that's why those who try to autonomy and antagonism with governments to make real competition in this area is blocked.



The reason there is no perpetual motion machines is because you are looking in the wrong directions, look at what really works then choose your path, imagination makes absolutely no sense without logic! in fact it will not be imagination that finds it.

Jerry 8)


Hehehe, "wow", thanks for the "thread bump", LJ... "Spam" is not all bad i guess ;)

Regarding "buying gold" i suspect that actually physically buying the element "Gold" could be wise (which you can't do in many countries by law); but buying "certificates" or commodity stock shares that claim to represent gold may not prove to be so wise... If the idea is to not use fiat paper money, then what would be the point? In an economic collapse, you could easily end up using that certificate to wipe dog-doo off of your shoe; the actual available supply is over-sold by a huge factor. The idea that you will "beat" the "Fed" this way is not logical: They control the Gold markets as well; and the same folks who are supposed to monitor and police the stock markets and investment banks, also are supposedly "watching over" the commodities markets (lol, and that is NOT good). Commodity markets and derivative schemes are a losing proposition for most small independent investors, they are totally fixed and are cash cows for the large entities, who feed on the money the small investors put up.

I would be very careful of what those selling "gold" commodities (really just fancy paper), tell you.

Coins, art objects, and jewelry made of gold, that you can hold in your hand, are a different story. But the only real "gold" in an economic collapse is land; if you can afford to wait it out you won't lose in the end. The problem there is, the time you need the money most (to buy food to survive), will be the worst possible time to sell. And what that will do is transfer more real, tangible and lasting wealth into the hands of those who engineered the economic disaster to begin with.


The article "2009: The Year Perpetual Motion Ended" published here now as well:


New discussion thread on it at "The Free Energy Facebook Group"

All FB mem's are welcome to join our Group. Much of it can still be seen by "non-members".. BTW, despite a common perception going around, you don't have to give your real name, photo, or any private info besides an email addy to join Facebook, millions don't (go get a new free Yahoo or Gmail addy if you wish first).. And in this respect it is little different than any forum. FB now has over 350,000,000 mems world-wide:
