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Global Warming Truth

Started by PaulLowrance, January 07, 2010, 12:05:36 PM

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Quote from: Azorus on January 12, 2010, 11:43:38 AM
Okay paul next question.  Where temps warmer or cooler in the darkage than they are now?

And your link you provided does not explain lowering average temps.  key word AVERAGE. so try again.

It does explain it. You claim the average shows a lowering, but that's about as vague a statement as it gets-- amateur science. I've already details this countless times. You can *not* take a short average of a few years because of the large fluctuations that are clearly seen since the beginning of the data in the mid 1800's. The larger the average, the more the fluctuations go away. That is a fact.

Furthermore, you can't get rid of the fact that the global temperature is significantly higher (in terms of global temperatures) then it was since 1850. There would have to be *massive* global cooling for a long time before the global temperature dropped even close to the mid 1850's.

Quote from: Azorus on January 12, 2010, 11:43:38 AMAnswer: averages are caculated over a decade, 10 years of data.

Yes, it clearly says & shows there is global *warming*, not cooling.

Quote from: Azorus on January 12, 2010, 11:43:38 AMoo more scientist bailin on global warming...


Fox news is the most conservative news organization that I'm aware of. CNN has caught them red handed deliberately lying. When time permits I'll find the reference. Furthermore, that article provides zero evidence. Also, you can find scientists who will believe in just about anything. Presently over 97% of *active publishing* climatologist believe humanity is the significant cause of global warming.

You see, that's the problem here, and it is very evident. Those who oppose the fact that global warming is real cannot show evidence, they point to ding dong conservative & sometimes religious websites. I'm not interesting in amateur science.


Paul you are a tool.  You can not be convinced unless there was three feet of snow for 10 years.  global warming not real, climate change is.

If you follow your own graphs that you worship you will notice that they do not follow up to the current year, maybe you should look into that.  You would notice that 1997-1999 where a lot warmer than now, oh wait 10 years ago, that would mean a cooling trend...


QuoteLets here what *scientist*, not amateurs, have to say about the *very recent* cold weather,

As is becoming painfully more clear everyday, much work is left to the *amateurs* that is either not being done by *scientists* or is willfully being ignored due to threat of professional peril.

Case in point:


The top graphic at the URL above is hosted at Arkansas University, it is one of many such graphics which can be found at various institutions of *higher learning* around the world.  It does not require the credentials of a scientist to decipher it's meaning....and that such as was the norm for many, many years, is no longer the case.  Not even close.  One has only to watch the moon's rise/set locations and orbital track over a single night at it's northernmost point once a month to ascertain a few sobering truths.

Scientists can't even explain why tides were two feet higher than their models predicted, along the entire east coast, this year.  This despite our Moon playing rodeo across the skies.  Ocean currents of our swaying earth are effecting the entire planet's weather systems.  The Sun, now rises and sets at odd angles and in odd locations at the beginning of summer and winter....and as any *honest* scientist knows, the Sun and Moon and Earth's attitude toward them, is responsible for the Lion's share of the predicament in which we now find ourselves.



Blessings in Christ Yeshua

Luke 21:25-28 (New International Version)

25"There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. 26Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. 27At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."

“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



Another thing you might want to look into is the Global average mean temperature.  That is how they come up with weather or not the plantet is warmer now or in the past.  They compare current temps with the mean to come up with a +- factor as to where we stand to the global average mean temp, which right now sits at about +0.78C.  So yes temps are warmer than they have been in the past!  ya you got one thing right!  but we are still a lot cooler than they have been in the past too.  Amature scientist indeed.


Quote from: ResinRat2 on January 12, 2010, 06:59:40 AM
It is too bad you don't understand why we are fighting the global warming hysteria. I am doing it first of all because there is plenty of evidence, and tens of thousands of scientists agree, that global warming is affected little by human activites. The largest contributor to global warming is the sun itself, and as solar activity goes up and down, there is a rise and fall in the overall global temperature.

The other reason I fight the hysteria is because it is being used as a tool by power-hungry politicians, like Al Gore, as a means to get legislation passed that would control every aspect of our lives. By control of energy they would manipulate the economy and social structure of our society. Not just Nationally, like in the United States; but globally by use of treaties and International Organizations like the United Nations. For those of us who abhor the expansion of Governmental Power, it is frightening.

I care a great deal about future generations. I want my son to have a family and enjoy the freedoms I was able to enjoy in my life, but these ambitious politcal-Social engineers want to control their lives. Governmental Power is Force. It is oppressive and feeds on itself as it expands. It needs to be controlled and watched over carefully by the general population so scumbags like Al Gore won't be able to achieve their Iron-Grip control over every aspect of our lives; and so clueless people like Paul Lawrence don't just mindlessly give away our freedoms and protections because of hysterical scare tactics.  I also care about the environment, but I don't want it controlled through oppressive  laws and regulations. It needs to be controlled through local and state governments, where the control is less oppressive and people can watch over and control it more carefully.

I care about the environment more than you believe, but I refuse to allow Power Hungry and oppressive politicians to take away my freedoms. I can see their sleigh of hand tactics and I KNOW they are doing it just to gain control. All for Social and Political change, and for GREED.

That's absolutely right. There is plenty of evidence that temperature goes up and down in cycles, and has done for millenia - also that the sun influences the climate, a simple fact that global warming proponents downplay or ignore.
      Yes, this is about social and political control, about new taxing systems, about controlling the population, and about furthering centralisation of power - because the more justification you have to do this, the faster the process will continue. Just read the documents written by the 'elite'. Read Maurice Strong, read Henry Kissinger about using food as a weapon, for example, read the Club of Rome Documents which clearly show that they are looking for a new threat in the environment to fulfill their agenda. We know from their statements, and can read between the lines, to understand what the plan is - always was - to create a global fascist state where everything is controlled. How many children you have, everything you buy and sell, everything you do, everywhere you go, all will be monitored and controlled. The idea is to have a cashless society based on microchips - and we are more than halfway there already.
       All we need is a new financial crisis, such as the collapse of the dollar, the collapse of the 1.4 quadrillion derivatives bubble, or a combination of the two; a new genetically engineered pandemic with serious consequences; or an environmental crisis which is more about perception than reality, like global warming for example.
       Then, when enough people who are suffering cry out for a 'solution' the system can 'reboot' into the globally centralised system which was planned all along, to 'save' us, from the problems, real or perceived - doesn't matter.
       Once you see the pattern that is being played out here, then 'Climategate', the recent 'Bankstergate', the bailout of enormous sums of money to the very people who created the problem in the first place, where they were told not to disclose the true extent of the sums paid - where we are not allowed to know where the TARP money went - how all of this is connected, then it starts to make sense. Google 'Endgame' to see how the Darwin, Huxley, Galston, Rockefeller and other bloodline families obsessively interbred to perserve their DNA, create the eugenics and the philosophy of the superhuman which Hitler so much admired.
     This cabal of psychopaths, who have made it their stated intention to cull the human race by 80% or more, now control our economy, and the politicians supposedly managing it. Until we wake up to this reality, we are going to be their victims.
     Until we snap out of the 'pollyanna' state of denial and address the situation, a global tyranny - just as Orwell envisioned - will be upon us. It will be 'nice'. It will be 'for our own good' 'to save the planet' - but it will be tyranny on a scale never before imagined.
     The first stage is understanding how deep the rabbithole goes. Do your research, and you'll find out. The next stage is coming together, pooling our resources, and being creative about new ways to stop cooperating with the system. The system can only function if we give our power to it every day, in so many ways. The system is run by a relatively small group of psychopaths at the top of the pyramid. Always remember that we outnumber them greatly - and that we are powerful both individually and collectively. They don't want you to know your true power - so never forget it.
      These guys understand how consciousness relates to DNA, and that DNA is like a crystalline receiver-transmitter. That's why they are busy introducing full body scanners at airports - the planning for this was already in place before the 'Underwear Bomber' provided the justification for it - problem-reaction-solution, another false flag terror op, and they leave so many loose ends, it's plain that they are not even bothering to cover this up properly.
      The full body scanners are there to create biometric profiles of the population, in addition to their DNA profiles. They also have the useful side-effect of damaging your DNA and reducing the full spectrum of infinite consciousness which is your true nature.
      There are many other way in which they have tried to reduce your potential. Flouride, heavy metals, aspartame, food additives, the list is endless.
      Make no mistake, this Illuminati agenda is going to be exposed - and we are going to discover some amazing new realities about which we know nothing. But we must stop the denial, stand together and create the new reality.