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Our black pope and his jesuits, a look at mankind's enemy...

Started by Gauss, January 08, 2010, 02:59:52 AM

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zen is the art of seeing everything and noticing nothing


Jikwan, thanks. I PM you back.

In short we summarize this thread(my enlightenment level as of today) down below, this will seem like tall tales to "newcomers" of course:

- Jesuits/CCP leaders are the head of the "human looking" demons trying to deceive as many people as possible for centuries, using religion as their ultimate tool of deception. The black pope or Von Kolvenbach is the current master demon of the jesuits. They control the material world today(more or less), we need to accept this and purify ourselves from them.

- We(the everyday people) are responsible for having invited the demons to control our main spirit for egoistic gains(money, fame, materialism, media, sex, drugs, energy, big pharma etc), the demons are now controlling everything behind the curtains deceiving us to cast down as many as possible when the end arrives.

- We(everyday people) have received(in 1992) the RIGHTEOUS WAY to enlightenment of Falun Gong for FREE from Master Li Hongzhi to be able to save mankind from total destruction. As of 1999 the demons panicked since 100 million FG supporters joined in and hence they banned it in China by using the CCP leaders.

Anyone can choose to read the book Zhuan Falun or not. In the book we learn that bad people can have their main primordial spirit taken over(even killed) by a demon and then he will become one of them. The demon is after your body´s essences and will feed off them until finished and your body dies. If you do FG you send righteous thoughts every day to weaken the evil in other dimensions.

About 100 million FG cultivators do this every day since a few years, that is PURE POWER.

Clinton, Brown and Obama obviously look very much as the copy paste examples of this demon analysis from the book when you see their RS analysis. Modern radio music is extremely demonic in nature as we can see on Youtube RS analysis.

- Looking at revelation chapter is not a bad idea according to FG. There are predestined events taking place just like the bible tell us. To find out more read Master´s articles. Latest reference I see he talks about plagues coming(H1N1 vaccine?). IF you are a true FG cultivator you will not be affected since your body is purified.

- We(everyday people) can analyze our demons by Reverse Speech analysis and also aura color analysis(invented by Tesla). For a future leader(of any high position) a clean RS and a good aura color will be imperative. It could be that our assistant main spirit always tells the truth about our main primordial spirit, so is your main spirit demonic YOUR ASSISTANT CONSCIOUSNESS WILL TELL THE WORLD ABOUT IT.

- A qualified guess is that the higher worldly power you have the more "high level" demonic spirit you get. So a US president will have a rather high level demon, the black pope demon should be the highest worldly level of demons.

Btw, about Reverse Speech analysis, anyone finds a video/audio file from Von Kolvenbach? Is it a coincidence there is not a single video from Kolvenbach on Youtube?..... You judge.


PS: http://www.youtube.com/user/jamespunani#p/f/8/yP71MaNsrNY - Alberto Rivera exposing jesuits, a good video


yes, start the thread- see how it goes
its looking at things from a completly new and different angle
RS is an alien concept
being possessed is another concept that they will find it hard to believe
zen is the art of seeing everything and noticing nothing


reverse speech is 100% real.

everything in the universe has a magnetic effect.
which means it can be detected electromagnetically, in some way.
such as with a device.

everything in the universe also has its magnetic opposite,
which is perfectly mirroring the thing, every second of the day.

when someone speaks, their projected words go one way.
but their INTENT goes the opposite way.

so by reversing their recorded speech,
their intent is partly revealed.

its very likely,
that there is a recording method,
that can reveal MUCH more about the persons intent,
than the normal audio recording.

but this recording method,
either has yet to be realized by the reverse speech community,
or has yet to be invented.


the human reading this post,
is somewhere between density 3.0,
and density 3.4.

you are in this density,
because your soul has created small enough resistance,
to deserve living in 3.0D.

there are some younger,
less developed souls,
who have created so much resistance/disruption,
that they have been demoted to 2D.
or even down to 1D.

3D is boring and dull.
but 2D is really boring and dull,
and 1D might as well be the biblical version of hell.
where souls are constantly attacking and torturing each other.

most of these lower density souls,
do not want to be in the lower densities.
because there is more feeling and enjoyment,
up in 3D.

but they are not allowed to incarnate into 3D,
unless their karma is small enough.

which means they have to maim and kill other beings,
at a far slower rate,
than they want to maim and kill at.

so instead of cleaning up their act,
and not kill other beings so often,
they try to possess the bodies of 3D humans.

humans who were karma free enough,
to deserve to incarnate, into 3D.

the lower density beings,
can only possess a 3D human,
if the 3D human has weaknesses,
in their aura/nervous-system.

such as
and so on.

and food addatives,
like MSG and aspartame,
also create openings,
for low density beings.

and similar high functioning emotions,
will evict the low density beings from your nervous system.

most of you can feel these things.
you just think that your not supposed to feel them,
unless you have an excuse.
so you deliberately suppress the feelings,
without realizing that you are doing it.

but it is not always easy to feel those things.
especially if you read the negative feces,
that is smeared in some placed on this website.

or if you are a hardliner stick in the mud,
who snarls at anyone,
who dares threaten your religion of reality.

so the "easiest" way,
to evict the low density beings,
out of your nervous system,
is to close your openings.

to calming sit in a quite place.
and think/worry about nothing.

to fear nothing.

to just calmly accept the world, for what it is.
and be detached from everything.
in the manner of a tibetan monk.

you will find that just sitting,
and being without worry,
is easy.
once you have practiced it.

despite the vicious howling of farrah day the jerk-king,
i was nothing short of a human angel,
when i was a child.

the low density beings couldn't come near me.
but the low density beings targeted me.
by infecting the unconscious morons around me,
and getting them to do horriffic things to my well being.

my emotions were butchered in one thousand different ways.
and openings appeared everywhere in my poor psyche.

and the low density beings got into my nervous system, over time.
though they never got half the hold on me,
that they got on the people around me.

for years, i was inflamed and injured internally.
they still claw at my well being, to this day.

but over time,
i remembered the monk techniques of passiveness,
from past lifetimes.

and i was able to seal up most of the openings.
and kick out most, but not all, of the tresspassers.

though once in awhile,
one of you really annoys me,
and i demand your immediate suicide,
out of raw irritation.

earths density, has been getting higher.
it is an average of 3.4D now,
and is expected to get to 4.0D, around december 2012.

as the density has increased,
i have felt better and better.
as if i am returning to the place that i belong.

and the sub-human slime around me,
feels further and further away than ever.

as if they aren't a part of my life anymore,
even as they are around me physically.

my future will be bright and shiny.
because i am still a higher density being.
and will at least be going to 4D.

despite my extended stay,
down here in chit-ville earth.