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Is anyone running on free energy right now ... this minute

Started by gmeast, March 12, 2010, 12:45:03 PM

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Hello all,

I have been following the progress of 'Free Energy' devices for decades ... and please ... I know it's not really free and that it's all around us and that the vacuum is a 'seething caldron of energy waiting to be tapped...', and that quantum physics supports the possibilities and so on.  In the past I was always sending away for 'energy machine' plans posted in those little adds in the backs of science and tech magazines.  There was no internet as it lives today ... only its bare bones beginnings as a conduit between the universities and the government.

This topic asks a simple and basic question: Are ANY of those authors, lecturers, inventors and other high profile individuals you and I frequently tune in to ... are any of these folks running their own homes, environments, businesses, cars, etc. on any sort of  'free energy' source?  I'm not talking about photovoltaics, passive heat, wind energy, hydro, geothermal or any of the 'accepted' technologies (cold fusion is soon to join this group).  I'm referring to 'energy from the vacuum', battery phenomena, permanent magnets, Lenz's law stuff, etc.

I'm pretty sure none of them are or can.  I'm also fairly sure that it's not because of some conspiracy on the part of the utility companies and their fear of losing revenue.  I say this because I have installed a good number of standalone photovoltaic systems.  Never have any of my customers been approached by a power utility company (or anyone) and been given the ultimatum "...you better start buying our electricity or else...".  You won't find this for wind energy either.

Knowing how people's egos sometimes work, if anyone out there were to be running their homes, businesses, cars, etc. on 'free energy', at least ONE would be boasting about it.

Well there it is.  Join, comment, whatever.  It's been said before.



I don't currently...but if you wanted to actually run on free energy -
check out the Bedini 10 Coiler Kit...I think that would actually charge
a bank of acid/lead batteries. Only ~1.5KW~ on a continuous basis
is needed to support one home with the electrical devices there now.
Add a like additional amount for heat pump heating and another like
amount for the electric automobile.

The bedini would put load wear on it's batteries. Another 26KW
lithium/ion battery pack from a new electric auto would be required
as a buffer and a rather hefty 100amp utility interactive inverter
and transfer switch would be required to round out the equipment.
Extra energy generated would be sold to power company, if so
allowed by local laws - they would pay you for power.
The utilities can't give you problems, when the ordinances say the
customer can do this...If ordinances don't say it, you still can sell
power to them but only at one or two cents per KWh. You may want
to add a token solar panel to claim your overunity energy comes from
renewable resources - it's better than claiming it comes from the
"Inherent overunity associated with static electricity generation",
"Cold Fusion in Acid/Lead storage batteries." or some such.  ;)

I'm betting that Mr. Bedini would give you a tour of his garage,
if you agreed to buy a 10 coiler Kit.



Quote from: mscoffman on March 12, 2010, 02:01:27 PM
I don't currently...but if you wanted to actually run on free energy -
----a rather hefty 100amp utility interactive inverter
and transfer switch would be required to round out the equipment.
Extra energy generated would be sold to power company, if so
allowed by local laws - they would pay you for power.
The utilities can't give you problems, when the ordinances say the
customer can do this...If ordinances don't say it, you still can sell
power to them but only at one or two cents per KWh.
You are not allowed to sell power back onto the grid (interact) unless your interface meets certain power quality standards such as harmonic distortion and other things such as when and how the system responds to changes in grid conditions and when and how it hooks up or unhooks after a power outage (safety).  The power company oversees approval of the equipment since it's generally interfacing with their equipment.  In Ca. you can only install equipment that has been tested by the state and placed on a list of approved equipment.  This includes solar panels, chargers, inverters, switch equipment and more.  The state also requires you to rate or de-rate your system based on actual field performance data.  This is how they determine how much they will actually grant back to you to help you pay for the system.  Example: a panel manufacturer rates their panel at 130watts, but the panel's real production is 118 watts after considering connecting stuff like inverter efficiency (that could be 5% 8% right there) ... we try for no more than 1/8% - 1/5% loss in the wiring, breakers, fuses, etc.  The state bases the grant on the 118watts not the manufacturer's 130watts.  Every state has a similar set of requirements.

Actually the net metering rate depends on the state.  Here in southern CA. the rate is mostly 1:1.
Recently though, some utilities have been permitted to charge/credit at different rates based on peak hour usage (late afternoon-evening ... a higher rate-after the sun's gone down), location, etc. ... Really not right.  They want to figure out some way to charge you for the power that EVEN YOU GENERATE YOURSELF!  At one time in the early 2000's these idiots were trying to charge an "exit fee" or penalty for generating your own power (because they wouldn't be getting as much out of you in the future).  It didn't fly but I'm sure they hid it somewhere in everyone's power bill.

They don't pay you anything and they never will but they credit your power generation.  When I design and install a PV system and design it to offset 100% of the customer's usage (no more-no less), from mid spring to mid fall the customer is generally a "net producer" and from mid fall to mid spring the customer is a "net consumer".  The local utility will (if you wish) average your usage over a 12 mo. period and send you only one annual bill.  But ... there is always a charge for remaining on the grid of $45 - $75 a YEAR and no one complains.  If you over-generate, the utility is simply grateful for the free electricity they don't need to generate but get to charge someone else for.  If you plan on generating way more than you use and you want to be payed for it then you are now commercial and become a co-generator ... different thing, different requirements ... not from your home. 

Don't get me wrong.  I'm amazed and in aw of our utility infrastructure in the US.  It is amazing and vast.

The biggest problems aren't with local ordinances because our state laws permit PV Solar no matter what.  The biggest problems are with Home Owners Associations which are many times out of state POWER CRAZED management companies.  They always want everyone and everything looking and acting exactly the same.  But once they get a letter from the state telling the HOA that they cannot prevent a home owner from installing solar, they shut up.  And now the feds chime in on these cases too.  There was a law suit out hear recently where the HOA lost and the homeowner (now with lots of solar) pays NO MORE HOA fees FOREVER (part of a harassment settlement).
I'm betting that Mr. Bedini would give you a tour of his garage,
if you agreed to buy a 10 coiler Kit.


I think it's likely the building we've seen in his videos is tied to the grid and that he has an electric bill ... I would hope it would be otherwise.


That really is the bottom line I look at.  All the claims of FE going around but who is really grid independent other than the traditional solar etc.  After just spending the entire day today without grid power (the utility company said they had a problem at a substation) I'm very motivated to find some FE solutions.  I do believe there are people out there running there homes on FE who are staying quiet as they have a very good thing going and don't want anyone messing with it.  I also believe there ARE going to be some changes in the fairly near future.  I've been into this research also for close to 20 years but I've never felt things were closer than they are now to some breakthrough's coming about.  There are companies that appear to have FE devices but are just waiting for the best way to roll it out.  Or perhaps they are still being paid off and or threatened to wait a while.  There are a number of well documented devices from major research facilities and or companies which fully appear working zero point energy devices but getting from a working prototype to an affordable production unit is taking it's sweet time. 

   Good message thread to start here - hopefully it will bring out some good news. 


Quote from: e2matrix on March 12, 2010, 07:48:14 PM
"That really is the bottom line I look at.  All the claims of FE going around but who is really grid independent other than the traditional solar etc."

I do know that having a battery bank and an inverter hooked to it is a comforting feeling.  I'm in S. Ca. and we have had fires that knocked out power for days at a time.  Each time I was able to fully power refrigerators, communication and entertainment off of battery power and PV.

QuoteI do believe there are people out there running there homes on FE who are staying quiet as they have a very good thing going and don't want anyone messing with it. Or perhaps they are still being paid off and or threatened to wait a while.

I just don't think anyone is getting paid off or threatened.  That's the age old cry of the failed inventor ... "... my perpetual motion machine just kept speeding up, going faster and faster then flew into a million fragments .... I almost got killed .... Sorry I can't show it to you right now ... but if I had some more funding... It's obviously not a matter of whether it works or not, I proved that in my story.  It's a matter of perfecting it ... and if I had some more funding..."  or  "... I can't show you now.  Someone was at my door.  knocking, knocking, knocking.  He was aggressive.  They're after me... I'm being threatened"

QuoteThere are a number of well documented devices from major research facilities and or companies which fully appear working zero point energy devices but getting from a working prototype to an affordable production unit is taking it's sweet time.

There are devices that seem very credible.  But that's when the next shoe falls.  These pioneers seem to be able to make careers out of  raking in developmental capital and perpetuating their research addictions.  This is the direction (rut) 'cold fusion' has taken right behind it's older brother 'hot fusion'.  It's taken 20 years to massage CF to the point that it is just 'REAL ENOUGH' to justify long lasting formal research funding guaranteeing it never gets commercialized.  Too many careers can be built on just researching CF.

QuoteGood message thread to start here - hopefully it will bring out some good news.

Thank you.  I'm not the only one working this field that needs to come up from time to time for a little fresh air and some sobriety.