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A general perspective for scientific explanation of almost all overunity devices

Started by DrKCostas, June 03, 2010, 09:33:12 AM

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All this interesting topics reminds me of a heat exchanger. It should in theory not require energy to compress and decompress air at the same time. But what happens in a heat exchanger is that one side gets warmer while the other side gets cooler. This potential difference should be possible to harness by the help of the energy in the surrounding air itself. Without question it requires much less energy to warm up a house by use of a heat exchanger compared to using electric power to heat the ovens. So I have been thinking a whole lot about how I should harness this free energy, and turn it into kinetic energy that lasts for as long as there is a sun, and air...



  There are a few patents out there that basically describe initiating a cyclonic strom and feeding the currents generated through turbines to the vertical eyewall.  Basically by creating a current over warm water we lower the atomospheric pressure so that the warm water boils at a lower temperature.  This leaves the water cooler the air warmer and is a conversion of potential energy stored in the water to kinetic energy expressed in the air movement.
The isreali thing is different in that the accelerated evaporation of the water adds mass to the air already lifted by the buoyant force.  The water pumped up with the added mass of the air then goes down through the turbine.  Like an upside down hurricane.  This seems to be more powerful in that the air isnt fighting gravity to go up the eyewall it is aided by gravity going down the stack and impinging on the fans.  Of course the water doesnt get up there for free but alot of the pumping energy expenditure is regained as the water falls back down through the fans.  One problem I forsee is the buildup of the warm moist air around the base of the tower.  This will tend to slow things down.  They must have a diffusion mechanism setup so as not to accumulate back pressure from the standing most air.
  Sorry to derail this thread.  It is very interesting that you look for a common denominator in these OU devices and it well may reside in a quantom particle.  Virtual particles are interesting in that they are necessary lest we resort to force felt at afar.  Perhaps they are not all that virtual.
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I am sure there are ingenious configurations that  can extract heat from the atmospheric air as free renewable energy. If mother nature can do it naturally in a tornado (where air heat is converted to rotational) then man can do it. Not necessarily in an exact same geometry but some how.
I got interested in free energy from the atmospheric air heat, in an invesre way: I was trying to find a mechanical analogue, of what I perceived it was happening in most free energy magnetic generators.
I repeat here, the key to unlock the puzzle:
In my perception, the missing concept to understand where the renewable energy comes from the magnetic generators (like testatika, Searl's, DePlama's etc)  is by shifting from the old concept of "electromagnetic field" of an atom , "gravitational field" of an atom and "quantum vacuum" in an atom, as empty space for interactions propagation, to a more realistic concept of a finer layer of physical and real gaseous matter around the known particles, made from permanent particles again (as permanent as protons, neutrons, electrons) but vastly smaller (e.g. 10^(-36) as order of smaller size). All energy of almost all the "free energy devices" or "overunity devices" seems that it comes from the internal heat energy of this finer gaseous material layer (centuries ago called by Newton, Maxwell and many other, aether). Which is equivalent to saying that it is from the potential energy of the new unified electro-gravitational-(and not only) field. And it is renewable because both it is a vast reservoir and it is replenished by the transfer of energy through friction of protons electrons and neutrons in this finer gaseous material layer of the matter molecular heat energy. E.g. Earth's and sun's heat. Yes we can substitute aether with particles of it, but they have to be vastly smaller than the standard electron, proton,neutron, so a two level atomicity principle. So if magnetic generators succedd in exctraction the aether heat, I though it should exist a mechanical analogue in atmospheric moleculat air too. More in my paper link at the fisrt postThis is the required conceptual leap for standard academic science to unblock the development of cheaper and zero CO2 emissions energy.


Your description of the device with the water, stream of air on it and extraction of energy is very interesting. Now I realise that the involvment of the water may make things easier Thank you!


Inspired by the  12 universal laws  from  Milanovich and McCunes book "The Light Shall Set You Free"(1998) I resume some of the principles of my research in the booklet in the  link below, but without the mathematical equations and details,   to 12 universal physical laws for the new millennium physics.


1. The Law of levelled physical material reality

1.0 What we consider as physical material reality is subject and conditioned to our development in consciousness our hidden beliefs and our scientific operational competence and development. E.g. in ancient Rome the protons. neutrons, and electrons could not  stand a chance to be considered as physical reality or existent at all. What was considered as physical reality was only gross pieces and aggregations of matter made by protons, neutrons, and electrons. Anything else would be shear philosophical or metaphysical. 
1.1 After the 19th century we are universally mature enough to accept that any form of material existence consists of elementary indivisibles. 

1.2 The content of this law is that all mater does not starts from protons, neutrons and electrons only. What we call traditionally as gravitational field, electromagnetic field, etc is accepted to have energy density in space even inertial density in space (there are classical college physics experiments with the momentum and inertia of the electromagnetic field, and similar in Einstein’s physics for the gravitational field). Therefore these  fields have material existence, but they do not consist from protons electrons and neutrons! We would contradict ourselves if we would  not assume that they consists too from permanent indivisible particles. Such particles have to be permanent and extremely small (e.g. 10^(-36) times smaller than the electron) otherwise quantum and nuclear physics would have pinned them down and would know them. (e.g. the neutrino that can cross the earth and not hit a single earth’s atom is 10^(-6) times only smaller than the electron. All particles of nuclear physics and quantum mechanics besides the proton, neutron, electron are of very short life duration and not permanent). This material reality of the fields we call the 4th material density. There exist also in a similar way the 5th material density.  The content of this law is also that the 3rd material density as well as the 4th and 5th material densities consists from particles. Also that all the material physical reality consists of superposition of such material densities.

1.3 As far as I know our experiments go up to the 4th material density and barely only go up to the 5th material density. But they may as well exist a 6th . As we mentioned at the beginning this depends on the evolution of the civilisation and the consciousness of the human beings in it. An obvious question is why we start counting from 3. This is so, as we are counting the matter that is granulated in to the planets and stars in aggregation as 2nd material density. The next question would be what is the 1st material density. We consider the overall world of galaxies and everywhere that classical  light can go as one celestial body or…..particle assuming that there more such particles creating the 1st material density.

1.4 It is obvious from the definition of the 4th material density from the classical fields, that a gas or a liquid of the 4th material density will flow through the net of atoms of a solid body of 3rd material density almost without resistance. Excatly as the electromagnetic waves of your mobile phone do.

2. The Law of Vibration
This Law states that everything in the Universe (e.g. protons, neutrons, electrons of the 3rd material density) vibrates.  The spin of protons, electrons, and neutrons has a vibration frequency. The same with an atom that may have many frequencies like a musical chord (which is also the basis of  smelling: Our sensing cells of smelling detect the atom’s chord-vibrations ). This holds also for the basic particles of the 4th and 5th the material density. So each material density has its own vibration characteristic frequency. Depending on the vibration source, the vibration wave may propagate in many different material densities with different speeds. In the 4th material density there is also “sound” as compression wave, but it may have the speed of light. It may be tempting to call this 4th density "sound", as quantum psi-waves, but mathematically as  waves are different, as in universities are accepted mainly as probability waves of particles of the 3rd density. Still the original informal idea of DeBroglie that any (3rd material density) particle when moving maybe  accompanied with a material wave  (of the liquid or gaseous 4th density) is also real.

3. The Law of Action
This law in the 3rd material density is known and analysed as the 3 Newtonian laws:
a) The conservation of momentum a) The law of force and acceleration, c) the law of action reaction.  Later than Newton scientists proved based on the previous 3 Newtonian laws, the law of conservation of energy. Lagrange and Hamilton were also able to derive the momentum and energy conservation from
the  law of stationary action

4. The Law of Correspondence
This Law states that the known classical principles and laws of physics that explain the physical world  at the 3rd density- energy, waves, vibration, and motion - have their corresponding principles in the 4th and 5th material density. "As above, so below" was the ancient quote.

5. The Law of Cause and Effect
The contact causalities or particle collision causalities or horizontal causalities that we know in the 3rd material density  (e.g. law of action and reaction) hold also in the 4th and 5th material density.

6. The Law of Compensation and Deeper causalities
Besides the horizontal contact causalities within a material layer hold also the vertical causalities among material layers. The top-down flow (from 5th density to 4th, to 3rd density) is relevant to our (in-out) creative abilities.

7. The Law of Attraction
This law is essentially what Newton started studying in his universal attraction (later called gravitation) and his inverse square law. This law can only be fully revealed and the inverses square law explained only if more than the 3rd material density is included. This is the process of discovering the Unified Field Theory which is nothing else than the equations of the gaseous 4th material density. Nevertheless in the 4th material density exist also liquid and solid states.

8. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
The material densities (3rd, 4th, 5th) are in continuous energy exchange through contact, friction, vibration, etc. There is a natural flow of energy  from the 3rd density to the 4th density through friction of the spinning and rotating protons, neutrons and electrons in an atom. This transfers heat from the 3rd material density and is creating heat in the 4th material density. 

9. The Law of Relativity
The content of this law is that the space measurements and time measurements, are attached to a particular material density therefore are relative not absolute. So the space and time as measured in the familiar 3rd material density may not be the same when measured in e.g. the 4th material density.

10. The Law of Polarity
10.0 The content of this law is that as in the 3rd material density  there is the emergence of the electric positive, negative and neutral, so is in the 4th and 5th material density. Therefore there are triads of micro-electrons micro-protons, micro-neutrons in the 4th material density and triads of nano-protons, nano-electrons and nano-neutrons in the 5th material density. These triads create these densities as the triad of proton neutron electron creates the familiar 3rd material density.

10.1  In the 3rd material density, it is traditionally described with the system of linear equations of Maxwell’s electricity. What we know today as the Maxwell’s electromagnetic field was called originally by Maxwell himself as the Electro-magnetised  aether.  Aether is a gas formation of the 4th material density.  Nevertheless, if after this law we introduce besides the polarity of electrons, protons, neutrons, the corresponding polarity in the gaseous 4th density (aether) and utilise the non-linear Navier-Stokes equations of the gases (that are derived by the energy and momentum conservation, but now applied after law 3 of action to the 4th material density) we may correct the Maxwell equations of electromagnetism to non-linear equations. This is part of the process of discovering the Unified Field Theory, which is nothing else than the theory of the gaseous 4th material density with its intrinsic polarity.

Remark1: Once we have discovered the Unified Field Theory, the free energy or overunity magnetic devices have full and simple explanation. The same for more overunity devices (e.g. based on Hydrogen or water). Not only they are explained but also understood as forms of renewable energy.   They are of course explained and computed within the energy conservation and exchange of the  of 3rd and 4th material densities simultaneously. Exclusion of the 4th material density and restriction to the 3rd material density keeps them unexplained and inaccessible to Academic Science explanations.

Remark2: As there is a periodic table of chemical elements at the 3rd material density, so there are different periodic tables of elements in the 4th and 5th material density!
It is obvious from the definition of the 4th material density from the classical fields, that a gas or a liquid of the 4th material density will flow through the net of atoms of a solid body of 3rd material density almost without resistance. Excatly as the electromagnetic waves of your mobile phone do.

As we understand there is a lot more from the reality for our science to discover.

11. The Law of subjectivity
Human beings have and are developing their bodies not only in the 3rd material density but also in the 4th and  5th.  The classical literature of acupuncture or aetheric energy centres (=the charkas) exists because we have a living and evolving body in the 4th material density. By changing our beliefs about  the true reality of our living bodies a new order of identity emerges for us.

12. The Law of Creation

The content of this law is that the physical levelled material reality (and e.g. its protons, neutrons, electrons etc) has been created, in the same way that we consider plants and animals as created.