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holy $hit! vatican on the verge of bankruptcy

Started by jikwan, July 11, 2010, 07:04:43 AM

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Quote from: jikwan on July 13, 2010, 12:19:17 AM
s'cuse me guys, i was just trying to be as sarcastic as i could

the catholic church is largely a criminal organization

that they would attempt to fool us with financial statements like that

the millions of eouros they say they lose in one year-they get much
more than that in a single evening at the hospital

as soon as they know someones not got long in this world they
send specially trained preists/devotees to befreind the lonely and
dying and end up with their names on the will
they do their damndness to convince the dying that god will be
very pleased and its pretty much the only way to redeem the
many sins theyve done
once their name is printed very very clearly on the will-thats almost
reached the objective
i dont think they like hanging around too long waiting for the old and sick one to die

no problem.....


These guys are rolling in money, any statement to the contrary is simply ludicrous, and shows what absolute contempt they, and the media, have for the general public. They have untold wealth and it would not surprise me if they were sitting on piles of Templar treasure. Opus Dei, Priory of Sion, 'The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail' - remember the book that Dan Brown ripped off for his blockbusters - if there's even a particle of truth in the original documentation we are talking about vast sums from the first international  banksters, the Templars. Where did all that go, I wonder? and was it confiscated during the roundup of the Templars when King Philip couldn't pay his debts - and decided that the easiest course of action was to round them up and torture them into confessing heresy and worshipping the head of John the Baptist, called 'Baphomet', and certain unpleasant activities kissing goat's hind ends?

They may have brought to light these dark activities, but you can bet your sweet bippy they're involved in a few of their own, as we know from all the suppressed abuse scandals.

Let's not forget that former BP CEO Peter Sutherland has acted as the financial consultant to the Vatican, so I think the words 'duplicity' and 'deception' should be written in large red capital letters all over this.

Let's not forget


This is perfect for a free energy site: a thread that gives everybody a vent for bashing on the Roman Catholic Church. What else is new? Besides trashing the existence of God and all religions, we might as well have this one too. You guys really need to get another hobby.

I was raised a Catholic during the sixties, and grew up in the era of Vatican II. I basically left the church after High School (Biology and Evolution had all the answers, since we are all basically just higher evolved APES according to those life-sciences). I wandered my life as a Humanist with a guilty conscience that bothered me every time I sinned; and sinned I did. After all, there was no higher authority to answer too.

After twenty or so years of that crap, a friend gave me a book on Saint Thomas More, who was executed (murdered) during the Protestant Revolution by King Henry the VIII, head of the Church of England. Sir Thomas More’s steadfastness and faith during his torture and imprisonment made me look more into my faith. What I found was the incredible history and richness of the Roman Catholic Religion. An extensive Apologetics, and an absolutely astounding and inspiring history that stretched almost two millennia; filled with Saints and Sinners, filled with heroism and faith; an incredible journey until its weakening after Vatican II. I immersed myself into dozens and dozens of books. All tying into that incredible book: The Bible. You have got to read this Book if you want to learn about God, your Savior Jesus Christ, and the history of our universe.

When you bash the Catholic religion, you are really bashing its human element. That is where all the failure and sin come from. The Roman Catholic Religion is sound; it sorely needs to quit trying to please the world and get back to its pre-Vatican II State. It is the sinners that cause all the distraction, scandal, loss of faith, and open the Church up to attack.

After my long journey I returned to my faith, stronger than ever. I concluded that everything (the universe) from nothing without a cause is hogwash. Macro-evolution and the formation of species from other species is hogwash as well. Without Faith you are the Devil’s plaything, and he plays you like a puppet through your sinful life.

If you have an inkling of faith, open your heart, get on your knees, then honestly and humbly beg Almighty God to guide you in the truth. This is important, and it must be done by your own free will. After you do that, the most incredible things will happen to you.

May God bless you all, and bring you all to Salvation.

Research is the only place in a company where you can continually have failures and still keep your job.

I knew immediately that was where I belonged.


You complete miss the point! Religion is a man made thing which has been completely and utterly exploited and commercialized. Religions are corporations except they have a tax free status. That should tell you something straight away like some of the largest charities are set up for money laundering.

Its akin to Disney Land. Sure if you pay your 45 bucks at the gate you can have a good time!

But the truth is none of this power and control over people via the Vatican or wherever is necessary to be "As one with God" the creator of all things of the universe. So if the Vatican went bankrupt and closed tomorrow would i miss it? Nope not one little bit wont effect me at all I still know who my creator is and I'm NOT religious.  I certainly don't need a man wearing a Pagen Fish hat in a dress to tell me otherwise.


resinrat2, the human element is not where sin originates... the very concept of sin comes from the bible. christianity offers to solve a problem of its own making! tell us, would you be thankful to a person who cut you with a knife in order to sell you a bandage?

you said "I concluded that everything (the universe) from nothing without a cause is hogwash." is this some new twist of the apologetic argument from design? ex nihilo nihil fit.

may your chains rest lightly upon you...
There is no news. There's the truth of the signal. What I see. And, there's the puppet theater...
the Parliament jesters foist on the somnambulant public.  - Mr. Universe


smart fools have hungered,
after every small scrap of authority and leverage,
that was not nailed down,
thru out recorded history.

the point in our history,
where the elites declare,
that our history started.

look through the vatican vaults,
if you want to know our history,
at least as far back as atlantis.

from books and stone tablets,
that their members have been finding,
in extremely ancient ruins.

we had corporate deucebags,
who were ruining everything for everyone,
in our technologically superior past,
as well.

the roman catholic Lurch,
which Lurches to the left,
then Lurches to the right,
then Lurches right down the isle,
has been full of materialism,
and all the usual vices,
for numerous centuries.

its belief system,
is capable of being navigated,
by people with too much intelligence,
and too little wisdom.

because its belief system,
is more or less a mathematical system.

only it is based less on processes,
that produce numerical results.

and more on ego-projected,
glory-ing of personal opinion.

starting with the priests personal opinions,
and ending with the priests opinions.

so not only has the Lurch (left, right, forward !),
had enough time,
to become very corrupt.

not only have intelligent fools,
who are highly corrosive,
to all that is constructive and meaningful,
been very interested in infesting it.

but it is also very intellectually vulnerable,
to becoming infested.

the Lurch might as well be a moist,
blood soaked sponge.

and the intelligent fools,
are the pathogens.
with a world view,
that does not extend,
past the pathogen immediately in front of them.

which they are in the process of absorbing.

though there are always many smaller branches,
who have no idea,
of what goes on in the trunk.

and when some poor backwater sales-priest does find out,
(he sells guilt, at bargain prices),
he is given the lawful-evil sales pitch.

which is "join us or die".

though the Lurch (left, right, forward !),
is just a new retrofit,
for the exact same activity,
that went on in the roman empire.

they just replaced a military/economic based roman empire,
that smacked people around physically,
with a belief/economic based catholic Lurch,
that smacked people around mentally.

as the second,
was much easier,
to trick the slaves into investing into,
than the first.

the belief-based control system,
even allowed them methods,
to more conveniently execute by burning,
the people who threatened their ego's.

such as the people who pointed out the obvious flaws,
in their ego-gratifying mental-constructions.

or the children who accused a priessst of touching them.

or anyone who thought,
or appeared different,
for that matter.

they replaced a shouting soldier,
equiped with a poorly designed suit of rudimentary plate mail,
with a shouting priest,
equiped with a poorly designed mind control instruction manual.

they stuck the shouting soldier,
in a football stadium,
and told him to play ball for the masses.

they stuck the shouting priest,
in a building with a big,
suspiciously designed main room,
and told him to play guilt-roadtrip for the masses.

a self-depreciating game,
where the players take an extensive journey,
to visit the many tourist-trap reasons,
for why they should feel as much guilt and shame as possible.

and like a game of monopoly,
it takes no less than 3 hours to complete.
(a typical catholic mass).

only most people do not play a game of monopoly,
at least once every sunday.
(2 or 3 days a week, for the more relevancy-impaired slaves).

and playing a game of monopoly,
does not usually give people,
deep seated psychological deformation.

leaving them unable to think outside the box,
or make basic connections between facts,
for the rest of their bhaaaa-d, sheeee-pfule stay on the animal farm.

organized religion,
is one of the lead anchors,
hanging around civilizations neck.

it does not help ANYTHING,
and it eventually seeps into the drinking water.

but it prevents us from climbing mountains.

at least on a mountain top,
we get to be bathed in negative ionization.

and see the world,
from a broader perspective,
than that of an enclosed stone church-prison.