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Late Harvest Moon

Started by TechStuf, August 10, 2010, 04:26:27 PM

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With all due respect, none of what you have said here is "well proven".  Only wild speculation which is fine as far as it goes.

The moon is still in perfect alignment in my part of the world, for what that is worth.

If you truly believe this why are you here?  If you believe we only have days to live why not spend them with your loved ones and not on some forum?

See the Joule thief Circuit Diagrams, etc. topic here:


Quote from: gravityblock on September 25, 2010, 11:18:52 PM
The tilt of the axis remains constant at 23.444475 degrees

This is another exemple of someone who cant reason for himself and result to parroting what others are saying.
We know the official numbers based on century old observation data.

The problem now is that the observation data bring forward by credible sources describe the sun higher than before. (No Pirate88179 you do not qualify as a credible source, sorry)
So Im sorry to disturb your fluffy little world, but if the observation dont fit your "constant" anymore you gonna have to find another "constant".

When did you calculate the Earth axis for the last time? First do you know how to calculate it?
Do yourself a favor and understand what you are parroting before putting your ass on your head.

Im confuse to where should I classify you, either you are too naive to question anything, or you are too floridated to be able to understand any concept or worst you are another desinfo agent who is paid to tell us that everything is normal and to go back to our tv sets...


The only disinfo agents are you guys saying the world ends tomorrow.  Again, if you believe this, why are you here?  hard science has the facts and the real numbers.  You guys are just making this up for who knows what reasons.

If it were true, you should be kissing your asses goodbye but no, you are here on your computer spouting this bs instead.  What a waste of your last days on earth.

If this were true, God would have told me.  But he didn't, so it isn't.  If your God told you this is true, he is just messing with you for fun.

See the Joule thief Circuit Diagrams, etc. topic here:


QuoteWith all due respect, none of what you have said here is "well proven".

Neither are the stars well proven to exist to a blind man, but our Father hung them all, like the sphere of the Earth, upon nothing. 

I had hoped that you, Pirate, would have perused at least a few of the links and found some Truth in them.  Maybe switch the eyepatch and give it another go?  Arrrgghh! (jk) Look, I know this is hard to accept.  It's natural for most people to prefer safe assumption to unsettling fact, I get it.  I really do.  I've been there.  A LONG time ago, but I've been there.

QuoteThe moon is still in perfect alignment in my part of the world, for what that is worth.

Easy statement to make, but, alignment with what? Is your statement based on your determinative efforts or an 'experts' figures?  I have shared photographic proof otherwise.  Is your part of the world  small and shifty?  Do you live on a boat? (if it's a Brigand ship, I understand, that mainsail can get in the way sometimes)  The Inuit peoples, who are outside every day and, by cultural necessity, observant of the skies, have noticed.  Why can't many of us?  Maybe it's because we walk around with our heads down, (with many an inviting reason to be sure) or maybe it's because, sometimes, when we're lost in a forest of our own making, we can't see the trees.  Assumably because of the invisible elephants and spiffily dressed emperors which stand in our way.

QuoteIf you truly believe this why are you here?  If you believe we only have days to live why not spend them with your loved ones and not on some forum?

In my part of the world, Pirate, we aren't required to neglect our loved ones in order to post to internet forums.  Also, I was fortunate to have been required to take typing class in high school, so my loved one's are not in jeopardy of me forsaking them to the virtual realm for very long.

Besides, they are cool with this.  They have been educated enough to read the signs now in evidence and compare them to what once was.  If I am wrong, and the many others whose information and observations I've shared are also wrong, then I hope I haven't wrecked too many lives by asking my readers to follow Christ's example.  The last thing we want is people loving thy neighbor and doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Revolutionary, I tell ya!

QuoteThe only disinfo agents are you guys saying the world ends tomorrow.

Tomorrow?  I hope not, I've got stuff to do!  But close enough....perhaps even by man's small reckoning of time.  But if I'm the crackpot that you, Pirate, obviously believe me to be, then what are you still wasting time on my thread for?  Don't waste your valuable time on the likes of me!  Surely you have loved ones that could use the attention?

Nope, nothing to see here, large earthquakes aren't on the increase in population centers worldwide...everything is in "perfect alignment" (love that one) scientists are NOT peplexed at strange tides, rough seas, increasing 'rogue waves' and Tsunami...etc....etc...It's just me wasting time playing a sick internet joke, afterall, I've got pirates to prank and loved ones to neglect ::)

I'm not the kind of guy who hangs around just to say I told ya so.... and when things really 'heat up' and fast....my loved ones DO come first and since I technically already DID tell ya so (because I care, call me a softie, I can take it)....

I trust that those who payed attention will know Who to look Up to for Guidance!

Blesings in Yeshua, Jesus Christ

There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. 26Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. 27At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." Luke 21:25-28
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



Dont blame your ignorance and you blind faith on us, all the mythologies and ancient religion talks about what is going on today.
They were all paranoid with their solar clock and the postion of the sun at the equinoxes and the soltices, because it is writting everywhere that when it is no more "constant" the Earth will experiment a major cataclism.

Immanuel Velikovsky wrote extensively about it (in is book World in collision)and blame Venus and Mars previous cycle of destruction.
We could debate if it is the fact that the elypse is moved to enter too close to Venus or Mars or its because we are getting to close to the Sun that will generate the massive volcanic eruptions and the Earth rotation stop described in EVERY mythologies.

For my part I believe it is the next Venus Transit who will block us totaly from the Solar Wind, but we have to agree that this is the TIME and they know it since 3000bc when the first Venus observation was calculated.

Moses knew when to get out on solid rock, how did he knew?????

Magic, no it was an alien for planet jhvjfnk

PS What hard science fact do you have? They are repeating Kepler 1650's mathematic formulas...anything more recent?