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Late Harvest Moon

Started by TechStuf, August 10, 2010, 04:26:27 PM

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Google - monster waves cruise

Whatever, Whomever, you choose to believe, dear readers,

I bid you Blessings in Yeshua, Jesus Christ.  And may He find you working what is good toward all, upon His return.

There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. 26Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. 27At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." Luke 21:25-28
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



Quote from: TechStuf on September 27, 2010, 10:17:11 PM
nothing about how much the earths axis has moved.just the claim it has.3 years old.

nothing on the position of the sun

3 years old,lots of dire posibilities, some predicted for 2008.

claim of refraction index change in air due to AGW warming.

AGW site on arctic sea ice, nothing on suns position.

dead fish no certain cause.

lots of hearsay and oppinion no numbers.

claims back to 2003, lots of conflicting data, seems hung up on sunrise postion to chart earths tilt, i have no idea what this is suposed to mean
in terms of tilt or orbit.

ok. and?

a picture of the moon and a street light.

pic of a site line, which proves

tides on east coast up to 2 feet above normal. no records set,cause speculated to be wind and gulf stream.

interesting but nothing on the sun or moon being out of position.

3 years old, lots of sun is in the wrong position claims, only one with numbers, not comeplete,looks like a 7 degree differance, no info on method.

repeat on tides.

predicted by met officials. 100 year tides.

Google - monster waves cruise

Whatever, Whomever, you choose to believe, dear readers,

I bid you Blessings in Yeshua, Jesus Christ.  And may He find you working what is good toward all, upon His return.

tech when you actually post something that means something, when you post a claim that can be measured and verified i might start to beleave you.
in the mean time the J man said witness to the truth.


Quotetech when you actually post something that means something, when you post a claim that can be measured and verified i might start to beleave you.
in the mean time the J man said witness to the truth.

Then please, take the opportunity and 'beleave' me....as I have obviously spoken to no avail regarding you. 

Our Father is measuring and verifying the hearts and souls of mankind at this very moment.

The slippery pivot upon which our world turns is only as steady as the Faith of it's inhabitants, ALL depends upon Faith. 

There are two basic kinds really, well placed and misplaced. 

The earth reels like a drunkard, it sways like a hut in the wind; so heavy upon it is the guilt of its rebellion that it falls--never to rise again. Isaiah 24:20

The scientific evidence and eye witness testimonies I have provided, would, in a courtroom, be more than sufficient to render a verdict that both Heaven and Earth are undergoing great changes.  Yet, as some are not comfortable with courts, juries, and most importantly, a Judge (with higher authority than one's self) no amount of evidence could suffice.....until perhaps too late.

fritznein, in any case, don't beat yourself up (or others) about it, you are welcome to find one of a host of suitable threads or forums with the kind of evidence you need presented to you....and with the kind of verdict you wish to hear.

Blessings in Yeshua, Jesus Christ

There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. 26Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. 27At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." Luke 21:25-28
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



Quote from: fritznien on September 27, 2010, 08:54:46 PM
i did measure the sun angle at local noon,this was a common method of finding latitude.
see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celestial_navigation

"Latitude was measured in the past either at noon (the "noon sight")

i did it at noon because its easier to measure a shadow cast by the noon sun. the tools were close to hand a 4 foot carpenters level and a tape measure. a quick look up for trig. functions and use a calculator. i made one assumption, that the correction factor would be the sine function of how far the year had progressed from the equinox, 5 months out of 6 so call it sin 150 degrees which is point 5.
23.5 times point 5=11.75
measured angle 57.25-11.75=45.5
my answer came out within half of a degree of my location.
it was a ten minute job, anyone can duplicate it.
if you think i measured the wrong thing why don't you us all what i should be measuring and how.
i never said anyone was wrong i said i can't see what they are referring to and what i can see.

Yeah right, one beautiful day of last month, for no particular raison you decided to take the level
and measure its shadow, you kept it secret until today where you are disclosing the results.

Give us your name, your location and post your face with the results on youtube, so we know what a liar looks like

Tell us more about your parroting belief of refraction due to AGW my little Zion troll


Quote from: TechStuf on September 27, 2010, 05:18:32 PM
Surely you have something more personally constructive you could be doing....rather than continually showing your character to be one lacking in respect for the beliefs of others?
let's be clear, it's your 'faith', not your 'belief'... there is a not so subtle difference, being that faith is a belief not based on material evidence or a logical proof.

"We must repsect the other fellow's religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children are smart."     Henry Mencken
There is no news. There's the truth of the signal. What I see. And, there's the puppet theater...
the Parliament jesters foist on the somnambulant public.  - Mr. Universe