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Over Unity Basics

Started by ferball, September 28, 2010, 12:01:57 PM

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Scientists have got their terminology mixed. It appeared to them that the only thing that could conceivably maintain the Earth in orbit and account for its revolution was solar attraction, so they based all their calculations on this. In reality the opposite is the case. The Sun exerts a repulsive force on the Earth. Further, as it was obvious to them that a body could not maintain itself in an orbit when acted upon by a single force, they impute miraculous qualities to centrifugal force, believing that it was the second force that held the planets in their orbits. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Even if centrifugal force did give the necessary balance to a planet, which it does not, there is one glaring omission in this theory, namely the force that impels a planet in a certain direction.  They see that a planet is attracted, they also see that centrifugal force counterbalances this attraction, but they do not see that they have overlooked a third force which gives a planet movement. When one whirls a stone on the end of a string, the string represents the force of attraction and centrifugal force plays the part of repulsion, but the individual represents the third force which gives direction to the stone.

If y = F or f= y x M, then the element of propulsion F is necessary to make the Earth move, since it is this that imparts an acceleration to the mass M. It is logical that a body to which acceleration has been imparted should begin to move, but it is absurd to state that this acceleration could be initiated without a force and then maintained without one, especially as there is a loss of energy as the result of the movement of the body against the action of gravity.

Jupiter, with a mass 317 times greater than that of the Earth, should be subject to a far greater attraction than the Earth, yet the velocity in orbit is not high enough to counterbalance this and maintain it in orbit. This planet has a large mass and a low velocity. This being the case, either the orbital velocity of the Earth is too great for its mass, and it should be flung out of its orbit, or Jupiter's is too low, and it should be drawn into the Sun.  Note that I give Jupiter's mass as 317 times that of the Earth, which is based on the force of attraction of the Sun against centrifugal force. This figure, however, is incorrect.

You might raise the objection that Jupiter, with its large mass, revolves in an outer orbit according to the theory that spheres of greater mass are said to be more subject to the action of centrifugal force. Against this we have the case of Mars which is smaller than the Earth, yet is farther from the Sun, or again, the planets beyond Jupiter which are smaller than it, and yet revolve at a tremendous distance from the Sun. Moreover their velocity in orbit is very low. So that does not make sense either.

Scientists forgot, when dealing with the movement of planets, that energy must have been used up as a result of solar attraction working against the two centrifugal forces mentioned. If no explanation was given as to the source of power necessary to sustain the movement, then it is because the problem was based on false premises.

This force is derived from difference of energy potential which sunlight sets up by illuminating one face of the planet while leaving the other in darkness. A body which is balanced between two opposing forces (attraction and repulsion) has no weight and moves like a stone whirled round on the end of a string, the radius of its orbit being represented by the string.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

God will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  He will catch the wise in their own craftiness.


I quite like your dissertation...

Don't forget to squeeze Superlight Theory in there, you know, the Black Hole Sun...
Goodwill to All, for All is One!


Quote from: ferball on September 28, 2010, 12:01:57 PM
So my understanding from my basic physics back ground is that matter/energy is neither created nor destroyed just changes state.

There is an oscillating charge superimposed on an infinite point, constantly causing a deformation of space, continually exerting its influence on the un-manifest, and automatically creating energy, and in consequence, matter. If this did not exist, nothing whatsoever would exist. This continual creation of energy in the Universe gives rise to an internal pressure in the nebulae which can be seen in the phenomenon known as "the flight of the nebulae."  As a result of this internal pressure they move away from one another.

You may raise the objection that this pressure is also applied in the direction of flight so that the internal pressure coupled with the external one would make them stable and they would not move apart, which would cause their mass to condense. My answer to this would be that energy created outside a galaxy tends to be drawn into the galaxy, condensing itself into material form. Thus we have an internal pressure coupled with an external decompression.

The flight of the nebulae prevents condensation taking place for three reasons: 1) This movement causes the interior pressure to disappear. However, nebulae appear to maintain an acceleration caused by an internal pressure within the Universe.  (2) As the nebulae move apart, that space which had been transformed into matter endeavours to return to its former state of primordial space in accordance with the law of rotation of masses in a magnetic field. This reconstitutes the energy that had been used for condensation of the matter, turning it into light, whose wave energy goes on decreasing until the moment of entropy is reached. This is what takes place on the Sun. Leaving aside the reaction that they bring about on the planets, the Sun's discharges into space are, in a sense, matter returning to its original state of primordial space.  (3) Light repels magnetic fields. Light from a myriad of suns in the various galaxies produces a very great force of repulsion on all the nebulae, and under this pressure they move away from one another. 

In the first instance God supplied the power that brings about the deformation of space and the Sun, by an opposite process, turns it back into energy, thus re-establishing the balance. Everything comes from God and everything returns to Him. That is why neither matter nor energy exist, but only deformed space, which is called matter, and what we call energy is nothing more than a phenomenon of transition between primordial space and deformed space.

Ether only exists around planets for a certain distance, and is nothing more than a type of matter. The etheric layers are effects, not causes.  Cathode rays have the strange property of decomposing the atmosphere through which they pass. Under the action of these rays, the elements of the atmosphere revert to their etheric state.  Around every inhabited globe in space there is an etheric fluid which envelops it and creates suitable conditions for life.  The ether could be called an "electric fluid", which would be closer to the truth.  The magnetic field is made up of the "electric fluids' of the planet. If we "manufacture" an electric fluid which differs from the terrestrial etheric envelope, the magnetic field of the Earth no longer affects us, and we can then enjoy complete freedom of movement.  It is a complete breaking of the shackles which bind man.  When one's eyes are accustomed to seeing the terrestrial ether, the artificial ether appears luminous.

An electron is an integration of electromagnetic waves. But an electromagnetic wave can be of positive or negative polarity. If we were to send electro-magnetic pulses between magnets, the waves thus produced would create an ether different from that on Earth. A variation in the distance between the plates would bring about a modification in the ether produced. 

An elecret is the electrostatic equivalent of a permenant magnet, but there is very little to no research done with electrets on this forum, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electret 

The Physics of the Primary State of Matter according to Karl Schappeller, http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IRBTBAO0

Lakhovsky Multi Wave Oscillator, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC_v5g6ODXM
Multi Wave Oscillator presentation, Part 1, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSIuWUOFB2g

Part 1 of 6: Eric Dollard on Tesla Longitudinal wave Energy, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhuSn6sc7sc

Summation of Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity, http://netowne.com/technology/important/

How Ufo's work, Part 1 playlist, http://www.youtube.com/user/4thKrypton#p/c/F5E90BD8F9C7F69F/0/zXdT2JqY1L4
How Ufo's work, Part 2 playlist, http://www.youtube.com/user/4thKrypton#p/c/862196F884F9F94C/0/dZDYKg2xjbU

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

God will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  He will catch the wise in their own craftiness.


Quote from: gyulasun on October 19, 2010, 03:53:02 AM
Could you elaborate  on your last sentence and give some more details if you feel like to?
Per-sea pseudoscience claim discovered sciences combined with religious acts of violence causing unproven facts to obtain extinctions of human races with addictive evil conflict habit.
you don't assume every fact from government is correct without actual face to face un-tampered proof.
the DC rotor has been spat on with neglect since the wire braid had been invented for oil humans alternating excitement.
the government taught human science for dodo's being chased for easy caught food being robbed of ideas.
Receiving science facts restated for human survival.


the perpetual flux field is being abused with human neglect