Wanted everyone to know that I've updated my site with some newly uncovered graham gunderson images and circuits. Under the *new* section at the top of the Articles page.
Sorry to those who don't care, but judging from the stats on wordpress, some of you do follow the links here.
So here's another, probably final link with more pictures.
The post is titled: Gedanken Experiment Implying Vacuum EM-Field Superposition
(This article describes an easy way to observe a distinction between the effects of vacuum potential addition and vacuum potential superposition.)
Chava Energy posted an anouncement about something called GENIE, or Generating Electricity utilizing Nondestructive Iinterference of Energy back in 2008. They made claims of it being a permanent energy source.
(ref: http://web.archive.org/web/20080724101037/http://www.magneticpowerinc.com/articles.html (http://web.archive.org/web/20080724101037/http://www.magneticpowerinc.com/articles.html))
Now, a patent number 8,093,869 was approved on January 2012 from the folks at Chava Energy, inventor Graham Gunderson. The patent is titled: "Apparatus for generating electricity utilizing nondestructive interference of energy"
1. Multilingual abstracts: http://www.patentsenta.com/US8093869 (http://www.patentsenta.com/US8093869)
2. Google Patents (pdf available): http://www.google.com/patents/US8093869 (http://www.google.com/patents/US8093869)
A ferromagnetic material having non-zero magnetoelasticity, and/or nonzero magnetostriction is driven with vibratory mechanical energy at a frequency producing at least one resonant vibratory mode, by coupling a source of vibratory energy to the ferromagnetic structure. The ferromagnetic material threads at least one conductive wire or wire coil, and couples to at least one source of magnetic induction, and provides an electrical power output driven by the magnetic induction. The origin of vibratory energy and the site or sites of magnetic induction are situated at distinct locations, separated by a specific distance not less than â...› the fundamental acoustic wavelength. Various combinations of acoustic wavelength, ferromagnetic material type, and source of vibration produce independent transfer coefficients between acoustic and electromagnetic energy which are either positive, zero, or negative.
For example like this?
I think using a highly magnetostrictive material is key. Galfenol is just such a material. It is made from Gallium and Iron.
Otherwise the power output is miniscule.
Anyone know how to make / buy Galfenol rods or have any ideas on it?
reference (see #4): http://www.ecofriend.com/future-perfect-self-powered-batteries.html (http://www.ecofriend.com/future-perfect-self-powered-batteries.html)
chavascience.com is the new sister site for chavaenergy.com
too cool!