I just came across this and wondered if it could also be used for spacecraft propulsion? OverUnity power?
Has anyone ever known of anything like this in their experience?
Patent Application #20050109879
"Method and Apparatus for Quantum Vortex Implosion Propulsion and Species"...here. (http://www.google.com/patents?id=veGSAAAAEBAJ&pg=PA50&dq=spiral+coil+transmitter+antenna&hl=en&ei=GVy8TqiZB-mriQKXk6iRAw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=9&ved=0CEYQ6AEwCDgU#v=onepage&q=spiral%20coil%20transmitter%20antenna&f=false)
Hi Lee,
I don't know this site and despite entering the patent number I got no results found ???
any chance you can make a new link taking us directly to the patent in question.
Pat 2 Pdf have it:
Quote from: powercat on November 11, 2011, 04:48:11 AM
Hi Lee,
I don't know this site and despite entering the patent number I got no results found ???
any chance you can make a new link taking us directly to the patent in question.
Hi powercat,
Invoking the word, "...here."... would take you right to the site. Paul-R is also right, http://www.pat2pdf.org has the Application on their 'Web database merely to enter the number as an argument on the search line. The address he uploaded works fine as I clicked on it. You might try either one.
(Please be aware that some people have occasional trouble on the Internet for any or no reason at all. And it's usually random.
I did further searches for similar patents, but only a few jumped out at me:
"Multiple coil antenna for inductively-coupled plasma generation systems"[/] ...here. (http://www.google.com/patents?id=c_oEAAAAEBAJ&pg=PA7&dq=spiral+coil+transmitter+antenna+inductive+coupling&hl=en&ei=MdS9TuHXJIvRiALd2OC3Aw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&sqi=2&ved=0CC8Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false) (This one has Tesla coil applications as well, in Fig. 4)
Thanks Lee & Paul-R,
it was the (Patent Application)link in blue that got me confused, especially with the number next to it,
not the first time I've clicked on the blue stuff ::) that software is strange.
Struggled reading the text, I think I have some videos somewhere showing this type of technology in action, we'll try and dig them out and post them here.
Quote from: powercat on November 12, 2011, 10:12:25 AM
Struggled reading the text, I think I have some videos somewhere showing this type of technology in action, we'll try and dig them out and post them here.
Good you got the thing up and running. This invention claimed to generate electricity from 'zero-point' energy. Maybe. I myself will have to carefully read it this weekend and try to make some sense out of it.
Here's one of the videos, I made a new edit as the original was to long before it got to the exciting bit
I found one more video showing this type of technology and a recent one ;)
Flying Carpet' of Conductive Plastic Takes Flight
Quote from: powercat on November 15, 2011, 06:12:56 AM
I found one more video showing this type of technology and a recent one ;)
Flying Carpet' of Conductive Plastic Takes Flight
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0tGydpd_eo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0tGydpd_eo)
Yeah, that's right. Someone else made mention that the 'flying' carpet had a levitating air cushion platform between the bottom of the carpet and the floor. His the start button, and the thing takes off, 1-2" in altitude. That's what was said happened. Seems logical to me.