See this link > (
no. check the mylow thread for more on the hojo motor, also a patent only means there is a patent, no more no less.
any web site that demands i click a popup to leave is bad news, don't post such things without warning.
Out of the 3 patents listed on their web site one does not exist and the other two are for the Howard Johnson motor. While Howard Johnson may have had a real working OU device the BS on that web site is not likely to get you a working Howard Johnson motor. Just do the research on his work and you'll probably know more than you would get from buying overpriced info from them which has all been gleaned from the Internet. Of course you could try to contact them (probably impossible unless you buy it and then good luck) and ask them to show you a working unit. IMO that won't ever happen.
See this thread:
Regards, Stefan.
P.S. I have seen the members area and they only have there some
wind generator PDF files, but no magnet motor files !